Survey Monkey instructions

Instructions for faculty candidate review survey on Survey Monkey

First, sign up for an account at . You can do small surveys and view the results online for free; for $20/month, you can download results to a spreadsheet and share the results among users.

Creating a new survey from a template

• Go to and log in.

• Click “New Survey.”

• On the “New survey options” screen, choose “From Existing” and the name of the template I previously sent you. If you don’t have any templates listed, contact me at and I’ll get you a copy.

• Click “Next” (in the upper-right corner)

• Review the questions and edit as needed.

• Preview the survey.

• When you are done, click “Exit the survey”.

• You will be taken to the SurveyMonkey home page.

• Note: You have just created a new survey with the name “Faculty Candidate Survey Template.” You’ll want to change this ASAP so you don’t get the files confused. See below…

Distributing a survey

• Click the “My Surveys” button at the top of the screen

• Be sure the survey is open. (Look at the “box” icon to the left of the title of the survey – it will either say “Open” or “Closed”.) If the survey is currently closed, click the box once to open the survey.

• Click the “Collect” button.

• Click “Create link for e-mail message.”

• Copy the link, paste it into an e-mail (in your favorite e-mail program), and send the message to the proper group of recipients.

Analyzing results

• Log in.

• Click the “My Surveys” button (you might go there automatically).

• Click the “Analyze” icon (looks like a chart) next to the survey you want to analyze.

• Your results will be displayed on the screen.

• If you want to export them to Excel, just click the “Export” button in the upper right corner.

Editing a survey

• Log in.

• Click the “My Surveys” button (you might go there automatically).

• Look for the survey you want to edit.

• Be sure it is “closed.” (You can only edit surveys when they are closed.)

• Click “Design” (the crayon-box icon on the right side).

• Each item can be edited by clicking the appropriate “edit” button.

• You can have 1 or more questions on a page.

• Below, I’ve circled the most common buttons you’ll use.

Adding Questions

• When you click “Add questions” at the BOTTOM of a page, the new question will appear at the BOTTOM of the page. When you click “Add questions” at the TOP of a page, the new question will appear at the TOP of the page.

• Decide if you want a new page or just a new question on the existing page.

o I recommend one question per page, EXCEPT for very short questions around a common theme - it’s often helpful to group questions about demographics on one page, for example.

• Click “Add page,” if needed.

• Click “Add question.”

• You will most often use the following question types:

o Choice – one answer (Vertical): this results in a multiple-choice question that can have only one answer (radio buttons)

o Choice – Multiple answers (Vertical): this results in a multiple-choice question that can have multiple answers (check boxes)

o Matrix – One Answer per Row (Rating Scale): this lets you create a rating scale across the top (Any number of rating items, labeled in any way, e.g., “Disagree Strongly…Agree Strongly) and a list of items to rate down the left side.

o Open Ended – One of More Lines w/Prompt: Good for “Please write any additional comments below.”

• Most of the question types are self-explanatory; the matrix can be a little tricky to fill out. See the example below.


This input

Yields this result


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