
MUSIC creativity at homeScience of SoundMake your own instruments of recycled materials:Each instrument has extension activities. If these activities are explored, each instrument experiment counts for 1 week.353377517145000Drum/shaker/guiroYOU WILL NEED:? Some empty, clean tin cans? Rice/lentils? Balloons? Elastic bands? Chopsticks/sticksHOW TO:1. Decorate the tin with either coloured tape, even washi tape, if you have some, or acrylic paint. You can also decorate some paper and stick it on with glue. 2. Begin by putting a small handful of (dry) rice or lentils into an empty tin can. PLEASE make sure the tin can has smooth edges (you can buy tin openers that open tins without leaving a sharp edge).2. Cut the end of the balloon and simply stretch over the end of the tin.3. Secure the balloon with an elastic band.Play the drum with a couple of chop sticks. Play it either by tapping, scraping the side or shaking. Create a composition where you play along to a chosen piece of music. Note down if you tap, scrape or shake. Fast or slow, loud or soft?Extension:-Make a drum of a different sized tin (baby formula, big tin of tomatoes, regular tin of tomatoes, tuna tin). What happens to the sound?-Use a different material for the drum skin (be creative), note down what you use and what happens to the sound and the durability of the drum skin.-Make a drumstick of different material, maybe cover the end with fabric? What happens to the sound?-Research the history behind drums. Which countries and cultures use them? Compare the various drums you discover. Make a poster to explain your research.Homemade Pan Flute using strawsWHAT YOU NEED:CardboardScissorsDouble-sided tapePlastic Straws (Wide straws are best but regular straws will also work)Black SharpieRulerMarkers or crayons for decorating (We used these pens to decorate the black cardstock.) Optional: Model Magic, blue tac or tape to close the ends of the straws463867512382500HOW TO:1. Measure and cut 8 straws into these lengths: 15240003810000Do = 17.5 cmRe = 15.5 cmMi = 13.5 cmFa = 12.5 cmSo = 11 cmLa = 10 cmTi = 9 cmDo = 8.5 cm2. Cut two strips of cardboard: 20cm x 4cm. Decorate your cardstock with markers, crayons, or paint. 3. Place a 20 cm strip of double-sided tape onto the inside of one piece of cardstock strips. Instead of double-sided tape you can also use a glue stick4. Place the longest straw on the tape first, near the left edge. You’ll want one end of the straw hanging about 2cm over the side. Place the shortest straw on the right hand side of the tape, with the same amount (2cm) hanging over the (same) edge. Next place the remaining 6 straws in size order between the shortest and longest straw on the tape. All the ends of the straws should line up about 2cm over one edge of the cardboard.5. Place the double-sided tape onto the other black strip of cardstock and place it on top of your straws, lining it up with the first piece of cardstock. Press down firmly.6. Number each straw 1-8 with a black Sharpie. You could also add feathers or beads on string to either side of the flute.7. Practice making sounds with your pan flute by resting the tops of the straws on your lower lip and blowing across them. (You can also make noise blowing right into the straw. That’s fine too and much easier for younger children.)8. Create some tunes by writing the numbers of each note onto the recording sheet. You can even give your song a name. How is the sound created? As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. So what you are actually hearing is the air inside of the straw, not the flute itself. You can change the pitch by changing the length of the straw. A long straw produces a low note. A short straw produces a high note.Extension: (always note down your findings)-Try using straws of varying widths. Does the width of the straws affect the sound they make?-Make a pan flute of straws made of paper. Does the different material effect the sound?-Make a pan flute with even more straws of different lengths.-Make a pan flute with both ends of the straws open and one pan flute where the straws all have one sealed end. Compare the sounds each pan flute makes.-Can you build a pan flute with other materials, making it easier to use or hold?-Could you build a pan flute on a larger scale? What could you use? (Try PVC pipes or cardboard tubes.)-Research the history behind pan flutes. Which countries and cultures use them? Compare the various pan flutes you discover. Make a poster to explain your research.Fun and engaging Music Apps and Websites we use in the Music RoomMusic AppsBloom- tap the screen to create sounds and a bubblesPat-A-Tap- tap the screen to create sounds and music with abstract shapesArpie- tap the screen to create bubbles and soundsMini Piano- tap along the piano keys to create sounds and music. Little Fox Music Box- listen to a story, make music and sing karaoke along to Nursery Rhymes- Junior Primary ageJelly Band- manipulate little monsters to create a band of instumentsTune Train- take a train journey along simple notation to create your own musicMini Adventures in Music- explore a world of instruments through the alphabet with YouTube video links (not free)Singing Fingers- sing and vocalise sounds and swipe to create pitch picturesMad Pad- play pre-recorded sounds and also record own sounds to create tracksLaunch Pad- digital studio mixing desk to create mash up sound tracksBeat Pad- explore a range of beats/soundsThumb Jam- jam along using your fingersGarage Band (Apple only)- great for playing a range of instruments, record and send to iTunesWeb based ProgramsSoundtrap- this is a new program the students could use if they do not have Garage BandGarage Band- (Apple only) playing digital instruments, creating music tracks, looping and recording own music. Incredibox- beat boxing vocal sounds to create a composition sound trackJay Jay's Jam TVO Kids- for younger students learning about musical instrumentsYou Tube songs and music- please enable restricted mode to ensure online safetyGo Noodle (Clap It Out, Pizza, A-Moose-Ta-Cha are student favourites but there’s MANY great videos)Music at homeB I N G OCall and response My name is……I like to….. Play 20 questions to guess an instrumentHave a go at making an instrument at home Make some funny sounds with your voiceWrite out the lyrics to your favourite song Sing a song from music class to a grownup Use body percussion to create the names of your family Make up a song aboutBunjil the EagleClap out this rhythm: ? ? ? Sing Kareoke to your favourite songListen to our school song Bunjil the EaglePlay an instrument you have at home Draw and colour an instrument that you know Dance to a Just Dance Kids song Watch Go NoodlePizza ManA-Moose-Ta-Cha Play along to a Musication video Beat Box‘Boots and cats’ and your nameMake a drawing to go with some music that you like Put water in empty bottles& jars – play them with a teaspoon1818221-258633004118987-26057300-35169150730058335841651000Ongoing music tasks - keep exploring these fun activities at home each week- Bingo game 10 – 15min (challenge yourself each week with different answers)- SOUND project (make an instrument using recycled objects to create a percussion band- scraping a guiro, shaking a maraca, tapping a drum. Use these instruments to play along to music and weekly activities.- Go Noodle free website with lots of fun music and movement activities- you can, please register for ARTS:LIVE on line for FREE access to a range of videos and home learning tasks at . To register, hold the control button and click the link provided. ARTS:LIVE is an interactive education hub with creative content for all ages to explore, learn and develop arts and music skills. The website contains a range of ‘at home’ activities for parents and families to get creative. During remote learning the ‘Elements of Music’ videos and activities will support home activities each week. WEEK 2- KITCHEN BAND- Dynamics soft/loud512445063055500left13970Activity- Make a family percussion band using kitchen utensils! Supervision requiredLearning Intention- Create music, listen and play along together exploring dynamics.You will need- Find objects at home in the kitchen that you can tap, scrape or shake to play as instruments. For example plastic mixing bowls, wooden spoons, metal spoons, whisk, tongs, wire cooling rack, muffin tins, measuring cups. Learning Task- Explore the sounds made when playing kitchen utensils by tapping, shaking and scraping. Can you create a loud sound? Soft sound? Which utensil sounds the softest? Loudest? Explore the sounds you can make on your own and with a family member. Can you echo each other? Play along together, both play soft, both play loud? Play a pattern such as tap, tap, scrape or shake, tap, shake.If you don’t have ARTS:LIVE access (outlined below) the ‘Kitchen Band’ activity is attached separately.On-Line Extension Learning- ARTS:LIVE- If you have registered for free access, click on ‘Home Learning’ then scroll down to or use the search bar for ‘Elements of Music’. In the ‘At Home’ section (see image below/pink section) watch the video on DYNAMICS to learn about the differences in volume, loud and quiet. The video uses musical terms for dynamics including pianissimo, piano, forte, fortissimo, crescendo and decrescendo. Focus on listening to the loud and soft examples and explore these using your kitchen band to complete Activity One: Kitchen Band. Next week we’ll watch the ‘Rhythm’ video for Activity Five, Everyday Rhythm. Start collecting recycled containers such as juice or milk cartons, egg cartons, margarine containers for another music activity in the coming weeks. 9525026289000Good luck at home! I hope you have fun exploring kitchen instruments and dynamics- soft/loud sounds. right1079500 220980038735000 -1797685top00centertop00left0005734050000Music at home activities are listed below for each stage of learning. Song titles, You Tube Video song links and suggested iPad Apps are to be revisited each week during remote learning. Allow 15 min for songs and 15min for iPad App revision. Once we’re back at school Music classes will build upon these activities in the Music Classroom with tuned and un-tuned instruments. You Will Need- Access to YouTube is required for the songs and videos. I have included an image to help identify each song and copied the direct link (hold the control button and click to follow the link directly to YouTube). Please enable restricted mode for students for safe on line viewing. Go Noodle is a FREE web based site with an abundance of movement, music and mindfulness videos. A parent will need an email address to sign up for free log in access. Have fun exploring the site, there’s many hours of fun dancing, singing and moving activities to keep you all engaged in music at home. 488632515748000Breadth A- Classes 5, 6 & 7Learning Intention- Explore sounds made by the voice, instruments and body.Activity- Sing and move along to songs. Learning Task- Imitate and copy simple patterns- play back, echo, mimic and imitate. 496252526606500SONGS- Walking In The Jungle / Super Simple Songs I Can! / Super Simple Songs HYPERLINK "" APPS- Bloom- tap the screen to make bubbles & sounds.Pat-A-Tap- Tap the screen to make sounds using lines, abstract dots and shapes.486917527876500Breadth B- Classes 8 & 9Learning Intention- Explore sounds made by the voice, instruments and body.Activity- Sing, move and play along to songs and music videos. Learning Task- Make different sounds using the same instrument/object, voice or movement. SONGS- Sing! Speak! Whisper! Shout! By Ignacio Lopez (many versions available) 542924918796000 Me/ Patty Shukla Kids TV Go Noodle Website534098613344700Go to ‘Categories’, ‘Call & Repeat’ scroll to Pizza Man and A-Moose-Ta-ChaPizza Man direct link- direct link-5543550-74676000 The Music Show #4- High & Low song APPS- Jelly Band- tap and drag monsters playing instruments to create a band.Little Fox Music Box- Fox Studio- make and record music by tapping pictures, Songs- sing along to karaoke style and record your voice singing songs.Breadth C- Classes 10 & 11Learning Intention- Use imagination and experimentation to explore musical ideas using voice, movement, instruments and body percussion. Activity- Improvise short pitch and rhythm patterns singing, moving and playing along to music videos. Learning Task- Experiment with the elements of music- soft/loud dynamics and high/low pitch. right635000SONG- Sing! Speak! Whisper! Shout! By Ignacio Lopez (many versions available) Go Noodle website. Navigate the site ‘Channels’ to15322551714500‘Blazer Fresh’ thenscroll to Clap It Out. Clap It Out- Clap out syllables/parts of words, copy the video and then clap out your own name and favourite activity. For example Lauren likes music. Lau/ren (2 claps) likes (1 clap) mu/sic (2 claps). 347662528067000223837527749500123825278130Pizza and A-Moose-Ta-Cha- Navigate site to ‘Categories’, ‘Call & Repeat’, select Pizza and A-Moose-Ta-Cha. right19304000The Music Show #4- High & Low song ? v=xCqpi5EkwiwIPAD APPS-Launch Pad- use pre-recorded sounds to create and record own music. Mad Pad- use pre-recorded sounds to create own music. Record own sounds to create Mini Adventures In Music- explore instruments from all over the world through the alphabet. You can listen to each instrument played via YouTube video links. (Note these are not free Apps)400050-2857505486400-269240VCAL Elective Music group- Classes 15, 16 & 17The students have been learning to play along and ‘jam’ together as a percussion band playing a variety of un-tuned instruments (maraca, tone block, triangle, guiro, bongo drum, egg shaker, castanet etc).Percussion Band- We have played along to a variety of Jimmy Fallon’s videos on YouTube. Have a go at home using objects you have, for example tap a ruler on the table, a pen on the chair, a wooden spoon on a plastic bowl, scrape a baking cooling rack, shake rice in a bottle. Try and find a variety of objects to create sounds by tapping, shaking and scraping. The Jimmy Fallon classroom instrument videos we have played along together, you can do at home: Shape of You, I Want It That Way, Walk This Way and Enter Sandman. Have a go jamming along to the beat and get into the groove playing along to the rhythm of the song. Can you get a family member or the whole family to join you for a jam session together? Can you video it or take a photo to share when we’re back at school? I’d like to see your family having fun together though music! Tuned Instruments- We have also been learning to read simple music notation and play notes and chords using xylophones, glockenspiels and keyboards. If you have one of these instruments at home, you can explore playing along to your favourite songs or one of the songs we’ve been learning in class (7 Nation Army, Sign of The Times, Castle on the Hill, Despacito, YMCA). Play along to the BEAT, keep in time with the music, explore the notes and chords we’ve learned. Most of all, HAVE FUN! If you do not have an instrument at home, just tap along using home objects from the percussion band activity. Garage Band- Free App on Apple devices. Explore a variety of instruments and the sounds they make. Experiment with composing your own music tracks using more than one instrument. Try to make a track using a range of sounds instruments make. If you’re able to save your track and share it with us once back at school that would be great! 215265023749000 ................

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