Sunday school Annual Report 2014 - CSI Church, Toronto

Sunday school Annual Report 2014

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6

Let me begin the report by thanking the Almighty for all the blessings that He had showered upon our Sunday school children and teachers, during the year under review.

There were 50 children registered in our Sunday school in 2014, of which 42 children attended regularly, under the guidance and training of 6 teachers and two teaching assistants at a time. This report covers for the period of March to December 2014.

Sunday school classes are held on all Sundays except the first Sunday of the month, and, except on special Sundays, after the first part of the worship Service. We begin our sessions with a circle time of singing, sharing and praying, and then children move to their assigned classes for lessons. All children are assigned classes according to their age, and grade level in school.

Sunday school curriculum This year, our Sunday school adopted a new, structured curriculum The Story, thanks to teachers Mr. Phil Mathai and Ms. Diani Mathai who researched and introduced it. Our vicar in March, Rev. Shaji Johnson Achen did the initial review of the sample, and recommended the curriculum to be adopted in our Sunday school. The authors of The Story are Randy Frazee and Max Lucado, two well- known Christian authors. The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. The curriculum includes creative activities, memory verses, and parental resources included with each lesson. The Story helps children understand God's Word more fully, and to engage with it more easily.

St. Thomas Day Celebration Sunday school children participated in St. Thomas Day celebration by the Kerala Christian Ecumenical Fellowship Toronto, on July 26. The worship dance performed by children to the Break Every Chain song, and the introductory message to the dance by Ms. Diani Mathai, were well appreciated, as they proclaimed clearly on how the power of Jesus could break every chain that keeps us away from God.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) The VBS was conducted from August 22 - 24, in which 58 children attended, including 8 children who joined from friends and families. Many passionate volunteers worked tirelessly, many contributed generously and above all, many prayed continuously. It was special this year to have a high school students' session, which was attended by 13 high school students. Our vicar Rev. George Jacob Achen, and Ms. Rosemary MacAdam, the Anglican Youth Coordinator for YorkCredit Valley area, conducted the sessions for the high school children. Achen also lead the volunteers' devotion, and Kochamma helped as a teacher.

After learning about the Kind, Passionate, Forgiving and Everlasting Love of Jesus, by lessons, songs, worksheets, crafts and a skit, children had a meaningful worship session lead by Ms. Diani Mathai, where many children expressed their desire to live for Christ. VBS ended with a closing session on Sunday, where children performed songs and skit, and were also awarded certificates. On behalf of our Sunday school I thank all volunteers who helped with donations, lunch, snacks and other arrangements of VBS.

Children Sunday World Sunday school Sunday was observed on November 2, when children and teachers took active part in the Worship Service. Children sang special song, and Mr. Abraham P. George lead the Service. Mr. Robert Luking, Provincial Director for the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Ontario delivered a powerful message on various roles of parents, teachers and Church, in leading children to Christ.

Church Events Participation Sunday school children participated actively in all Church events, which included special song at Easter Service in April, a farewell song and album presentation to Hannah Shaji at the farewell meeting of Rev. Shaji Johnson Achen and family in May, shoe-box gifts to Samaritan Purse in November, and a Christmas song at Church Carol Service in December.

Sunday school Examination This year's Sunday school examination was conducted on November 22, as planned and announced in June. Children from Grade 3 and above took the written examination, and others took verbal examination. I take this opportunity to thank all parents and teachers who worked together in encouraging children learn the Word of God.

Sunday school Anniversary and Talent show Sunday school anniversary and talent show for the year 2014 were conducted on December 28 Sunday, after the social hour. This was a blessed occasion where many children glorified Him with their God given talents. All children were awarded for their participation in Sunday school. There were special prizes to children who had perfect attendance for the year.

I take this opportunity to thank the following teachers for their stewardship and commitment.

Ms. Suja Koshy Mr. Phil Mathai Mr. Siby Jacob/ Mr. Abraham P. GeorgeMs. Raimole Joseph Ms. Diani Mathai Ms. Reshma George/Ms. Eva Thampy Mr. Akshay Koshy -

Youth class (Grade 10 and above) Pre- Teen and Teen class (Grade 7, 8 and 9) Intermediate class (Grade 5 and 6 Junior class (Grade 3 and 4) Primary class (Grade 1 and 2) Kindergarten class (JK, SK and Toddlers) Teaching Assistant

On behalf of our Sunday school, I like to thank our vicar Rev. George Jacob Achen and Susan Kochamma for their guidance and prayer support. I also like to remember and thank Rev. Shaji Johnson Achen and Sangeeth Kochamma, who guided us till May, and who continues to pray for us. I thank Mr. Samuel Anselm Samuel for the announcements through Church newsletter, and, Mr. T Mathew Chacko for the help with music recording and sound system. My sincere thanks to the youth of our Church for their leadership at the VBS. I also thank Mr. Christy Abraham for his timely guidance and announcements, and the Church executive committee, all parents and wellwishers, who helped and encouraged our children ministry. My sincere thank you to the family who donated generously, to provide children with custom printed tote bags to be used in Sunday school.

May He continue to bless all of us.

Elizabeth Verghis Sunday school director


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