State of Delaware Child Protection Accountability Commission

State of Delaware Child Protection Accountability Commission

Mental and Behavioral Health Services to Children in Foster Care Subcommittee

May 21, 2007 Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:

Daniel Astin, OCA Volunteer Attorney

Missy Baker, CASA

Carla Benson-Green, DFS

Susan Burns, DSCYF

Tania Culley, OCA

Susan Cycyk, DCMHS

Pete DeRepentigny, DFS

Molly Dunson, OCA

Mary Lou Edgar, Interagency Committee on Adoption

Aileen Fink, CMH

Sarah Grencer, DFS

Joan Heller, CASA

Howard Isenberg, Open Door, Inc.

Tanya Jefferis, OCA Volunteer Attorney

Caroline Jones, CASA

Bettina Jones, DOJ

Vicky Kelly, Children and Families First

Mariann Kenville-Moore, DOJ

Mike Kersteter, People’s Place

Ellen Levin, CASA

Anthony Longo, DOJ, DAG

Laura Miles, DFS

Janice Mink (Subcommittee Co-chair)

Joanne Miro, DOE

Mandell Much, Aquila

Iris Payne, CMH

Marc Richman, DCMHS

Randall Williams, Children’s Advocacy Center (Subcommittee Co-chair)

Jessie Wolfe-Parsons, DCMHS

The Honorable Loretta Young, Family Court

Opening Remarks

Co-Chairs Randy Williams and Janice Mink welcomed everyone. Randy explained that this first meeting would be organizational in nature and would involve talking about the Subcommittee’s charge and how to accomplish it. He also noted that this group will have the opportunity to understand how mental and behavioral health services are delivered to children in foster care in Delaware and to deliver a report and a set of recommendations to CPAC with the goal of providing high quality mental and behavioral health services to children in foster care.

The following ground rules were laid down for the Subcommittee to follow:

• remain focused on the charge

• treat each other with civility and respect

• avoid personal attacks while being candid

• listen while others are speaking

• respect ideas and opinions of others

• bring solutions, not just problems

• focus on systemic issues rather than personal “war stories”

• arrive on time and the meetings will begin and end on time

• work with everyone to achieve recommendations to help all children

I. Committee Member Introductions

Attendees introduced themselves and stated why they were interested in serving on this subcommittee.

II. Remarks

Susan Cycyk made remarks on behalf of the Division of Child Mental Health Services (CMH). She remarked that CMH intends to be candid and committed to working together to understand how the system is working, where it can be improved, and where policies and procedures help and where they create barriers, so that any child in poverty or in foster care has access to quality mental health services. She also noted that she, the Director of CMH, and Marc Richman, the Deputy Director of CMH, intend to attend as many meetings as possible so that someone with a policy view is present at the meetings. In addition, there will be CMH representatives from downstate, who are involved in direct services with children in foster care. Finally, Ms. Cycyk discussed the fact that CMH has been unable to meet the recommendations of the Governor’s Foster Care Task Force, and that she hopes to work with the Subcommittee to meet these outlying recommendations.

Following Ms. Cycyk’s remarks, there was discussion about whether to expand the Subcommittee’s charge to include children who are adopted out of foster care. It was decided that the subcommittee’s charge would be modified as follows:

1.  To examine how mental health and behavioral health services are delivered to children in foster care and those adopted out of foster care and make recommendations as necessary for change; and


2.  To examine the continuum of providers, services and resources for same and make recommendations as necessary for change.

III. The Path Forward

IV. Future Meeting Schedule

• June 18, 2007

• July 30, 2007

• August 20, 2007

• September 17, 2007

• October 15, 2007

• November 19, 2007

• December 17, 2007

V. Public Comment

There being no public comment, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.


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