Idiocracy assignmentPart AThe Idiocracy movie does open my eyes to how our society could devolve into a bunch of television absorbed, unintelligent, wide eyed species. The human race has evolved insanely since the beginning of our kind, so it makes only sense that as a race we would continue to evolve. But in this particular outcome our race doesn't continue that path of evolution and rather devolves. Many people could argue that this outcome is dangerously close to home, since we've become more relied on electronics, our ability to keep a proper conversation going has decreased, and school academics aren't respected or taken as seriously as they were, generations before. There are certain things about how we live today that could show how close we are to being as under?evolved like the people in Idiocracy. ?If I wanted to make a society of idiots, I would start by giving children?more choices on projects, would declare that kids didn't have to go to school and lastly they couldn't fail anything no matter what. Some kids would still go to school and try but the majority of students wouldn't care, wouldn't show and get there high school credits without trying. Students would lose the idea that hard work is important and gets you places, simply because their life is served to them on a silver platter. I think that maybe I could dumb down our society but at the same time I would like to believe that the human race would still be able to evolve and become greater. The focus of my "dumbing down curriculum" would start with only learning easily pronounced words, anything over 9 letters would be cut out of the curriculum. This would shorten our vocabulary, and this would dumb down the way we talk and communicate. Dumbing down education, schools, and our kids would be the best way because as people say "our children are the future." Dumb down the generations, and the future wont be able to evolve and progress into the society we believe it will. The end result of all the dumbing down could be numerous things but ultimately the outcome would be negative. The likely hood of us surviving our races, lack of development, would be very small since in the movie people couldn't even understand how to keep their main source of food growing. And believed that the solution would work because a company said there product is exactly what everything needs. ("But it has electrolytes") Even though today some people seem to be almost as stupid as the characters in the movie I don't believe that everyone could get that stupid, especially without someone trying to do something to stop it from happening. We could very much end up like the characters in the movie, but we could also end up the complete opposite and become extraordinary, super intelligent, and wise people. There are obviously a lot of people who are already close to being like the characters but as rest of the world I believe that not everyone is as close to being there.Part B2. Media and it's content influence's our society by shoveling commercials into head to make you want to but them. Also through music and t.v shows they show kids rude language, how be disrespectful, arrogant, loud, rude. Through rapping kids learn that the N word is okay to say, and that swearing is cool and fun. In reality t.v shows they people who make millions of dollars for being loud, obnoxious, mean, overly emotional to get want they want, stuff like that which doesn't give the right message to young kids or even teenagers who should better.3. Keeping up with the Kardashians: Having a big butt will get you places, being annoying and stupid is funny, causing drama and being over dramatic is what to do in bad situations.Honey Boo Boo: No respect for adults and peers, not taking problems and life situations seriously, no keeping yourself healthy and fit is okay, complaining will get you anything you want.Rupaul's drag race: Causing drama is good in competition, not being yourself/ obnoxious to get attention, showing no respectful for fellow competitors/ bitching at other competitors is okay in anyway.4. Music videos factor into this equation because they are just another thing that distracts kids and have absolutely no use to them. Music videos give kids another thing to focus on instead of focusing on important things like school work, jobs, family activities.5. There are other factors that could contribute to the dumbing down of the human population like bad parenting skills, school teachers. As shown in the movie people who have a smaller IQ and are not good parents tend to have more kids and so there genes and characteristics are passed down to their children. Which only creates a larger percentage of children without manners and usually live in poor living conditions and have smaller opportunities to make a name for themselves. Also I way that teachers and or school systems cause some dumbing down of education is not caring about students, being to easy and not being strict enough to put students in their place. School systems tend not to put enough boundaries and consequences to the students which make them think they can be disrespectful to teachers/peers and that they don't have to follow rules. This also makes students think that they don't have to do anything that they don't want to do and are equal to teachers.6. We could end this trend by making educational or appropriate t.v shows, giving kids a smaller amount of time on electronics and make kids go outside or do something more productive then sitting on their bums and doing nothing. ................

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