Gildersleeve Middle School Supply List 2019 - 2020

Gildersleeve Middle School

Supply List 2019 - 2020

MUST HAVES for all students:

1. Pencils/Pens

2. Notebook Paper

3. 10 Composition Books ? containing no less than 100 pages (used for interactive notebooks)

4. Earbuds ? to use with technology lessons (a $1.00 pair is perfect)

Please note: Unlike most elementary classrooms, where the teacher collects the school supplies for use by all

students, middle school students keep their own supplies. Day-to-day supplies should be with them as they travel

class-to-class and extra supplies should be kept in their lockers and at home.

Helpful extras for School & Home

o Pencils (when you think you've bought enough for the school year, throw in two more packs)

o 5 packs of notebook paper

o Personal Pencil Sharpener o 1 3-ring binder o Dividers

There are fees for PE/Related Arts classes. Those run $5 - $10 per student for the year.

o Glue sticks o Tape o Dry erase markers

Band/Orchestra/Chorus will have additional fees for instrument rental, uniforms, etc.

o Pencil Pouch o Highlighters o Index Cards

Agendas will be provided to each student compliments of our 21st Century Program.

o Colored Pencils o Scissors

Replacements are $5.00.

o Erasers o Red, black, and blue pens

Some classes will do a team activity at the beginning

o Packing tape (to bind your composition books) o Graph paper o Tissues

of the year using a white t-shirt. You can pick one up now or wait for additional information.

o Hand Sanitizer

o Alarm clock ? for home o Scientific calculator (TI-30Xa) 6th & 7th Grade Math and Transition to Algebra Students (one is provided at school) OR

teacher will show you how to download a FREE app that we will also use in school

o TI-84 Graphing Calculator for home if in Algebra/Geometry (one is provided at school) OR teacher will show you how to

download a FREE app that we will also use in school

o For Geometry Students only ? a compass (this will allow students to practice their constructions at home)


Cell phone/Tablet


My friend said he got in trouble and failed because he didn't have a cell phone and couldn't do an assignment?

Not true.

My friend said everyone in middle school has a phone.

Not true. Believe it or not, most students do not have phones.

Am I allowed to bring a phone to school?

Yes, but you need to be familiar with the rights and responsibilities regarding cell phone use. We want families to know a phone is not necessary, despite what students may have heard.

Seahawk Families,

We've tried to be mindful in creating our supply list. The top items are "must haves." The others are extra items

that can support learning, but they are not necessary for your child's success. If you are able to purchase additional

items, such as pencils, notebook paper, and tissues please consider doing so and donating them to our main office.

We appreciate your support and are looking forward to a successful 2019-2020 school year!

*This is the only list you will receive. Teachers will not require anything that is not on this list.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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