Please Check One: __ 1st Visit __ 2nd Visit __ 3rd Visit

Of _________________________________________________ at _________________________________________________

Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas

We. The officials of the above named church beg leave to make the following report on this, the __________ day of _____________________, 20____________. Secretary’s account as follows:

Questions Asked By the Ruling Elder

Saved ________; Sanctified ________; Baptized with the Holy Ghost ________; Joined the Church ________; Excluded ________; Present Membership ________; Baptized with Water ________; Number of Ordained Ministers ________; Number of Local Ministers ________; Attendance of Weekly Meetings ________; Ministers attend all Services _____; How often is the Discipline read to the Members ________; Have you had your monthly examinations ______; Did all characters pass _____; Any changes _____; Any Complaints _____; Are the members doing their duty _____; Are the deacons doing their duty _____; Is the Finance Committee doing its duty _____; Is the Pastor doing his/her duty _____; Does the Finance Committee agree _____.

Finance Committee Report

Balance brought forward _________; We have raised for financial purposes this visit ________; Paid out as follows:

Total to the Bishop ________; Total to the Pastor ________; Total to the District President ________; Evangelists ________; For the less Fortunate ________; For Educational Purposes ________; For General Purposes ________; Other Donations ________; Total Amount Paid Out _________; Balance in treasury ________; Donating to the Elder ________;

Chairperson ________________________ Treasurer ___________________________ Secretary ________________________

Trustee Board Report

Are the Trustees doing their duty _____; How often does the Board meet _________; Does the Pastor meet with the Board ______; If not, why _____________; Does the Board agree _____; Balance brought forward ________; What has been raised altogether this visit ________; What has been paid out on church land ________; On church building ________; For church furniture ________; For rent of meeting house ________; For current expenses ________; For other donations ________; Total Amount Paid Out ________; Balance in treasury ________; Present Indebtedness ________; Value of Church Property ________; Amount of Insurance ________; What are the Trustees donating to the Elder ________;

Chairperson ________________________ Treasurer ___________________________ Secretary ________________________

Sunday School Report

Number of Teachers _____; Number of classes _____; Number of scholars _____; Do the ministers attend Sunday School _____; If not, why ________; Balance brought forward ________; What has been raised in the main treasury ________; What has been paid out for literature ________; For song books and other supplies ________; For charitable purposes ________; Total paid out ________; Balance in treasury ________; Given to the delegate for expense to the convention ________; What was donated to the Sunday School Convention ________; Other donations ________; Donating to the Elder ________;

Superintendent ________________________ Treasurer ___________________________ Secretary _________________________

Sisters of Charity Report

Are the Missions properly organized _____; Is the Jr. Mission properly organized _____; Do all sisters take an active part in the mission work _____; Does the Pastor _____; Balance brought forward ________; What have you raised in your Home Treasury ________; What have you paid out ________; What is your balance ________; What have you raised in your Convention Treasury ________; What are you donating to the Elder ________;

Remember Sisters to send a donation to the Sisters of Charity.

President __________________________ Treasurer ___________________________ Secretary ________________________

Page 2



Church Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Holiness Young People’s Union Report

Give the nature of your work ____________; How often do you meet ______; Balance brought forward ______; What have you raised ________; What have you paid out ______; Balance in treasury ________; Donating to the Elder ________;

President __________________________ Treasurer ___________________________ Secretary ________________________

Young People’s Institute Report

Give the nature of your work ____________; How often do you meet ______; Balance brought forward ______; What have you raised ________; What have you paid out ______; Balance in treasury ________; Donating to the Elder ________;

President __________________________ Treasurer ___________________________ Secretary ________________________

The Pastor’s and all other reports may follow:





















Total Given to the Elder _____________________ Total Given for Foreign Mission ____________________

Total Given for General Days _____________________ Total Given in Pastor’s Offering ____________________


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