State of Connecticut

Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services

SPF Subrecipient

Data and Technology Survey

December 2006

Thomas A. Kirk, Jr., Ph.D. Dianne Harnad, MSW

Commissioner Director of Prevention


A key concept of CSAP’s Strategic Prevention Framework is increasing the use of data driven decision-making. Typically, coalitions have a wide range of skills and abilities when it comes to using data and computers. Therefore, DMHAS is conducting this survey in order to properly plan for building SPF coalition’s capacity to use data.

Your responses are essential to the development of meaningful and useful learning communities. Please take a few minutes at this time to complete the survey and return it to me by January 5, 2007.

Individual and Agency Specific Information

1. What is your position within your agency?

Program Director/Coordinator

Program Staff

Other (specify)      

2. How many years prevention experience do you have?    Years

3. Please rate your computer skill level. (Select only one.)

Never used a computer (Skip to Question 8)




4. If you do currently use a computer, what kind do you use? (Select only one.)

Windows-Based PC



I don't know

5. Please rate your use of the Internet. (Select only one.)

Never used the Internet (Skip to Question 8)




6. Have you ever used an Internet search engine?



I don't know

7. Do you know how to "bookmark" favorite websites? (Select only one.)



I don't know

Agency Use of Data

8. If your program uses prevention data, what types of data have you used? (Check all that apply.)

| |Hospital data on alcohol or drug related visits/admissions | |Process data such as those reported in the DMHAS Minimum |

| | | |Data Set (MDS) |

| |School achievement data | |Census data |

| |School ATOD use survey data | |Outcome data on program participants |

| |Archival social indicator data | |Program satisfaction surveys |

| |Public health statistics | |Key informant survey data |

| |Community/Household survey data | |Don't Know |

| |Law enforcement records | |Not Applicable |

| |Public forums or focus group data | |Other (specify): _________________ |

9. If your program uses prevention data, how is it used? (Check all that apply.)

| |For budgeting purposes | |To advocate for policy change |

| |To manage your program | |For strategic planning purposes |

| |To evaluate programs/policies | |To leverage grant funding |

| |To fulfill funding requirements | |Other specify): |      |

10. What data format do you find most useful to your program?

Raw Data

Pre-configured Tables/Graphs

Dynamic Tables/Graphs that you can configure online


Other (specify)      

|DMHAS Prevention routinely collects the following types of data. How interested are you in using these data to support your coalition? |

|(Please rate how strongly you are interested in each item by placing a check mark in the appropriate box.) |

| |Not Interested| |Neutral | |Very |Don’t Know |

| | | | | |Interested | |

|GIS maps showing prevention needs, resources, ATOD use, and social | | | | | | |

|indicators | | | | | | |

|Needs assessment data (AOD use and consequences, and causal factors) | | | | | | |

|Individual pre/post-test outcome data for prevention program participants | | | | | | |

|Prevention workforce data (demographic data on prevention training | | | | | | |

|participants) | | | | | | |

|Tobacco prevention and enforcement data (compliance checks, merchant | | | | | | |

|education) | | | | | | |

|Minimum Data Set (counts of prevention strategies, services, and | | | | | | |

|participants | | | | | | |

11. At what level(s) would you be interested in examining prevention data collected by DMHAS? (Check all that apply)

| Program | Town | Regional | State | National |

Barriers to Using Data

|How much does each of the following issues limit or pose a barrier to collecting, using, or interpreting prevention data? (Please rate how |

|much of a barrier each item is by placing a check mark in the appropriate box.) |

| |Not a | | | |A Large |

| |Barrier | | | |Barrier |

|Data Collection is not required or mandated | | | | | |

|Lack of support from leadership in my agency | | | | | |

|Too much data is available | | | | | |

|Data are too difficult to access | | | | | |

|Lack of interest | | | | | |

|Lack of in-house technical support | | | | | |

|Lack of expertise, training, or knowledge | | | | | |

|Our computer system is inadequate or outdated | | | | | |

|Data are not available or don’t exist | | | | | |

|Lack of awareness of the utility of data | | | | | |

|Lack of understanding of what to do with data | | | | | |

|Data aren’t accurate or complete | | | | | |

|Data systems are too complicated to understand | | | | | |

|Timing of data collection | | | | | |

|Not enough or the right kind of information | | | | | |

|No clear priories on what data should be collected | | | | | |

|Data are not collected in a uniform manner | | | | | |

|Lack of sufficient funding | | | | | |

|Lack of sufficient staffing levels | | | | | |

Training/Technical Assistance Needs

|Please tell us how interested you are in the following topics for prevention data-related training opportunities. |

| |Not Interested | |Neutral | |Very Interested |

|Using data (in general) | | | | | |

|Basic statistics | | | | | |

|Using qualitative data | | | | | |

|Data analysis | | | | | |

|Program evaluation | | | | | |

|Hiring an Evaluator | | | | | |

|Locating sources of data | | | | | |

|Computer use in general | | | | | |

|Conducting surveys | | | | | |

|Using Internet Search Engines | | | | | |

|Conducting needs/resource assessments | | | | | |

|Using DMHAS databases (e.g. MDS, Tobacco, Workforce) | | | | | |

|Using regularly collected archival data (e.g. social indicators) | | | | | |

|Database development / storage / management | | | | | |

|Geographic Information Systems (showing data on maps) | | | | | |

|Using Microsoft Excel to produce charts and graphs | | | | | |

|Other (specify) |      |

Thank you for completing this survey.

Please save a copy in your MY DOCUMENTS folder and then email it to















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