The 5 Pillars of Financial Success

[Pages:17]The 5 Pillars of Financial Success


By John Assaraf, New York Times Bestselling Author

How To Earn More: For Business Owners

5 Pillars of Financial Success

Repair & Recover Earn Manage Invest Protect

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How To Earn More: For Business Owners

Earning Money ? As A Business Owner

First Equation: Is there a need in the marketplace for my knowledge, expertise, product or service? Second Equation: How good is my knowledge, expertise, product or service compared to other people offering the same? Third Equation What makes me, knowledge, expertise, product or service unique or different? Fourth Equation: How good am I at marketing and selling my knowledge, product, service or expertise?

"The person who markets best and takes advantage of the psychological and emotional reasons why people buy...

will earn the most money."

? John Assaraf

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How To Earn More: For Business Owners


Components Of Every Business

? Sales ? Marketing ? Management ? Finance

? Customer Care ? Technology ? Product Development ? Legal

The 6 Hats Needed For Building A Strong Team

1. Visionary ? The visionary is responsible for creating the big picture of where your business is going.

2. Marketer ? The marketer is responsible for all aspects of the brand and generating interest and leads for your products and services.

3. Salesperson ? A great salesperson has the skill to interact with prospects and present your products or services so people buy. They understand the sales process and master persuasion techniques.

4. Engineer ? Engineers make sure that all your systems and processes are in place. They create the procedures that keep your business run like a well-oiled machine.

5. Manager ? Managers watch over the people, processes and systems to make sure that everything and everyone is working toward your overall goals.

6. Driver ? The driver motivates the team, whether it's in marketing, sales, or any other department, to move toward the vision of your company

The Universal Formula For Business Success


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How To Earn More: For Business Owners

Only 3 Ways To Make More Money In A Business

1. Make More Sales To New Customers 2. More Revenue At Time Of Purchase 3. Repeat Buying And Referrals

Massage Therapist Case Study


20% More Customers

100 Customers

Bought 20% More At Time Of Spent $100 Per session Purchase

Came Back 20% More Frequently

Average 6 Sessions / Year



After 120 Customers Spent $120 Per Session

Average 7.2 Sessions / Year


The 6 Critical Steps For Creating Predictable Business Growth


Lead Generation

Lead Capture



Qualification Conversion

Lead Nurturing

Perfect Client

Target PC

Match Profile

Qualify PC

Needs Met

Continued Communication

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How To Earn More: For Business Owners

Copyright ? 2010-2015 NeuroGym, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


How To Earn More: For Business Owners

Step 1: Develop Your Perfect Client Profile

? Identify Their Pains, Fears, Frustrations, Irritations, Wants & Needs ? Offer To Release / Overcome / Solve By Showing:

- The Benefit - The Promise - The Transformation - The Hope of A Better Now & Future

Step 2: Generate Leads

Reach Your Perfect Clients By Using... ? Social Bookmarking ? Social Media ? Forums ? Content Marketing: Blogs, Articles, eBooks ? Press Release Networks ? Word Of Mouth ? Podcasts ? Public Speaking ? Networking Events & Tradeshows ? Newspapers, Magazines, E-zines ? Cold Calling ? Live Streaming

? SEO ? Direct Mail ? Joint Venture & Affiliates ? Mail Drops ? Media Buy ? Ad Words, Display Ads, Banners

etc.) ? Radio ? Door Knocking ? Referral ? Flyers ? 3rd Party Offline & Online Mailing Lists

Example: Lead Generation Materials- Manuals, Books, Guides

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How To Earn More: For Business Owners

Step 3: Capture Leads

Methods to Capture Leads: ? Quizzes ? Landing Pages & Squeeze Pages ? Surveys ? Application Forms ? Opt-in Pages ? Subscribe Boxes, Buttons & Popups ? Networking (Asking For Contact Info) ? Business Cards

Example Of Lead Capture ? Landing Page

Incentives: ? Early Bird Special ? Contest ? Free eBooks, Reports, White Papers ? Video or Video Series ? Newsletters ? Free Consultancy ? Demo / Sample /Trial ? Free Gift / Prize ? Free App

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