1.Your orange RESOURCE PACKET p. 35-42 has information about comic strips, including background ideas, ways of brainstorming storyline ideas, etc. Look through it all. It is filled with GOOD INFORMATION!!

2. You will be provided with a practice pre marked panel piece of paper to make your cartoon on, this is for planning and sketching. After this has been finalized you will be given a cardstock pre-marked blue panel paper for your comic strip.

Requirements for the comic strip include:

• Your own original character (from “design a character”)

• Your character’s “friend”.

• Minimum of 2 panels, maximum of 4 panels.

• Some example of “cartoon effects & accessories”.

• Speech balloons in capital letters. (Artists always pencil in the lettering and balloons FIRST and then draw the characters around them.)

3. When you have your comic strip drawn on rough draft paper; transfer it or redraw to the pre-marked blue paper. Go over all lines in Ultra Fine tip Sharpie. Sign your name along an edge of a panel. ERASE ALL PENCIL LINES STILL SHOWING!

4. Areas of your finished comic strip should be blackened in completely for contrast. Other areas should have cross-hatching or hatching to provide shades of gray. The original comic strip will NOT be colored. Attempt to make a good balance between white areas, black areas, and gray areas.

5. Fill out a grading sheet and place both it and the comic strip in the regular in-box.

6. Your comic strip will be photocopied in two sizes: one smaller size to use in an issue of the school newspaper and one larger copy. You will COLOR in the larger copy so a “Sunday Edition” funnies page can be posted in the hallway. Use colored pencils, watercolors, crayons, or felt pens. Turn the colored edition in to the in box. No grading sheet necessary.

COMIC STRIP Name________________________

GRADING SHEET Tray #____________

|CRITERIA |Possible |Student |Teacher |

| |8 | | |

|1. BASICS: On provided panel; minimum of 2 frames; speech balloons present; effects & accessories present; | | | |

|Evidence of background; student’s own character plus “friend”; drawn clearly, similar to original cartoon; | | | |

|contrast areas of black white, gray; Signature of artist. Original strip B&W only. | | | |

| |4 | | |

|2. LETTERING: uniform and even, all capital letters in block form; black felt pen. Speech balloons used | | | |

|correctly and located at top of each frame. | | | |

| |5 | | |

|3. COLOR (On enlarged strip only) : Quality of coloring (paint, pencil, felt pen); no color “lines” | | | |

|showing; completeness of coloring. | | | |

| |5 | | |

|4. CRAFTSMANSHIP: No visible pencil lines, paper clean, well shaped balloons. Cartoons clearly drawn. | | | |

|Quality and complexity of drawing. | | | |

|5. GRADING: Name and tray # on grading sheet; turned in correctly. |3 | | |

|6. WRITTEN REFLECTION: Answer both questions on the back in complete sentences: What part of your comic |5 | | |

|strip do you like best and why? What inspired you in creating your strip? (Resource book, comics, ,| | | |

|etc.) | | | |

|TOTAL |30 | | |

COMIC STRIP Name________________________

GRADING SHEET Tray #____________

|CRITERIA |Possible |Student |Teacher |

| |8 | | |

|1. BASICS: On provided panel; minimum of 2 frames; speech balloons present; effects & accessories present; | | | |

|Evidence of background; student’s own character plus “friend”; drawn clearly, similar to original cartoon; | | | |

|contrast areas of black white, gray; Signature of artist. Original strip B&W only. | | | |

| |4 | | |

|2. LETTERING: uniform and even, all capital letters in block form; black felt pen. Speech balloons used | | | |

|correctly and located at top of each frame. | | | |

| |5 | | |

|3. COLOR (On enlarged strip only) : Quality of coloring (paint, pencil, felt pen); no color “lines” | | | |

|showing; completeness of coloring. | | | |

| |5 | | |

|4. CRAFTSMANSHIP: No visible pencil lines, paper clean, well shaped balloons. Cartoons clearly drawn. | | | |

|Quality and complexity of drawing. | | | |

|5. GRADING: Name and tray # on grading sheet; turned in correctly. |3 | | |

|6. WRITTEN REFLECTION: Answer both questions on the back in complete sentences: What part of your comic |5 | | |

|strip do you like best and why? What inspired you in creating your strip? (Resource book, comics, ,| | | |

|etc.) | | | |

|TOTAL |30 | | |

COMIC STRIP Name________________________

GRADING SHEET Tray #____________

|CRITERIA |Possible |Student |Teacher |

| |8 | | |

|1. BASICS: On provided panel; minimum of 2 frames; speech balloons present; effects & accessories present; | | | |

|Evidence of background; student’s own character plus “friend”; drawn clearly, similar to original cartoon; | | | |

|contrast areas of black and white; Signature of artist. Original strip B&W only. | | | |

| |4 | | |

|2. LETTERING: uniform and even, all capital letters in block form; black felt pen. Speech balloons used | | | |

|correctly and located at top of each frame. | | | |

| |5 | | |

|3. COLOR (On enlarged strip only) : Quality of coloring (paint, pencil, felt pen); no color “lines” | | | |

|showing; completeness of coloring. | | | |

| |5 | | |

|4. CRAFTSMANSHIP: No visible pencil lines, paper clean, well shaped balloons. Cartoons clearly drawn. | | | |

|Quality and difficulty of drawing. | | | |

|5. GRADING: Name and tray # on grading sheet; turned in correctly. |3 | | |

|6. WRITTEN REFLECTION: Answer both questions on the back in complete sentences: What part of your comic |5 | | |

|strip do you like best and why? What inspired you in creating your strip? (Resource book, comics, ,| | | |

|etc.) | | | |

|TOTAL |30 | | |





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