Small Business Start-Ups

|Source of Capital |Loan Amount Preferences |Interest Rate (relative|Requirements/ |Major Advantages |Major Disadvantages |

| | |to Prime) |Qualifications | | |

|Bootstraping | | | | | |

|Friends and Family |Probably less than $25k |Negotiable |You should sign papers, |Based on your character, little or no |Can be detrimental to personal relationships if |

| | | |like any other loan |collateral required. |you fail and cannot pay back the loan |

| | | |describing terms and | | |

| | | |conditions. | | |

|Your Credit Card |Probably less than $25k |From 0% to Prime +10 |This is essentially a |Credit card companies sometimes make intro |Very Risky. Be confident you can make payment each|

| | | |personal loan |offers that allow you to transfer balances, |month. Penalties are dear. Interest alone can |

| | | | |interest free up to 6 months… whereupon you |double the cost of any purchase if you only make |

| | | | |transfer balances to another credit card |minimum monthly payments. |

| | | | |company with such an offer. | |

|Line of Credit |Probably less than $25k |Prime +2 |This is essentially a home|Good way to manage short-term needs for cash. |This is a personal loan. If you fail to pay off, |

| | | |equity or personal loan |Simple to negotiate with your regular bank |your personal assets are at risk. |

| | | |from the bank |assuming you have decent credit rating | |

|National Banks | | | | | |

|Bank of America, |Primarily $1M++ |Prime + 2 |Bank will require a |Probably the lowest cost loan available, if you|Rarely fund a start-up with no track record. Will|

|Wachovia, RBC Centura | | |business plan, 25% |can qualify |fund a company that has been in business a while |

| | | |collateral | |that plans to grow. |

|Regional Banks | | | | | |

|SunTrust, Capital Bank, |Primarily $100k++ |Prime +2 |Bank will require a |Low cost loan. Will be a little more tolerant |Only slightly interested in handling a small |

|Fidelity, Community One | | |business plan, 25% |of your request than the Nat’l banks. |business loan. |

| | | |collateral | | |

|Agencies | | | | | |

|(Your) County’s Economic |Up to $100k. |At Prime |Must live, work and hire |Low cost loan |Administered by Self Help in Chatham Co. Must be |

|Development Corp. | | |persons who live in (Your)| |declined by a bank before will be considererd. |

| | | |County. | | |

|Small Business |From $1k to $1M. Does not |Prime + 4 |You need a clean Credit |When the banks won’t talk to you, the SBA will.|The loan will cost a few points more than a |

|Administration |actually loan money, but does| |Report. Requirements | |conventional bank loan to cover the cost of gov’t |

| |provide gov’t backing to | |depend on size of loan. | |backing. |

| |banks that will. | |Usually require a TA to | | |

| | | |help startups manage their| | |

| | | |business. | | |

|USDA-Rural Development |Guaranteed loans up to $10mm.|Fixed or variable. |Minimum of 10% equity for|Program’s primary purpose is to create |2 percent fee for guarantee is paid by lender and |

|Business & Industry | |Rate negotiated between|existing businesses. 20% |employment and improve the economy. |may be passed on to borrower. Subject to annual |

| | |lender and borrower |equity for new businesses.|Will guarantee losses up to 80 percent of |renewal fee on the guaranteed portion of the |

| | |Customary rates | |original loan amount. Inability to obtain other|unpaid loan balance. Other |

| | | | |credit is not a requirement. |typical lender costs may be incurred. |

|Self Help Credit Union |SBA 504 Program |P+2 minimally. P+ 4 |Complete SH loan package. |Flexibility around collateral and credit. Can |Loans are for fixed assets only, no working |

| |$250,000 – 5,000,000 |maximum for SBA. |Will need biz plan, and |do non-SBA loans on our own terms. We are |capital. |

| | | |10-20% cash injection from|willing to do loans banks won’t do. SH offer | |

| | | |borrower. |solid technical assistance through partners for| |

| | | | |new and expanding businesses. | |

|State Employee Credit | | |Does not make business |You may be able to get a personal loan, and | |

|Union | | |loans, per se. |then use the funds for your business that are | |

| | | | |released from other obligations. | |

|Intermediary Relending |Minimum $10K & Maximum $250 K|Interest rate for loans|Need good credit and |Long term financing at reasonable interest |Strictly for rural areas, limited funds and client|

|Program | |are generally 6.5- 8%. |collateral. A business |rates. Terms can be as long as 20 years if |must have adequate collateral. |

| | |Loan fee of 1.5% is |plan is needed for a |collateral is real estate. | |

| | |required. |start-up. Must be rural, | | |

| | | |population < 25,000. | | |

|Equity Investors | | | | | |

|Angel Investors, |$50k + |Negotiable, maybe none.|Only want companies that |These earn a return based on appreciation of |Investment firms are very selective. Will want |

| | | |offer very fast growth, |stock rather than interest on a loan. |some part of owner equity in exchange for their |

| | | |usually high tech | |investment |

|Venture Capital |$1M++. |Negotiable, maybe none.|Only want companies that |These earn a return based on appreciation of |Investment firms are very selective. Will want |

| | | |offer very fast growth, |stock rather than interest on a loan. Will |some part of owner equity in exchange for their |

| | | |usually high tech |likely provide management oversight |investment |

copyright CCCC/SBC, March 2010

source: Porter Financial


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