Sunday, Sunday, August 11August 11August 11, 2019, 2019, …

Sunday, August 11, 2019


NURSERY: AM: Sharla Gradert, Haley Kuperus PM: Kim Rens, Mikaela Broek

USHERS: Kelly Noteboom, Gerald Postma, Mike Rens

GREETERS & COFFEE SERVERS: Alex & Kaitlyn Blankespoor (4 dozen cookies) Dick & Harriet Bonnema (4 dozen cookies)

MUSICIAN: AM: Shirley Ten Napel PM: Haley Kuperus

SOUND SYSTEM: Gradert LIBRARIAN: AM: Wanetta Vander Plas OFFERING: AM: General Fund

PM: General Fund


Pam Fedders, Gage Koopmans Jill Vander Windt, Tyler Rens Dave Scholten, Joey Schoonhoven, Marlin Schoonhoven

Doug & Audrey Broek Brent & Cindy Davelaar Celia Ten Napel Tammy Sieck Kuperus Janice Fedders Christian Ed Christian Ed

Our Church Family

This morning we experience the Sacrament of Baptism together as Mike and Debi Kramer bring their son, Talon, to receive the sign of God's covenant promises!

Wes Westra remains at Avera in Sioux Falls dealing with pneumonia and trouble with his oxygen levels.

Grady Dekkers is recovering well from a successful tonsil surgery this past week.

Continue to pray for Cal Bootsma, Pete Dekkers, Velda Juffer, Jason De Wit, Kory Bonnema and Megan Miedema. Winnifred De Jong will be celebrating her 90th birthday tomorrow, August 12. May God bless her with a very special day with family and friends.

Ireton CRC News and Announcements ...

IRETON PIG ROAST AND BBQ SMOKE-OFF--Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 24 for the Ireton Community Pig Roast being held at the Ireton Park with food being served from 4-7 PM. Last year we held the Pig Roast so that we would have more opportunities to invite our neighbors and get to know them better. This year we would like to continue these efforts to get to know our neighbors better and strengthen our Ireton community. The new addition this year is a BBQ Smoke-Off competition to add a little more excitement to our time together. Further details will be coming about the event. But remember this: Always expand your opportunities to love and bless your neighbors how ever you can!

IRETON PIG ROAST VOLUNTEERS: We will need a few extra hands to help with the pig roast including serving food and monitoring some of the kids events. If you are willing to help on August 24, please sign up on the sheet in the back of church!

WORSHIP PLANNERS MEETING will be this Monday, August 12 at 7 PM. We will be planning song ideas for the coming months!

SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL SOON BE STARTING AGAIN AFTER LABOR DAY! We are needing 1-2 teachers, a song leader and would love to have people willing to substitute if needed. Please consider being a part of our youth education. Let Tammy Sieck know if you are willing to help us out with any of these positions! If you have questions, please ask! Thanks so much!

DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please put any bulletin announcements in Nicki's Church mailbox or via email nickiweida@ by NOON on Thursday, August 15. Thank You.

Ireton Christian School ...

IRETON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY MEETING AND BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT will be held on Wednesday, August 21 beginning at 6:00 PM in the All Purpose Room. We request that all parents be present if possible for election of two new board members for a 3 year term. Two board nominees will be elected from the following candidates: Brent Osterkamp, Jayson Pullman, Jason Van Driessen, Pat Johnson, Monte Erickson, Tyler Van Wyhe. Childcare will be provided for younger students during the Society Meeting. Following the Society Meeting, students and parents can bring their school supplies to their room and meet the teacher. This is also an opportunity to ask questions or talk with the teacher about any concerns parents might have about the upcoming year. An agenda can be found online at on the homepage.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD UPDATE: Ireton Christian School will be packing shoeboxes again this year! Now is the time to start looking and buying school supplies when they are super cheap! I know it seems really early, but why not get more for our money if we can. Thanks so much for your help in helping kids know Jesus. If you have any questions, please ask Tammy Sieck.

Unity Christian High School ...

THE UNITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL BOOSTER CLUB is sponsoring their annual golf outing on Saturday, September 7, 2019, at the Landsmeer Golf Club in Orange City. Registration for the 4-man, 18-hole event is scheduled to begin at 8AM with a 9AM shotgun start and grilled burger meal to follow for lunch. Fee for 18 holes of golf and the meal is $100. Golf only is $80, $20 for those who want to join only for a 1PM lunch. Students K-12 can golf for $50. Contact Maria Noteboom 360-1069 or mnoteboom@ or Melissa Dykstra 449-5463 or ldykstra@ with your foursome no later than August 24. If you have just a double, or a single, let us know and we'll find a team for you.

FRESHMEN ORIENTATION will be held at Unity Christian High School on Thursday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. All freshmen and their parents are invited to attend. Students will get their lockers assignments, computers, class schedule and other pertinent information. Parents will learn great information about Unity.

SCHOOL BEGINS AT UNITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL on Friday, Aug. 23 (beginning at 8:25 a.m.) with dismissal at 1:30 p.m.


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