PDF Global Employer Services Individual tax

Belgium | Deloitte Tax | 20 May 2019

Global Employer Services Individual tax

Online tax return filing deadline six weeks away

On 3 April 2019, the new form for the 2018 resident income tax return (assessment year 2019) was published in the Official Belgian Journal (Dutch | French). The tax authorities recently communicated the filing deadlines: 28 June 2019 for paper filing 11 July 2019 for tax-on-web filing 24 October 2019 for proxy holders filing tax returns on

someone's behalf on tax-on-web Following this publication, the most relevant changes since last year are highlighted below. Similar to last year, three separate versions of the first part of the tax return are published for each region.

Exempted bracket for dividend income

Since 1 January 2018, the first EUR 640 bracket of dividend income is tax exempt. However, the exemption is not processed through tax withholding by the debtor. The exemption should therefore be claimed in the tax return by the taxpayer (codes 1437 - 2437).

Abolishment of Flemish tax reliefs

The tax relief for PWA-vouchers cannot be claimed anymore as this was replaced by the "neighbourhood work vouchers" tax relief since 1 January 2018.

In addition, the tax relief for roof isolation has been abolished.

New federal tax reliefs

Four new tax reliefs have been introduced in the tax return:

Tax relief concerning the free supplementary pension for self-employed individuals (codes 1342 ? 2342)

Tax relief for the acquisition of new shares of growth companies (codes 1334 ? 2334)

Tax relief for the realised loss of value on shares following the entire distribution of private privak equity (codes 1329 ? 2329)

Tax relief relating to adoption costs (code 1341)

Foreign bank and securities accounts

In addition to the existing standard obligation to report foreign bank accounts, it is required to report foreign accounts held by one or more associations who do not earn any profit, and who are not subject to the corporate income tax or legal entities tax (accounts of which the taxpayer is administrator).

Following the introduction of the tax on securities accounts, taxpayers are required to report whether they are the account holder of more than one securities accounts. Below are several important remarks concerning this reporting obligation:

The reporting should only be done if the taxpayer has more than one securities accounts.

The taxpayer should only declare whether he/she is the securities account holder, i.e. no additional information on the country in which the securities accounts is held should be declared.

The reporting obligation applies regardless of whether the EUR 500,000 threshold is exceeded or not.


If you have any questions concerning the items in this alert, please contact your usual tax consultant at our Deloitte office in Belgium or:

? Fr?d?ricq Jacquet, frjacquet@, + 32 2 600 65 29 ? Aur?lie Michiels, amichiels@, +32 2 600 65 36

For general inquiries, please contact: bedeloittetax@, + 32 2 600 60 00

Be sure to visit us at our website:

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