A Proposal Requesting Funds from (insert company name)

(Insert your Club’s logo here)

A Proposal Requesting Funds from (insert company name)

To support the (Boys & Girls Club of)’s

Club Tech Program

A program that teaches youth the technology skills needed to advance their academic and professional success

(Insert Date)


Insert page numbers

when proposal is complete

|Executive Summary |Pg. X |

|Organizational Background |Pg. X |

|Statement of Need |Pg. X |

|Responding to the Need |Pg. X |

|Budget and Plan for Sustainability |Pg. X |

|Marketing/Publicity Plan |Pg. X |

|Closing |Pg. X |

|Appendix |Pg. X |

Executive Summary

For (insert number) years, Boys & Girls Club of _______________ has been in the forefront of youth development, working with young people from disadvantaged economic, social and family circumstances. Boys & Girls Club of _____________ has actively sought to enrich the lives of girls and boys whom other youth agencies have had difficulty reaching. We are dedicated to ensuring that our community’s disadvantaged children and teens have greater access to quality programs and services that will enhance their lives and shape their futures.

In order to have an even deeper impact on our community’s youth, Boys & Girls Club of _______________ is requesting funding from (insert company’s name here) to implement the Club Tech program, which teaches members critical technology skills to help them advance their academic and professional success. The Club Tech program will ensure that youth of all ages have access to state-of-the-art technology and are able to learn the necessary technology skills to prepare for continued education and the workplace.

As a community-based organization, Boys & Girls Club of _______________ is uniquely positioned to positively affect the lives of the youth we serve. To implement the Club Tech program, we would like to request the amount of $___. A detailed breakdown of how these dollars will be allocated can be found in this proposal’s Budget and Plan for Sustainability.

Just as (insert company’s name here) seeks to help our community’s youth become responsible, caring, productive citizens, Boys & Girls Club of _______________ has the staff and tools necessary to see this vision come to life. We thank you for considering this request. Together, we can assure that our community’s youth go on to have great futures.

Organizational Background

Boys & Girls Club of ______________ is part of a nationwide Movement of community-based, autonomous organizations and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) working to help youth of all backgrounds develop the qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders. It offers daily access to a broad range of programs in five core program areas (Character and Leadership Development; Education and Career Development; Health and Life Skills; The Arts; and Sports, Fitness and Recreation) and several specialized initiatives. All programs are designed to drive positive outcomes for youth and reinforce necessary life skills.

Today, more than (insert number) young people at risk and in need are taking advantage of the programs, activities and services provided by Boys & Girls Club of ____________. Our vision is to provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who walks through our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.

(Insert additional information and accolades here about your local Club)

To make sure that all of our members have great futures, the Boys & Girls Club Movement has adopted the Formula for Impact, a research-based theory of change that describes how individual Clubs and the Movement as a whole can increase our impact – exponentially – on the young people of America.

Our Formula begins with the young people in Clubs – especially those who need us most. It calls for us to consistently provide the most powerful Club Experience possible – by implementing the Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development, offering high-yield activities and providing targeted programs – all of which help youth achieve priority outcomes.[i] Then, because we also know that attending the Club more frequently and over a greater length of time makes young people more likely to achieve positive outcomes, Clubs must pursue strategies to increase attendance, program participation and member retention.[ii]


Statement of Need

Now more than ever, community partners play a critical role in shaping the lives of America’s young people. This is where BCGA is uniquely positioned to make a significant difference. We have access to the youth who need us most and a program that will help youth develop positive outcomes and achieve great futures.

In an effort to ensure that members achieve great futures, the Boys & Girls Club of ___________________ has chosen to implement the Club Tech program, which has also been identified as one of BGCA’s targeted programs. Participation in this program will help drive academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles – our priority outcomes for youth. Not only will members learn how to use technology, which they can apply to their future career, they also learn how to create digital content that effectively communicates their ideas and vision as they strive to create a better world. Consider the following statistics:

Families making more than $50,000/year have twice the rate of home computer and Internet use than families making under $35,000.[iii]

There is an almost 19 percent difference in broadband access in the home between non-Hispanic whites versus non-Hispanic blacks[iv]

Club Tech provides essential technology skills for the 21st century. Members who take part in the basic skills curriculum Skill Tech: Basic Training score 20 percent higher on a pre-/post-test than members who do not participate in the curriculum.[v]

(Insert relevant local statistics that explain the need for a program like this in your community)

Responding to the Need

The Club Tech program provides curriculum and activities that teach members crucial technology skills to help them advance their academic success and to be prepared to be caring and productive citizens. The Club Tech program offers more than 20 curriculums, resources and training experiences to enhance learning and skill development in areas such as basic software skills, networking, movie production, robotics, game design and staff training.

Demonstrated Success

There can be little argument that to achieve success in the workplace today – and in the future – youth must master and effectively utilize technology. According to a study done by the Center for the Internet & Society at the University of Washington:

“Technology in BGCA is providing computer access for many youth who wouldn’t have access otherwise. It is being used to build technical competencies and advance other non-technical BGCA goals. Computer use demonstrates that learning and the information machinery of modern society are integral to the social mission of Clubs.”[vi]

At one time, access to technology for certain socioeconomic groups was problematic. Today, while access to technology has become more available to all socioeconomic groups, there is still a divide when it comes to the skills needed to fully use technology. Access to technology is not enough in today’s world. Without the tools to effectively use technology, the “have-nots” are still disadvantaged – even if they have physical access to technology equipment.

“Both technical competency and information literacy are needed to fully exploit the potential of information technology…. Computers and the Internet are more than data storage or communication devices. They are gateways to a seemingly limitless by complex array of information sources of varied uses and quality.”[vii]

Just as important as having access to technology is the knowledge to use it appropriately and well. Today’s technology not only allows Boys & Girls Club of ________________ members to “pull down” information from the Internet, but it also allows them to become content creators and publishers. In order to take full advantage of what technology has to offer, members must have both basic and advanced technology skills to be prepared for the workplace and society.

In her book Virtual Inequality: Beyond the Digital Divide, Dr. Karen Mossberger explains these other “access issues” as they affect particularly lower socioeconomic groups:

An issue [“digital divide”] definition based primarily on access contains an implicit assumption that the policy problem is affordability rather than ability [author’s emphasis] to use technology. Yet certain skills are necessary to exploit the potential of computers, including the ability to use complex software programs or to locate and evaluate information on the web.[viii]

Not only do technology programs help young people acquire necessary skills for their future in the work force, recent research has pointed out the importance of technology education for youth’s overall development. MGS Consulting conducted a study of technology programs as a learning tool for low-income youth in Washington state. They examined 39 after-school programs, 17 of which were part of BGCA. According to this study:

• “… youth participation in community technology programs leads to an increase in perceived developmental assets. Youths’ perceived developmental assets increased with time spent in a program. In addition, the number of hours a youth participated per week in a technology program was positively correlated with their [Developmental Asset Profile] score. This held true for all ages, genders, and program types.”

• “[Youth participants] report that they are indeed increasing their technical fluency, leading to success in each of these four 21st-century skills sets.”

• “… youth who participate in the technology programs believe that they will do better in school, attend college, and get a good job after they finish school.”[ix]

The Center for Information & Society at the University of Washington also studied technology programming in BGCA in the context of the wider youth development goals of the BGCA program. One of their conclusions states:

“Rarely do kids learn about computers for the sake of the computers. Technology supports discussion of current affairs, community culture and topics that spill over from school and home, adding dynamism, context and relevance.”[x]

Learning technology skills is important not only for enrichment, but also for the opportunities that they provide, opening up a new world of information and education that informs the whole child in his or her personal development. It is important that Boys & Girls Clubs offer technology to members both for skill development and for overall youth development goals.

Program Implementation and Measurement

(Explain how this program will be implemented in your Club – how often, who will facilitate, what resources or tools are used to enhance the program, whether additional staff or content experts will be needed, etc. If a new position is being proposed, explain this person’s role and create a sample job description to be placed in this proposal’s Appendix.)

The Club Tech program’s outcomes are measured by the following:

• An increase of youth self-reporting the use of technology for more advanced activities (e.g. photo-editing, movie editing, graphic design, etc.)[xi]

• Positive changes in attitudes toward technology[xii]

• A growth in positive relationships with peers and adult Club staff[xiii]

• An increase in perceived developmental assets as defined by the Search Institute[xiv]

• An increase in technology fluency and technology skills[xv]

(Explain how the program will be evaluated, and what will be reported to the funder. Will there be pre-/post-tests? Mid-term reports? Final reports?)

(Give anecdotal evidence for why implementing this program with the resources of the company’s support is a good fit)

Budget and Plan for Sustainability

The Boys & Girls Club of ___________________requests $______ from (insert company’s name here) to support the Club Tech program. Funding will provide for the (staffing, equipment, etc.) necessary to operate the program. The program will operate at (number of Club sites) throughout (town/ city/area). The following budget outlines the specific cost breakdowns. (Remove this line if not needed: In the Appendix of this proposal, please find a sample job description for the position(s) to be filled in order to execute this program.)

(Note: There are two budgets below. One reflects costs for implementing a Tech Center through BGCA’s preferred vendor program. The other is for a Club purchasing equipment from another source. This proposal can be written to request funding for a one-year or multi-year program and should be budgeted accordingly.)

I. Salaries

Technology Services Coordinator $_________

II. Benefits

@ ___(%) $_________

Total Salaries and Benefits $_________

III. Training

Two-day training for Technology Services Coordinator $_________

Total Training $_________

IV. Equipment

Hardware (purchased separately)

____ Workstations @ $_______/workstation $_________

Server $_________

Additional server needs (memory, hard drives,

processor kits, monitor, etc.) $_________

Network hub $_________

Router/modem $_________

Digital still camera(s) $_________

Digital video camera(s) $_________

Headphones $_________

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) $_________

Power strips $_________

Backup device $_________

CD read/write drive(s) $_________

DVD drive(s) $_________

LCD projector $_________

Laser printer $_________

Color inkjet printer $_________

Other $_________

Total Hardware $_________

Hardware (tech center package purchased from CDW.

Complete Tech Center package:

10 computers

10 monitors & keyboards

1 printer

1 wireless router (Check current price on ) $_________

Digital still camera(s) $_________

Digital video camera(s) $_________

Headphones $_________

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) $_________

Power strips $_________

Backup device $_________

LCD projector $_________

Total Hardware $_________

Digital Arts Program Equipment

____ Digital still cameras @ $____/camera $_________

____ Flash memory cards for camera @ $___/card $_________

____ Digital video cameras @ $_____/camera $_________

____ Tripods @ $____/tripod $_________

____ Microphones @ $____/microphone $_________

[Replace with name of movie editing software]

@ $___/license $_________

[Replace with name of photo editing software]

@ $___/license $_________

External Hard Drive $_________

Robo Tech Implementation

____ Lego® MINDSTORMS® robotics kits @ $____/kit $_________

Registration for ___ teams for FIRST Lego League (FLL)

competition @ $____/team $_________

Specialized FLL kits @ $___/kit $_________

One-time Team Startup Costs (e.g. competition tables,

competition kits with re-usable pieces, etc.) $_________

Team supplies (T-shirts, materials for presentations, etc.) $_________

Team member incentives/recognition $_________

Miscellaneous supplies $_________


Network software $_________

Productivity software $_________

Educational software $_________

Other software $_________

Total Software $_________

Internet Access

One-year Internet service provider @ $_____/month $_________

One-year Internet filtering services @ $_____/month $_________

Internet access installation $_________

Total Internet Access $_________

Site preparation (network cable installation, electrical needs, etc.) $_________

Furniture $_________

Hardware configuration and installation $_________

One-year technical support @ $________/month $_________

V. Supplies

Office supplies $_________

Program supplies (blank disks, CDs, ink cartridges, toner,

back-up tapes, etc.) $_________

Total Supplies $_________

VI. Postage and Shipping $_________

VIII. Telephone $_________

IX. Transportation $_________

GRAND TOTAL $_________

(As needed, elaborate on the paragraph below. Explain whom your Club is working with to secure additional funding and resources to sustain the program, if applicable. Are you also requesting the funder provide volunteers for the program through employee engagement? Are there other local funders you wish to approach for funding and/or resources?)

In addition to the aforementioned monetary request, Boys & Girls Club of ___________________ is working with other local organizations to provide for the long-term sustainability of Club Tech.

Marketing and Publicity Plan

Boys & Girls Club of ___________________ will be happy to acknowledge the contributions of (insert company’s name here) for their support of Club Tech in appropriate communications. This includes, but is not limited to, (insert the places the funder will receive acknowledgement of program support – newsletters, e-newsletters, Club website, program flyers, etc.).

(Note: The Club Tech program is also funded nationally by founding sponsor Microsoft and Comcast. Because of the support that these partners provide for Club Tech, it is necessary for Boys & Girls Club of ___________________ to also acknowledge this partnership in appropriate communications and venues. The language below is what is recommended by BGCA for inclusion.)

Club Tech was created by Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Microsoft in 2000 to technologically enable Clubs worldwide, transforming Clubs from "swim and gym" to "point and click” destinations. Partnering with longtime supporter Comcast and Microsoft, BGCA provides technology program access to some 4.1 million youth served through Club membership and community outreach at nearly 4,000 Clubs. By leveling the virtual playing field, kids of all ages and circumstances now have access to the same resources and skills to help them discover their world, expand creativity, perform better in school, and eventually take their technology know-how into the workplace. 


As the world becomes even more interconnected, it is more critical than ever for our young people to develop the skills needed to compete in a global economy. By implementing Club Tech we have the ability to reach (insert number of youth and their ages) to provide them with the technology skills they need to advance their academic and professional success.

Thank you for considering this request and for your support of our community’s young people. With the support of (insert company’s name here), we can ensure that our community’s youth go on to become productive, caring, responsible citizens. Here at Boys & Girls Club of ___________________, we firmly believe that GREAT FUTURES START HERE.


(List of Club Tech Programs and Resources)

(Annual Report)

(Board of Directors)

(Sample Job Description)

(Other Important Club Information)

List of Club Tech Programs and Resources

• Skill Tech: Basic Training – basic productivity software skills

• Skill Tech II – computer hardware and networking

• The Digital Arts Suite

o Web Tech – basic web page design

o Design Tech – graphic design

o Photo Tech – digital photo illustration

o Music Tech – music composition

o Movie Tech – screenplay writing and movie production

• Clay Tech – stop motion animation

• Robo Tech – Lego® Mindstorm robotics

• Game Tech I – basic game design concepts and introduction to the Scratch language

• Game Tech II – computer programming in the Scratch language

• The Digital Arts Festivals – national competitions in graphic design, photo illustration, music composition, live action movie production, stop motion animation and game design

• NetSmartz Workshop (in conjunction with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children)

o Router’s Birthday Surprise – Internet and general safety for ages 6 – 9

o NSTeens – Internet and media safety for ages 10 – 13

o I-360 – Internet and media safety for ages 14 – 18

o Staff support materials – information for staff on issues in online and media safety

• The Activity Exchange – an online, searchable database of activities for all areas of the Club

• Back Pocket Tech Hints – a print resource of technology center activities

• Tech Center Directors Institute – 2 day staff training on the Club Tech programs

• Integrating Technology into Core Program Areas – 1 day staff training on creating activities for the technology center

• Club Tech webinars – online trainings on a variety of Club Tech topics

• Club Tech eBlasts – email newsletters on Club Tech programs, resources and trainings.



[i] Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development: BGCA worked with the nationally recognized Search Institute to review relevant research and study highly effective Clubs. Through Club visits and interviews with managers, program staff, teens and community leaders, the five key elements that determine the level of impact a Club makes on the development of young people were identified. High-yield activities: The research of Dr. Reginald Clark has demonstrated that high-achieving students spend more time engaged in activities that reinforce the skills and knowledge they learn in school. “Enhancing the Educational Achievement of At-Risk Youth,” an evaluation of BGCA’s national education strategy, Project Learn, confirms the effectiveness of using such high-yield activities in Boys & Girls Clubs. Targeted programs: BGCA offers many national programs that are designed to help young people achieve our priority outcomes of academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. Many of BGCA’s targeted programs have been evaluated for their effectiveness. Some of BGCA’s targeted programs have also been deemed “evidence based” by the federal government.

[ii] “Making Every Day Count: Boys & Girls Clubs’ Role in Promoting Positive Outcomes for Teens.” Public/Private Ventures, 2009.

[iii] Statistic compiled from National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. Available: ntia.data/CPS2010_Tables.html.

[iv] S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Digital Nation: Expanding Internet Usage. (February, 2010). Available: ntia.reports/2011/NTIA_Internet_Use_Report_February_2011.pdf

[v] Akey, Terri, Gambone, Michelle, Borland, Jennifer. Learning Technologies in After School Settings: Impact of Technology Programming and Access in Boys & Girls Clubs. Available: DemonstratingImpact/Documents/Learning_Technologies_2009_Full_report.pdf, accessed March 15, 2011.

[vi] Sullivan, J., Vander Leest, T., Gordon, A. “Work and Play in the Information Age: Technology Utilization in Boys & Girls Clubs of America.” University of Washington Center for Information & Society, Available: , accessed March 15, 2011.

[vii] Mossberger, Karen, Tolbert, Caroline J.., Stansbury, Mary. Virtual Inequality: Beyond the Digital Divide (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003).

[viii] Mossberger, Karen, Tolbert, Caroline J.., Stansbury, Mary. Virtual Inequality: Beyond the Digital Divide (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003).

[ix] “Community Access to Technology Program Evaluation Report — Year 3.” MGS Consulting, Inc., Available: OurClients/CAT_Final_Eval.pdf, accessed March 15, 2011.

[x] Sullivan, J., Vander Leest, T., Gordon, A. “Work and Play in the Information Age: Technology Utilization in Boys & Girls Clubs of America.” University of Washington Center for Information & Society, Available: , accessed March 15, 2011.

[xi] Akey, Terri, Gambone, Michelle, Borland, Jennifer. Learning Technologies in After School Settings: Impact of Technology Programming and Access in Boys & Girls Clubs. Available: DemonstratingImpact/Documents/Learning_Technologies_2009_Full_report.pdf, accessed March 15, 2011

[xii] Ibid.

[xiii] Ibid.

[xiv] “Community Community Access to Technology Program Evaluation Report — Year 3.” MGS Consulting, Inc., Available: OurClients/CAT_Final_Eval.pdf, accessed March 15, 2011.

[xv] All Club Tech evaluation studies (Akey, et. al., Sullivan, et.al, “Community Access. . .”) found this outcome.


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