FUNCTION STIMULATIONS (If POSITIVE, the organs or glands need stimulating with these settings.
Adrenals 51,700.
Bladder 432.
Bowels 2,802.
Heart 811.
Intestines 81,764.
Kidneys 32,300.; 11,520. TOTAL 43,820.
Liver 71,400.
Lymphatics 35,640.
Nerve Growth 3,211.
Nerves 10,000.; 12,950.; 20,000.; 34,500.;
50,000.; 9,000.; TOTAL 136,450.
Ovaries 43,400.
Pancreas 10,290.
Parathyroid 10,800.
Pituitary 91,500.
Skin 24,612.
Sleep Center 92,600.
Testicles 43,400.
Thyroid 14,400.
To be correct, these should check POSITIVE with an intensity of at least 1000. If not, stimulate with these settings.
Adrenal Function 522,221.; 33,723.; 38,822.
TOTAL 594,766.
Auditory System 240,102.
Bowel Function 33,122,; 572,020.; 35,522.
TOTAL 640,664.
Brain Function 474,344.; 234,932.
TOTAL 709,276.
Cardiac Sphincter Function 234,212.
Circulatory System 215,242.; 964,135.;
57,342. TOTAL 1,236,719.
Colon Function 33,144.; 124,749.;
572,020. TOTAL 729,913.
Digestive System 352,023.;
744,344. TOTAL 1,096,367.
Eliminative System 200,102.
Enzyme System 607,898.
Gallbladder Function 11,131.
Glandular System 76,225.; 165,127.; 196,249.
TOTAL 437,601.
Hearing Function 375,332.
Heart Function 61,537.; 264,224.; 322,322.; 71,527.; 823,423. TOTAL 1,543,033.
Heart, Aortic Valve Function 13,230.
Hormonal System 348,507.
Immune System 1,739,881.0
Kidney Function 925,573.; 101,489.; 88,464.; 29,233.; 827,656. TOTAL 1,972,415.
Liver Function 76,225.; 72,238.; 319,924.;
424,431.; 11,131.; 53,233.; 54,631.; 314,353.
344,322.; 57,342.; 312,233.; 57,349.; 28,734.
TOTAL 2,126,146.
Lung Function 234,474.; 33,2598. TOT 269,732.
Lymphatic System 597,336.; 3,240.; 955,223.;
66,335.; 203,332.; 371,520. TOT 2,196,986.
Nervous System 201,311.
Pancreas Function 72,523.; 898,353.; 337,344.;
TOTAL 1,308,222.
Parasympathetic Nervous System 75,733.
Pituitary Gland Function 222,324.; 55,667.; 6,127.; 334,335.; 63,454. TOTAL 682,007.
Pineal Gland Function 43,455.
Respiratory System Function 200,013.
Spleen Function 23,800.
Thyroid Function 58,872.; 632,325.; 65,535.; 14,400.; 498,805.; 3,240.; 32,400.; 33,586.;
210,086. TOTAL 1,549,249.
Thymus Function 15,522.
- A -
Abvasia 40,030.; 5,000.; 1,363.; TOTAL 46,393.
Abcess 72,700.; 20,450.; TOTAL 93,150.
Acetonemia 32,780.
Acidosis 93,150.
Acid reflux 25,462.
Acid (stomach normalize) 946,185.
Acne 15,520.; 88,000.; 80,160.; TOTAL 183,680.
Acne, Rosacea 16,234.
Acrocyanosis 15,520.
Actinomycosis 20,450.
ADD 578,511.
Alzheimers 96,000.
Adenomatous Prostate 5,000.
Adhesions 5,000.
Adies Syndrome 101,332.
Aids 131,104.; 51,023.; 17,270.; 24,890. TOTAL 224,287.
Albuminuria 20,450.
Alcoholism 102,343.
Allergies 462,132.; 61,000.; 61,008.; 60,000.;
TOTAL 644,140.
Allergies (to cat or dog) 64,806.
Alopecia 42,021.
Aluminum (To Remove) 121,153.
Ammonia (remove) 343,902.
Amoeba 52,464.; 38,997. TOTAL 94,161.
Androsterone 23,665.
Androstenedione 33,623.
Aneurism 584,321.; 33,133.; 76,646.; TOT 694,100.
Angina 29,122.
Anorexia 15,414.
Anosmia (loss of sense of smell) 433,354.
Anti-nausea 500,311.
Antibiotic 75,622.
Apnea, sleep 89,212.
Appetite, increase 434,001.
Appetite, suppress 229,343.
Arterioclerosis 5,000.
Arthritis 10,000.; 31,232. TOTAL 41,232.
Arthritis, Osteo 521,523.; 220,192.; 211,015.;
3,033.; 27,940. TOTAL 983,703.
Arthritis, Psoriatic 342,337.
Arthritis, Pyogenic 75200.; 95,200. TOT 170,400.
Arthritis, Rheuma 610,243.; 15,520. TOT 625,763.
Arthritis, Tuberculous 26,510.
Asbestos 69,639.
Asthma 20,450.; 214,700. TOTAL 235,150.
Asthma, Cardiac 74,551.
Astigmatism 33,205.
Athletes Foot 219,402.
Atomic Radiation Fallout 20.
Autism 64,804.
Autoimmune Disease 33,424.
- B -
Bacillus Cercus 23,317.
Bacillus, Coli 80,000.
Bacteria, Unknown 35,970.; 47,275.; 241,635.;
6,343,341.; 20,450.; 15,520.; 363,221.; 24,053.;
568,799.; 40,231.; 664,354.; 46,622.;
333,344. TOTAL 8,744,815.
Bacteria, Polyarteritis nodosa 2,321.
Bacterial Vaginosis 60,433.
Banis disease 76,023.
Banti’s Syndrome 13,222.
Barbiturates, remove 5,104.
Bartiturates, (remove desire for) 3,333.
Bed Wetting 417,233.
Bee Sting (antidote) 221,522.
Biliousness 23,300.
COLUMN SUBTTL 9,670,6 23.
Bladder ulcer 51,100.
Blastomyces Dermatitidus 81,400.
Blood, (build) 524,843.
Blood Calcium (normalize) 92,243.
Blood, clots (to remove) 566,098.
Blood, disease 88,087.; 61,277.; 54,436.
58,483. TOTAL 262,283.
Blood Oxygen (Increase) 25,441.
Blood PH (Normalize) 133,900.
Blood Platelet (incr production) 33,428.
Blood Pressure (normalize) 62,031.;
244,221.; 22,423. TOTAL 328,675.
Blood Sugar (Normalize) 266,334.
Blockage 5,000.
Boils 67,775.
Bone Disease 36,123.
Bone Marrow Disease 72,221.; 423,333.
TOTAL 495,554.
Brain, Broca’s Area (speech center) 473,463.
Brain, Cerebella Cortex 60,606.
Brain, Hypothalamus 12,424.
Brain, (Vol. Muscle Motor Control Center) 497.
Brain Stem (Pons) 234,932.; 44,430.
TOTAL 279,362.
Brain, Taste Center 66,555.
Brain, Thermotactic Center 66,006.
Brain/epidural abscess 421,220.
Brodie’s Abscess 65,645.
Brucellosis 20,450.
Bruxism (teeth grinding) 422,334.
Bursitis 5,000.; 22,463. TOTAL 27,463.
- C -
Cachexia (wasting) 745,997.; 20,211. TOTAL 766,208.
Caffeine (Remove) 11,310.
Caffeine (remove desire) 14,400.
Calcium Deposits (remove) 506,736.; 32,501.;
TOTAL 539,237.
Cancer, carcinoma 21,280.; 86,160.; 212,280.;
79,343. TOTAL 399,063.
Cancer, blood (not leukemia) 25,445.
Cancer, sarcoma 20,080.
Cancer, skin 32,604.
Cancer, stop cell division 46,502.
Candida, Alb 6,240.; 79,433. TOTAL 85,673.
Carbon Monoxide 80,000.
Cardiac Asthma 20,450.
Carpal Tunnel 59,429.
Catalepsy 81,110.
Cavitations 21,225,352.
Cataracts 213,351.; 25,113.; 43,000.
TOTAL 281,464.
Celiac Disease 345,133.
Cells, new Growth 984,566.
Cerebellar Disease 64,473.
Cerebral Palsy 9,520.
Cervical Rib 5,000.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 356,352.
Chemicals, (Counteract) 89,923.
Chemotherapy, (remove residue) 32,010.
Chickenpox 15,520.; 76,654. TOTAL 92,174.
Chloride of Gold 80,000.
Cholesterol (Normalize) 21,108.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 335,372.; 152,652.
TOTAL 488,024.
Chron’s Disease 1,902.
Cirrhosis, Liver 424,431.; 11,131. TOTAL 435,562.
Cocaine (Remove) 84,120.
Cocaine (remove desire for) 20,203.
Collagen (incr production of) 81,236.
Cold 92,000.
Colic 23,030.
Colitis 20,450.
Colon, Spastic 75,799.
Color Blindness 335,733.
Compulsive Behavior 41,824.
Concussion 20,450.
Congestion 95,210.
Constipation 36,423.; 95,210.
TOTAL 131,633.
Convulsion 84,160.
Cough 33,521.; 61,110. TOTAL 94,631.
Creuzfeldt Jakob (Mad Cow) Disease 71,355.
Cysts 349,327.; 232,921.; 9,501.; 5,000.;
7,210.; 22,333.; 23,520.; 94,417.; 85,522.;
53,223.; 36,215.; TOTAL 919,189.
Cyst, (Neuroma) 23,520.
Cystic Fibrosis 5,000.; 321,322. TOTL 326,322.
Cystic Glands 5,000.
Cytomegalovirus (herpes) 635,303.; 54,503.
TOTAL 689,806.
- D -
Dengue Fever 21,103.
Depression 422,132.
DHEA (increase) 21,232,321.
Diabetes Mellitis 32,780.; 10,290.;
2,435.; 57,082. TOTAL 102,587.
Diabetes Insipidus 2,302.
Digestion 81,600.
Disc, Degenerative 81,237.
Disc, to heal 261,512.
Disseminated Sclerosis 50,555.
Dis-associative Disorder 48,872.
Dry Mouth 51,700.
- E -
Eczema 2,021.
Edema 12,211.; 33,043. TOTAL 45,254.
Elastin, Incr production of 7,345.
Emotions 36,301.; 46,234.; 401,110.
TOTAL 483,645.
Emphysema 152,365.
Encephatlitis Lethargica 15,520.
Endometriosis 15,520.; 120,012. TOT 135,532.
**Endometriosis 225,002,431.303,213,102
Environmental Illness 301,023.
Epilepsy 39,253.; 81,110.; 84,160.;
14,413. TOTAL 218,936.
Erection 62,225.
Erectile Dysfunction 130,457.
Estrogen 33,774.
Eustachian Obstruction 20,450.
Eyes, nerves 964,544.
Eyes, Retina 863,223.
Eyes, Retinal Detachment 83,343.
Eyes, ruptured vessels 45,452.
Eyesight 464,579.
**COL SUBTOT 229,032,119.303,213,102
- F -
Fallopian tube infection 15,520.
Far Sightedness 464,579.
Fatty tissue, heart 479,808.
Fatty Tumor 63,119.
Fear 70,624.
Fibroids 5,000.
Fibroadenoma 228,352,212.
**Filariasis 5,073.128
Fibroids (Uterine) 74,345.
**COL SUBTOT. 229,530,280.128
Fibromyalgia 235,032.
Fibrocystic breast disease 336,434.
Fluorine (remove) 432.
Flu 15,520.; 27,400.; 29,500.; 95,400. TOTAL 167,820.
Fluid Retention 72,000.
Follicle (Hair) inflammation 25,233.
Food Poison 306,331.; 56,210. TOTAL 362,541.
Fractures 84,200.
Free Radical Scavenger 253,113.
Frustration 90,000.; 93,200. TOTAL 183,200.
Fungus, Black 500,566.
Fungus (Unknown) 738,688.; 21,597.; 262,227.;
335,422.; Total 1,357,934.; -- 78,400.; 80,120.; 81,400.; 86,540.; 901.; 1,199.; TOTAL 328,560.; ---21,163.; 62,422.; 330,033.
TOTAL 413,618.
Fungus, Yawa 22,100.
- G -
Gallstones 5,000.
Gangrene 11,212,130.
Gas 20,450.
Gastritis 20,450.
Giant Cell Arteritis 213,202.
Guilt 973,035.
Glaucoma 61,220.
Gluten Intolerance 234,757.
Goiter 2,052.
Grave’s Disease 22,331.
Guillain-Barr Syndrome 641,121.
- H -
Hair Growth 276,565.
Hair Growth (inherent) 976,096.
Hanta Virus 77,991.
**Hay Fever 20,450.; 2,639.31 TOTAL 23,089.31
Headache 9,970.
Headache, Frontal 74,120.
Headache, Mental Fatigue 99,999.
Headache, Migraine 811,110.; 34,223.
TOTAL 845,333.
Healing (enhance or speed up) 366,673.
**COLUMN SUBTOTAL 2,749,836.31
Hearing Loss,
Abscess lesion 1,120.
Coryza 366,434.
Tumor of Labyrinth 226,400.
TOTAL 593,954.
Heart, Congestive failure 134,122.
Heart, Electrical Activity 12,312.
Heart, Endocardium 68,997.
Heart, Strengthen 213,302.; 52,234.; TOTAL 265,536.
Heart, valves 50,024.
Heat, to help tolerate 25,202.
Hemmorhaging 212,124.
Hemorrhoids 5000.; 432.000. TOTAL 437,000.
Hepatitis 26,862.; 557,542.; 52,562.
TOTAL 636,966.
Herbicide (remove) 32,100.
Herbicide/Pesticide Remove 63,102.
Hernia, Abdominal 725.
Herpes (Cytomegalovirus) 635,303.;
54,503.; 11,324. TOTAL 701,130.
Herpes Simplex 15,520.
Herpes, Varicella Zoster 252,453.
Herpes Zoster (cold sores) 15,520.
Hyperplasia of common bile duct 5,000.
Hives (Allergy) 27,352.
Hormone, Estrogen deficiency 33,774.
Hormone, Estrogen/Prog balance 14,825.
Hookworm 78,422.; 2,116. TOTAL 80,538.
Hookworm disease 34,877.
Hookworm, healing from 56,087.
Huntington’s disease 212,424.
Human Growth Hormone 21,210.
Hypertrophized glands 6,020.
- I -
Infection 20,450.
Inflammatory Rheumatism 15,520.
Influenza, hemophilis 41,422.; 85,623.
TOTAL 127,045.
Intellectual capacity (Increase) 201,011.
Intension tremor 844,222.
Iodine deficiency 20,320.
Iodine removal 34,503.
Iritis 142,012.; 15,520.; TOTAL 157,532.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome 221,213.
Irritated joints 74,425.
Isopropyl Alcohol (remove) 273,230.
Itch 60,000.; 47,122. TOTAL 107,122.
- J -
Joint Inflammation (skeletal) 785,666.
- K -
Kidney Detox & Drain 332,252,233.
Kidney Inf 20,450.; 331,221.; TOTAL 351,671.
Kidney, sodium pump function 335,412.; 86,654.
TOTAL 422,066.
Kidney Stones 5,000.; 433,332. TOT 438,332.
COLUMN SUBTOTAL 333,464,302.
- L -
Labyrinthitis 96,400.
Laryngitis 23,223.
Legg-Calve Perthes Disease 11,052.
**Leprosy 6,663.900
Lepto Spiro Canicula 50,149.; 75,342.
TOTAL 125,491.
Lesion 1,120.
Leukemia 38,000.
Ligament (rebuild) 44,546.
Lipoma 62,000.
Liver detox & drain 733,224.
**COLUMN SUBTOT 1,141,719.900
Liver disease 344,033.; 335,756.
TOTAL 679,789.
Lower Intestine 33,122.; 572,020.;
35,522.; TOTAL 640,664.
Lung, Swollen Bronchi 65,540.
Lung, bronchial irritation 20,450.;
66,110.; TOTAL 86,560.
Lung, infection 60,865.
Lung, rebuild tissue 20,232.
Lung Mass (non-malignant) 11,238.
Lupus Erythematosis 70,202.
Lyme Disease 21,012.
Lymphatic detox & drain 457,320.
Lymphogranuyloma Inguinale 32,100.
Lymphoma 20,580.; 15,520. TOTAL 36,100.
- M –
Macular Degeneration 21,992.
Malabsorption Syndrome 322,532.
Malaria 20,450.
Malignancy 20,580.
Malathion Poisoning 80,000.
Malleomyces Mallei 70,890.; 30,090.
TOTAL 100,980.
Mastitis 15,520.
Melanoma 34,302.; 20,580.; 56,440.;
TOTAL 111,322.
Melatonin (Increase) 312,315,413.
Meningitis 120,043.; 78,866. TOTAL 198,909.
Mental Clarity 21,242.
Metabolism 312,202.
Metabolism, of fat 37,233.
Metastasis 80,231.
COLUMN SUBTOTAL 313,643,086.
Metals, ( Heavy, to remove)
Aluminum 12,153.
Antimony 42,002.
Arsenic 12,202.
Barium 11,130.
Cadmium 13,320.
Cobalt 21,026.
Copper 11,421.
Lead 12,020.
Mercury 13,971.
Nickel 20,260,415.
Zinc 95,153.
METALS TOTAL 20,504,813.
Methamphetamine, remove 12,001.
Methamphetamine, remove desire for 1,024.
Menniere’s Disease 15,520.
Micrococcus Acidilactici 980,084.
Molds 283,353.; 44,223. TOTAL 327,576.
Moles, remove 281,612.
Molluscum Contagiosum 77,968.
Morphine (Counteract) 728,301.
Morton’s Neuroma 33,003.
mRNA 221,110.
Mucus Lining 680,134.
MS 235,101.; 12,950. TOTAL 248,051.
** MS 1,122,211.101,221,113
Muscular Atrophy (Dystrophy) 72,000.
Muscles, Myofacial tissue Dis 68,324.
Muscular pain 3,400.
Myalgia 84,873.
Mycoplasms 131,212,232.
**COL SUBTTL 136,169,424.101,221,113
- N -
Nanobacteria 3,880.
Narcolepsia 15,520.; 81,110. TOT 96,630.
Nausea 13,211.
Near Sighteness 33,205.
Neisseria Catarrhalis 33,054.
Neuralgia 15,520.
Neuro Dermatitis 68,642.
Neuro Fibroma 60,634.
Nerve, regeneration 320,233.; 13,223.
TOTAL 333,456.
Nervous Sys Correction 221,132.;
63,645. TOTAL 284,777.
Nervous System, Heal 63,645.
Nutra-Sweet (removal) 94,523.
- O -
Optic Nerve, regenerate 344,222.
Osteomalacia 91,350.
Osteomylitis 15,520.
Osteoporosis 202,012.
Otitis, Acute 51,010.
Otitis, Internal 20,450.
Otitis, Media 20,450.
Ovarian Cyst 25,012,101.
Oxygen Circulation 86,127.
- P -
Pain 40,000.; 9,990.; 10,000.; 87,650.;
34,434.; 33,063.; 59,387.; 62,101.
TOTAL 336,625.
Pain (Emotional) 58,106.
Palsy 8,909.
Palsy, Bells 15,520.
Parasites 864,221.; 914,110.; 91,746.; 645,346.;
125,133.; 113,211.; 120.; 37,400.; 51,023.; 54,220.; 54,633.; 11,043.; 23,317.; 690,467.;
67,907.;; 31,012.; 33,342.; 42,232.; 21,120.; 23,322.; 24,340.; 30,847.
Parkinsons’s 20,180.; 37,342. TOTAL 57,522.
Pasteurella pestis 50,121.
Pelvis, Cellulitis 8,241.
Peritonitis 34,340.
Pesticides (remove) 32,002.
Pesticide/Herbicide (remove) 63,102.
Pfeifferella Mallei 96,020.
Pharyngitis 231,112.
Phlebitis 15,520.
Pituitary, Heal 348,321.
Pituitary, tumor 35,253.
Pleurisy 5,067.
Pneumococcus 36,736.
Poison, drugs 80,867.
Poison ivy 871,312.
Poison Oak 973,353.
Polio 15,520.
Poliomyclitis 85,900.
Polymyositis Dermatomyositis 1,320,301.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica 423,372.
Polyps 71,500.
Polyneuritis 94,300.; 94,200.; 94,500.
TOTAL 283,000.
Premature ejaculation 310,348.
Pre-menstrual Syndrome 12,521.
Prolapsed colon 33,144.
Prostatitis 124.
Protectant (care giver) 22,101.
Protein loss 36,213.
Pseudomnonas Acryginosa 50,321.
Psittacosis 15,520.
Psoriasis 15,520.
PSA, Lower 80,300.
Pulmonary Fibrosis 6,048.
-R -
Radiation (negates cosmic radiation) 99,999.
Radium burns 9,620.
Rash 20,450.
Raynauds Sign 15,520.
Raynauds Dis 844,334.; 93,548. TOT 937,882.
Reactive Airway Disease (asthmatics)
Reicherts Disease 42,584.
Relaxant 11,001.
** Relapsing Fever 4,050.250
Retinitis Pigmentosa 32,275.; 55,686.;
72,524. TOTAL 160,485.
Rheumatism 15,520.
Rhino Virus (common cold) 1,212,221.
RNA (mRNA) 221,110.
Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever 15,520.
**COL SUBTOTAL 133,899,081.250
- S -
Sadness 45,621.
Salmonella 882.
Salpingitis 15,520.
Sarcoma 20,080.; 35,080.; 66,000.
TOTAL 121,160.
Sarcoma, blood 552,316.
Scabies 84,252.
Scar Tissue 504,362.; 91,488. TOT 595,850.
Schizophrenia 64,804.
Sciatica 15,520.
Scleroderma 8,992.; 24,312. TOTAL 33,304.
Sclerosis, Disseminated 5,000.
SAD (Seasonal Disorder) 54,331.
Serous membrane 76,030.
Sexual Dysfunction 403,223.; 68,232.
TOTAL 471,455.
Seizure (Grand Mal) 43,385.
Seizure (Petit Mal) 81,110.
Silicon (removal of rupt implants) 887,678.
Silicosis 15,520.
Sinus Infection 15,520.; 32,220. TOT 47,740.
Sinus, Paranasal 630,137.
Sinusitis 10,807.; 32,220. TOTAL 43,027.
Skin, Heal 35,442.; 274,411. TOT 309,853.
Skin, open sores 465,554.
Skin, regenerate 228,710.
Skin tags (remove) 55,920.; 21,111.
TOTAL 77,031.
Sleep (help to) 103,601.
Slow aging process 11,223.
Small intestine (mucus lining) 99,789.
Smoking, Quit 58,667.
Spinal Meningitis 15,520.
Sprain 31,100.
Sprue 19,263.
Staph 35,970.; 62,820.; 20,450.; 76,900.;
633,254. TOTAL 829,394.
Staph Aureus 35,970.; 634,389. TOT 670,359.
Stenosis of canal 20,450.
Streptococcus 35,970.; 241,635.; 78,400.;
333,344. TOTAL 689,349.
Strept, Faecalis 66,700.
Strept, Agalactiae 26,685.; 5,828. TOTL 32,513.
Strept, Flesh Eating 23,111.; 463,867.
TOTAL 486,978.
Strept, Pyogenes 8,308.
Stress 78,261.
Stroke (help to prevent) 401,102.
Stroke (reverse effect) 772,755.
Stuttering 623,021.
Stye 76,900.
SV 40 Virus 21,323,340.
Syphilis 66,000.
Syphilis, Acquired 7,088.
Syphilis, Congenital 10,800.; 8,530.;
TOTAL 19,330.
Syphilis, All 654,447.
- T -
Tapeworm (remove) 24,340.
Tenosynovitis 5,000.
Tetanus 12,000.
Tic Doulourex 15,520.
Tinnitis 110,210.; 31,220.; TOTAL 141,430.
Thyroid (abnormal parathyroid) 55,872.; 10,800.; 345,212. TOTAL 411,884.
Thyroid Virus 132,510.
** TMJ 26,211.421
Toothache 4,576.
Toxemia 20,450.; 70,000. TOTAL 90,450.
Trachoma 65,200.; 57,889.; TOTAL 123,089.
Treponema Pallidum 89,288.
Tropical Bacterial Infection 231,010.
** COLUMN SUBTOTAL 1,307,302.427
Tuberculosis 338,849.; 312,032.; 80,300.; 6,208.; 25,301.; 40,340.; 88,556.; 60,331.;
90,004.; 645,564.; 25,344. TOTAL 1,712,829.
Tuberculosis (New Zealand 129,322.
TB (blood virus) 212,242.; 55,222.
TOTAL 267,464.
Tumors 349,327.; 14,177.; 9,501.; 5,000.;
44,448. TOTAL 422,453.
Tumor, Meningioma 542,545.
Tumor (non malignant) 48,023.; 394,325. TOTAL 442,338.
Tumor (non- toxic) 9,111.
Typhimorium 80,480.
Typhus 901.
COL SUBTOTAL 3,607,453.
- U -
Ulcer 20,450.
Undulant Fever 20,450.
Urethra, Internal Sphincter 71,213.
Uric Acid Crystals 63,630.
Urticoria 15,520.
Uterine Dysfunction 68,079.
Uterine Fibroma 74,245.; 74,345.
TOTAL 148,590.
- V –
Vaccinia 6,282.; 45,700. TOTAL 51,982.
Varicose veins 55,702.; 15,520.;
33,310.; TOTAL 104,532.
Variola 2,203.
Valgus Hallux 35,498.
Vasculitis 1,214,133.
Vertebral Disc (bulging) 19,344.
Vessels, Blood ruptured 955,444.
Vibro Chlorea 5,090.
Virus, Blood 35,970.; 556,222.; 86,555.;
72,402.; 49,222.; 232,132.; 212,424.;
25,445.; 58,878.; 60,908.; SUBTOTAL
1,390,158. ---- 75,035.; 55,600.
30,434.; 78,411.; 885,445.; 136,293.;
715,536.; 645,669.; 38,235.; SUBTOTAL
2,660,658. --- 595,633.; 497,552.; 93,595.; 44,244.; 37,541.; 22,445.; 44,723.;
46,624.; 75,031.; 193,552.
SUBTOTAL 1,650,940.
Virus, Ebola 44,213.
Virus, Heart 33,596.
Viirus-Polio, Hong Kong, etc 15,520.
Virus, Skin rash 55,754.
Virus, In Small Intestines 34,333.
Virus, Unknown 56,200.;
** 3,222,243.323,410,233
** TOTAL 3,278,443.323,410,233
VIRUS TOTAL 3,461,859.323,410,233
Vision System improvement 261,402.
- W –
Warts 71,500.
Water, reduce surface tension 31,453.
Weils Disease 73,200.
Wen 98,335.
Wounds 74,453.
Worms 123,420.
Worm, Threadworm 12,331.
Yellow Fever 522,443.
ANIMALS (If OK, should be POSITIVE with intensity of at least 1000. If not, stimulate with these numbers)
Dog, Glandular System 20,698.
Dog, Hormonal System 23,244.
Dog, Immune System 26,223.
Dog, Kidney function 20,537.
Dog, Lymphatic Systerm 28,600.
Dog, Pancrease Function 16,505.
Actinomycosis 4,584.27 Mumps 4,573.690
ALS (Lou Gehrigs Dis) 32,322,732.225,124,121
Angina 2,378.265,132,420 Bubonic Plague 100.1
Anthrax 27,039.548,108 Potato Spray 1,224.
Bladder cancer 9,756.741,034 Chicken Pox 9,787.86
Canker Sores 3,190.662,730,845 Bantis Disease 5,010.37
Cataracts 1,286.415 Hanta Virus 77,991.0
Dysentery 4,098.528 Skin Rash 6.3
Eczema 3,973.531 and 214,873.341 Typhus 91.3
Fever 17,390..223 Nanobacteria 3,880.0
Flu tissue (colds etc) 1,054.600 Autism 64,804.0
Hay Fever 2,639.31 Lower PSA 80,300.0
Hemorrhoids 114.1 Unknown Virus 56,200.0
Gallstones 841.525 Relapsing Fever 4050.250
Goiter 1,643.800 TOTAL 308,018 .870
Gonococcus 3,190.662,730.845
Mastitis 3,737.284,600 BALANCING NUMBERS
TOTAL 32,409,651.691,460,231
Tumor Reduction 64,756,670.222,232,210
Herpes I (cold sores) 40.608 Food/Supplement Purification 001,989,576.973,297,623
Herpes II (genital) 90.643 Miasms 66,000.0 (ADD THIS NUMBER TO EVERYONE)
Lupus 328.772
Polio 10,126.024,239,800
Prostate cancer 90.7
Rheumatic fever 11,432.338
Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever 1,064.600
Tetanus 3,334.809
Trichina (trichinosis) 9,151.287,012,060
Trichomonas (vaginal bleeding, itching) 28,692.934
Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness) 12,990.689,000,503
Tularemia 9,350.420 or 6,912.990
TOTAL 86,693.824,252,363
FINAL CHECK – VERY IMPORTANT! - The last check after all evaluation numbers. If positive, add these numbers to total balancing number.
Red blood cells 5,267.080
White blood cells 3,042.034
Platelets 16.100
Thymus 4,307.050
Adrenals 4,449.200
Calcium 3,159.585,210
TOTAL 20,241.049,210,000
Check each subject at the beginning of the evaluation for these numbers. If positive on the Outside Frequency Interference and/or BiPolar, balancing for 10 minutes will usually clear these.
You may have to use the other numbers for XX number of hours to clear.
Outside Freq. Interference 605,004.905,005,602
BiPolar 9,809.007,909,097
TOTAL 614,813.912,914,699
Remove parasites from brain 4,065.007,005,706
Remove ammonia from brain 708,806.408,006,008
Decalcify arteries to brain 106,600.406,606,800
Decalcify arteries to heart 608,400.206,046,006
TOTAL 1,427,872.027,664,520
ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) 32,322,732.225,124,121
Remove Asbestos 112,223,224.
Remove Chlorine 23,122,322.134
Remove Fluoride 22,333,612.222
Remove Propane 33,123,121.0
Remove Propylene Glycol 22,233.0
Pulmonary Edema 12,222,342.231
West Nile Virus 23,111,222.234
Addisons Disease 302,020.208,013,023 Near Sighteness 33,205.0
Appetite, Increase 200,023.0 Nickel 020,260,415.521,304,220
Appetite Suppressant 313,012.0 Osteoporosis 202,012.0
Bladder, stimulate 432.0 Pharyngitis 231,112.0
Bladder, Strengthen 31,124.0 Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis 1,320,301.0
Brain/Epidural abscess 421,220.0 Prolapsed Colon 33,144.0
Build NK Cells 101,111,011.212,211,302 Prostatitis 124.0
TOTAL 102,378,842.420,224,325 TOTAL 22,080,313.521,304,220
Chlamydia Pneumonia 032,030,338.523,822,101 Pyorrhea of gums 115.700
Cysts 121,312,020.315,222,301 Plutonium 121,123.0
Ovarian Cyst 025,012,101.201,236,001 Reactive Airway Disease (asthmatics) 131,223,120.0
Diverticulitis 224,212.043,400,101 Rhino Virus (common cold) 1,212,221.0
Endometriosis 225,002,431.303,213,102 Slow Aging 11,223.0
Erectile dysfunction 130,457.0 SV 40 Virus 21,323,340.0
Far sightedness 464,579.0 TMJ 26,211.421
TOTAL 404,176,139.386.893,606 Tumor Reduction 64,756,670.222,232,210
Unknown Virus 3,222,243.323,410,233
Fatty Plaque (remove) 1,232,112.110 Uranium 110,111.0
Filariasis 5,073.128 Weight Loss 331,231.0
Fibroadenoma 228,352,212.0 TOTAL 117,430,931.365,642,443
Gonococcus 3,190.662,730,845 Mineral Deficiency 775.625,300
Hemorrhaging 212,124. Vitamin Deficiency 21.532,502,800
Hydrogenated Oils (Remove) 23,522,212.125
H Pylori (peptic Ulcer) 200,051.212,920,011 NOTE: When checking Vitamins & Minerals,
Iritis 142,012.0 if the pointer rotates counter clock-wise, this
Laryngitis 23,223.0 indicates a deficiency. Balance with these
Leprosy 12.900 numbers.
Multiple Sclerosis 001,122,211.101,221,113
Mycoplasms 131,212,232.0
TOTAL 361,272,342.004,871,969
LIFE FORCE FREQUENCY – If NEGATIVE, the subject has expired.
Adenocarcinoma 2,003.203,103,521 Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma 23,510.203,002 Astrocytoma (Brain) 21,232,263.0 Basal Cell Carcinoma 213,261.210 Breast Carcinoma 400,980,350.002,005,326 Bladder/kidney 1,143,225.0 Breast cancer #2 12,102,150.0 Bone/bone marrow 1,220,121.0
Breast (Giant Cell) 1,012,111.112,171,232 Neuroblastoma 25,225,000.0
TOTAL 435,328,877.317,280,079 TOTAL 002,600,117.413,002,000
Brain 31,102,211.0 Colorectal 111,425,121.123,112 Gastric/stomach 11,103,141.0 Gall Bladder 11,120.0
Glioblastoma (brain) 222,412,121.132,143,242 Laryngeal 12,111,212.0
Histiocytoma 11,113,322.432,131,321 Liver 224,112.313,132,231
Liposarcoma 2.321,064,120 TOTAL 123,771,565.436,244,231
TOTAL 275,730,757.885,338,683
Lung 23,111,222.0 Lymphosarcoma 12,111,323.0
Mesothelioma 111,131.113,021, Mouth/Throat 31,022,102.0
Ovarian 42,121.0 Prostate 90.7, 20,421.0 TOTAL 20,511.700
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 12,123,122.0 Uterine 1,112,102.0
Pancreatic 13,113,121.0 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 17,867,967.966,995,799
TOTAL 48,500,717.113,021,000 TOTAL 62,134,006.666,995,799
Unknown Cancer 112,223,331.
Synovial Cell Sarcoma 12,233,563.0
Lung #2 32,312,216.421,421,221
Thyroid 22,232,321.210
Begin each evaluation with these steps:
1. POLARITY: Check the subjects polarity by holding the Magnetic Pointer over the 120 line.
If it rotates clock-wise, the polarity is Positive. If counter-clockwise, the polarity is Negative and
must be corrected before going further. See Evaluation instructions to do this.
2. CELL TO CELL COMMUNICATION: Dial in this number, if the Magnetic Pointer rotates clockwise, it is OUT. YOU MUST USE THIS NUMBER to correct. If it rotates counter clockwise, it is OK.
3. ENERGY CENTERS If this check Positive (clockwise) this must be corrected by using these numbers. This and Cell to Cell can be corrected in as little as 5 minutes.YOU MUST RECHECK Cell to Cell and Energy Centers several times a day. Read Scientific America article Inside Story at 2000/0600issue/0600pawson.html.
ENERGY CENTERS: There are seven basic energy centers in the human body. Energy from these travel by nerve ganglia to the spinal column and correlate to all functions of the body. It is imperative that these be in perfect alignment. When you check with these numbers, if any are positive, use that number to correct the alignment.
CELL TO CELL 331,764,250.425,200,421 ELECTRICAL FIELDS 121,131.0
TOTAL 334,341.0
3. 022,011,212.0 TREAT WITH THIS NUMBER 91,127,534.0
4. 001,021,210.0
7. 012,120,221.0
TOTAL 090,793,081.0
If one desires to use the settings for maintaining balance, it is best to use the Electrical Fields and Geopathic Stress setting of 334,341.0. This number should help keep the Cell to Cell and Energy Centers in balance.
Barbesia 21,122,020.223,212,131
Bartonella (Cat Scratch Fever) 10,223.0
Bulemia 201,201.222,100
Cystitis 21,403.0
Cryptosporidium parvum 223.223,610,310
Cushings Disease 2,114.0
Dry Eyes 3,122.212,322,211
Echinococcus (Parasite) .11
Ehrlichliosis 21,132.0
Remove Excess Fibrin in Blood 522,200.0
TOTAL 021,903,734. 881,244,652
Giardia lamblia 12.212
Hashimotos Disease 1,123.12
Incontinence 16,212,222.122,233,220
Listeria 121,413.0
Leaky Gut Syndrome 12,221.123
Osteonecrosis 12,212,312.223,221,420
Papilloma Virus (HPV) 213,112,132.0
Remove Sodium Laurel Sulfate 2,722.221
Remove MSG 22,203,523.310
Toxoplasma gondii 232.223,100
Tumor Reduction 24,433,535.463,220,121
TOTAL 288,299,227.894,774,761
Turn off all computers, radios, etc while evaluating. Get comfortable in front of the machines, upright in chair. Do not slump over the machines. Place your feet flat on the floor. If carpeted floor, wear rubber sole shoes. Do not have any item with batteries near the magnetic receiver. It is not necessary to remove jewelry unless it is magnetic. Try to relax your mind and body. Think only about the evaluation and not about the individual.
If your chair has metal legs, it MUST have plastic or rubber rollers. Keep your feet straight ahead on the floor, do not cross your legs. If evaluating a live subject, make certain they do not cross their feet or legs. Keep free hand by your side with fingers open, DO NOT touch your body with the free hand. Setup the machine by connecting long red wire with alligator clips into the IN jack. (See diagram on hook up) Attach the sample of blood, saliva or have the person hold these wires. Attach the long green wire into the GROUND jack and then attach to your body. This will eliminate your own imbalances into the equation. (If you are evaluating yourself, it is not necessary to use the ground wire) Connect the short red or black jumper wire from the OUT jack of EMT machine to the top jack of the magnetic receiver (MR). When using blood or saliva sample, make certain there is no writing in the area of the blood or saliva sample. The EMT balancing machine should be placed ahead or beside the MR. Plug the magnetic pointer into the jack at the bottom of the MR board. It is best to have the EMT balancing machine elevated at the top to read and adjust the dials easily. DO NOT PLUG the machine into the house current to conduct evaluation. Only for balancing do you plug it into 110 outlet. It will operate on the energy generated from the subject/sample. The MR is placed so the “For Research Only” is facing you. That will open up the box toward you. Rest the wrist of the hand you want to hold the pointer with on top of the box. Grasp the sleeve of magnetic pointer about ½ inch from the end where the pointer dangles between the middle finger and the thumb. The best location is in the crease of the first digit of the middle finger. The sleeve will be held almost straight across at a 90 degree angle to the dangling pointer. Don’t grip too firmly. Hold the forefinger, ring finger, and little finger on the hand holding the pointer sleeve up and out so they do not touch. This may seem awkward at first, but with practice will become second nature. Sit slightly back in chair, relax and dangle the pointer near the center of the MR about ½ inch from the board.
THE FIRST step is to check your system polarity and the polarity of the subject. To do this, set all numbers on the machine to 0. Attach the wire coming from the IN to your body or the sample or subject. Hold the magnetic pointer just above the 120 line. It should rotate clock-wise. If it rotates counter clock-wise, your polarity is negative. A quick way to check your polarity is to touch the top of the magnetic receiver with two fingers and hold the pointer over the 120 line. Your polarity and that of the subject must be positive to get accurate evaluation results. To change your polarity to positive, place the forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger on each hand so they are touching the thumb. Then holding your hands up, cross the arms at the wrist and place these fingers above each eye socket. You will then have the right hand above the left eye, and vice versa. Holding the fingers/thumb against the head above the eye sockets, take 3 deep breaths. Another way is to cross the legs at the ankles and the arms for 15 to 20 minutes. Recheck your polarity. To check polarity of the subject, attach their blood/saliva sample to the clip from the IN jack and check the 120 line again. A quick check is to unplug the wire with the subjects sample on the clip/plate from the IN on the machine and touch the metal plug end to the top of the magnetic receiver. Holding your magnetic pointer over the 120 line you should get an accurate polarity check. If they are negative polarity, you must instruct them how to change polarity to positive. If the subject’s polarity is negative, the body will put up an impedance or resistance and will not accept the frequency. It is vital that you periodically check the polarity of anyone you are actively evaluating or who is using a machine. If you are evaluating and you begin getting confusing results from the magnetic pointer, it is quite possible your polarity or that of the subject is changing. The product “ Trigger Immune” made by Natures Sunshine can help keep polarity positive. Get at your local store or distributor.
THE SECOND STEP is to see if the subjects Cell to Cell Communication and Energy Centers are OK. If the cells are not communicating, this must be corrected. See the sheet for Cell To Cell and Energy Center check number. If it is POSITIVE (clockwise rotation of pointer), balance by using that number for at least 15 minutes, then recheck to see if this has been corrected. You are looking for a Negative indication.
THE THIRD STEP is to find out if the subjects immune system is positive or negative. (DO NOT CONFUSE THIS FOR POLARITY.) To do this, while all numbers are at 0, hold the pointer in the center. If it begins to rotate clockwise, the subject’s immune system is positive. If it rotates counter clockwise, it is negative. NEXT find the intensity of their immune system, hold the pendulum in the center of the MR. While the pointer is rotating clockwise, begin turning the top left dial from 0 up very, very slowly until the pointer reverses. Pause between clicks to give the machine time to analyze and adjust. When the pointer reverses, then click the dial back down one click. That is the first number of the immune system intensity. Leave that number on the dial and go to the second dial and the third. Check this twice. The lower the number, the stronger the immune system. The target is to get lower than 20. This will give you a base line to note progress of the subject as they use the machine. Now you may begin the evaluation for imbalances.
TO SET THE EVALUATION NUMBERS: The top of the EMT is at the end that says “For Research Only”. Each evaluation number has a decimal. The decimal is between the third and fourth row of dials. The three numbers just before the decimal go on the third row. The three numbers after the decimal begin the fourth row of dials. EXAMPLE: 42,678.391,429,000 would be set as follows 1st row 000, 2nd 042, 3rd 678, 4th 391, 5th 429 and 6th row 000. The dials are set from left to right.
The magnetic pointer will begin to rotate in either a clockwise or counter clockwise. If it does not at first, just be patient. It may swing slightly in one direction or back and forth first, but finally will settle into a rhythmic rotation. With practice, you will know when it is in the rhythmic motion. You may feel a pulling on the pointer. If the pointer fails to move, you may begin an up & down motion from top to bottom slowly to break inertia. Then the magnetic pointer should begin to rotate on a rhythmic movement. When the magnetic pointer rotates clockwise, this means the person is POSITIVE for that particular imbalance and needs that number to correct the imbalance. Do not read this too quickly as the pointer may rotate in the opposite direction before finding the true rotation. If it rotates counter clockwise, that is NEGATIVE. That means that number is clear and you can go ahead and check the other numbers. Evaluate the TOTAL numbers of the groups first. If you get a POSITIVE, then evaluate each individual number in the group. If secondary numbers are available, you may verify your results of the evaluation of the primary numbers by evaluating with secondary numbers. There may be some slight difference in intensity.
To find intensity, while the pointer is moving clockwise, reach up with the free hand to the dial on the top row far left. That will be the first dial on the machine (by the GRD jack) Click the dial up from 0 to 10 slowly. When the pointer stops and reverses from positive (clockwise) to negative (counter clockwise) that number will be the intensity of that imbalance. It would be measured as 100 to 1000. Although we can only indicate an intensity of 1000, the intensity could in fact be 10,000, 100,000 or even higher. The purpose of finding the intensity is that whenever you do evaluate the subject again, check with the same numbers and determine intensity to find out the progress of the balancing. When all numbers are at 0 the magnetic pointer will rotate counter clockwise indicating the imbalance has been corrected.
To get a total balancing number, just combine the numbers that check POSITIVE. If the number or numbers for cancer are POSITIVE, begin balancing with that number first. If the frequencies the correlate to candida, staph, micrococcus, parasites, or histolytic amoeba are indicated along with cancer, balance these before going on to other imbalances. It is best to re-evaluate the subject after each 48 hours on the machine. When any balancing number goes to negative, no imbalance exists in that area, so get a new total balancing number by deleting the numbers that are now negative. If there are multiple numbers for a disorder, each number must be research to find out which is positive to balance.
VERY IMPORTANT! REMEMBER: It is vitally important to re-check the polarity of anyone who is using the machine for balancing. If the polarity of the user is NEGATIVE, they will NOT get benefit from using the machine because the body will resist the frequencies. If they will cross their legs and arms for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day, that should help keep the polarity positive. It is strongly suggested that you re-check Cell To Cell and Energy Center balance at least once a day with anyone you are working with.
TO CHECK FOOD OR NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS: There are two ways to check food or supplements for impurities or contaminants. You can place a bottle of supplements or remedy on the surface of the MR. If the pointer rotates clockwise, the product is clear. If it rotates counter clockwise, something is contaminated or tainted. It may be the container. If there are tablets or capsules, take one out and place it on the receiver plate and check. If a powder form, place a small amount on a clean piece of paper on the surface of the receiver plate. If it checks clear (clockwise rotation of pointer) you know it was the container and not the contents. You can then check to see if the product would be beneficial to you at that time by placing two fingers on the surface of the MR while the bottle or sample is on it. If counter-clockwise, at that time you would not benefit from that product at that time. If the pointer rotates clockwise, that product would benefit you. TO FIND CORRECT DOSAGE for you at that time: Place one tablet/capsule at a time on the surface of the MR along with your two fingers. When the pointer reverses (rotates counter clockwise) take one tablet/capsule off and that is the correct dosage for you at that time. You will want to check the correct dosage for you at your discretion. In the initial check of the food/supplement you get a counter clockwise rotation, you can purify the product with the Food/Supplement Purification number and recheck. When clear, proceed to see if it will benefit you and find the correct dosage. You can clear multiple bottles or canisters by placing them all on an aluminum tray or pan and attaching the EMT machine using the food/supplement purification number. Plug the EMT into power. It will usually check clear after 15-30 minutes. It is not necessary to use the ground wire during this procedure.
You may also check food products such as fruit, produce, etc for contaminants or impurities. If negative, you can clear them in a stainless bowl. These will usually clear in 20-30 minutes but be sure to re-check for purity. You can check any food products for purity and see if it will benefit you. You may place a wire with an alligator clip attached to a plate in the top plug on the MR and place your bottles/food/ etc on that plate. You may also attach the plate to your body, or that of your subject while placing the sample supplement/food on the surface of the MR to see if it will be beneficial. This eliminates the need to place two fingers on the surface. The Food/Supplement Balancing number is at the bottom of the Supplementary frequencies sheet.
To make from frequencies from the charts: Use distilled water. Preferably in dark colored bottles with droppers.
To use frequencies from our charts: Dial the desired frequencies into the EMT. You may combine frequencies and put multiple into the solution at once. DO NOT plug the EMT to power without dialing the desired frequencies on the EMT. Plug the red or green cord into the OUT jack of the EMT. Plug the EMT in for 10-15 seconds. The frequency will be then be transferred into the water solution.
To make homeopathic from herbs/vitamins/minerals/liquid, tablets or capsules or other supplements: Make certain the product you are transferring into the solution is pure by checking it with the Magnetic Receiver. If it is not, use purification frequency for 20 minutes before transferring. SET ALL DIALS TO 0. Then put one of the cords with plates attached (either green or red) into the IN jack and one in the OUT jack. Place the bottle of distilled water you want the frequency transferred into on the plate from the OUT jack. Put a cord in the IN jack and attach a plate to it. Place the substance (tablet, capsule or liquid) you want to transfer on the plate from the IN jack.
DO NOT plug the EMT to power until you have a bottle of distilled water on the plate from the OUT jack AND the substance you want to transfer on the plate from the IN jack. Then plug the EMT to power for 15 seconds. The frequencies will be transferred into the water solution in the bottle. Check for correct dosages (in droppersful) by using the Magnetic Receiver as previously instructed. Frequencies can be added to any liquid you desire to drink by using the above procedures.
You may also duplicate homeopathic formulas by putting all dials at 0 then plate the bottle of clear solution on the OUT plate and the bottle you want to duplicate on the IN plate. THEN plug in the EMT. In 15 seconds you have a duplicate in frequency. As with all homeopathic products, it is necessary to sharply tap the bottle on your palm about 20 times prior to each use.
My purpose in contacting you is to establish a healthy lifestyle and nutritional program, which supports wellness and health. I understand that you are not a licensed medical practitioner and that you do not diagnose, treat or make any recommendations for the treatment of any disease and that my purpose for contacting you is not with the intention to seek treatment for a disease.
I understand that my response to any suggestions that you offer is entirely voluntary on my part. I understand that improving my lifestyle and nutritional elements is not a medical treatment or a treatment for disease conditions. I do understand that the human body has the ability to heal and correct itself when in perfect balance and as such I seek to provide my body with the resources that will supports the body’s natural healing process.
I understand that this program does not replace any advice from my medical doctor or other health care professionals. That any review of my health condition is purely an adjunct analysis and as such is subordinate to the health, medical opinions and recommendations provided by my physician and other health care professionals.
I understand that this program is also not intended to conflict with any treatments or medical procedures recommended by my medical doctor. I also understand that any equipment you may suggest for my use is intended for my personal research and evaluation and that any such equipment is cannot detect any disease nor does it treat any disease.
I do understand that any information or data you provide I may use to balance energy in my cells according to the ”ohms law of relativity.” I understand that you make no medical claims and any use of this information or equipment is for my research only.
Name (Please Print) ____________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________________
If ordered by your referral directly from the company the cost for machine is $1250.00 The referrer will receive a $400 rebate on each machine ordered at retail at the end of the month. The referrer must purchase one machine at retail, Thereafter, the cost to the referrer is $830 UPS ground for each machine. Overnight delivery is an extra $20.
Wire transfer to Hemisphere National Bank 8600 NW 36th St Miami, FL 33166 ABA 066-010-351 Swift #HEMSUS3M. For credit to Global Bank Of Commerce, St. Johns, Antigua, West Indies SWIFT Code SWIBAGAG Account #010068227. For final credit to Account #1839611 in the name of Global Ventures, Inc. 4 Centre Court, St Johns, Antigua Get a copy of the wire transfer confirmation from your bank and fax along with shipping instructions to 603-792-9835. As soon as receipt of the funds is confirmed, the machine will be shipped.
If you fail to fax the bank wire confirmation and shipping instructions, the shipping will be held up until these are received.
Follow these directions explicitly. Take this to your bank. This is what they need to wire the funds.
The cost of the machine is $1250 delivered to your door. $1275 to get the fastest delivery. Go to your bank and give them these instructions: Shipments other than the US are additional charges.
Wire transfer to Hemisphere National Bank 8600 NW 36th St Miami, FL 33166 ABA # 066-010-351 Swift #HEMSUS3M. For credit to Global Bank Of Commerce, St. Johns, Antigua, West Indies SWIFT Code SWIBAGAG Account #010068227. For final credit to Account #1839611 in the name of Global Ventures, Inc. 4 Centre Court, St Johns, Antigua. Get a copy of the wire transfer confirmation from your bank and fax along with shipping instructions to 603-792-9835. State who referred you to the company. As soon as receipt of the funds is confirmed, the machine will be shipped.
Failure to fax the bank wire confirmation and shipping instructions will hold up delivery until these are received.
Do not place the machine on a table as someone could trip on the cord it fall onto the floor. Machine uses 110 house current. Set dials per settings given on evaluation results sheet. The dials are set from left to right beginning with the top row. The top or 1st row is at the end marked For Research Only. Plug the red or pink lead that splits into two leads with alligator clips into the OUT at bottom of machine. Put a small piece of Velcro on the back of the metal plates. Attach the plates so they are against the skin such as an Ace bandage or other wrap. (You can also attach it to the inside lining of your underwear) Then attach the alligator clip on the wire to the metal plate. If the machine is being used by a very small child or infant, you can make a pad approx 14 inches by 20 inches (or any dimension you want) with 4 or 5 layers of aluminum foil and attach the plate and wire to this and put it under a pillow or sheet for the child to lay on. This method can also be used to put under pets bedding. Next attach the green wire into the GROUND at the right top of the machine. Attach the clip to another plate and affix it to your body in the same manner. (if attaching to a pad for a child or pet, the ground wire is not necessary. Next plug the machine into the wall. You will feel no sensation at all or hear anything. There is no danger of shock as the output is less than ¼ watt of energy. The electro magnetic balancing frequencies will go throughout the body. Should the person need to go off machine for a few minutes, they can just unplug the wire from the OUT and re-plug again to use. Occasionally check the dials to see if the setting are still as you set them because someone or a child could tamper with it. If you must travel by auto, you may purchase an AC-DC converter from Pep Boys or other automotive suppliers for around $50.
After 48 hours use on the machine, contact the person evaluating you and request a re-evaluation.
To test to see if the machine is working: Have someone touch you while the machine is connected to the wall outlet and to your body with the voltage sensor. Touch the body with the black end of the sensor. Hold down the yellow button and the red light will come on and stay on if the unit is working properly. If the light does not stay on, you may have a reversed polarity in the wall outlet. You may just reverse the plug or the wiring in the wall outlet.
(This may be reproduced without permission)
Today, everyone is looking for the “cure” for the insidious disease called cancer. This story is about “my cure from cancer”. This is story can be told many times over by many others that I know. There is no single treatment/remedy for cancer. As I know it, with most traditional treatment, most people still do not survive. Please bear in mind that cancer is a disease that is deep rooted and takes years to manifest itself. As result, permanent lifestyle changes as well as a good diet and proper nutritional supplementation is necessary to restore and maintain a strong immune system. One must be willing to make these changes in life.
Today, hundreds of cancer afflicted persons and doctors are beginning to use this machine and learn of its value. I pray as you read this you will forget any past experience with the treatment of cancer or what you have come to believe. Just because you haven’t seen it, heard it, or experienced it does not mean it doesn’t work.
I wish to share my story of cancer recovery. I hope you will not take this information lightly as it is truthful in every respect. I am 54 years of age, married with a beautiful wife with 4 adult kids, one son 4 years old and 4 grandchildren. On May 5, 1999 I got the news, I had advanced malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Biopsy revealed a large diffused mass in my retroperitoneal section (low abdomen) wrapped around the aorta and it was encroaching on the right ureter from the right kidney. Later evaluation showed it had already spread to my bones, the small intestines and bladder. Doctors said surgery or radiation was not an option because of the aorta. Chemotherapy was the only option. I have known dozens of people who went through chemo with horrendous side effects just to eventually die anyway. The last six months of their life were pure agony. I also realized that those who choose not to be treated live 4 times longer than those who undergo substances that further damage the immune system when it is already compromised. The doctors told me I had from 3 to 6 months to live.
I immediately went to Texas for evaluation by a family friend who has a cancer clinic in Mexico. He had over 85% remission rate and I had visited him at his clinic 9 years ago. He confirmed the cancer and told me I would be lucky to live over 4 months without treatment. After getting information on his therapy, I returned home to make my decision.
A friend contacted me who told me about a frequency machine that had excellent results with cancers. I had heard about this technology about 20 years and knew someone who was cured with one 16 years ago. I contacted the company and ordered a machine. After testing the DNA of the blood, I was given a setting to use on the machine. It is non-invasive and simple to use. After one week I was re-tested and told my cancer was clear. I returned to Texas for re-testing by the doctor friend there, he confirmed there were no malignant cells in my body. He said it must be divine intervention. Then I told him about the machine.
In the meantime a close friend of mine at church also was diagnosed with cancer in five areas of his body. He went to the same doctor in Texas who confirmed this. In fact, his overall health was so poor the doctor in Texas wouldn't even treat him. However, Mike got a machine and after one week was re-tested and shown no cancer. In July 1999 I went back to the hospital (a different doctor and different hospital) for another biopsy and test. Gallium scans of my lymph system showed no cancer. The first CAT scan that was done before the biopsy did not reveal any tumor. Finally the radiologist said he did see something and was going to biopsy it. A week later the doctor told me some tests were negative others were inconclusive and they were unable to get enough tissue to make a biopsy. My doctors were completely stunned! That was 3 ½ years ago.
My sister, Esther was diagnosed with 3 tumors in her right lung by Shands Hospital at the University of Florida. They wanted to remove 2 lobes of her lung and do chemo and radiation. After 1 week on the machine her cancer was clear. She has returned for biopsy and CT scans revealed no tumors in her lungs.
I know many others who have had the same results. The machine does not treat cancer, rather it re-balances the energy in the cells and the body very rapidly heals itself. Still, one must get to the root cause of the cancer. That must be addressed by proper diet and nutrition. Fortunately, we have excellent guidance there. Also, if there is too much damage by the disease or a treatment to vital organs such as kidneys, liver, pancreas, etc the machine will not help regenerate tissue quickly enough to save the person. The best subject would be one who has had very little chemo or radiation.
Please don't dismiss this just because you or your doctor haven’t heard of it. What if the world rejected electricity when Thomas Edison invented it in 1887 just because no one had ever heard of it before. Just because they are not aware of it doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Although I do not sell it, I can give you information how to obtain the machine. I can give you references to others that have had excellent results. There are now 6 persons in our church who are now cancer free. I believe God led me to the frequency machine. If you would like to speak with me, my phone is (904) 783-8915 or you may E mail me at flaflyboy54@. Simply ask for information on the EMT machine and state where you heard about it. May God bless you,
Dan Thomas
Scientists tell us all life is energetic. Everything in the universe is energy. We are energetic beings. These energies have specific frequencies. In fact, every cell in your body has a specific frequency. This makes up our individual energy field. God says we are wonderfully and fearfully made. God gave each of us an internal regulatory or balancing system that is designed to maintain a state of good health. However, throughout our lives we are exposed to many abnormal or negative frequencies through what we touch, eat, drink and breathe. This may be intentional or inadvertent. Our body eliminates many of the negative frequencies but some are stored in the cells causing imbalances in our energy field that disrupts or hampers the self-healing processes. The presence of abnormal or negative frequencies in our bodies does not any way indicate any disease process. However, the environment to create the disease process is now in place and the probability of the disease in future months or years is real.
Back in the 1930’s, Dr. Royal Rife discovered that every fungus, bacteria, germ, pathogen, or virus, in fact everything has a frequency. He learned that if you could detect the negative frequency in the body and generate it from an outside source and apply it to the cell, it would neutralize or negate the abnormal or negative frequency. This is how the noise canceling headsets pilots use in flight work. The University of Southern California gave him 16 terminal patients, and under the watchful eye of their doctors, he cured all 16. However, the medical society could not let this information get out, so it was suppressed for nearly 50 years.
The “energetic evaluation” of your body will indicate any abnormal or negative frequencies in the body. Some of these may correlate with a disease or disorder however the EMT does not treat disease. What is does is negate or neutralize the abnormal negative frequencies. This brings the body into proper energetic balance and the body then has the ability to heal itself.
With proper diet and nutritional support one can rebuild and restore the immune system so the body can maintain optimal health in the future. Permanent dietary changes, proper supplementation and lifestyle changes are necessary.
Proper balancing of ones Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual life are of utmost importance!
First of all, the machine is called EMT. Although this technology is approved medically in other countries, it is not approved by the FDA. The machine is not sold in the U.S., thus you must order as directed. It is for your personal research only.
The machine emits electro magnetic sound waves or frequencies. The machine does not treat any disease rather it removes or negates abnormal negative frequencies. This balances the body and restores and reinforces the internal regulatory system so our body has the ability to heal itself and maintain good health. There aren't any brochures or anything else printed. It is not a Rife Machine but is a frequency machine. You may read of the research behind frequency technology on the internet at
. Any machines sold at the websites is not the EMT machine we speak about here.
Imbalances may occur again in a month or two. A maintenance schedule on the machine is advised. Proper diet and nutritional support is important to restore the immune system. You can even sleep with the machine on or buy an adaptor for your car and go for a ride while you are on the machine. It is totally non-invasive.
And you do not have to go anywhere. You can stay home and get better. A 10 year old kid can hook you up.......It is simple.
You are evaluated from a sample of blood or saliva. The DNA of your blood or saliva carries the specific signature of your DNA. The equipment we have will analyze the electronic charges of your DNA and will determine what negative frequencies you have and what correlates to that particular frequency.
The person evaluating your imbalances will tell you how to set the dials on the machine. These settings will be specific for you. This is done every 48 hours until the different imbalances come down to ZERO. The initial evaluation is $100 and each re-evaluation is $50.
We have a health recovery regimen written by Dr. Robert E Willner, author of “The Cancer Solution”. We strongly urge everyone who has been diagnosed by medical doctors with cancer to adhere strictly to this regimen for at least 30 days. Supplementation must be done indefinitely. If I may be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to call me or the person who sent you this information.
DIET and proper nutrition are the most important factors in wellness recovery. The Health Recover Regimen was designed for persons with cancer. The supplementation has been revised after much clinical studies involving many products. The ones listed below have proven to be the most effective and affordable. One must remember that if one is not willing to make permanent lifestyle changes, one could expect to have recurrent health problems.
ELIMINATE: THIS IS A MUST FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS: All fried foods, pork, all red meats, (if it had a face on it, don’t eat it!) all flour products, white rice (brown rice OK), all refined sugar products, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverage, all preserved meats, all chips (potato etc), smoked meats of any kind, cured meats, pickled foods (these contain nitrites and nitrates which can cause mutagens leading to stomach or esophageal cancers), all artificial sweeteners, all fast foods (these are loaded with preservatives) It would be well if we could eliminate these foods from our diet totally.
EAT: THE FIRST 30 DAYS: It is best for the first 30 days to eliminate any solid foods and drink all the fresh vegetables juices you want. If you eat anything, make it raw vegetables (except carrots). This will expedite the cleansing and healing process and you will still be strong with this and the other supplements. Although you will lose weight on this regimen the first few weeks, you will regain muscle mass. If is best to eliminate everything in the fermentation process such as anything with sugar in it, yeast products, and vinegar ingredients.
AFTER 30 DAYS: Eat fresh vegetables (raw or lightly steamed) such as cabbage, greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, maitake and shitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, beans or lentils of any type, brown rice, irish potatoes, whole wheat pastas, lasagna are OK, fresh raw nuts, fruits, and occasionally cold water ocean fish
DRINK: (SEE BELOW) NON CHLORINATED WATER PREFERABLY ALKALINE WATER: This expedites cleansing (Drink 1 oz for each 2 lbs of body weight per day), Drink 24 oz per day by juicing celery, some carrots (after cancer in remission) , kale, or spinach broccoli, tomatoes, along with a couple of apples and lemon juice. Use organic vegetables and fruit if all possible. Drink 8-10 glasses of alkaline water each day. Eliminate all carbonated beverages. If you drink 1 soft drink, you must then drink 32 glasses of pure water to offset the acid content of the one soft drink.
*** PH BALANCING – VERY IMPORTANT. Everyone with cancer has an acid pH. Cancer thrives in this state. Eat only alkaline foods (most of above) and drink if at all possible alkaline water. You may purchase the A-Z Antioxidant Water Fountain machine from Essential Wellness Health Ministry (888) 447-2206. Mention Dan Thomas name. Cost around $800.
*** PAU D ARCO TEA – This is a must for everyone with cancer. Affordable – Purchase from Roger DeLong at (909) 678-1700. WWW. pau-d- Reference Dan Thomas
*** CLEANSING THE COLON: The first most important factor is cleansing the colon. One cannot properly detoxify the body without first cleansing the colon. It is strongly suggested that you cleanse the colon for at least 1 week before beginning the remainder of the program. This will expedite cleansing and increase absorption. It is strongly suggested you have colonics. If not coffee enemas twice daily would be very beneficial. An ideal colon cleanser is from Dr. Richard Schulze (800) 437-2362 Ask for Intestinal Formula #1 and Formula #2.
*** SUPER FOODS --- VERY IMPORTANT – Take this in 2 shakes per day of the juice along with the Power Meal below. Provides vitally essential nutrients. Order from (800) 437-2362.
*** POWER MEAL - all vegetarian meal replacement or supplement. Has powerful herbs for immune stimulation. 2 scoops twice daily with vegetable juice, orange juice or water. Helps with maintaining or regaining needed weight. Order at wholesale by registering as a distributor from Young Living Essential Oils at (800) 763-9963 Give Dan Thomas ID 286542 as sponsor.
** FLAX OIL - Essential fatty acids -Get liquid form from health food store take 1 tablespoon 3 -4 times per day. MUST be taken with non-fat yogurt or 1 tablespoon cottage cheese to emulsify the oil. You may substitute L Methionine or L Cysteine from your health food store for the yogurt or cottage cheese.
** PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES - Trypsin and Chymotrypsin “VERY IMPORTANT” (Get at your health food store) The best brand is called ”Inflazyme Forte” by American Biologics. these break down mucus membrane wall of cells, thus permitting nutrients to enter. May be used in combination with other enzymes. Take 2 BETWEEN MEALS and at bedtime.
*** #170 Tumor Drops – Homeopathic dissolves tumors. Call Deanne Reynolds at (503) 357-2464 tell you were referred by Dan Thomas. About $15… a must product! Ask about Green tea drops!
** Essiac or Native Legend Tea …. Powerful against all cancers made famous by Rene Caissie. Strong internal cleanser and detoxifier. Strengthens immune system. Drink 2 oz 2-3 times per day with nothing to eat 2 hours before or 1 hour after taking. Order from Enrich International (800) 307-3366 Give reference number 231-66-6631.
*** Black Salve Capsules - Cancerolytic, viricidal herbal formula. This formula has been added because of tremendous results with all cancers. Follow directions on bottle. Purchase from manufacturer at (800) 256-2253 Mention Dan Thomas. To dissolve tumors. Available in tablets or topical for tumors that can be seen or felt beneath the surface of the skin.
*** Apricot Kernals – Tremendous for tumor reduction – anticancer properties Order from Manufacturer at (800) 256-2253. Chew 1 for every 5 lbs of body weight. Divide in 5 dosages.
Immune 26 – The most powerful immune stimulant we have evaluated. YOU MUST GET ON THIS PRODUCT. Share this product as a distributor with everyone you know and get yours FREE. Head and shoulders above the others. Contact Dan Thomas at (904) 783-8915. Reference ID 552422.
LIV 52 – A MUST for liver involvement. Tremendous liver detoxicant and rejuvenator 120 tablets $30 Septilin - Immune modulator 80 tablets $30 Order these from National Institute of Self Healing At (623) 875-9441
VASCU STATIN – Inhibits angiogenesis or formation of tumors and helps dissolve tumors. Ask your doctor or health store to order for you from Allergy Research Group, Hayward, CA. Tremendous product!
REMEMBER: There is an underlying cause for all disease. Stop taking in unnatural substances, eliminate impurities from the body, give it all the nutrients it needs and the body will achieve optimal health.
The above regimen was written by Dr. Robert E. Willner and an associate. Dr. Willner, MD, Ph’d, ND authored “The Cancer Solution.” Much of the above regimen was written about in Dr. Willner’s book.
If you have questions about any of the above, contact Dan Thomas at (904) 783-8915.
Reprint from the Health Victory Bulletin
Published by Arlin J Brown Information Center Ft Belvoir, VA
This is a surprisingly simple treatment for cancer, discovered by Richard R. Vensel, D.D.S. 740 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, Pa (412) 341-2187.
Cooked asparagus must be used because raw asparagus contains cholinerase, an enzyme harmful to cancer patients; asparagin, an alkaloid poison; and a substance that destroys an enzyme essential for the operation of the nerves. Canned asparagus works just as good as fresh or cooked. Green Giant or Stokley's are among the best, because they do not contain preservatives or additives, except salt, but any brand could be used, if necessary. The cheapest form is the "cut spears." An unsalted asparagus is available in jars. Some people prefer the health food store variety. To prepare: Open the container and dump the entire contents into blender. Liquefy at high speed to make a puree, put in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid, and store in refrigerator. Some people mash asparagus with a potato masher, drink the juice, and discard the pulp, instead of using the blender method. Green asparagus is probably more nutritious than white.
Preferably on an empty stomach, the patient takes four tablespoons in the morning and four tablespoons at night. (No food for an hour later) It also may be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. One doctor recommends two or three tablespoons three times a day. Larger amounts can do no harm, and may be needed sometimes. Patients usually improve or begin to feel better within 2 to 4 weeks. The treatment should continue for at least 6 to 12 months, or until diagnosis show no symptoms and tests are negative. Then take a preventive dose of two tablespoons in the morning and two tablespoons in the evening. (It may be suggested even if you are totally healthy to do this)
No harmful side effects have been reported, but asparagus is not effective and may be harmful, if any mustard gas drugs have been used. Also be sure to use promptly. If a batch is not used up within a week or less, discard. Since it is a non-acid vegetable, it can presumably develop botulism if kept too long after removing it from the container or package. A slight bubbling may or may not be noted. There is no odor or off-taste.
Although the active anti-cancer agent in asparagus isn't known with certainty, there are several theories. According to biochemist Karl B. Lutz, 653 Racine Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa 15216, in a letter to "Prevention" magazine, February, 1974: "Asparagus contains a good supply of proteins called 'histones' that are believed to be active in controlling cell growth. For that reason I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call Cell Growth Normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic." He also mentions a woman who got rid of seven advanced skin cancers within 3 months after starting on asparagus. She was also cured of kidney disease, for which she had over 30 operations for kidney stones and was receiving government disability payments for "a terminal kidney condition--inoperable." Asparagus has been used as remedy for kidney stones for hundreds of years and is known as a kidney cleanser. He outlines other case histories and mentions that he would have had more, but "the Medical Establishment has interfered with our obtaining some records." (As usual!) He is appealing for many case histories that will overwhelm the medical skepticism. Such a case history must include 1) the fact that cancer was diagnosed by a medical doctor, 2) the fact that asparagus was used, and 3) the fact that x-ray or other examination has proven that the cancer is cured. Mr. Lutz is not set up to answer questions by mail.
Many cancer patients have completely recovered using asparagus, according to Dr. Vensel, who himself had an eye tumor, suffered from Hodgkin's disease and had an obstruction in his intestines. With the asparagus method, the tumor disappeared and after one year, his doctor could find no trace of cancer. One man's lung cancer was so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeons sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. A month later, tests revealed all signs of cancer had disappeared.
The itemized with stars are the most important. If you need, you may contact Dan Thomas at (904) 783-8915. If you have cancer, you must realize there has to be permanent lifestyle changes in diet and supplementation.
Dan’s Cell phone number for tomorrow: (904) 318-1979.
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