California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions


Mental Health Service Provider Individualized Recovery Intensive Training

Classroom Training

Course Overview

| |Orientation/Introductions |Introduction to course and training leaders. Review of objectives and|Sharon Kuehn |Personal Introductions |

|1 | |graduation requirements |Anna Lubarov |Materials distribution |

| | | |Candace Fox | |

| |Recovery Vision, Support Systems |Introduce Wellness Recovery Action Plan and key recovery concepts; | | |

|2 |and WRAP |developing and maintaining a strong support system. |Sharon Kuehn |Set up W.R.A.P. |

| | | | |Groups |

| |History of the Consumer/ |Review of the social, political and personal growth movement in which| | |

|3 |Survivor/Ex-Patient |mental health consumers have been involved. |Jay Mahler |Triads: Telling Our Stories |

| |Movement | | | |

| | |Getting ready to work. Role of Department of Rehabilitation and | |VS intake forms for DR; begin |

|4 |Employment |Vocational Services programs. Resources &referrals. |Elena Eagan |resume worksheets |

| | | |Ruth Gorman, DR | |

| | |Duties of a Patients’ Rights Advocate. | | |

|5 |Patients’ Rights |5150; 5250, Hearings, Title XI, Grievances. |Janet Wilson |Discussion |

| |and Advocacy |How you can help others. | | |

| | |Self-Help principles, values, and models. How to be an effective | |Peer Support and Active Listening|

|6 |Empowerment and Political Activism |political advocate. Federal, State & local organizations. |Sally Zinman |Skills |

| | |Building and using a Wellness Recovery Action Plan; Nurturing your | | |

|7 |WRAP |support system |Sharon Kuehn |WRAP Groups |

| | |Presentation of the Public System of Care: Hospitals, Clinics, Day | |Resource Report approved by |

|8 |Overview of the Public Mental Health |Programs. Innovation of the Wellness Recovery Center. |John Allen |instructor |

| |System | | | |

| |Intro to Peer Support and Peer |A self-help alternative: peer counseling. Intro to basic skills, | | |

|9 |Counseling Skills |emphasizing active listening and attending skills. |Carol Patterson |Peer Counseling Practice |

| | |Overview of techniques of group facilitation. Roles and | | |

|10 |Group Facilitation Skills |responsibilities of group members and leaders. |Candace Fox |Group Facilitation Practice |

| | |Impact of mental disability on family members. How to maintain client| | |

|11 |Family Involvement |confidentiality and include family members. Working toward common |The Watson Family |WRAP Support Groups |

| | |goals. | | |

| | |Student presentations (five minutes) about local mental health or | | |

|12 |Local Resources |community resources with which they are familiar |Students |Student Presentations |

| | | | | |

| | |Exploration of various approaches to mental health treatment | | |

|13 |Treatment Models |including the medical model. |Candace Fox |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | | | | |

| | |Classes of psychotropic meds and treatment uses. “Side effects” and | | |

|14 |Medications |interactions. The 15 minute consultation...Advocacy for clients |Dr. Bloch |WRAP Support |

| | | | | |

| | |Mediation skills and conflict resolution. Common group dynamics and | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|15 |Group Facilitation: |working with difficult group member characteristics |Candace Fox | |

| |Dealing with Difficult People | | | |

| | |Ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation, and gender diversity: impact on| | |

|16 |Cultural Diversity |mental health treatment and diagnoses. |Jose Martin |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | | | | |

| |Holisitic Health: |Alternative treatment options and approaches to self-care which | | |

|17 |Alternative Approaches to Wellness |consider body, mind and spirit |Ray Loveday |WRAP Support |

| | |Video: “Under the Label” | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|18 |Common Diagnosis |Basics of the Diagnoses from the DSM IV including the Axis system |Candace Fox | |

| |P.A.R.T.: |De-escalating a situation. Protecting yourself and others. Body | | |

|19 |From Escalation |language and preventative action. |Joyce Adriance |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| |to Evasion | | | |

| | | | | |

|20 |Conflict Resolution |Learn basic conflict resolution and communication skills from the |Barbara Dawn |WRAP Support |

| | |experts |Brenda Gaspar | |

| | |Education about abused substances. Definitions of chemical and | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|21 |Dual Diagnosis 1 |psychological dependency. Treatment approaches. |Mark Bono | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|22 |Dual Diagnosis 2 |Dual diagnostic dynamics, support and treatment systems, emphasizing|Dr Hamilton |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | |peer support. |Bob McKinnon | |

| |Intro to Emergency, Community, and |Food banks, emergency care, respite services for families, housing | | |

|23 |Housing Resources |assistance and treatment facilities. Getting help when it’s needed. |Susan Prather |WRAP Support |

| | | |Bill Kelly and others | |

| | |Focus on people at risk. Reporting requirements, hotlines, warning | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|24 |Suicide Prevention & |signs, and assessment skills. When/who/how to get assistance. |Joan Stern | |

| |Grief Counseling | | | |

| | |Ethics including liability issues and healthy boundaries. The | | |

|25 |Ethics: Confidentiality and Boundaries |importance of understanding and maintaining confidentiality |Carol Patterson |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | | |Jose Martin | |

| | |How to reduce stigma and discrimination through education and | | |

|26 |Stigma & Community Education |speaking up! |Lynn Gurko |WRAP Support |

| | |The Campaign to Address Discrimination and Stigma in CCC. | | |

| | | | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|27 |Intro to Public Benefits |Basics about Social Security and Disability Benefits and Work |Ginny Bash | |

| | |Incentives. Referral resources. | | |

| | | | | |

|28 |Ethics 2: Reporting Requirements |More on Confidentiality and Boundaries. Reporting requirements and |Candace Fox |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | |staff policies. | | |

| | | | | |

|29 |Ethics and Boundary Issues 3 |Issues for consumer-providers: where to get treatment, being part of|Community Support Workers |WRAP Support |

| | |the "team,” disclosure. | | |

| | | | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|30 |Work-Study Fair! |Planning for the work-study phase of the training. Match your |Participating Providers and SPIRIT 2003| |

| | |interests and strengths to the needs of the work-study programs. |Staff and Students | |

| | |The role of trauma in creating or intensifying symptoms. Self-help | | |

|31 |Spirituality and Trauma |approaches to reducing the harmful effects of trauma. Critical |TBA |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | |Incident De-Briefing | | |

| | |Value and opportunity of volunteering. What makes you an asset as a | | |

|32 |Volunteerism |volunteer. Local opportunities |Lisa Bruce |WRAP Support |

| | | |[CCC Volunteer Center] | |

| | | | |Resume/ Employment Preparation |

|33 |Preparing to Work: |Job readiness/ transition to work. Self-care and maintaining your |Lisa Bruce | |

| |Support Systems |support system. |Sharon Kuehn | |

| | | | | |

|34 |Co-optation |What is “co-optation” and how can you |Anna Lubarov |Peer Support/ Active Listening |

| | |avoid it? |Aaron Kling | |

| | | | | |

|35 |Open Topic | |TBA | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|36 |Consumers as Providers in the M. H. |Current trends in the public Mental Health system. Opportunities to |Donna Wigand and | |

| |System; |continue developing your knowledge through conferences, seminars, |Jay Mahler | |

| |Completion Celebration |workshops and committee participation. | | |

Work-Study phase of training begins for students who fulfill the requirements of the classroom training. The class continues to meet once a week throughout the internship period. (10 weeks)


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