For Relaxation Imagery - Whole Person

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Duluth, Minnesota


Whole Person

m 101 W. 2nd St., Suite 203 l o Duluth, MN 55802 ia .c 800-247-6789 er n books@ t o a s 30 Scripts for Relaxation, Imagery & Inner Healing r Volume Two, Second Edition M e First Edition ?1993 by Julie T. Lusk d P Second Edition ?2015 by Julie T. Lusk te le All rights reserved. Except for short excerpts for review h o purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced or ig h transmitted in any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopying or recording without permission

r W in writing from the publisher. py at Printed in the United States of America Co se 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 cha Editor: Patrick Gross PurArt Director: Joy Morgan Dey

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 2014954305 ISBN: 978-157025-324-9


To Dave, my husband, for your love, helpfulness, and sense of humor,

l om Angie, my Mom, ia .c for your friendship and encouragement,

er n My family, t o especially Tom Tapin the Lusks' and Nichols'

Ma rs Sallie Garst and Judy Fulop, e for your kindness and support, ted leP All those who contributed a script to 30 Scripts. h o Without your generosity and cooperation ig h these books would not have been possible, r W My yoga students and counseling clients, y tfor inspiring me, p a And to PuCrcohase the entire staff at Whole Person Associates



viii Foreword Ix Introduction

Section One

Becoming Relaxed

4 Relaxing while Lying Down

m 8 Expanding and Contracting ial .co 10 Magic Carpet Ride r 15 Threshold Relaxation te on 18 Heavy a s 23 Warm M r 29 Relaxation Training for Children d Pe Section Two hte ole Nature and the Environment ig h 38 Finding Your Own Sacred Place r W 44 Mountain Tops y t 47 Caribbean Vacation p a 50 Mighty Pine o e 53 Listening to Mother Earth C s 55 Flying ha 61 Hot Tubbing rc Section Three Pu Inner Answers

66 Cruise Meditation 69 Imagery for Nurturing Your Inner Child 72 Your Private Space 78 Body, Mind, Soul 81 Visiting Your Heart's House 4

Section Four


90 Healing Firemen

94 At Peace with Pain

m 100 Pond of Love l o 103 Inner Smile ia .c 107 Thoughts Library

ater rson Section Five M e Personal Growth

ted leP 114


igh ho 123

yr W 133 p t o a 133 C se 140

Visualizing Change Stop Smoking Relaxation Exercise Imagery to Increase Basal Metabolic Rate (Learning Script) Imagery to Increase Basal Metabolic Rate (Shorter Script) Peace for People Experiencing Grief On Being a Wellness Professional

rcha 144 Contributors Pu148 Cross-Reference Index



Welcome to the second volume of 30 Scripts for Relaxation, Imagery & Inner Healing. This volume, like the first, contains relaxation and imagery scripts that focus on relaxing the body and mind, connecting with nature, discovering and learning from wise inner guides, healing physical and emotional injuries, and discovering more

m about yourself. I also included a cross-reference index, l o which organizes the scripts from both volumes into specific ia .c categories, such as enhancing intuition, strengthening selfer n esteem, and making behavioral changes. t o Taking time to think, daydream, and relax is rarely valued a rs in today's society. We live in a time of information M e overload. We try to do so much so fast that even waiting d P a couple of seconds is too long. The guided meditations te le and imageries in both volumes of 30 Scripts will help you

explore and develop your internal life of thought, emotion,

h o and spirit. It's well worth the effort. rig h Independently and in collaboration, knowledgeable people y W from the fields of medicine, biology, physics, religion, p at and psychology are concluding that the mind/body/spirit o connection holds incredible power and promise for health C e and happiness. This important connection comes alive s through the exercises in 30 Scripts. ha As always, feel free to use the scripts as they are written, rc or to change them in any way you like, or to add your uown ideas. Whatever you do, use your imagination and be Pcreative.

This book is meant to be experienced. Read it to someone or have someone read it to you. Only then will these exercises become truly vibrant, meaningful, and rewarding.

Julie Tapin Lusk



Many group leaders are aware of the benefits of guided imagery but have had little experience in the field. Here are some tips to help you use these scripts effectively.

Working with guided meditations

Everyone is different, so each participant will

m experience guided imagery uniquely. These individual l o differences should be encouraged. During a guided ia .c meditation, some people will imagine vivid scenes, er n colors, images, or sounds while others will focus on t o what they are feeling. This is why a combination of a s sights, sounds, and feelings has been incorporated into M r the scripts. With practice, it is possible to expand your e participants' range of awareness. ted leP By careful selection of images you can help deepen h o their experience and cultivate their awareness in new ig h areas that can enrich their lives. For instance, people

who are most comfortable in the visual area can be

r W encouraged to stretch their awareness and increase their y t sensitivity to feelings and sounds. op a Working with guided imagery is powerful and it is C se up to you to use the book responsibly and ethically. a Leaders with little or no training in guided imagery h may use these scripts with emotionally healthy people. c Be careful, however, when presenting themes and rtechniques that are unfamiliar to you. Since people urespond in a variety of ways to visualization, avoid P generalizing about the benefits of any given script.

If your groups are composed of people who are emotionally ill or especially fragile, you should seek out special training or professional guidance before introducing them to visualizations.


Preparing the group or individual

Physical relaxation reduces anxiety, activates creativity, and enhances the ability to develop and focus on mental images. Some type of physical relaxation sequence should be used prior to any guided meditation. You'll find a variety of relaxation exercises to choose from in Section One of both volumes.

Breathing properly is essential for complete and total

l om relaxation. Unfortunately, very few people take full ia .c breaths, especially when under stress. When a person r consciously takes deep breaths, stress is reduced and e n the mind can remain calm and in control. It is important t o that people focus on their breathing, taking in full a rs deep breaths through the nose and exhaling slowly and M e completely. d P Before beginning any guided meditation, briefly te le describe the images you will use and ask if they make h o anyone feel uncomfortable. People who are afraid of ig h water may find images of ocean waves to be frightening r W rather than calming. Be prepared with an alternate y t image. Let participants know that if they become p a uncomfortable, they may, at any time, open their eyes o and either change or tune out the visualization. C se As you read a script, people will follow you for a while a and then drift off into their own imaginations. They will h usually tune you back in later on. If they know this in rc advance, they won't feel as if they are failing by being uinattentive. So tell them this is normal and notice when Pit happens.

Choosing the right atmosphere

Select a room that has comfortable chairs for sitting or a carpeted floor for lying down. Close the door and shut the windows to block out distracting noises.



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