Section 1: Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms

Name ______________________________ Name __________________

Date _______________________________ Date ___________________

Hour ______________________________

Chapter 3–The Constitution and Chapter 4-Federalism

Learning Targets-Study Guide

Learning Objective 1: I will be able to understand, evaluate and apply key vocabulary from Chapter 3 and 4.


Chapter 3-The Constitution

Checks and Balances

Formal Amendment

Judicial Review



Chapter 4-Federalism

Block Grant

Categorical Grant


Project Grant

Supremacy Clause

Learning Objective 2: I will be able to explain the important functions of the Constitution and how it reflects the fundamental concepts of federalism.

1. Into what three sections can the Constitution of the United States be broken down into? (Chapter 3)

2. Which landmark case helped establish the concept of judicial review? (Chapter 3)

3. Under which Article of the Constitution is the executive branch established? (Chapter 3)

4. Describe the process for ratifying a Formal Amendment. (Chapter 3)

5. What are some of the expressed powers given by the Constitution to the President and the Congress? (Chapter 4)

6. Another term for a representative government is? (Chapter 4)

7. What is the process a territory must follow in order to officially become a state? (Chapter 4)

8. Levying and collecting taxes is an example of ________________ held by the National Government. (Chapter4)

Name ________________________________ Name __________________

Date _________________________________ Date ___________________

Hour ________________________________

Chapter 3–The Constitution and Chapter 4-Federalism

Learning Targets-Study Guide

Learning Objective 1: I will be able to understand, evaluate and apply key vocabulary from Chapter 3 and 4.


Chapter 3-The Constitution

Checks and Balances

Formal Amendment

Judicial Review



Chapter 4-Federalism

Block Grant

Categorical Grant


Project Grant

Supremacy Clause

Learning Objective 2: I will be able to explain the important functions of the Constitution and how it reflects the fundamental concepts of federalism.

1. Into what three sections can the Constitution of the United States be broken down into? (Chapter 3)

2. Which landmark case helped establish the concept of judicial review? (Chapter 3)

3. Under which Article of the Constitution is the executive branch established? (Chapter 3)

4. Describe the process for ratifying a Formal Amendment. (Chapter 3)

5. What are some of the expressed powers given by the Constitution to the President and the Congress? (Chapter 4)

6. Another term for a representative government is? (Chapter 4)

7. What is the process a territory must follow in order to officially become a state? (Chapter 4)

8. Levying and collecting taxes is an example of ________________ held by the National Government. (Chapter4)

Short Answer Topics:

19.) The National Government of the United States is a government of delegated powers established through the concepts of federalism. Please identify and discuss the three main types of delegated powers, why certain powers are denied to the federal government and reserved for the state and list several concurrent powers that the federal government and State governments possess. Finally discuss how the Supremacy Clause works to create a hierarchy in regards to laws and treaties.

Things to think about and discuss:

• Please identify and explain the concepts of delegated powers and federalism

• Identify and discuss the three main types of delegated powers

• Explain why certain powers are denied to the federal government and allocated for the states

• List two to three concurrent powers the federal government and State governments hold

• Finally discuss how the Supremacy Clause works to create a hierarchy in regards to laws and treaties.

20.) When the Constitution went into effect in 1789, the Unites States was a small agricultural nation of fewer than four million people. As our country continued to change geographically, politically and socially the Constitution was forced to adapt through the process of amendments. Traditionally there are two main forms of amendments formal and informal. Please discuss what an amendment is, how many have been added to the Constitution since its inception in 1789, describe the basic concepts of formal and informal amendments in addition to providing two to three examples for each. Be sure the pinpoint the key concept that truly separates a formal and informal amendment.

Things to think about and discuss:

• Define the term amendment

• Explain the basic concepts of a formal and informal amendment

o Be sure to explain the fundamental difference that sets a formal and informal amendment apart

• Provide two to three examples of formal and informal amendments

21.) One of the best examples of cooperative federalism are federal grants-in-aid programs. Through these grants the federal government can allocate tax revenue to States, counties, cities and other local units of government. Please list and describe the three main types of federal grants-in-aid programs and provide at least two examples of how we might see each type of grant practically applied.

Things to think about and discuss:

• Explain the main reason why federal grant-in-aid programs have become such an important part of intergovernmental cooperation

• List and describe the purpose behind the three types of grant-in-aid programs

• Provide at least two examples on how each grant might be practically applied today

Short Answer Topics:

19.) The National Government of the United States is a government of delegated powers established through the concepts of federalism. Please identify and discuss the three main types of delegated powers, why certain powers are denied to the federal government and reserved for the state and list several concurrent powers that the federal government and State governments possess. Finally discuss how the Supremacy Clause works to create a hierarchy in regards to laws and treaties.

Things to think about and discuss:

• Please identify and explain the concepts of delegated powers and federalism

• Identify and discuss the three main types of delegated powers

• Explain why certain powers are denied to the federal government and allocated for the states

• List two to three concurrent powers the federal government and State governments hold

• Finally discuss how the Supremacy Clause works to create a hierarchy in regards to laws and treaties.

20.) When the Constitution went into effect in 1789, the Unites States was a small agricultural nation of fewer than four million people. As our country continued to change geographically, politically and socially the Constitution was forced to adapt through the process of amendments. Traditionally there are two main forms of amendments formal and informal. Please discuss what an amendment is, how many have been added to the Constitution since its inception in 1789, describe the basic concepts of formal and informal amendments in addition to providing two to three examples for each. Be sure the pinpoint the key concept that truly separates a formal and informal amendment.

Things to think about and discuss:

• Define the term amendment

• Explain the basic concepts of a formal and informal amendment

o Be sure to explain the fundamental difference that sets a formal and informal amendment apart

• Provide two to three examples of formal and informal amendments

21.) One of the best examples of cooperative federalism are federal grants-in-aid programs. Through these grants the federal government can allocate tax revenue to States, counties, cities and other local units of government. Please list and describe the three main types of federal grants-in-aid programs and provide at least two examples of how we might see each type of grant practically applied.

Things to think about and discuss:

• Explain the main reason why federal grant-in-aid programs have become such an important part of intergovernmental cooperation

• List and describe the purpose behind the three types of grant-in-aid programs

• Provide at least two examples on how each grant might be practically applied today

Learning Objective 3: I will be able to summarize, examine and evaluate historical maps, data, charts, graphs, photos, audio, clips and video footage to explain several of the important concepts of federalism.

1. You will be given a map similar to the map on your chapter four section two notes depicting the territorial growth of the United States from 1783 to 1853.

2. You will be given a political cartoon based on the Constructional right to bear arms included in the 2nd Amendment.

3. You will be given a political cartoon depicting a problem that can be solved by a federal grant-in-aid program

4. You will be given three short primary sources focusing on the early period of American federalism

Learning Target 4: I will be able to summarize, evaluate and construct connections (to myself, the world and/or other topics we have studied) using a variety of primary and secondary documents.

1. You will be given a primary source document designed to draw out your inference regarding the framers push for a limit on the power of the federal government

Learning Objective 3: I will be able to summarize, examine and evaluate historical maps, data, charts, graphs, photos, audio, clips and video footage to explain several of the important concepts of federalism.

1. You will be given a map similar to the map on your chapter four section two notes depicting the territorial growth of the United States from 1783 to 1853.

2. You will be given a political cartoon based on the Constructional right to bear arms included in the 2nd Amendment.

3. You will be given a political cartoon depicting a problem that can be solved by a federal grant-in-aid program

4. You will be given three short primary sources focusing on the early period of American federalism

Learning Target 4: I will be able to summarize, evaluate and construct connections (to myself, the world and/or other topics we have studied) using a variety of primary and secondary documents.

1. You will be given a primary source document designed to draw out your inference regarding the framers push for a limit on the power of the federal government


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