
€ 9,99World Wide Worst09/03/2067America became a robot-colony?!SEE YOUR FUTURE IN THE CROSSWORD2067 SPRING FASHIONUPDATED WEATHER FORECASTRUBBISH ISLAND BORN-1141095-914400-1905643255Alaska search new foodMarch 2067, AlaskaThe water around Alaska and its neighborhoods is poison because a ship was capsized. The oil is escaped and now are all the fishes sick or dead. Because of that, they are a lot of problems. The biggest problem is that the Alaskans eat most of the time fish, now they have not enough food for all the people of their country. Only the rich people have enough food because there is less fish, the fish is very expensive. The poor have to live on water and bread. They have to survive on the leftovers of the rich if they want a little bit of vitamins. Other countries offer help but the Alaskans are too proud and want to survive on their own forces. They don’t want any help. Many little children are weak; the poor people have a lot of children. That’s another problem. The children get too much monotonous food and after a period of suffering, they die. Now they are already 100 000 victims. A solution for this problem is not found yet. Delphine HuysSpecial guests on partyMarch 2067, Lloret de Mare There was a pool party in Lloret de Mare. A student organized it at home. Little fish, Piranhas were escaped through the pipes. It was already late in the evening and the students had drunk a lot. They didn’t see the fish and jumped into the water. Immediately the fish attacked the students. Some of them lost parts of their body, like arms or legs or…. The student was in shock. Everybody is in panic, pushing each other and more people fell into the water. 20 students are wounded. The students get psychical help… At this moment, researchers don’t know how it’s possible that the fish escaped. It’s a mystery and they think it will be staying a mystery….172910598425Delphine Huys0-800100America became a robot-colony?!36576002550160Could you remember the time when the Americans held some slaves and they lived without any problem? It seems that the history is going to repeat itself. BUT nowadays Americans are on the other side – unfortunately for them. As you could see in the last newspaper a group of robots took over control over some factories and there are more and more states in which the robots have won new territories and they are more powerful than humans. In some states e.g. Nevada, California and Arizona they established several working-camps but they also captured New York and the whole Eastern coastal area. In theory it means that Americans could get away through Mexico and South-America but as we know from history the USA exploited their resources during many decades and that’s why they are in a war with those countries and they are not welcomed there. Millions of people are trying to move to the North to leave the continent but there is an ice age in Canada so it makes it complicated. The Japan Air Forces has already tried to send several rescue-parties but they were unsuccessful. Nobody knows what is going on and the only things that we can do is hope and pray for them! David DohanyThe modern world ‘s clothes50 years ago people were just one group that followed their own style. Sometimes there were differences in fashion between them. But now we have two sorts of people. The rich people who live on Mars need special clothes and the people who live on Earth that are poor and don’t have much money to buy clothes. So my job was to design clothes for these 2 sorts of people.03937044577001258570For the people who live on Mars I have decided to make a special costume. Because they can’t breathe properly without having oxygen.They don’t have to wear a helmet where there is oxygen in. I gave them bottles with a mask at the end that they have to carry along with them. They are on their T-Shirts but they are not too heavy. They have to wear this suit when they go outside otherwise they can’t survive. Every 2 hours they have to change the bottles so they have oxygen again. Because there is not much gravity I put some lead in their pants but when they come in a space where there is gravity they can remove the lead, as it is put to the trousers with a hook and loop fastener because otherwise it gets too heavy for them. They also have some special shoes, they look like shoes with some springs on the bottom so they can jump when they want to or just walk normal. 4229100390842501636395For the people who live on the Earth I designed 2 types of clothes for the summer. I designed shorts that varied in length. Some are coming up the knees and others are much shorter. I have also T-Shirts with sleeves. They wear them mostly when it is between the 15° and 25°. T-Shirts without sleeves are worn mostly when it is above the 25°. For the shoes I designed 3 types so you have shoes that are closed that you can wear when it is between the 15° and 20°. You can also wear shoes that are open on the upper side. These shoes you can wear when it is between the 15° and 25°. When it is too hot I made shoes that are almost fully open with some ribbons on them so they can’t fall off. For the winter on Earth I designed jackets that are full with wool so people don’t feel cold when it is around -20°. Not many people wear them because they are expensive but the people who have these jackets don’t want another one. T-Shirts with long sleeves are only made from cotton and wool because they are very warm but also very expensive so most people can’t afford them. Instead they have to take the clothes that are made for the summer and they have to put them over each other. They all have one pullover every year that they can borrow for one winter but when it is damaged they have to pay for it. Not many people do this because these pullovers are very expensive. So they made their own pullover from the clothes they find, mostly it are leftovers. But not many people are very lucky. It’s hard to find them and when you find them they are taken away very quickly. For the pants, I made something that everyone can afford. I made pants from the material that I had used for the people who live on Mars. I put it all together and left the lead out of it. So we have these special pants from cotton. They aren’t very warm but most people wear them. The local people make the shoes. They take old shoes from 50 years ago that are much too big for them and put wool in it and when there are holes in them, they try to sew them up. Lisa Dektele3236595134620Green moneyMarch 2067World’s most influential news source Wikileaks has announced that in the years 2010-2020 there has been a lot of fraud in the green energy sector. In this period green energy was very popular because of the state premiums. According to Wikileaks, political leaders all over the world supported these premiums because of their own financial profit. Some leaders would have own companies that made solar systems and wind turbines. Details and names will follow in a few weeks. Of course speculations have already started but no country wants to react until there is prove it sounds. So it looks like the members of the so-called ‘green mafia’ will be unknown for another few weeks.-4572001017905Louis KemsekeWeather Forecast1943100160655Monday:Sunnywindless 32 °C194310096520Tuesday:strong raintornados possible 15°C194310088265Wednesday:heavy snow storms -10°C194310024130Thursday: Heavy snow storms-15 °C19431006350Friday: Sunny 20 °C1928495139700Saturday:HOT!!!!Sunny 35 °CJulius MayerThe revenge of the poor148590067945Actually when I was an adolescent the richest countries such as the USA and China were only dreaming about living on the Moon or on the Mars. By the end of the year 2037 they had already established several space stations on both places. It was a giant leap for mankind but it also caused the biggest economic crisis in the world because the countries raced for new space-colonies and they passed new high taxes. During this period those people who had a lot of money started to invest it in these space-race but there was a huge gap between the poor ones and the rich ones. The poor ones had to pay higher and higher taxes and they lived in bad living conditions. However, the rich ones tried to invest as much money as they could because the governments said they would be given land in the Moon or in the Mars. As those new territories became more popular, the rich moved there and they lived there without any air pollution and with high living standards. All in all it was something like a utopia but only for the rich. That’s why the poor fought against the rich on the Earth and by the late 40’s there were no more rich people who lived on the Earth because they were killed or luckily they were able to leave to other planets. Nowadays the rich started to invest foreign capital into large factories on the Earth because it is a cheaper way to make products. On the Earth they can find a cheap labor force but this fact has got some disadvantages too. For example, 3 months ago a terrible epidemic broke out on Mars because of a factory called NOSIOP Ltd., which produces a kind of very expensive, and special suntan oil to sell to those people who live on Mars because they have to use it everyday. However, in this factory a large group of workers put some poison in the oil and they sold it to the rich. It was something like revenge because of the last few decades. The only thing that I can say: “The history repeats itself.” I mean, some of us can still remember the time when the EU had the products made by China and they sold it with huge profits. It was good for those who had the profit but unfortunately it led to the “Chinese invasion” because they became more powerful.David DohanyRubbish IslandMarch 2067, IndonesiaThere has been a lot of discussion lately between Russia and the USA who both want to possess the small Indonesian island that’s nowadays called ‘rubbish island’. It’s the only island in Indonesia left that hasn’t been polluted yet. Russia and the USA are still competing about who might buy the last Indonesian island. As we all know they both have a lot of nuclear rubbish they have to drop somewhere far away from their homes. Because both countries want to prevent a next war, officially they made a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ to buy the island. Lucrative amounts from 12 billion up to 18 billion have been leaked already. Black viewers are whispering it’s just a political trick to prepare a war. Lots of peace organizations are still hoping for a compromise. Also that might sound a bit unrealistic. Especially because, according to some rumors, Israel is very interested as well. And as we all know – remember World War 3 - Israel doesn’t take no for an answer. In the meantime, health specialists all over the world are worrying about the impact these ‘rubbish islands’ will have in the long term. The first reports some specialists are still making are top secret and are supervised by the NAVO- which of course the USA and Russia both have a veto in - as well. Also it looks like these reports won’t be published very soon, we already can see the impact the islands have on the short term. Such as terrible air pollution, see pollution and last but not least the terrible smell that even could reach the Australian coast, according to our latest sources. 05486400Meanwhile the political propaganda keeps going on. Yesterday for example the American president U. Ben gave a speech in which he referred to World War 3 in which Russia killed a lot of Indonesians. But the Russian Prime Minister P. Boetin didn’t react on that because he didn’t want to cause a new war like the USA did last time, he says. So there’s a lot of political tension. The question is how long it will last. Louis KemsekeCommunication: Now and 70 years ago…March 2067, America 70 years ago people were just talking to each other. They were social and went out a lot. But now in 2067 people just talk to each other with the computer or by texting each other. It began with the telephone. People were talking to each other through a telephone to makes plans. Than they invented the GSM. People could send text messages without seeing each other. In the beginning it was very weird. You could also call to each other wherever you were you could reach the person you need. Then there was a great evolution on the GSM. People could also go on the Internet with it or could play games.There was also the computers where you could find anything you wanted. In the beginning it was scary, you could find just everything. When they invented MSN. It was a great trend. People or students came home went to their computer and went on MSN to talk to each other. You could speak to people who lived far away from here, that you met on a trip. After MSN, there were Social networks like Facebook, twitter, net log and many others. Because of this evolution on the computer people didn’t talk a lot to each other in person, they only used computers. That is the way that they lost their voice. It is like little baby’s 70 years ago that have to learn to speak. Now when people want to learn to speak it is very expensive only the people who live on Mars can afford this. But not many do this. So they only talk to each other by computer. I think it is very sad and I’m happy that a have learned to speak again. It isn’t quiet anymore in the room where you are and it is much easier to say directly what you want to say to the person where you are talking. You don’t need a computer or IPAD anymore. Lisa Deketele1.’s fill-in the blank places and see your future in the red line!Machines which replaced human in dangerous situations.Horrible shaking of the Earth and it can make some tsunamis.Big rocks from the universe, makes huge craters.We got most of the energy out of it. One of the most dangerous energy sources.People leaving their rubbish everywhere. It can be air-…, water-…Syndrome caused by the HI-virus.Julius MayerSources: ................

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