Email Templates

These email templates have been created for your convenience. Feel free to copy and paste them into emails to your staff. We encourage you to communicate with your staff about the importance of their professional growth.

Please note: Several of the templates include brackets with suggested ways for you to customize the emails.

Welcome Back Template

“Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.”                 —William Arthur Ward

Dear [Staff Member],

It’s a new school year and we’re in it together. We’re lucky because we each believe we have very important work to do. The work is always challenging and comes with the responsibility that we continuously get better at what we do.

That’s why I have chosen to provide you with the Master Teacher Pd Program this year. It’s comprehensive and deals with the wide range of topics teachers have to be concerned about all the time. It’s also relevant to everything we have to do, and it takes only minutes to read each week. Time is precious to all of us. Because the Master Teacher recognizes this constraint, the program provides extremely practical content and explains research so that we can apply it in our classrooms immediately. It is also written in a direct, no-nonsense way, as an advocate for our professional success.

One of the things I like best about the Master Teacher is that it reminds us to keep using the successful techniques we’re using now. It also reminds us to use techniques we’ve stopped utilizing for some reason. And it always gives us several new insights and techniques we can try. The first learning lesson “Priority Number One: Day One,” is a good case in point. These actions are certain to help you get off to a good start.

Please accept this as my professional development gift to you. During the course of the year, we will be discussing many of these issues together. I hope that because this program is always at your fingertips, it will be a constant reminder that I am in your corner.

Best wishes,

Administrator’s Personal Introduction Template

The following is to be used as a speech or in an email to your staff.

Date: [Month Day, 2015]

To: [Entire Staff]

From: [Your Name]

Subject: the Master Teacher Weekly Inservice

Teaching is a challenging job, and the better the teacher, the harder the job seems to become. That’s because there’s always one unit more to cover, one student need that could still be met, and so our professional development efforts shouldn’t merely add to the list of things we’d like to accomplish if only there were more time.

That’s why this year we’re focusing on One Thing: the Master Teacher. By focusing our efforts, I believe we’ll get more output with less input. But in order to get the results, we have to do it right! That’s why I will be leading staff meetings based on the lessons found in the Master Teacher program.

Each lesson of the Master Teacher offers practical, professional, and workable ideas you can use immediately. Yet each weekly module is also aligned with tested best practices and research. You will find further reading at the end of each lesson.

I will also distribute a special brochure before the program begins called the Easy Finder™ Index. This index makes each message more readily usable as reference material. You will also receive a library case for storing weekly modules and building a professional library.

One of the most important features of the Master Teacher is that it’s totally student-centered. This is the educational philosophy we’ve adopted—one we must keep in order to stay on course and find high levels of success. the Master Teacher is written in a straightforward manner, in plain and concise language. Each issue only takes seven minutes to read, but over the course of the year, it adds up to volumes of resources.

the Master Teacher can help you in your daily work with students, parents, and one another. And I hope that it will remind you of my concern for your personal and professional success, growth, and happiness in teaching.

Please accept my wishes for a great year.


[Your name]

Weekly Touch Point Templates

Dear [Staff Member],

I look forward to your thoughts on this week’s lesson from the Master Teacher. I think you’ll have much to discuss in your learning community groups. The thought for this week is [Insert Thought of the Week from Reflect/Connect Supplement].

Dear [Staff Member],

Welcome back. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. Remember to set aside a few minutes soon to work through this week’s lesson from the Master Teacher, [insert title]. My favorite point was [insert point], and I look forward to discussing it with all of you.

Dear [Staff Member],

I wanted to remind you each how special you are in the lives of the children who fill this school. Always remember that we’re here for them. I’m privileged to work with each of you. Here are some additional questions I want you to ponder after reading your weekly lesson from the Master Teacher. [Insert questions from the Reflect/Connect Supplement]

Before/After a Break Templates

Dear [Staff Member],

Just a quick message before we all leave for the [weekend/break]. It is no secret that we have been through a “rough patch” on our journey over the past couple of weeks. I want to let you know how proud I am of your continued focus on the needs of students and your commitment to seeing that their learning is not distracted or interrupted. I found this week’s lesson from the Master Teacher to be very helpful as I thought about what we have experienced as a faculty. Certainly, we need to attend to our students, but we also need to take care of each other. Again, you really made me proud in this area, too. Please take some time to read the current lesson of the Master Teacher and send me a brief note with your thoughts. I will compile the list and send it out to everyone before next week’s staff meeting to “prime” our thinking and start the conversation.

Good Morning [Staff Member],

I just want to touch base with you before we all fall back into our routines following the break. It has been great to get away, but we also have some important work ahead as we start into the new [semester, quarter, final portion of the year]. This week’s lesson from the Master Teacher really spoke to me about the importance of what lies ahead and our ability to do what is needed to serve our students. Please take a few minutes before [day’s] staff meeting to read the message. I would like to spend some time hearing your thoughts and discussing how we can use what we learn to support each other and our students.

Critical Point During the Year Template

Dear [Staff Member],

In just a few weeks, we will be starting the final push to [end of the year/semester/state testing]. This week’s lesson from the Master Teacher offers a great message for us to consider during the lead-up to what predictably will be a stressful time. This week’s lesson offers some excellent insights regarding strategies we can use to remain focused, yet sane and serious about our work without having it overwhelm us. Take a few minutes to read the lesson and we will talk about your insights and reactions at this week’s staff meeting.


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