7INSERVICENo School 8Mondegreens icebreaker activity W/U: Do you have a growth or a fixed mindset? Which qualities can be fixed/developed? WWIII KWL Chart Adnan Syed Assignment distribution 9/10“Why Failure is a Good Thing” Group assigned questions + TOD-Topic Stations 11-Semester 2 Due Dates Distributed + Signature Page Due 1/17-WWIII article + mini-write up 13W/U: 1. Where do you get information from? This could be news, random info, pop culture, current events, history, facts, opinions, politics, etc.?2. Why do you listen to this source?3. How do you know they are credible?4. Do you know how to fact check?5. Provide an example of factchecking?-Source Credibility (scholarly vs. popular) +TOD14W/U: what is a debate topic that you are passionate about? What is your stance on this topic and why is it so important to you? -Intro to research questions (Bullseye GO)-Topic choice + Research Questions15/16- Research for articles when RQ is approved-Objective Vs. Subjective- CRAAP Test Worksheet on article17W/U: 1. Give the APA reference for this source:Author: Jose Gutierrez, Fernando Fonseca, and Gabriel RubioDate of Publication: Oct 24 2016Title: Cell Phone Addiction: A ReviewDOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00175Journal: Front Psychiatry.V: 7 P.175SIGNATURE SHEETS DUE!Research Questions Due-Introduce TOPIC DISCOURSE Gutierrez, J., Rubio, G., & Fonseca, F. (2016). Cell phone addiction: a review.?Front Psychiatry,?7, 175. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.0017520NO SCHOOL 21W/U: Define Jargon 1. What is your favorite hobby or activity?2. What are words you use within this hobby/activity that aren't intuitive to outsiders? ---meaning, you have to be in "the know" to know what these words mean. -Topic Discourse Modeling (Grading a student sample)22/23W/U: What scholarly characteristics do your sources have? What makes it/them credible?-Identifying scholarly sources activity: -Digesting Research: “An assessment of campus climate among sexual minority college students” + TOD4 ARTICLES DUE - Working day for Topic Discourse24W/U: When do we use et al. in APA? Reference your APA packet.-APA Citation Activity + partner quiz (personal comm. + citing secondary)WU set 1 dueASSEMBLY27W/U: As of now, what is your stance on your topic (you will turn this into a thesis later). What would someone who disagrees with you say? -Golden Circle Thesis lecture28 - Topic Discourse Workday? -Elevator Speech29/30W/U: Create a 3-column chart and label: see, think, and wonder. Show annotated bib example.-Annotated Bib Scavenger hunt -Finish elevator speeches-TOPIC DISCOURSE DUE to TII + hardcopy in class FRIDAY31-Highlight Topic DiscourseIntroduce Annotated Bibliography3Laptop DAY – find 2 more scholarly sources (counterarguments) -Drafting/Research day4-Drafting of AB entry #15/6-AB #1 DUE -Anno Bib Workshop-Grading TOTD + APA Partner quiz 71. BW: In your comp. book draw the rhetorical triangle (author/audience/purpose).We will watch a series of Superbowl commercials and you will choose ONE to analyze using the rhetorical triangle. 2. You will draft only the Summary portions of the annotated bibliography. *use your purple packets and the remaining scholarly sources.10W/U: based on the AB workshop, what needs to be improved for the next entries? -Drafting of AB summaries and evaluations11W/U: Create a t-chart. Label pro-con. Label “for/against”. List as many supporting/ opposing points as possible.-Textual evidence activity (get into groups of 6 and decipher which applications and quotes belong together).Reflection – are there any applications you would change? Are any of the evidence weak? -Research essay prompt12/13W/U: Create a mini-outline using yesterday’s warm-up.-Introduce sentence outline-Valentine’s Cards - Sample essay Reverse OutliningAnnotated Bibliography Due to TII 2/13 by 11:59-Backwards outlining of student essay 14W/U: Refer to pg. 3 in the purple packet. Option 1: List a counterargument. Which concession strategy will you use (1, 2, 3, or 4)? Explain what the rebuttal will be.*exchange and evaluate Option 2: Remember that your research has an argumentative component. Which of the solutions is most viable and why? -start sentence outline- Organizing main points + evidence 17NO SCHOOL 18-Air time (counterarguments and rebuttals) -Quoting/Paraphrasing19/20Sample Intro’s and conclusion -Writing a conclusion watch?v=2L7aeO9fBzE=“The Pedestrian” Ray Bradbury Drafting of Sentence Outline OUTLINE DUE PRINTED-Sentence outline WORKSHOP24Write your intro and get it approved by me! Introducing Research in Writing (pg. 32-33) 25W/U: What would be helpful about pgs. 28+29 and why?What would be helpful about pgs. 32-33 and why?Transitions in writing (pg. 28+29)Rough Drafting of body paragraphs! 26/27W/U: What happens to Mr. Meade at the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies? Create a 1 paragraph narrative.Essays DUE to TII (2/27)- Hacktivism + TOD Abstract:-prompt + sample -draftingIntroduction to Abstracts - identifying the components of an abstract28No late work accepted after todayHard copy of essay DUE in classRanking your Research ActivityWhat potentially harmful trends do YOU observe in today’s society?2. What aspects of technology today do you see as isolating people from each other?2W/U: There are two doors: one leads to death; one leads to life. Someone else must choose the door. Who will it be? Why? Preparing for conferences: What steps are you taking to revise the essay? What is an area you need of the essay you need help strengthening? 3Writing conferences 4/5-Workshop Day Writing conferences6LAST DAY OF Q3!Warm-up: Is college worth it? Why, or why not? (1 para justifying your reasoning)“Is College worth it?” Socratic Seminar ................

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