University of Maine System




|HR Basics |This course provides an overview of |Required |Online |None |

| |human resource policies and procedures,| | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |the Merit Rules, and the Delaware Code.| | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |Topics include: government structure, | | | | |

| |human resource practices, the hiring | | | | |

| |process--from start to finish, employee| | | | |

| |orientation, fiscal issues, where to go| | | | |

| |for help, ethics in government, | | | | |

| |workplace expectations and issues, | | | | |

| |performance plan and review, the | | | | |

| |employee assistance program, the | | | | |

| |discipline process, and leave | | | | |

| |administration. | | | | |

| | |Required |½ day |None |

|Diversity – Food for |This course will provide you with a new| | | |training/documents/fillablere|

|Thought |approach to diversity. You will be | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |given ideas on how to value diversity | | | | |

| |in your workplace and learn how to | | | | |

| |acknowledge differences. You will also | | | | |

| |learn how to successfully build | | | | |

| |relationships with people of diverse | | | | |

| |backgrounds. | | | | |

|Genuine Leadership: |This workshop presents a set of basic |Required |½ day |$60.00 |

|The Basic Principles |leadership principles that are the | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

|of Leadership: |foundation for the Fundamentals for | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

|Building Trust Under |Leadership Series. Regular use of these| | | | |

|Pressure |principles will enable participants to | | | | |

| |build trust with others, establish a | | | | |

| |network of effective relationships, | | | | |

| |maintain a positive work environment, | | | | |

| |and defuse highly charged situations | | | | |

| |with others. | | | | |

|Genuine Leadership: |This workshop provides skills that let |Required |½ day |$60.00 |

|Providing Constructive|participants give constructive feedback| | | |training/documents/fillablere|

|Feedback |in a way that builds openness and | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |mutual respect, and promotes problem | | | | |

| |solving and learning. | | | | |

| |Prerequisite is Genuine Leadership: The| | | | |

| |Basic Principles of Leadership: | | | | |

| |Building Trust Under Pressure | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Genuine Leadership: |This workshop provides skills for |Required |½ day |$60.00 |

|Developing Others |helping others expand their | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |capabilities so they have the | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |confidence to take on new challenges | | | | |

| |and work more independently. | | | | |

| |Prerequisite is Genuine Leadership: The| | | | |

| |Basic Principles of Leadership: | | | | |

| |Building Trust Under Pressure | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Genuine Leadership: |This workshop provides a set of skills |Required |½ day |$60.00 |

|Correcting Performance|for addressing recurring or serious | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

|Problems |performance problems to get an | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |individual’s performance back on track.| | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Prerequisite is Genuine Leadership: The| | | | |

| |Basic Principles of Leadership: | | | | |

| |Building Trust Under Pressure | | | | |

|Recognizing Positive |This workshop provides skills to |Required |½ day |$60.00 | |

|Results |encourage and reinforce employee | | | | |

| |actions that lead to optimal | | | | |

| |performance. | | | | |

|Performance Planning, |This workshop provides participants |Required |½ day |None | |

|Review and |with skills and tools for clarifying | | | | |

|Professional |expectations and for conducting | | | | |

|Development Planning |effective performance reviews that | | | | |

|(Offered by DSCYF |recognize successful performance and | | | | |

|trainers in October |plan for improvement or development, | | | | |

|and November of each |using the State of Delaware’s | | | | |

|year) |Performance Review process. | | | | |

| |Professional Development Planning is | | | | |

| |also covered. | | | | |

|Put it in Writing |This course is designed to improve |Elective |3 days |None |

| |writing skills for people whose job | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |responsibilities include written | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |communication and reports. Topics | | | | |

| |include: improving clarity, grammar and| | | | |

| |punctuation, organization, meeting | | | | |

| |deadlines, and making edits to improve | | | | |

| |written communications. The course is | | | | |

| |three full days of training, which | | | | |

| |meets one day a week for three weeks | | | | |

|Workplace |Good communication skills in the |Elective |1 day |None |

|Communication/Active |workplace are essential to improve | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

|Listening |productivity and build positive | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |relationships that will create a more | | | | |

| |efficient work environment. This course| | | | |

| |combines a morning session that | | | | |

| |addresses verbal and non-verbal | | | | |

| |communication skills and an afternoon | | | | |

| |session on active listening. This | | | | |

| |course will give you the skills and | | | | |

| |knowledge to help you improve your | | | | |

| |communication skills. | | | | |

|Conflict Resolution |During this one-day seminar, you will |Elective |1 day |None |

| |learn how to manage the differences | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |that impair teamwork, quality, | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |decision-making, and cooperation. This | | | | |

| |practical seminar will give you | | | | |

| |resources for replacing obstructive | | | | |

| |behavior with constructive, positive | | | | |

| |behaviors. | | | | |

|Effective Presentation|Did you know that the greatest fear |Elective |1 day |None |

|Skills |people have, even greater than the fear| | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |of death, is the fear of speaking in | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |public? This course will provide you | | | | |

| |with skills to overcome that anxiety | | | | |

| |and develop a winning presentation. | | | | |

|Principles of Quality |This is a two-day introduction to core |Elective |2 Days |None |

| |concepts and principles of performance | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |improvement using a systems approach to| | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |continuous quality improvement. The | | | | |

| |course is team-taught using instructors| | | | |

| |from several State agencies who are | | | | |

| |experienced and knowledgeable in | | | | |

| |working with organizations implementing| | | | |

| |quality processes. | | | | |

|Supervisor as Trainer |This seminar is designed to provide |Elective |1 day |None |

| |supervisors the information and skills | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |needed to help new employees make the | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |transition to their new environment and| | | | |

| |begin to work. Discussion will include | | | | |

| |the value of training, new employee | | | | |

| |orientation, on-the-job training and | | | | |

| |coaching, and using appropriate | | | | |

| |training resources. Guides, checklists,| | | | |

| |and samples will be provided. | | | | |

|Facilitation Skills |A facilitator's role is to keep a group|Elective |1 day |None |

| |on track and provide a structure for | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |success. This interactive session will | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |provide participants an opportunity to | | | | |

| |practice BASIC facilitation skills in a| | | | |

| |supportive environment. | | | | |

|Managing Generational |Generational conflict costs |Elective |1 day |None |

|Differences |organizations in many ways, including |* In addition to the| | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |lost productivity and low morale. This |required courses | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |course is designed to educate and |this course is | | | |

| |stimulate positive interaction among |recommended for | | | |

| |participants. It will also show you |supervisors who are | | | |

| |ways to dramatically reduce workplace |moving from a direct| | | |

| |conflict and provide managers and |service position to | | | |

| |supervisors with strategies for |supervision. | | | |

| |effectively addressing generational | | | | |

| |differences in a positive way. | | | | |

|Personal Profile/ |All of us have developed behavioral |Elective |1 day |None |

|Behavioral Styles |patterns--distinct ways of thinking, | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |feeling, and acting. The Personal | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |Profile system, DiSC, presents a plan | | | | |

| |to help you understand yourself and | | | | |

| |others in a specific environment. By | | | | |

| |focusing on the work environment, this | | | | |

| |course will increase your understanding| | | | |

| |of your work behavioral style and | | | | |

| |identify the environment most conducive| | | | |

| |to your success. At the same time, you | | | | |

| |will learn about the differences of | | | | |

| |others and increase productivity and | | | | |

| |teamwork in your work organization. | | | | |

|Knowledge transfer |Through group discussion and |Elective |1 day |None |

| |activities, this course offers | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |participants the opportunity to explore| | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |different knowledge management | | | | |

| |strategies. Participants will practice | | | | |

| |and receive practical tools to capture | | | | |

| |and transfer knowledge that can be | | | | |

| |beneficial for individuals, | | | | |

| |supervisors/managers, teams, and | | | | |

| |agencies. | | | | |

|Human Side of |This course concentrates on |Elective |3 days |None |

|Management |communication, group performance, and |* In addition to the| | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |problem-solving/decision making. It is |required courses | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |intended to enhance the ability of both|this course is | | | |

| |new and experienced supervisors to get |recommended for | | | |

| |things done by working with their |supervisors who are | | | |

| |employees. Topics include: The |moving from a direct| | | |

| |Communication Process, Non-Verbal |service position to | | | |

| |Communication, Listening, Writing, |supervision. | | | |

| |Conducting Meetings, Solving Agency | | | | |

| |Communication Problems, Leadership, | | | | |

| |Team Building, Motivation, Coaching to | | | | |

| |Improve Performance, Resolving | | | | |

| |Conflict, and Problem-Solving/Decision | | | | |

| |Making. | | | | |

|Supervisory |This course is designed to acquaint |Elective |2 days |None |

|Orientation |participants with their new roles and |* In addition to the|Will be an | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |responsibilities as supervisors for the|required courses |online course in| |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |State of Delaware. Topics covered |this course is |the future | | |

| |include: Supervisory Functions and the |recommended for | | | |

| |Expanding Supervisory Role, State |supervisors who are | | | |

| |Organization/Budget, Equal Employment |moving from a direct| | | |

| |Opportunity, Merit Rules, Performance |service position to | | | |

| |Review, Donated Medical Leave, Family |supervision or | | | |

| |Medical Leave Act, Class Specification,|supervisors new to | | | |

| |Job Analysis Q &A Sheet, Selection |State Government | | | |

| |Interview Guide, Employee Assistance | | | | |

| |Program, Collective Bargaining | | | | |

| |Overview, Time Management, Delegation, | | | | |

| |Problem-Solving Model, and Training and| | | | |

| |Development Opportunities. | | | | |

|Using EAP as a |Do you have problems with your |Elective |½ day |None |

|Performance |employees with lateness, absenteeism, |* In addition to the| | |training/documents/fillablere|

|Improvement Resource |poor attitudes, friction with other |required courses | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |employees, difficulty concentrating, or|this course is | | | |

| |following directions? Do you have |recommended for | | | |

| |difficulty confronting employees about |supervisors who are | | | |

| |performance issues? Do you feel |moving from a direct| | | |

| |yourself becoming involved in your |service position to | | | |

| |employees personal problems? If you |supervision or | | | |

| |answered yes to any of the above |supervisors who are | | | |

| |questions, then this training is for |new to State | | | |

| |you! This seminar is designed to inform|Government. | | | |

| |managers and supervisors on how they | | | | |

| |can use the EAP to improve performance.| | | | |

| |It will focus on utilizing the EAP as | | | | |

| |an early intervention tool and | | | | |

| |preventive resource. | | | | |

|Coaching and |Managers and supervisors who wish to |Elective |1 day |None |

|Counseling |influence, direct, teach, and motivate |* In addition to the| | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |their employees need to develop |required courses | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |expertise in two essential skills: |this course is | | | |

| |coaching and counseling. Anytime we |recommended for | | | |

| |teach someone a new skill, we are |supervisors who are | | | |

| |coaching. Anytime someone seeks us out |moving from a direct| | | |

| |for assistance or advice, we are |service position to | | | |

| |counseling. Benefits and guidelines for|supervision. | | | |

| |each skill will be discussed, as well | | | | |

| |as those for giving effective feedback.| | | | |

|Knowing Your State |Provides a look at the organization and|Elective |Online Course |None |

|Government |functions of Delaware State Government.|* In addition to the|Will become part| |training/documents/fillablere|

| |This session presents an overview of |required courses |of the | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |the three branches of government and |this course is |Supervisor | | |

| |how they are interrelated, with a |recommended for |Orientation | | |

| |primary focus on the Executive Branch |supervisors who are |course in the | | |

| |of Government. The Budget process is |moving from a direct|future. | | |

| |outlined and discussed. |service position to | | | |

| | |supervision or | | | |

| | |supervisors who are | | | |

| | |new to State | | | |

| | |Government. | | | |

|Emotional Intelligence|It's not just knowledge and technical |Elective |1 day |None |

| |skills that get you hired and promoted | | | |training/documents/fillablere|

| |anymore. Today's employers are looking | | | |g_form_LCE.pdf |

| |for people who can recognize and handle| | | | |

| |their emotions and who can relate well | | | | |

| |to others. Using a combination of | | | | |

| |discussion, small group activities, and| | | | |

| |individualized exercises, this course | | | | |

| |will describe the various dimensions of| | | | |

| |Emotional Intelligence (or EQ). | | | | |

| |Participants will learn about | | | | |

| |interpersonal and intrapersonal | | | | |

| |dynamics and how it is important in the| | | | |

| |workplace. You will learn how to | | | | |

| |improve your Emotional Intelligence for| | | | |

| |a more productive lifestyle at work and| | | | |

| |home. | | | | |


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