
Warren ZahariaGD25January 2012Analog Game IdeasChess Wars: A card game where the cards represent different characters and abilities, but are moved around a board similar to chess. Two people battle with each other and the position of the cards can reflect the current state it is in (i.e. a horizontal card might represents defence while a vertical axis could mean attacking). Another game mechanic might also have hidden characters posing as low level pawns.Adventurer: A dungeon crawl where the tiles are mixed up and placed randomly. This provides unique levels and challenges where one can encounter an enemy or find loot. Transit: A game with two people competing to create ideal train systems. You have limited money and have to purchase and arrange your systems in the most efficient way.Mega Store: Stores compete to stock the correct items to sell as a random generator indicates the populace’s desires. Promotion and undermining of competitors occurs as well as random events that trigger massive sales booms in certain products. Heaven and Hell: The forces of good and evil battle over a 3d landscape with ground and flying troops. Point system based.Band wars: Build your band from your mom’s garage to make it big and win the record deal. Players must choose wisely their mates and equipment as all have pros and cons.Traffic Jam: Try to create a working commuter experience in your city within a limited budget. Decide to build roads, highways or subways, but be quick, it’s all timed.Brainstorm: A game where you have to communicate ideas to your team and make it to the completed product. Shorter paths to the end involve more complex ideas.Peer Pressure: Make it through school unscathed and socially adjusted. Decide to join the cool group or follow the intellectual path, both can affect how well you will eventually fare once you graduate.Newspapers: Create a bestselling paper based upon facts or sensationalism. Decide the best way to get sales and watch out for lawyers or becoming too dry in your reporting.World Economy: Play as a different world zone to become the new world superpower. All the zones come with their own advantages and handicaps (i.e. Africa would have a lot of resources but is technologically inferior, as well as occasional uprisings. The US would have a lot of technology and some resources, but is hampered by unions and strikes).Feed Me: Play as the mothers of different families who have to feed them. You start off with more or less money depending on your family’s size, but have to choose between healthy expensive food, or cheaper unhealthy meals. Prep time of the meals also counts. Beat It: Players listen to a song and have to add their own drum solo in the pauses. Players are ranked on compatibility to song, rhythm and overall style. Wiki: Wiki-like articles are read about subjects and players have to figure out what is incorrect or factual. The more correct guesses as to what is incorrect equals more points, while you lose points if you choose the actual facts as the ones you believe are inaccurate.Genome: Players are paired up as parents and given DNA cards representing themselves. They have to arrange between them to create the ideal child. Random events can cause unexpected results such as an extra chromosome etc.Arson: Two people play as either an arsonist or fireman. The fireman has to save the family and try to put out the fire. The arsonist can play cards dealt him to foil the fireman such as ‘accelerant’. Points are awarded for speed and how much is saved or burnt.Peacekeeper: Three players battle each other in a third world setting. Two are combating factions with a third representing the peacekeepers. The peacekeepers have to figure out how to cease the combat through different means, (such as educations, befriending villages or outright combat) while the others can both attack the peacekeepers, but are limited to lower quality weapons and resources.To the Stars: Work fast to collect resources and people to build your spaceship and colonize another world. Make sure you have everything you need, no construction workers means no building, no doctors means disease could wipe everyone out.Occupy: Try to overthrow the corrupt government and not become corrupt yourself. Fight against the media, posers and others who might hurt or diminish your cause. That hippy might support you but he could also drive off more respectable people.Exploration: Discover a new land back in the 1500s. Watch out for hostile tribes, poisonous plants and a variety of unexpected dangers. Be the first to establish a town and survive for a set amount of time to win.Bright or Might: You are the new Homo-sapiens! You have to survive and rid the world of the Neanderthals so that civilization as we know it can be born. Use your larger brain power to outwit the Neanderthals brute strength and numbers.Ragnarok: Play as either the Norse gods or the Frost Giants. The fate of the world is literally in the balance as you battle around the World Tree. Fate: Two players are in control of a character on a board effectively acting like gods. They both play opposing side and attempt to steer the character to their set goal. Creatively using the abilities given they have to manipulate and counter their opposite.Signs: Players have cards with statistics and abilities listed on them; however these have to be arranged in a pattern to create a winning character. Placed in a pattern similar to the Tarot; depending on where you place a card it can affect a different aspect of your characters abilities, (i.e. a card representing present has a card laying perpendicular on it representing its current immediate challenge). Players could perhaps effect each other’s alignments of their cards.Strokes: Players have to paint concepts and images in the fewest brush strokes possible. More points are awarded for harder images to represent.Lyrics: Teams are given a set of words with which they have to create lyrics from. Points are given for length. Creativity and rhythm. Resurrection: Your husband the sun god has been destroyed by his brother in the underworld. You must travel down there and find his body parts to sew him back together. The sun and creation is halted until you do.Convoy: You are escorting numerous space ships to a sector for colonization when an outbreak of a mysterious nature erupts. You have to save as many ships as possible and stop the infection from jumping to too many ships, while also trying to figure out how it spreads.Witchfinder: You must root out who the witch is within the village before everything is destroyed. Accuse too many of the wrong people and you will find yourself lynched.Clean water: Traverse the wasteland of a post-apocalypse to find clean water. Watch out for the radioactive areas, bandits and mutants along the way. Light my Way: Find your way through the dungeon in the dark to the exit while watching out for spiders, jailers and other surprises. Players have a torch and can only see a few squares around them so the exit is unknown. Space Transport: Players compete to get their space transport ship from the home planet delivered to its destination. Find the most effective route using planets and stars as landmarks/relay points, but pay attention for the gravity fields as it can waste your fuel.Night and Day: Players try and create a village and crops before night falls. Overnight other players play as different things to try and destroy the villager’s efforts (wolves, bandits etc.).Fawtly Towers: Based on the BBC series you play as the owners of Fawlty Towers and try to keep your hotel running smoothly. Different event of extreme nature pop up requiring you to sort them out while appeasing your other guests. Revolutionary: You play as the military in a South American country hunting down the revolutionary groups hiding in the jungle. You have to watch out for dangers in the jungle ranging from animals to revolutionaries.Build the Keep: Work to build your keep to ward off the impending siege. You only have so many turns and have to ensure you have enough resources and defences in place before your time runs out.Social Interaction: You are all on a social website and have to race to a certain number of friends on the website. Watch out for predators and hackers though, adjust your privacy setting thusly to prevent that (but those have their own pros and cons themselves). Colour Match: Teams have to mix paints to match the colour given to them. The first team to get the colour match wins that round.Mondegreen: Listen to famously misinterpreted lyrics and try to guess what was actually said. First person to figure it out wins. Quantum State: Mix and match protons, neutrons and electrons to create elements. Players are given an element and the first team to get it right wins. Perhaps once you get the elements mix them to then make 5 FavoritesMega Store: Stores compete to stock the correct items to sell as a random generator indicates the populace’s desires. Promotion and undermining of competitors occurs as well as particular game events that trigger massive sales booms in certain products. I picked this game as one of my top five because it involves a randomized generation for sales demand, which adds uncertainty and excitement to the game, (one minute you’re on top then fate strikes and another could be in the lead). Wiki: Wiki-like articles are read about subjects and players have to figure out what is incorrect or factual. The more correct guesses as to what is incorrect equals more points, while you lose points if you choose the actual facts as the ones you believe are inaccurate.I particularly love this game as it challenges both your knowledge of trivia, but also teaches people to not trust what is simply written in one place. It’s both educational and entertaining.Ragnarok: Play as either the Norse gods or the Frost Giants. The fate of the world is literally in the balance as you battle around the World Tree.This game is in my top five because I am a fan of epic games involving armies and the power of commanding whole armies for a grand cause, and one based on a known mythology rife with epic battles and story is even better. This is a game I could see a lot of people enjoying if it was created with care.Space Transport: Players compete to get their space transport ship from the home planet delivered to its destination. Find the most effective route using planets and stars as landmarks/relay points, but watch out for the gravity as it can waste your fuel.This game is a favorite as it’s quite a simple concept but has the potential for a lot of fun. If created well it can have very simple rules for anyone to pick up, yet deliver hour of enjoyment.Build the Keep: Work to build your keep to ward off the impending siege. You only have so many turns and have to ensure you have enough resources and defences in place before your time runs out.I liked this idea as it limited the player with time and forces him to take care with what he does each turn. At the end of the time he can then find out how well, or poorly, he built his keep and hopefully drives him to play again and improve. At the same time players are learning about castle building and medieval defences. ................

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