ELDER’S OFFICIAL VISIT FIRE BAPTIZED HOLINESS CHURCH OF GOD OF THE AMERICAS Please Check One: FORMCHECKBOX 1st Visit FORMCHECKBOX 2nd Visit FORMCHECKBOX 3rd VisitOf FORMTEXT ????? at FORMTEXT ????? Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the AmericasWe. The officials of the above named church beg leave to make the following report on this, the FORMTEXT ????? day of FORMTEXT ?????, 20 FORMTEXT ?????. Secretary’s account as follows:Questions Asked By the Ruling ElderSaved FORMTEXT ?????; Sanctified FORMTEXT ?????; Baptized with the Holy Ghost FORMTEXT ?????; Joined the Church FORMTEXT ?????; Excluded FORMTEXT ?????; Present Membership FORMTEXT ?????; Baptized with Water FORMTEXT ?????; Number of Ordained Ministers FORMTEXT ?????; Number of Local Ministers FORMTEXT ?????; Attendance of Weekly Meetings FORMTEXT ?????; Ministers attend all Services FORMDROPDOWN ; How often is the Discipline read to the Members FORMTEXT ?????; Have you had your monthly examinations FORMDROPDOWN ; Did all characters pass FORMDROPDOWN ; Any changes FORMDROPDOWN ; Any Complaints FORMDROPDOWN ; Are the members doing their duty FORMDROPDOWN ; Are the deacons doing their duty FORMDROPDOWN ; Is the Finance Committee doing its duty FORMDROPDOWN ; Is the Pastor doing FORMDROPDOWN duty FORMDROPDOWN ; Does the Finance Committee agree FORMDROPDOWN .Finance Committee ReportBalance brought forward FORMTEXT ?????; We have raised for financial purposes this visit FORMTEXT ?????; Paid out as follows:Total to the Bishop FORMTEXT ?????; Total to the Pastor FORMTEXT ?????; Total to the District President FORMTEXT ?????; Evangelists FORMTEXT ?????; For the less Fortunate FORMTEXT ?????; For Educational Purposes FORMTEXT ?????; For General Purposes FORMTEXT ?????; Other Donations FORMTEXT ?????; Total Amount Paid Out FORMTEXT ?????; Balance in treasury FORMTEXT ?????; Donating to the Elder FORMTEXT ?????;Chairperson FORMTEXT ????? Treasurer FORMTEXT ????? Secretary FORMTEXT ?????Trustee Board ReportAre the Trustees doing their duty FORMDROPDOWN ; How often does the Board meet FORMTEXT ?????; Does the Pastor meet with the Board FORMDROPDOWN ; If not, why FORMTEXT N/A; Does the Board agree FORMDROPDOWN ; Balance brought forward FORMTEXT ?????; What has been raised altogether this visit FORMTEXT ?????; What has been paid out on church land FORMTEXT ?????; On church building FORMTEXT ?????; For church furniture FORMTEXT ?????; For rent on the meeting house FORMTEXT ?????; For current expenses FORMTEXT ?????; For other donations FORMTEXT ?????; Total Amount Paid Out FORMTEXT ?????; Balance in treasury FORMTEXT ?????; Present Indebtedness FORMTEXT ?????; Value of Church Property FORMTEXT ?????; Amount of Insurance FORMTEXT ?????; What are the Trustees donating to the Elder FORMTEXT ?????;Chairperson FORMTEXT ????? Treasurer FORMTEXT ????? Secretary FORMTEXT ?????Sunday School ReportNumber of Teachers FORMTEXT ?????; Number of classes FORMTEXT ?????; Number of scholars FORMTEXT ?????; Do the ministers attend Sunday School FORMDROPDOWN ; If not, why FORMTEXT N/A; Balance brought forward FORMTEXT ?????; What has been raised in the main treasury FORMTEXT ?????; What has been paid out for literature FORMTEXT ?????; For song books and other supplies FORMTEXT ?????; For charitable purposes FORMTEXT ?????; Total paid out FORMTEXT ?????; Balance in treasury FORMTEXT ?????; Given to the delegate for expense to the convention FORMTEXT ?????; What was donated to the Sunday School Convention FORMTEXT ?????; Other donations FORMTEXT ?????; Donating to the Elder FORMTEXT ?????;Superintendent FORMTEXT ????? Treasurer FORMTEXT ????? Secretary FORMTEXT ?????Sisters of Charity ReportAre the Missions properly organized FORMDROPDOWN ; Is the Jr. Mission properly organized FORMDROPDOWN ; Do all sisters take an active part in the mission work FORMDROPDOWN ; Does the Pastor FORMDROPDOWN ; Balance brought forward FORMTEXT ?????; What have you raised in your Home Treasury FORMTEXT ?????; What have you paid out FORMTEXT ?????; What is your balance FORMTEXT ?????; What have you raised in your Convention Treasury FORMTEXT ?????; What are you donating to the elder FORMTEXT ?????; Remember Sisters to send a donation to the Sisters of Charity.President FORMTEXT ????? Treasurer FORMTEXT ????? Secretary FORMTEXT ?????Page 2 ELDER’S OFFICIAL VISIT FIRE BAPTIZED HOLINESS CHURCH OF GOD OF THE AMERICASChurch Name: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ????? (m/d/yyyy)Holiness Young People’s Union ReportGive the nature of your work FORMTEXT ?????; How often do you meet FORMTEXT ?????; Balance brought forward FORMTEXT ?????; What have you raised FORMTEXT ?????; What have you paid out FORMTEXT ?????; Balance in treasury FORMTEXT ?????; Donating to the Elder FORMTEXT ?????;President FORMTEXT ????? Treasurer FORMTEXT ????? Secretary FORMTEXT ?????Young People’s Institute ReportGive the nature of your work FORMTEXT ?????; How often do you meet FORMTEXT ?????; Balance brought forward FORMTEXT ?????; What have you raised FORMTEXT ?????; What have you paid out FORMTEXT ?????; Balance in treasury FORMTEXT ?????; Donating to the Elder FORMTEXT ?????;President FORMTEXT ????? Treasurer FORMTEXT ????? Secretary FORMTEXT ?????The Pastor’s and all other reports may follow:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Total Given to the Elder _____________________Total Given for Foreign Mission ____________________Total Given for General Days _____________________Total Given in Pastor’s Offering ____________________ ................

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