Freedom of Expression - Com - Western Michigan University

Freedom of Expression:

Com. 3070 Study Guide III.

Civic Engagement

Definition, examples of

Civic Engagement and Heroes: Important Quotes:

Beckwith, Michael Bernard

Dylan, Bob

Wayne, John

Nightingale, Earl

Personal Choice, freedom of expression

Everyday Heroes

Apollo 11 Space Mission

Accomplishments and Significance

Cronkite, Walter, reporting of

Fire Department of New York, 911

Accomplishments and Significance

Freedom Writers,

Accomplishments and Significance

Gruwell, Erin,

U.S. Men’s Olympic Hockey Team, 1980

Accomplishments and Significance

Michaels, Al, Commentary

U.S. Women’s World Cup Soccer Team, 1999

Accomplishments and Significance

Chastain, Brandi

Hero’s Journey

Campbell, Joseph

Hero’s Journey, stages

The Call to Adventure

Refusal of the Call

Supernatural Aid

The Crossing of the First Threshold

The Belly of the Whale

The Road of Trials

Atonement – The Final Test


The Hero’s Reward

Hero’s Journey and Star Wars

Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vadar

Luke Skywalker

Obi One Kenobie, Yoda

Princess Lea


Darth Vadar’s Mask

Empire Soldiers, examples from history

Evil Empire, examples from history

Fire, symbolism of

Lions for Lambs

Directed by Robert Redford

Written by Matthew Michael Carnahan

Story line and theme


If you don't STAND for something,

you might FALL for anything

Selected cast

|Actor |Role |

|Robert Redford |Dr. Stephen Malley, professor |

| |Todd Hayes, student |

|Tom Cruise |Senator Jasper Irving |

|Meryl Streep |Janine Roth, journalist |

| |Lt. Col. Falco |

| |Ernest Rodriguez, student and soldier |

| |Arian Finch, student and soldier |

News Media and the Judiciary

Due process

Pretrial publicity, problems with

Role of the news media in covering high profile events

Debbie Almontaser case

State of N.J. v. Richard Bruno Hauptman, 1935, Significance of

Sheppard v. Maxwell, 1966,

State of California v. O.J. Simpson, 1995, Significance of

The Duke University Rape Case, 2006

Due process, political correctness, role of media,

News Reporter’s Privilege and Responsibility

Branzburg v. Hayes, 1972

Caldwell v. U.S., 1972

Contempt of court, definition, significance of

Freedom of Information Act

Creation and Reasons for

President Lyndon Johnson,

Grand jury, role of

Reporter’s privilege

Shield laws, definition, limit and scope of

Valerie Plame affair

Judith Miller

Scooter Libby

Rites and Rituals

Lin, Maya

Proposed Islamic Center Controversy

Rite, definition, examples of

Military Funerals

Snyder v, Phelps, 2010

The September 11, 2001 Memorial Controversy

Westboro Baptist Church

Vietnam Memorial Controversy

Symbols and Symbolism

Archetype, definition

Examples of, earth, water, hero, circle

Jung, Carl

Freedom, examples of

Semiotics, definition and examples of

de Saussure, Ferdidnand

Peirce, Charles Sanders


Political Symbols

Sports Logos

Symbolism and ancient mystery


Super Heroes

Definition, examples of

Origins of Superman

Siegel, Jerry and Shuster, Joe

Superman in WW II.

Super Heroes today, reasons for

Important Dates:

April 19, 1775

July 4, 1776

1775 – 1781



1941-1945 (1939-1945)

July 20, 1969

September 11, 2001


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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