SuperBowl Commercials Review 2007

SuperBowl Commercials Review 2020

1. Type/write the company name and the “theme” for each commercial viewed (Use the attached sheet).

2. Rate the commercial on a scale of 1-5 (one is low, 5 is high) based on it’s effectiveness and your overall reaction to it.

3. After all commercials are viewed, go back through your reviews and list your top 5 commercials in order from top to bottom. Do the same for your 5 lowest commercials.

4. For each of the top 5, write a brief description of what made the commercial effective and appealing. For example, use of humor or that it was heartwarming. Be specific about what made it persuasive and effective – no one or two word answers.

5. For each of the bottom 5, write a brief description of why it wasn’t effective or appealing. Be specific. In addition, write suggestions for how the commercial could have been improved.

6. Look back at what you wrote for #4 above. Is there a common theme to the commercials that were most appealing to you? What are some of the common characteristics of the most effective commercials?

7. Pick one of the advertisers from this year’s SuperBowl and create an ad for them. Describe your idea with words and/or pictures.

SuperBowl Commercials Review 2020

1. Type/write the company name and the “theme” for each commercial viewed (Use the attached sheet).

2. Rate the commercial on a scale of 1-5 (one is low, 5 is high) based on it’s effectiveness and your overall reaction to it.

3. After all commercials are viewed, go back through your reviews and list your top 5 commercials in order from top to bottom. Do the same for your 5 lowest commercials.

4. For each of the top 5, write a brief description of what made the commercial effective and appealing. For example, use of humor or that it was heartwarming. Be specific about what made it persuasive and effective – no one or two word answers.

5. For each of the bottom 5, write a brief description of why it wasn’t effective or appealing. Be specific. In addition, write suggestions for how the commercial could have been improved.

6. Look back at what you wrote for #4 above. Is there a common theme to the commercials that were most appealing to you? What are some of the common characteristics of the most effective commercials?

7. Pick one of the advertisers from this year’s SuperBowl and create an ad for them. Describe your idea with words and/or pictures.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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