Medical Terminology - Weebly
Medical Terminology
Prefixes Meaning Example
1. a- an without anaerobic
2. ab- away from abnormal
3. abdomin (o) belly, abdomen abdominalgia
4. ad- to, toward adhere
5. aden- gland adenoma
6. aer (o)- air aerobic
7. ante- before antepartum
8. anti- against antibody
9. arth- joint arthritis
10. auto- self autohypnosis
11. bi- two bilateral
12. bio- life biology
13. blephar- eyelid blepharitis
14. brachi- arm brachial
15. bucc cheek buccogingival
16. cephalo head cephalic
17. carcin- cancer carcinoma
18. cardi(o) heart cardiologist
19. caud- tail caudal
20. cav- hollow cavity
21. chol- bile cholecystectomy
22. chrom- color chromatin
23. circum- around circumcision
24. cleav- to divide cleavage
25. col (o) colon colosotomy
26. contra- against contraception
27. corp (or) body corpuscle
28. crani (o) skull cranium
29. cyan- bluish cyanotic
30. cyst- fluid-filled sac cystitis
31. cyt (o) cell cytology
32. dactyl- finger; toe dactylomegaly
33. derm-, dermato- skin epidermis
34. di- two dissect
35. dis apart, away from disarticulation
36. dors (i) ; dors (o) back dorsal
37. dys- bad, difficult dysentery
38. ede- swells edema
39. electro- referring to electricity electrocardiogram
40. en- in, into enema
41. encephal (o) brain encephalic
42. enter (o)- intestine enteritis
43. epi upon, on epidermis
44. erythro- red erythrocyte
45. fasci- band fasciculus
46. fiss- split fissure
47. for- opening foramen
48. frac- break fracture
49. gastr(o)- stomach gastritis
50. -gen produce; become pathogen
51. gingival- gum gingivitis
52. gyn- women gynecology
53. glyc (o)- sweet glycosuria
54. hemi- half hemiplegia
55. hem (o)- blood hematuria
56. hepat- liver hepatitis
57. hetero- the other heterosexual
58. hist (o)- tissue histology
59. homo same homeostasis
60. hydro- water dehydration
61. hyper- above, over hyperglycemia
62. hypo- below hopodermic
63. hyster (o)- uterus hysterodinia
64. in- in, within infiltration
65. infra- below infrared
66. inter- between intercostal
67. intra- within, inside intracellular
68. is (o)- equal isotonic
69. junct- join junction
70. kine- movement kinesiology
71. lact (o)- milk lactose
72. later- side lateral
73. leuk, leuc- white leukocyte
74. lith- stone lithiasis
75. macro- large macrophage
76. mal- bad, abnormal malnutrition
77. mast- breast mastitis
78. meat- passage auditory meatus
79. meg enlarged adenomegaly
80. meta- between, with metatarsal
81. micro- small microscope
82. morpho- shape morphology
83. mort- death mortality
84. multi- many multicellular
85. my (o)- muscle myositis
86. ne (o)- new neoplasm
87. nephro- kidney nephritis
88. necro(o)- death necrotic
89. neuro- nerve neuron
90. odont (o)- tooth odontoid process
91. ophthalmo- eye ophthalmoscope
92. orbit- track, circle transorbital
93. os-, osteo- bone osteocytes
94. par- give birth to postpartum
95. path- disease pathology
96. pedi child pediatrics
97. pod- foot podiatrist
98. phag- eat phagocyte
99. phleb- vein phlebitis
100. pneum- lung, air pneumonia
101. poie- make, produce hematopoiesis
102. post- after postpartum
103. pre- before prenatal
104. prox- nearest proximal
105. pseudo- false pseudopregnancy
106. psycho- mind psychotherapy
107. py (o)- pus pyogenic
108. re, retro- back, backwards retroperitoneal
109. ren- kidney renopathy
110. somat, somato- body somatic cells
111. sub- under subdural
112. sep, septic- poison, rot, decay sepsis
113. tachy- swift tachycardia
114. thromb- lump, clot thrombosis
115. tox- poison toxemia
116. trans- across, through transfer
117. troph (i) (o)- food, nourishment atrophy
118. vas- vessel vascular
119. uni- one unicellular
120. vit- life vital
121. zyg- join, union zygote
Suffixes Meaning Example
1. – ar pertaining to: lobar bronchus
2. –algia pain neuralgia
3. – cele tumor, sac hydrocele
4. –costal rib intercostals
5. –ectomy cutting out, excision appendectomy
6. –emia blood condition anemia
7. –ectasis dilation, expansion cytoectasis
8. – esthesia refers to sensation anesthesia
9. –form shape deformed
10. –genic producing carcinogenic
11. –gram written record polygram
12. –graph to write polygraph
13. – ia state or condition anemia
14. –ion process extraction
15. –itis inflammation of sinusitis
16. –logy science of morphology
17. - lysis, lyze break up hemolyze
18. –natal birth postnatal
19. –oid resembling fibroma
20. –oma tumor fibroma
21. –ostomy making an opening colostomy
22. -otomy cutting into phlebotomy
23. –penia a lack of lacrima penia
24. –plasty surgical molding mastoplasty
25. –plegia paralysis quadriplegia
26. –pnea breathing apnea
27. –ptosis downward displacement hemoptosis
28. –rrhage heavy flow hemorrhage
29. –rrhea flow or discharge diarrhea
30. –sect cut dissect
31. –scope view microscope
32. –sis state condition phagocytosis
33. –stalsis contraction peristalsis
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