Survey requirements AHFA (00755299.DOC;1)

Addendum AALABAMA HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITYHOUSING CREDITS/HOME PROGRAMSURVEY SPECIFICATIONS(Minimum requirements, not intended to lowerState of Alabama or local law or custom.)Note Regarding Pre-Construction Surveys. Certain of the requirements relating to buildings and improvements may not apply to pre-construction surveys. For pre-construction surveys, surveyor should depict all improvements that exist on the property as of the date of the pre-construction survey (e.g., sidewalks, curb cuts, old buildings to be demolished, etc.), but is not required to depict improvements that are to be constructed. Of course, all of the requirements apply to as-built surveys.Field Technical SpecificationsThe survey will be a field-run, ALTA/ASCM Land Title Survey, based upon the property description furnished in the source of title, performed by or under the direct supervision of a Professional Land Surveyor currently licensed in the State of Alabama, and during which all property boundary corners are either occupied or side shot.All distances will be measured and reported to the nearest 0.01 feet, and all angles will be measured and reported to the nearest 20 seconds of arc.Closure, as inferred from the surveyed property boundaries by combining reported angles and distances, must meet or exceed 1:10,000. The area, as calculated by DMD, DPD, or other appropriate analytical method, will be reported to the nearest 0.01 acre. The bearing of each course will be shown sequentially on the survey plat, with the basis of bearings (e.g., true, magnetic or arbitrary) stated in the marginal notes.All corner points will be marked on the ground by permanent ferrous metal monuments with ties to any appropriate witness and/or reference monuments shown on the survey plat along with a detailed description of the true corner marker.All buildings located on the subject property will be dimensioned and located relative to a minimum of the closest two (2) adjoining property boundaries by perpendicular off-sets. Type of construction and number of stories will be noted and shown.All additional improvements (e.g., sidewalks, drives, paved parking areas, medians, open spaces, etc.) will be dimensioned and located in a graphically correct position and orientation. Individual parking spaces as striped on the ground will be shown and counted.All utilities visible on the surface will be located, shown and described. Additionally, underground sanitary sewer systems and underground storm sewer systems will be traced through the property and located by angle and distance to the property boundary.The existence or nonexistence of any encroachment onto the property by improvements on adjoining lands, and/or any encroachments by improvements on the surveyed property onto any adjoining lands, must be determined, dimensioned and shown on the survey plat.The name, address and recordation document information of all adjoining owners (including across streets, alleys or highways) as they appear on current tax assessment rolls will be shown on the survey plat in proper position.The finished floor elevation of the lowest floor of all buildings on the surveyed property will be determined on NGVD and shown on the survey plat if the surveyed property is located in or partially in a designated Flood Hazard Area.Plat Technical SpecificationsAll surveys will be drawn in ink, on a base plat exactly 24 inches vertically and 36 inches horizontally. A lined border will be constructed. No portion of the survey or marginal information will be drawn outside of the described border.Survey information will be located on the base plat so that the right nine (9) inches of the plat contains the following items in order from top to bottom:North arrow, graphic scale, legend and marginal notes.Property description, including appurtenant easements.Marginal Notes.Surveyor’s Certification (see item K below)Title Block.The remainder of the base plat will contain the survey drawing, oriented such that North is “up the page”, and at a scale of 1"=30' if practicable or the paper size increased so long as readability is not sacrificed. Match lines should be avoided.Property boundaries will be drawn with a heavy line. The property boundary will be dimensioned with the length inside of and bearing outside of each line parallel with the same. Curved portions of the property boundary will contain arc and chord distances, as well as a minimum of two (2) of the survey parameters (e.g., Delta and Radius).The various monuments marking all property corners will be described in detail. If a monument could not be placed at a true corner, appropriate witness and/or reference corners will be set and dimensioned, along with a notation of the reason that the true corner is not mounted. The point of beginning of the property description will be so labeled on the survey drawing, along with any and all appropriate ties to external controlling monument.Building outlines will be drawn and will show the exterior faces of all structures. Dimensions will be completed and allow for “closure” of the building. The building will be highlighted by use of pattern film. The distances from building corners to closest exterior property boundary lines will be shown utilizing perpendicular off-set and base distance method only.All additional improvements such as sidewalks, drives, paved parking areas, open spaces and medians will be shown. Appropriate highlighting of these features is optional, but highly recommended unless undue confusion results. Sufficient detail will be shown in the vicinity of property boundaries to allow a definitive judgment of encroachment conditions.All record and implied easements will be shown and will be detailed sufficiently to allow appropriate evaluation. Underground sanitary sewer lines will be traced through the property by locating all manholes and reporting bearing and distances between each. Underground storm sewer lines will be traced through the property by locating appropriate governing surface structures and will be shown similarly. Overhead power, telephone and cable lines will be shown by locating poles, towers or the like which govern the location of the same on or immediately adjacent to the property.The name, pavement width, right-of-way width and governing jurisdiction for all public roads, streets, boulevards, alleys, ways or easements adjacent to, located on, or serving the surveyed property will be shown. The right-of-way lines for such public roads, etc. will be labeled as such by arrow to demonstrate that the property lines and such right-of-way lines are the same. Recordation information for dedications will be shown, if known, or if right-of-way exists by prescription, said fact will be so stated.Marginal information located below the North arrow will contain the following minimum information:Source of title of current property owners.Base of bearings.Area of property.Area of building.Current zoning classification of property, including minimum setback distances required by same. If property is outside of any zoning jurisdiction, this fact must be so stated.Street address(es) of propertyFederal Insurance Administration Community Panel Number of Flood Hazard Boundary Map, if published.The surveyor’s certification will read exactly as follows:STATE OF ALABAMA))COUNTY OF)TO:Alabama Housing Finance Authority[Title Insurer][Owner]I, _____________________________, a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Alabama of the firm “(insert firm name, city, state and AC-telephone number)”, hereby certify that the premises shown hereon is a true and correct plat of the property described hereon; that the buildings thereon are located with respect to property boundaries as shown; that there are no electric or telephone wires (excluding those which serve the premises only) or structures or supports thereof on or over said premises, except as shown; that all rights-of-way, easements or joint drives over or across said premises visible on the surface are shown; that the premises surveyed do not encroach on the adjoining property and that the adjoining property does not encroach on the premises surveyed, except as shown; I further certify that I have consulted National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Rate Maps as are currently available and have found that the subject property DOES/DOES NOT (indicate which) lie in a Special Flood Hazard Area.Flood Insurance Rate Map & Panel Number _________________________ Dated _________________ Flood Zone ____________WITNESS my hand this the ____________ day of _______________, 201___.______________________________(certifying surveyor’s signature goes here)__________________________, P.L.S. (type or print name of certifying surveyor)Alabama Lic. No. (#______________ ) (insert certifying surveyor’s Lic. Number)The title block will be located in the extreme lower right hand portion of the plat and will allow the surveyor to appropriately name the survey and include any information normally disclosed (e.g., Job Number, File Number, Field Book Number, etc.). All revision dates must be shown.The license seal of the surveyor and a live signature will be placed on all furnished copies of the survey plat. ................

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