BASIC 6 - Amazon S3


In today’s society, there are many stressors that deplete us, the soil and our food of nutrients.

Stress, fatigue, physical exertion, processed foods and poor dietary habits rob our bodies of good nutrition. Pesticides, herbicides, air pollution, acid rain and poor agricultural practices deplete the soil and the food of nutrition. That is why it is essential for everyone from baby to senior to take supplements. The following “Basic 6” are the Essential supplements that we at Hampton Family Chiropractic encourage all of our patients to take. We even take these as well! These six supplements provide a strong nutritional foundation for the maintenance of good health. If your body becomes deficient in any one single nutrient, imbalance will occur and your health will suffer. Think of the “Basic 6” as your nutrient insurance policy, ensuring that your body has full coverage of all the nutrients it needs.

The 6 Core Essentials:

1. GREENS + - an all natural whole food supplement providing all of the vitamins and minerals the body needs for optimal health. Greens + is high in fiber, chlorophyll and is perfect for increasing energy, improving digestion, boosting immunity and gently detoxifying the body.

SUPER ORTI VITE - high potency multi vitamin mineral complex loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes for preventing nutrient deficiencies and maintaining overall health and well being.

2. SUPER CAL MAG - a highly absorbable calcium magnesium supplement designed to prevent osteoporosis and muscle cramping. Also acts to alkalize the body.

3. SUPER EFA LIQUID - an omega fatty acid formula that supports the skin, nervous system, hormonal system, cardiovascular system, immune system, digestive system and joints.

4. C1000 – powerful vitamin C containing natural bioflavonoids to reduce inflammation, prevent infections and to boost the immune system.

5. HMF PROBIOTIC - probiotic supplement restores healthy intestinal flora, promotes regular bowel function, improves digestion and supports the immune support

6. ACE+SELENIUM - powerful antioxidant complex that minimizes damage to cells and tissues preventing early aging, heart disease and cancer.



Not all supplements are created equal. Many poor quality products found in stores contain harmful additives ranging from sugar, hydrogenated oil and sodium to dyes, pesticides, shellac (to coat tablets), lead and arsenic. Furthermore, many commercial products are not standardized resulting in many “empty” tablets or capsules containing mainly starches and fillers. There is little value in many mainstream products. Some vitamin tablets will actually pass through the system undigested!

The supplements that you will find at Hampton Family Chiropractic are well researched, well tested, high end professional products that are free of chemical preservatives, fillers, lubricants and binders. Only the purest, highest quality, natural ingredients are used and the products are standardized ensuring each supplement contains exactly what is written on the label. The product lines that we carry are government approved and tested for quality and assurance, as well as for the absence of heavy metals, bacteria, yeast, mold and other contaminants.




As an awareness of holistic health continues to grow, people are now deciding to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. The health and supplement recommendations provided in this package serve as a basic guideline for the average person. However, many people have health concerns, questions and goals require professional nutritional advice and guidance.

Natasha Villeneuve R.N.C.P. is available at Hampton Family Chiropractic to provide such advice and guidance. Natasha specializes in creating vibrant health by providing personalized, realistic and effective nutritional lifestyle advice to suit each individual. Rather than treating each disease symptom, Natasha searches for and works to balance the underlying cause of the problem. The root cause of many disease symptoms is very often nutrition related and once the body is provided with a strong nutritional foundation, it often heals itself.

Live blood analysis is an assessment tool that Natasha uses in her practice which looks at a drop of blood taken by finger-prick, under high magnification. It is used for preventative health because it reveals signs of illness such as certain nutrient deficiencies, immune dysfunction, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, toxicity, etc. long before serious illness develops. Blood is the river of life transporting oxygen and nutrients to your cells and tissues. Disease occurs when the cells are damaged and malnourished due to congestion (undigested food, bacteria, chemicals, parasites and toxins) in the blood. Come and see for yourself (on a monitor), whether your blood is promoting health or hindering it. Then, as a part of the consultation, you will be given the power to turn your health around through PERSONALIZED nutrition, cleansing, supplement and lifestyle advice. With a follow-up consultation, you can actually see your progress right before your eyes.

Nutritional counseling with live blood cell analysis is for those who desire to improve their current health regime for the prevention of disease or to correct imbalances. Any individual who is committed to his or her own health & well being and who is ready for a fabulous new way of life will benefit from personalized holistic nutrition guidance. Personalized nutrition and lifestyle measures often show success with such following ailments:


• Arthritis

• Asthma

• Depression & anxiety

• Digestive disorders & upset

• Fatigue, Body Aches & Low energy

• Headaches & migraine

• High Blood pressure

• High Cholesterol

• Hypoglycemia & Diabetes

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohns & Colitis

• Infections & Congestion

• Inflammatory conditions

• Insomnia & Hyperactivity

• Kidney stones

• Poor concentration & learning difficulties

Skin & hair problems

Weight problems

• Women’s issues

and many more…



(Please note that this is simply a suggested general guideline and is not intended as a medical treatment plan. You may wish to consult your health care practitioner or nutritional consultant before starting any nutritional program.)


• Arnica - homeopathic remedy used to heal injury from sprains, strains & contusions at a cellular level

• Arnicalm cream – a homeopathic cream for relief of pain associated with bruising and injuries. Taken together with Arnica pellets, Arnicalm accelerates the healing process.

• Cal Mag Liquid - excellent remineralization for immediate relief of muscle cramps and spasms.

• Calcium Magnesium Citrimate - a calcium magnesium supplement containing malic acid for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

• LSP Spasmol – calcium & magnesium supplement with herbs that reduce muscle spasms and calm the nerves. Great for pain, swelling, strains, spasms, cramps, insomnia, anxiety, depression and menstrual cramps.


• Allergiplex - a homeopathic product designed to help aid with symptoms of seasonal allergies

• C1000 - the purest source of vitamin C containing natural bioflavonoids to reduce inflammation, prevent infections and boost the immune system

• Echinacea Mix- a blend of Echinacea herbs that support the immune system

• Primal Defense - nature’s first probiotic containing homeostatic soil-based organisms (HSO’s) loaded with pant based minerals and iron for optimal intestinal function

• QC Nasal Spray - a natural homeopathic blend to relieve sneezing, stuffy nose irritation, watery discharge and headaches associated with seasonal allergies.


• BIO B12 + folic - great tasting sublingual formula prepared with intrinsic factor for quick and efficient absorption.

• Hemagenics - a non-constipating iron formula that supports formation and maintenance of healthy red blood cells

• Greens + – a natural, whole food supplement high in minerals and chlorophyll which help build healthy red blood cells

• Liquid Multivit + Iron – an easily absorbed liquid iron supplement containing iron extract along with B vitamins.


• Griffonia 5HTP - used successfully for over 30 years due to its ability to increase the production of serotonin in the brain. Very effective in mild depression and anxiety states.

• LSP Spasmol – calcium & magnesium supplement with herbs that reduce muscle spasms and calm the nerves. Great for pain, swelling, strains, spasms, cramps, insomnia, anxiety, depression and menstrual cramps.

• Melatonin – helps to treat moderate to severe insomnia

• Sedaplex – a herbal blend of valerian root, hops, chamomile and passion flower for stress, nervousness, insomnia and restless mind.

• Super Cal Mag – taken at night before bed will help to relax the muscles and body.


• AR Encap a natural product effective for pain and swelling associated with osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate and chonroitin sulfate help repair damaged cartilage while MSM, boswelli, prickly ash and devil’s claw reduce pain and inflammation.

• Glucosamine Complex – contains the highest concentration and purest, most absorbable form of glucosamine, mucopolysaccharides and other essential nutrients for the repair of joints, cartilage and connective tissue, and also to reduce inflammation.

• Kaprex a natural anti-inflammatory that provides long-lasting natural joint relief that is easy on the gastrointestinal tract.

• Ultra InflamX nutritional support for inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disorders, joint, skin or G.I. inflammation and chronic fatigue. Comes with a diet and lifestyle program guide.


• Candicin controls systemic candida, H. pylori, fungal and yeast infections while soothing the intestinal tract and supporting normal microflora. (Also great for sinus infections)

• Citrigen - a pure concentration of grapefruit seed extract along with synergistic herbs that limit the reproduction of germs, parasites, fungi, streptococcus and staphylococcus related to bladder, vaginal and intestinal infections

• Cranberry Plus – helps to flush out bacteria in urinary, kidney and bladder infections.

• HMF Forte – strong probiotic formula that balances the body’s own bacterial levels and supports healthy immunity.


• Amino LY - provides a high concentration of lysine for excellent prevention and treatment of cold sores and canker sores


• Cal Mag liquid – helps to regulate and normalize heart beat and blood pressure.

• CO-Q10 Plus – cardio protective formula excellent for patients that suffer from fatigue, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems; increases oxygenation of the heart tissue; been shown to prevent recurrences in those who have had heart attacks.

• E400 Emulsified - provides a naturally emulsified vitamin E for maximum absorption and utilization and to assist in the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular and immune system

• ICHOL – aids in the removal of fat from the liver and arteries, reduces cholesterol and aids in fat digestion

• Multi EFA – essential fatty acid formula key to healthy cardiovascular health

• Niasitol – a safe non-flushing formula of niacin for enhancing circulation and improving cholesterol levels in the blood

• O.P.C. 100 – supports the synthesis of collagen and elastin, reinforcing the structure of the vascular tissue.


• Arnicalm homeopathic – relieves pain associated with injuries and accelerates the healing process in babies and children

• Camilia homeopathic – for redness, pain and irritability due to teething in babies 1-30 months

• Children’s Chewable – provides a great tasting orange and papaya flavored combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids in the proper ratio required by children for efficient utilization for assisting and promoting overall health

• Cocyntal homeopathic – for cramps and pain associated with colic in babies 1-30 months

• Coryzalia homeopathic – for symptoms of colds and ear infections in babies 6-36 months

• HMF powder - a highly concentrated, ratio-specific combination of human-sourced lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium essential to the proper developments of a child’s immune and digestive system. Perfect remedy for diarrhea, constipation and infections.

• HMF Nutrogen - a highly concentrated, ratio-specific combination of human-sourced lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium infantis essential to the proper developments of a newborn’s immune and digestive system. One scoop daily is essential for either the breast-fed and bottle-fed infants from birth up to one year of age.

• Pediatrivite – liquid multivitamin-mineral supplement for children

• UltraCare for Kids - high quality nutritional support food drink mix for children with food sensitivity related conditions such as asthma, diarrhea, eczema, hives, rhinitis. Comes with parent guide explaining product use and diet recommendations.


• Coryzalia homeopathic – for relief of symptoms of colds and infections

• ACE+ Selenium – antioxidants which boost immuninty and white blood cells

• Echinacea Mix - immune support for conditions associated with viral or bacterial infections including bronchitis, swollen lymph glands, colds, flues and herpes. for effective prevention during flu season, take twice daily for 4-6 weeks, discontinue for 2 weeks & repeat as necessary.)

• JUT-U-SIN - a homeopathic cough syrup that is also effective as an expectorant

• Oscillococcinum homeopathic - excellent, safe remedy for prevention and treatment of the flu (For prevention take one unit per week throughout winter. For treatment of symptoms, take ½ unit every 3 hours at onset of symptoms such as chills, fever and aches. Always take 10 min away from food or drink.)

• Zinc lozenges - a chewable/sublingual lozenge scientifically proven to kill viruses associated with sore throats


• ACE+Selenium – basic antioxidant formula to protect tissues from free radicals caused by exercise and stress.

• B Complex- a broad spectrum B-complex to help reduce stress, support adrenals and increase energy. (most effective when taken together with vitamin C)

• Cell Food – a fabulous supplement containing oxygen, minerals and enzymes necessary for energy production, cellular function, mental clarity, immunity, and more.

• Exhilirin – ayurvedic herbal formula that supports the adrenal glands and helps promote energy,stamina and endurance

• Greens+ & Greens+ Extra Energy – whole food supplement providing natural food based vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed for every function in the body.

• Maca Spirit – adrenal and endocrine support; helps balance hormones, increases sexual desire and improves energy and stamina

• Super Cal Mag – Mineral formula for the prevention of muscle cramps and bone fractures.


(Note: Before embarking on a detoxification program, it is best to consult with your holistic nutritional consultant for individualized guidance.)

• Advaclear – provides nutritional support during detoxification (should be used with all of the Ultraclear products)

• Greens+ - natural whole food supplement providing a complete spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber needed for proper detoxification and optimum nutritional status.

• S.A.T.or T.A.P.S– herbal formula that supports and strengthens the liver and promotes liver detoxification

• UltraClear - a natural medicinal food powder that supports healthy liver detoxification, removing harmful toxins associated with alcohol or chemical addictions, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, food or chemical sensitivities and migraines. Comes with a program guide containing diet recommendations.

• UltraClear Plus - a natural medicinal food powder that support healthy liver detoxification to those who have impaired or compromised phase II detoxification capacity. Comes with a program guide containing dietary recommendations.

• UltraClearGI - a natural medicinal food powder designed to nutritionally support people with G.I. problems such as leaky gut, digestive disorders, dysbiosis, IBS and chronic fatigue. Comes with a program guide containing dietary recommendations.

• UltraClearpH - a natural medicinal food powder that supports healthy liver detoxification, removing harmful toxins while balancing the body’s pH for optimal health and energy. Comes with a program guide containing diet recommendations.

• UltraInflamX - a natural medicinal food powder that offers support for people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune dysfunction, inflammation of skin, joints or G.I. tract and chronic fatigue. Comes with a program guide containing dietary recommendations


• Ichol - a combination of lipotropic factors and herbs that help to regulate fat metabolism. By supporting liver and gall bladder function, Ichol helps to control excess cholesterol and fatty deposits in the body.

• Multi EFA/Super EFA liquid - an omega 3,6,9 formula that supports the skin, nervous system, hormonal system, cardiovascular system, immune system, digestive system, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

• Niasitol – a safe non-flushing formula of niacin for enhancing circulation and improving cholesterol levels in the blood


• Biotone EFA - a unique combination of rice bran, soybean and wheat germ oils specifically formulated to support and regulate hormonal function.

• Cal Mag Liquid – helps to prevent PMS, cramps and menopause related osteoporosis.

• Dioscorea Capsules – provides a pure source of 100% organic wild yam extract shown to possess the ability to stimulate progesterone production, and thereby assisting with hormonal imbalances during puberty, pregnancy and menopause

• E400 Emulsified – excellent for relieving hot flashes due to menopause

• Estrium – medicinal food supplement that balances hormones by supporting liver processes. Helps with estrogen related problems such as fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, PMS and menopause. Provides hormonal balance and protection against estrogen related cancers.

• LSP Spasmol – calcium & magnesium with herbs that reduce muscle spasms and calm the nerves. Great for pain, swelling, strains, spasms, cramps, insomnia, anxiety, depression and menstrual cramps.

• Pyridoxal 5’ Phosphate– this active form of vitamin B6 assists with kidney function, fluid balance and mineralization in the body. It is indicated for PMS, water retention, nausea associated with pregnancy, sugar cravings, bloating and mood swings

• Thyrosol - a natural thyroid formula that supports healthy thyroid functioning improving energy levels, body composition and cognitive function.


• Cal Mag Liquid - helps elevate symptoms of stomach acid, indigestion, and heartburn while providing excellent bone and tissue mineralization.

• Digest Plus/ Plantizyme - a full spectrum digestive enzyme for effective digestion of carbs, fats & protein. Great for all digestive disorders including gas, bloating, indigestion, IBS, Crohns, colitis and allergies. (Digest Plus is animal sourced and is stronger than plantizyme which is plant sourced)

• HMF Forte - provides lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus from human source along with fructooligosaccharides to re-establish and maintain normal intestinal microflora health. Indicated for all digestive problems such as candida yeast overgrowth, abdominal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, gas, IBS, as well as immune dysfunction.

• Greens + - natural, easily absorbed whole food supplement providing a complete spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber needed for proper detoxification. Highly recommended for symptoms associated with IBS, colitis, Crohns, ulcers, hypoglycemia and toxic overload.


• Cal Apatite Plus – complete bone nutrition featuring calcium and ipriflavone for healthy bone density

• Ipriflavone – a natural flavinoid which inhibits bone loss and stimulates cell formation in those with osteoporosis

• Super Cal Mag – excellent menopausal bone support formula for prevention of osteoporosis, brittle bones, fatigue, nervousness, insomnia and demineralization.

• Vitamin D 1000 – helps aid in calcium assimilation into the bone structure


• Basic Prenatal - complete multi vitamin mineral supplement designed for pregnant and lactating women

• Bio B12 & folic - great tasting sublingual formula prepared with intrinsic factor for quick and efficient absorption. Vital for fetal cell growth and development and for prevention of anemia in pregnant mothers.

• Ferrasorb – easy to absorb iron, B12 and folic acid supplement

• Hemagenics - a non-constipating iron formula that supports formation and maintenance of healthy red blood cells

• HMF Forte - provides lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus from human source along with fructooligosaccharides to re-establish and maintain normal intestinal microflora health. Important for maintaining healthy digestion and immunity.

• Super Cal Mag – excellent prenatal bone support formula for prevention of demineralization.

• Super EFA liquid - great tasting, high potency, easily absorbed combination of essential fatty acids formulated to support and maintain a healthy cardiovascular, nervous, brain and immune system in the unborn baby or breastfed child.


• C1000 – strengthen capillaries, improves circulation, prevents infections and supports immunity

• T-MA provides a blend of nutrients necessary for the support, regulation and detoxification of the male reproductive and endocrine system and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory for benign prostate hypertrophy

• Zinc citrate – promotes glandular and reproductive health and is indicated for prostatitis, low sperm count, sterility, infertility and frequent infections.


• C1000 – Excellent vitamin C product for preventing infections and boosting immunity

• Candicin – reduces systemic yeast in the body and helps to fight bacteria or viruses

• Nazanol - natural nose and sinus formula that is currently used in 160 healing institutions throughout China to promote healthy sinus, nasal and lung passageways without drowsiness.

• QC Nasal Spray - a natural homeopathic blend to relieve sneezing, stuffy nose irritation, watery discharge and headaches associated with sinusitis and allergies.

SKIN (Eczema, Acne, Rashes)

• C1000 – vitamin C with bioflavinoids helps repair collagen, capillaries and skin tissue

• B Complex – for healthy skin tone; improves blood flow to the skin

• Greens+ - highest concentration of chlorophyllin form organic alfalfa that supports natural detoxification processes, and is indicated for skin acne, eczema, psoriasis and abscesses. Use topically to accelerate healing of wounds, abrasions and burns.

• Super EFA liquid – needed to keep the skin smooth and soft, repair damaged skin cells and dissolve fatty deposits that block pores.

• Zinc citrate – aids in the healing of tissue and prevents scarring


• B complex - a broad spectrum B-complex to help reduce stress, support adrenals and increase energy. (most effective when taken together with vitamin C)

• C 1000 – vital for the proper functioning of the adrenals

□ Exhilirin – ayurvedic herbal formula that supports the adrenal glands and helps promote energy,stamina and endurance

• Maca Spirit -

• TAD+ - Adrenal complex formulated to help boost energy levels associated with adrenal burnout and exhaustion linked to stress. Great for symptoms associated with stress and adrenal exhaustion such as allergies, hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, asthma, anemia, high blood pressure and PMS.


• Crave free, Lean + and Shape + - natural herbal and vitamin supplements designed to aid in weight loss and stimulate metabolism.

• Ichol - a combination of lipotropic factors and herbs that help to regulate fat metabolism. By supporting liver and gall bladder function, Ichol helps to control excess cholesterol and fatty deposits in the body.

• Greens+ - natural whole food supplement providing a complete spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber needed for proper detoxification and optimum nutritional status.

• Thyrosol - a natural thyroid formula that supports healthy thyroid functioning improving energy levels, body composition and cognitive function.

• Ultramaintain – a natural food supplement meal replacement powder used to balance blood sugar levels, reduce cravings and increase metabolism




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