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Medical Case Studies for the Sensory System

1. Mrs. Cloud, age 30, went to visit her doctor one sunny spring day. She was very concerned because she had noticed a loss of hearing which had gradually gotten worse. When the doctor asked about her family history, Mrs. Cloud mentioned that her mother and aunt also suffered from hearing loss. After examining the patient, the doctor diagnosed her with a disorder, in which bony changes prevent the stapes from vibrating normally. The name of this disorder is __________________________.

He recommended surgery for Mrs. Cloud to replace the stapes. What is this surgical procedure called? ___________________________________________________

2. Megan was running late and forgot her towels. After the basketball game when she took a shower, she borrowed Christina’s towel. Later that night when they went our for pizza, she noticed Christina rubbing her eyes. They seem be watering a lot and were very red. About three days later, when Megan’s alarm went off, she could not open her left eye It was swollen and a thick mucous discharge had formed a crust over her eyelid. Her eyes burned and itched. What did the doctor diagnose Megan with? ____________________________________________________________

What instructions do you think he gave Megan and her mother to prevent it from spreading to other family members? ______________ ___________________ ___________________________ _______________________________

3. Mrs. Osborne took her baby to the pediatrician because he had cried most of the night and kept holding the left side of his head. She reported he had had a cold for about a week. After looking at his ear with an __________________, the doctor reported the baby had a bulging red eardrum. She thought the cause was a middle ear infection. She told the mother the baby was suffering from ________________________________________.

The pediatrician ordered antibiotics, but because the infection was so bad, it was necessary to cut the eardrum so it would not rupture. What procedure did the doctor do? ______________________

4. Becky has had to do a lot of reading for school. She had never had vision problems before, but lately she was having trouble reading the print in the book. She found herself having to hold the book further away from her eyes. She also had trouble reading the instructions on the back of medication bottles. What condition did the doctor diagnose Becky with? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________

What treatment did she probably order for Becky? ______________________________________________________________

5. Mrs. Rohan, age 72, comes to the physician office complaining of fuzzy vision lately. After examining her, the doctor asked her how long she had had those white patches on her lenses. What is her problem? ______________________________________________________________

What treatment will the physician probably prescribe? _______________________________________________________________

6. Chris is referred to the eye clinic by the school nurse who suspects he needs glasses. Upon examination, it is determined that Chris is myopic. Will he need concave or convex lenses? _________________________________________.

Explain your answer: ___

7. Mrs. Dancy cannot sleep at night because her husband’s snoring keeps her awake. She is also alarmed because he has had several bad nose bleeds lately and has complained of headaches. She insists that he go to the doctor. What did her husband tell her was wrong with him when he returned home from seeing the physician? ______________________________________.

He tells her about a new treatment for this condition. What is this treatment and how is it used? ____________________________________________

8. One minute Judy was enjoying the party, and the next she was overcome with severe dizziness and nausea. She barely made it to the bathroom where she vomited a large amount of pea green fluid. She thought she had the flu and stayed in bed for three days until the dizziness had passed. Two weeks later she had an identical attack and this time she noted a ringing in her ears. Frightened she went to the emergency room. What diagnosis was made of Judy? _________________________________________________________________

What did the physician tell her was the cause of the problem? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. During a pick-up softball game, Monica got hit in the nose catching a fly ball. She lost her sense of smell temporarily. How would you explain this injury to Monica and her mother? __________________________________________________________________

10. Paul notices that every time lately that he gets a sore throat, he also has an ear ache. Paul does not understand how the two signs could be related. How would you explain this to Paul? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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