Freshman Orientation - PC\|MAC

Freshman Orientation (Class of 2021)

April 20, 2017

Welcome to Lawrence County High School!

We look forward to your journey through high school, and hope that

this meeting will encourage you and help you feel welcomed

and excited about your future at Lawrence County High!

What every Freshman needs to know

• Credits toward graduation begin! Every course taken and the grade earned will work toward a final GPA (Grade Point Average) when you graduate. These courses and grades (as well as your attendance record) will be listed on a permanent record called a high school transcript. This transcript is what colleges, military, and employers will request when determining admission, scholarships, entrance, or employment.

• You will begin a four year plan, which will navigate your academic journey over the next four years. The four year plan is revisited and revised (if necessary) each year, using your college and career goals as a guide for course selection.

• Our expectations for your behavior are much like that of middle school.

o Zero tolerance for bullying, drugs, and violence

o Good school attendance, punctuality, and accountability for your work

o Respect and cooperate with teachers and other students

o School pride and unity (ex: conduct during pep rallies, games, Alma Mater, and Star Spangled Banner)

o Follow Code of Conduct, including dress code, cell phones, etc.

• You will have more freedom, but with freedom comes responsibility. The every-day choices you make will shape your future!

o Who are my friends? Are they positive influences?

o What will I do? What are my talents? Get involved on campus! Club Day is in September.

o Where are my priorities? It is time to take school seriously and do my best! Everything I do matters, and everything I do counts.

o What courses will I choose to take? Will they help me reach my college and career goals? Am I challenging myself?

What every Freshman’s Parent needs to know

• Be positive! Your attitude about school (attendance, academics, extracurricular activities, staff) will directly effect your child’s attitude and success. Attitude is contagious.

• Stay involved in your child’s academics: Help them with organization, time management, study habits, and prioritizing their goals. Use online resources (, , , ) to gather information about your child’s interests, college plans, and academic needs/ test prep.

• Stay connected to us.

o Use INOW home portal program to view grades, attendance, discipline, etc from your home internet. INOW passwords are sent home on the first day of school. Usernames stay the same, but passwords are updated yearly.

o Our school website posts announcements, informational handouts, and even teachers’ lesson plans. It also provides teachers’ email information. Teachers appreciate this method of communication!

o We use school cast for reminders and announcements. (Make sure contact numbers are up to date!)

• Stay connected to your child.

o Who are their friends? Where are they going?

o Have open, ongoing conversations about drugs, alcohol, internet safety, cyber-manners, relationships, and sex

o Pay attention to changes in behavior and ask questions!

*On the first day of school (August 9th) students will receive a Code of Conduct book, INOW parent guide/passwords, Promotion Standard Bulletin (including our attendance policy and promotion requirements), Health Form, Lunch Form, and a signature form (permission to photograph, etc) . Signed forms must be returned to school on the second day.

*MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Open House (lockers, schedules, lunch accounts) Aug 7th 1-3pm

Lawrence County High School 2017-18

Our Vision Statement: Provide an atmosphere for all stakeholders to be lifelong learners and to lead productive, responsible, and fulfilling lives.

Our Mission Statement: We eagerly join hands in partnership with all stakeholders to provide a quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.

Grading Procedures and Credits:

Students are assigned 7 classes / 7 credits for the year. Students who take additional courses (Drivers Ed, LEAP, etc) may earn more than 7 in one year. The school year is divided into two semesters: first semester is August – December, and second semester is January – May. Within each semester there are two 9-week grading periods. You will receive a report card at the end of each 9-week grading period. Students earn half credits for their 7 courses at the end of each semester (3.5 first semester + 3.5 second semester= 7 total credits per year). First semester grades have NO bearing on second semester grades; they operate independently and do not average together at the end of the year.* Therefore, students must pass both first and second semester (Term 1 and Term 2) of their required courses to gain the correct amount of credits. The first and second semester averages are listed separately on the transcripts, each reflecting half-credits/ grades earned for each course.

1st 9 weeks 45%

2nd 9 weeks 45% 1st SEMESTER AVERAGE (half-credits) Transcript Term 1

Exam 10%

3rd 9 weeks 45%

4th 9 weeks 45% 2nd SEMESTER AVERAGE (half-credits) Transcript Term 2

Exam 10% -Final Exam exemptions for 10th-12th are based on attendance

*Exception to this formula is tech school classes; they give a whole credit at the end of the year instead of two “halves.”

Your Semester Average is the grade that goes on your permanent transcript and determines your pass/fail status for the course. Even if an individual 9-week grade is below passing, the pass/fail determination is based on the semester average. Failed semester averages can be recovered through after-school credit recovery and summer school.

Attendance: Students are expected to be present, on time, and prepared to learn each day.

Notes: Doctor’s Notes, Court Notes, or Parent Notes (up to 5 Parent notes allowed per semester) for absences MUST be turned in to Ms. Heidt in the front office within 3 days of returning to school. After returning from an absence, you are allowed 3 days to complete missed work. Students who do not turn in work within 3 days (excused or unexcused) will receive a zero for the assignments missed. If you know you will be absent for an extended time (surgery, pre-approved trip, etc) it is YOUR responsibility to contact your teachers ahead of time (or via email) to discuss staying on task while you are absent. Board policy: 6 or more unexcused absences in one semester = failure of all core classes for that semester, regardless of numeric grade.

*Students and parents are summoned to truancy court for excessive unexcused absences for the year. Truancy court does not consider 1st and 2nd semester as two different absence totals.

Tardies: Tardies to class will result in the following consequences:

1: Warning

2: Written assignment from Code of Conduct

3: Detention (early morning, break, or afternoon)

4: Principal/ Parent Conference and ISS

5: 3 days ISS


Dress Code: The Code of Conduct defines our dress code policy. All LCHS students should represent themselves and our school with dignity, class, and self-respect. Teachers and Administration will monitor and enforce dress code policies. Any apparel that is distracting, disruptive, or disrespectful will not be permitted at LCHS. *Form-fitting pants (ie Yoga pants, leggings)= shirt must come to the knee; no skin visible above the knee (ex: holes in jeans); three-fingertip width at shoulder; no cut-out sleeves; facial piercings (lip, nose) must be small studs/ clear or flesh-colored.

Cell Phones: Students are allowed to have their cell phones at school, and may use them appropriately during breaks and lunch. Cell phones are NOT to be used during class time, unless a teacher incorporates that technology in his or her assignment. Cell phones are prohibited from testing rooms. Students who are found with cell phones during testing (ACT, ASPIRE, AP Exams) will have their test voided and their phone will be confiscated until the following Tuesday. Students who misuse cell phones or other technology at school will lose this privilege.

Lunch: All students should complete the Lunch form at the beginning of the school year. This will identify any student who qualifies for free or reduced lunch /breakfast. All students use their 4-digit code when going through the lunch line. Students who pay for lunches can make payments to their account directly to the lunchroom staff, or by using the online payment program ($3 usage fee) at .

*No food, candy, or drinks are allowed outside the cafeteria unless approved by administrator/ nurse.

As of 4/20/17:

Breakfast prices: Full price: $1.25 / Reduced: 30 cents Lunch prices: Full price: $2.25 / Reduced: 40 cents


Break: During break, drinks /snacks are sold in vending machines and in the concession stand. Students may also bring snacks from home. No caffeinated drinks, no containers from restaurants, and only clear beverage containers allowed.

Transportation: All bus traffic (drop off and pick up) takes place in the front parking lot. All car-rider traffic (drop off and pick up) takes place in the back parking lot beside the stadium. For the safety of our bus riders and student drivers, please abide by this policy! Parking Permits: Driving to school is a privilege--not a right. Violation of driving / parking rules will result in the student’s loss of this privilege. Students who drive to school must park on campus and must obtain a parking permit to do so. ROTC Staff manage the parking permits, including the collection of the $10 parking fee. Insurance and license information are required to purchase a parking permit.

Lockers: Students may rent lockers for $20. Students who bring an item from the school supply list may rent a locker for $15. For students’ security and for accountability of text books and personal items, students are NOT permitted to share lockers. Locker decorations are allowed on the INSIDE only (no decorations on the outside of lockers). Locker rentals will be available at our Open House August 7th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm; Lockers will also be sold during the first week of school if you are unable to come to Open House.

School Supply donations list:

2 packs of white copy paper Disinfectant Wipes

2 tissue boxes Expo Markers

Teachers’ supply lists for course materials will be posted on the school website () by August 1. Supply lists will also be posted outside each teacher’s room at Open House August 7.

Blue Slips / Immunizations: Students must have up-to-date immunizations to enroll in school. Students with expired “blue slips” will not be allowed to participate in Open House activities on Aug 7 and will not be allowed to attend school until immunizations are up-to-date. The school nurse will mail expiration notification letters this summer, or you may check with your school nurse now to verify you are up-to-date. All student records, including blue slips, are transferred to LCHS from Moulton Middle.

Schedules: The LCHS master schedule and student schedules are developed based on request forms completed in the spring. In order to plan a master schedule, we must all commit to the requests that have been made ahead of time during our planning process. Therefore, no schedule changes are allowed once school starts-- with exception to the following situations: correction needed for error in placement in a core class; correction needed for team/ club course (upon request of teacher/ coach). Any necessary adjustments must be taken care of by the end of the third day of school. After the third day, the request must be teacher-initiated and will require a $10 late fee. Final deadline for any changes: August 11.

Special Learning Opportunities and Student Support Services

AP (Advanced Placement) Courses: Most of our core courses at LCHS offer an AP (Advanced Placement) option. “Pre-AP” courses are intended to prepare 9th and 10th grade students for AP courses they will take in the 11th and 12th grade. Pre-AP and AP courses provide a challenging, fast-paced curriculum, with potential for college credit in the 11th and 12th grade (through AP Exams). Pre-AP/ AP courses are especially beneficial for students planning to attend a four-year college, and are recommended for students who show strength in their core classes and score benchmark+ on standardized tests. Advanced Placement classes are weighted, which boosts students’ overall Grade Point Average. (+5 points for Pre-AP, +10 points for AP).

Distance Learning Lab (IVC Lab): Students (10th-12th) can take online courses such as foreign languages, Psychology, Creative Writing, and Sociology in our IVC Lab. (rchamness@)

Driver’s Education: Students who wish to take a driver’s education course during the school year must register with Robyn Hutto (robynhutto@). Forms and registration fee ($30) must be turned in to Coach Hutto to secure enrollment in the course. Forms are available in the front office and on the school website under News and Events / Forms. Driver’s Ed students will be pulled from an elective course for driving instruction (no more than 5 times in the semester). The course will not appear on your daily schedule as one of your 7 classes, but will be listed as an “8th period” class in order to give you a grade and half-credit for the course. First semester vs second semester course is based on when the student turns 15.

*Students must have driver’s permit to drive.

LEAP classes (Lawrence Extended Arts Program): The Lawrence County Board of Education, together with the Lawrence County Arts Council, will offer evening courses in Drama, Culinary Arts, and Graphic Design. There is currently no charge for these classes, but some activities may require a small fee for class supplies. Students earn elective credits through these courses and have the option of early dismissal (7th period) to compensate evening learning time.

IEP / 504 / EL Plans: If you have a 504 Plan, EL Plan, or an IEP Plan, it will be reviewed each year with you and your teachers. Our 504 Coordinator is Tracy Parker (tparker@). Our Special Education teachers are Jake Hembree (jhembree@), Emma Stinson (estinson@), and Cortney Jones (cortneyjones@). EL plans are updated each year by Amy Martin (amartin@).

Peer Tutoring: Free peer tutoring is available in the Guidance Office every period of the day. Students sign up for a peer tutoring session in the Guidance Office; students use elective class time to attend a tutoring session (not a core class time). Peer Tutors are Junior/ Senior academically-qualified students.

Credit Recovery: Credit Recovery for failed semester courses is available after school (2 days per week) during the second semester. The fee for Credit Recovery is $25, payable to the Board of Education. Students may also recover failed credits through summer school. Holly Morgan facilitates our after-school credit recovery program (hmorgan@).

Judy Jester Learning Center (Alternative School): JJLC is a resource available for students who need an alternative placement for their education. JJLC provides credit recovery and a small-group learning environment. Students who attend JJLC remain enrolled at LCHS but earn credits on the campus of JJLC.

ISS (In-School Suspension): ISS is assigned as a disciplinary measure and is facilitated during school by a certified teacher. Teachers send students’ work to the ISS room for students assigned to ISS.

COPS (Center of Opportunity for Problem Students): COPS is assigned to students as a disciplinary measure for significant violations of the Code of Conduct. The COPS classroom is located in the Judy Jester Learning Center building; students must work in an isolated environment with no peer-interaction. Teachers send work for students assigned to COPS.

Nurse’s Office/ Medicine Procedures: Any student with health needs should consult the school nurse. Students who take prescription medications on a daily basis or a PRN/as needed basis (ex: asthma) must have a PPA form from their physician by or on the first day of school. Any student who would like to have over-the-counter medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, etc) may do so as well with the appropriate criteria. Students should not have ANY medicine (prescription OR over-the-counter) in their possession at school at any time. Any prescription or OTC medication that has been assigned to a student must be documented by a medication authorization form, and must be kept in the nurse’s office. All medication is administered by the school nurse or other designee. If you have a health plan or medical issue, please contact Jane Carroll (jcarroll@). The school nurse also manages blue slips / immunization records. Refer to the Board website for school health policies, procedures, and forms. Medication and forms may also be brought to the nurse at Open House Aug. 7.

Additional Notes

Anti-Harassment policy: LCHS faculty and staff own a zero tolerance policy for any form of bullying or harassment. Bullying/harassment can occur in the form of intimidation, name-calling, inappropriate gestures /suggestive language, or physical or verbal threats. This also includes inappropriate communication on cell phones and social media. Students are encouraged to report any unacceptable behavior to a counselor or administrator as soon as it occurs so it can be addressed in a timely manner. Each English class has a “bully box” for students to report bullying in a discreet way (by dropping a note in the box).

Staying connected: There are several ways in which we provide important information to you and your parents. SCHOOL CAST is an automated phone system that sends voice messages to your primary phone number. It is very important that we have accurate contact phone numbers to assure that these alerts are successfully sent to you and your family. Our SCHOOL WEBSITE () is regularly updated with announcements, news, forms, and teachers’ lesson plans. You can also access teacher email addresses on the school website. INOW HOME PORTAL can be accessed through the school website (click “Information Now” link on the home screen). Students are provided with their log in username and password during the first week of school. Students and parents may log on to the home portal to view attendance, grades, and discipline. Students’ usernames are permanent; passwords update yearly.

LCHS also has twitter and facebook accounts to expedite information to the public.


Daily Schedule: Doors open at 7:15am; Tardy bell 7:45am; Homeroom starts at 7:45am.

Dismissal-- Car-rider bell 2:45pm, Bus-rider bell 2:55pm

Students who arrive at school before 7:35 assemble in the gym or lunchroom (for breakfast). At the 7:35 bell, students are released to the halls/ lockers and to their homeroom class by 7:45am.

If you are unable to attend Open House (August 7) to get your schedule, you can locate your homeroom teacher on the lists posted by the entries of the school on the first day of school. Students will receive a copy of their schedule in homeroom on the first day of school.

LCHS Bell Schedule (as of 4/20/17)

Doors are unlocked at 7:15 am; Tardy bell rings at 7:45am (report to the front office if you are tardy!!!!)

2:45pm: Student Drivers Dismissed /2:50pm: Car Riders and Bus Riders dismissed

Monday/Wednesday: Modified block (1-3-5-7) ; Tuesday/ Thursday: Modified block (2-4-6-7)

7:45-7:55 HOMEROOM 10 minutes

8:00 – 9:35 1st pd (M-W)/ 2nd pd (T-Th) 95 minutes

9:35 – 9:50 Morning Break 15 minutes

9:55 – 11:30 3rd pd (M-W)/ 4th pd (T-Th) 95 minutes

11:35-1:35 5th pd (M-W) / 6th pd (T-Th) 120 minutes (98 min instruction/ 22 min lunch)

A lunch: 11:35 – 11:59 (24)

B lunch: 11:59 – 12:21 (22)

C lunch: 12:21 - 12:43 (22)

D lunch: 12:43 – 1:05 (22)

1:35 – 1:50 Afternoon Break 15 minutes

1:55 – 2:45 7th period 50 minutes

Friday: Regular 7-period day

7:45 - 7:55 HOMEROOM 10 min

8:00 – 8:45 1st period 45 min

8:50 – 9:35 2nd period 45 min

9:35 – 9:50 Break 15 min

9:55 - 10:40 3rd period 45 min

10:45 – 11:30 4th period 45 min

11:35 – 1:05 5th period 68 min class/ 22 min lunch = 90 min

A: 11:35 – 11:59 (24)

B: 11:59 – 12:21 (22)

C: 12:21 – 12:43 (22)

D: 12:43 – 1:05 (22)

1:10 – 1:55 6th period 45 min *No afternoon break on Fridays*

2:00 - 2:45 7th period 45 min



Friday Mid-Day Assembly Schedule

7:45 – 7:55 HOMEROOM (10 minutes)

8:00 - 8:35 1st period (35 minutes)

8:40 – 9:15 2nd period (35 minutes)

9:15 - 9:25 Break (10 minutes)

9:30 – 10:05 3rd period (35 minutes)

10:10 – 10:45 4th period (35 minutes)

10:45 – 11:30 ASSEMBLY / ACTIVITY (45 minutes)

11:35 – 1:05 5th period and LUNCH (90 minutes)

1:10 – 1:55 6th period (45 minutes)

2:00 – 2:45 7th period (45 minutes)

Friday Afternoon Assembly Schedule

7:45 – 7:55 HOMEROOM (10 minutes)

8:00 – 8:35 1st period (35 minutes)

8:40 – 9:15 2nd period (35 minutes)

9:15 – 9:25 Break (10 minutes)

9:30 – 10:05 3rd period (35 minutes)

10:10 – 10:45 4th period (35 minutes)

10:50 – 11:25 5th period (35 minutes)

11:30 – 1:00 6th period and LUNCH (90 minutes)

1:05 – 1:50 7th period (45 minutes)

1:55 – 2:45 ASSEMBLY / ACTIVITY (50 minutes)


|Required Areas of Study | Course Options |

|English Language Arts |Pathway 1 OR Pathway 2 |

|4 credits required |English 9 Pre-AP English 9 |

| |English 10 Pre-AP English 10 |

| |English 11 Pre-AP English 11 OR AP position |

| |English 12 AP English Literature Composition |

|Mathematics |Pathway 1 OR Pathway 2 |

|4 credits required: must include completion of |Algebra I Pre-AP Algebra I |

|Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II |Geometry Pre-AP Geometry |

| |Algebraic Connections Pre-AP Algebra II with Trigonometry |

|(students who earn Alg I credit in 8th grade will |Algebra II (or equivalent) PreAP-Calculus |

|earn 5 total credits of Math) |5th year options: AP Calculus OR |

| |AP Computer Science OR |

| | |

| |Statistics OR |

| |College Math |

|Science |Pathway 1 OR Pathway 2 |

|4 credits required: must include a Biological |Biology Pre-AP Biology |

|science, a Physical Science (Chemistry), and 2 |Chemistry Pre-AP Chemistry |

|additional sciences |Anatomy AP Chemistry, AP Environmental, |

| | |

| |Earth and Space AP Biology, Honors Physics |

|Social Studies |9th: World History |

|4 credits required; must include World, 2 credits US |10th: US History I OR Pre-AP US History |

|History, |11th: US History II OR AP US History |

|½ Gov, and ½ Econ |12th: Government (1 semester) and Economics (1 semester) |

|Health ( ½ ) |Health (half-credit) |

|& Physical Education (1) |LIFE PE* (Lifetime Fitness Education)—one credit |

| |*One JROTC credit may be used to meet this requirement |

|Career Preparedness (1) |Career Preparedness Course (includes elements of Computer Application, Career / Academic Planning, and |

| |Financial Literacy) |

|Career Technical and / or |Students choose at least 3 courses from among the areas of Career Tech, Foreign Language, and/or Fine |

|Foreign Language and / or |Arts. Any combination of these is accepted, but |

|Arts Education (3+ credits) |students are encouraged to complete at least two courses in sequence. |

|Electives (4.5+ credits) |Selection from Elective Course options each year |

|Total Credits Required for Graduation: 26 (most students will earn above the requirement) |

|Assessments: 9th Grade: Global Scholars (3 assessments per year) |

|10th Grade: ACT ASPIRE (April) |

|11th Grade: ACT Plus Writing (April) and AP Exams (May) |

|12th Grade: ACT Work Keys Assessment (February) and AP Exams (May) |

Course Weight Policy:

Pre-AP Courses: Numeric Grade +5 calculated toward Numeric GPA (.5 added to 4.0 scale)

AP Courses: Numeric Grade +10 calculated toward Numeric GPA (1.0 added to 4.0 scale)

Graduation Honors: based on GPA at end of first semester of 12th grade

Cum Laude: 95-97.9 Magna Cum Laude: 98-100.9 Summa Cum Laude: 101+

Lawrence County High School

Clubs and Sports / Sponsors AS OF 4/20/17

Service Organizations

Junior Civitan Club, Henry Ford

Leo Service Club, Tracy Parker

Honor Societies / Academic Clubs

National Honor Society, BeLinda Cross

Senior Beta Club, Michelle Mitchell/ T. Young

Scholar’s Bowl, BeLinda Cross

Spanish Club, Rich Dutton

Chess Club, Melinda Cleghorn

Career/Tech Clubs

FBLA, McCarley (LCHS) and Burden (LCCT)

FCCLA, Jill Woods

FFA, Trista Rogers

HOSA, J. Fretwell (Tech School)

Robotics, Sterling (MMS)

Skills USA, Technology Teachers

Public Communication Organizations

Web Page Staff, Gina McCarley

Yearbook Staff, Callie Singleton

Leadership Organizations

Ambassadors, Amy Martin

Army ROTC, Chief Baker /Sgt. Collins

Student Government, Andy Bradford

Native American Student Club, Oakville Staff

The Arts

Concert/Marching Band, Donny Settles

Color Guard, Donny Settles

Drama LEAP class

Athletic Teams

Archery, Shelia Childress

Baseball, Marty Hutto (mhutto@)

Basketball (Girls), Brooke Long

Basketball (Boys), Shane Childress

Cheerleaders, Dorothy Heidt

Cross Country, S. Johnson/ Shelia Childress

Dance Team, Donny Settles (Band)

Football, Rich Dutton

Golf (Boys), Shane Childress

Golf (Girls), Veronica Bayles

Softball, Josh Graham

Track, Paul Sanders (MMS)

Volleyball, Robyn Hutto

Other Athletic-Related Clubs

Diamond Dolls, Baseball Parent

Gridiron Girls, Rich Dutton

Spirit Club, Amy Speegle

Support and Christian Groups

Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Speegle

First Priority (Wednesday mornings)

Friend to Friend (Grief Support), Martin

WWF (Worth Waiting For), Amy Martin

There is something here for everyone! Build your resume by getting involved in clubs, teams, and organizations that will enhance your high school experience!

Keep a good record of all of your activities (9th – 12th grade) for your resume.

Club Expo Day: Friday, August 25th during 5th period.

Visit booths and find out how to join clubs and teams!

Lawrence County High School Faculty and Staff Contact Information 2016-17

102 College Street Moulton, AL 35650


Jones, Thomas tejones@ Principal

Bayles, Veronica vbayles@ Assistant Principal (Curriculum, AP Coordinator)

Inman, Anthony ainman@ Assistant Principal (Attendance, Discipline, AD)

Baker, Floyd fbaker@ ROTC

Blankenship, Kasey kaseyshelton@ Science

Bradford, Andy abradford@ History

Cater, Amy acater@ Science

Chamness, Renita rchamness@ Distance Learning Lab

Childress, Shane shanechildress@ Math

Childress, Shelia schildress@ PE

Cleghorn, Melinda mcleghorn@ Librarian

Collins, Larry lcollins@ ROTC

Cross, Belinda bcross@ Science

Dutton, Rich rdutton@ Spanish

Ford, Henry hford@ Math

Graham, Josh joshgraham@ PE

Hall, Lindsay lhall@ Bookkeeper

Heidt, Dorothy dheidt@ Front Office / Attendance

Hembree, Jake jhembree@ Special Education

Hensley, Doyle doylehensley@ History

Hutto, Robyn robynhutto@ Health/ Driver’s Ed

Jones, Cortney cortneyjones@ Special Education

Lee, Grant glee@ Science

Martin, Amy amartin@ Counselor

McAbee, Jessica jmcabee@ English

McCarley, Gina gmccarley@ Computer Science

Mitchell, Michelle mmitchell@ Math

Morgan, Holly hmorgan@ Math

Parker,Tracy tparker@ Counselor (Speake/LCHS)

Rainey, Frances frainey@ Registrar

Rogers, Sasha srogers@ English

Rogers, Trista trogers@ Agri-Science

Scott, Rodney rscott@ Math

Settles, Donny dsettles@ Band/ Guitar/ Vocal Ensemble

Singleton, Callie csingleton@ English

Speegle, Amy aspeegle@ Science

Stinson, Emma estinson@ Special Education

Terry, Vicki vickiterry@ English

Vanderploeg, Michael mvanderploeg@ History

Watkins, Melvina mwatkins@ English

Wilkerson, Belinda bwilkerson@ Custodian

Woods, Jill jwoods@ Family Consumer Science

Young, Tatia tyoung@ Math


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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