TIME - California ENA


|Call to order & establish quorum |5 min |Call to order Susan Smith @ 1340 | |

| | |Established Quorum: 9/14 chapter representatives present | |

|Introductions |5 min |Welcome and Introductions of new attendees |Welcome Matt Powers National ENA president 2015 |

| | |Timekeeper/Facilitator: Janet Williams | |

|Approval of minutes |5 min |Review/Approve Minutes |Approved with changes made to ENAF and Sacramento report for |

| | |Motion to approve: Julie Rossie |November meeting |

| | |Seconded: Dianne Schertz | |

|Treasurer’s Report |20 min |Wells Fargo Account Summary | |

|David Samuelson | |Business Checking Account: $195,026.74 | |

| | |Chapter –Committee Accounts: $195,176.37 | |

| | |Cal ENA Savings: $97,734.31 |Jan 2015 Net worth report |


| | |Cal ENA Net Worth- $487,937.42 | |

| | |Budget update |2015 Budget officially submitted |

| | |Wells Fargo Update |Monterey Chapter Wells Fargo account has been set up, complete with|

| | | |signors from the chapter with seed money of $2000 |

| | | | |

| | |Bookkeeper/ Accountant- files were sent to David by current bookkeeper of what has been | |

| | |done for the organization in previous years | |

| | |Emergency Nurses Week Grants- chapters that gave monies back (Kern, Orange Coast) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: CHA presentation brought in by Debbie Rogers, BJ Bartleson and Gail Blanchard- | |

| | |Saiger. CHA just published a Toolkit to Reduce Ambulance Patient Offload Delays in the | |

| | |Emergency Department. To avail of this, go to their website: | |

| | |publications | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: Matt Powers report from National | |

| | |First meeting held 13 years ago. Increasing membership is a priority- be heard and get | |

| | |involved. Las Vegas leadership conference foundation event will be bowling- please | |

| | |support. Stryker will donate $100 for every strike. 2015 Strategic Planning published, | |

| | |received a total of 24 comments from members. Workplace Injury toolkit will come out in 2| |

| | |months. Annual Conference 2015 will be held at the end of September till the first week | |

| | |of October. There is a planned 2 hour event prior to the start of the conference to be | |

| | |held at the Epcot Center. | |

|President Report |20 min |State council Presidents Call- had a 34 minute call led by Deena Brecher as a state of |Distribute the website address to members that wants to view what |

|Susan Smith | |the association update |was discussed |

| | |Leadership meeting: Feb 19&20,2015 in Las Vegas- President and Past President pre-elected|Invite went out to GAC and all chapter leaders Correction on agenda|

| | |to attend |item - Past President is not pre-elected; registration is free for |

| | | |current officers |

| | |Correspondence | |

| | |Grant from ENA BOD & ENAF up to $1000 for Leaders Orientation and/or Day on the Hill | |

| | |April 28 & 29, 2015. This is a matching grant. In addition to Day on the Hill, National |Plan to notify GAC of this opportunity Fellowship Program then |

| | |is offering a Fellowship Program in April for 3 days in Washington D.C. This person will |disseminate to all members. Distribute application to the |

| | |be responsible for travel. |membership ASAP. Susan Smith will email deadline dates to |

| | |Archives- Carole Snyder will be taking over this position form Gail Dodge. Acid free |membership. |

| | |boxes are available for documents that need to be archived and submitted to UCSF for a |Cal ENA to continue to donate $250 for archiving |

| | |$250 donation/year | |

| | |Point to discuss: do we still need this service? | |

|Board Reports |10 min |Cal ACEP |Will present during the committee report |

| | |CHA EMS/Trauma Committee | |

| | |EMREF | |

| | |EMSA Task Forces | |

| | |CHA Capacity task force | |

| | |Community Para medicine |Will present during the EMS committee report |

| | |SB 669 Epi workgroup | |

|Unfinished Business |10 min |Workplace Violence project- project has been cancelled |Remaining monies $5,854 donated back to ENAF during the state |

| | | |challenge |

| | |Trauma Committee Policy | |

| | |Policies formatting |Linda Rosenberg will be in charge in finding someone to standardize|

| | | |formatting of all policies |

|New Business |40min |Media interaction |CalENA to reach out to CHA and offer apology for what transpired |

| | |Spam account-opt out of emails |during a media interview of an ENA member without prior |

| | |Blast email for Untold Stories of the ER soliciting stories from ED nurses- Caution |notification by the CalENA BOD and Press secretary. The |

| | |nurses regarding breach of HIPAA |abovementioned interview was published on a local newspaper OC |

| | | |register. |

| | |CFED |See discussion 2015 meetings |

| | |Chapter officers |Remind all chapters to enter 2015 officers on the National website |

| | | |See discussion 2015 meetings |

| | |CalACEP/ Legislative day | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Director at Large Update |20 min |2015 meetings | |

|Patrice Christensen | |March 18 & 19 in Sacramento – Legislative Day | |

| | |May 21 & 22 in Indian Wells in conjunction with CFED | |

| | |August 13 & 14 Queen Mary in Long Beach with educational cruise | |

| | |November 12 & 13 in San Diego for and Educational event. | |

| | |Sponsors | |

| | |CHA will be present for the State Council meeting Jan 9, 2015 | |

| | |J tip- donated $500 to sponsor lunch, $2500 to sponsor for talking/presenting at the | |

| | |meeting | |

| | |Newsletter advertising fees | |

| | |CHAPTER REPORTS | Assignment of Board Liaison |

|East Bay #223 |5 min |Nov 6, 2014: Napa 6.0 earthquake. Panel of speakers from Napa’s Queen of the Valley |David Samuelson |

| | |Medical Center-new grad RN attended-great new energy! 2015 meetings – free dinner and 1 | |

| | |free CE offered. February 10, 2015 at John Muir Med Center Concord campus from 6-8 pm, | |

| | |speakers TBA; May 19,2015 at Kaiser Oakland Lower level E1-2 from 6-8 pm, speakers TBA; | |

| | |August 11 and November 3, 2015 from 6-8 pm, location and speakers TBA. We have an East | |

| | |Bay ENA Group Facebook page to post our East Bay information | |

|Greater LA #224 |5 min |Had a well-attended meeting sponsored by Teva in December. Will start working on our |Carole Snyder |

| | |Annual EDAP conference at the next meeting. | |

|Northern LA #460 |5 min |No report |Carole Snyder |

|Mid Valley #225 |5 min |No report |Agnes Faria |

|Orange Coast #226 |5 min |We met in November and discussed our goals and objectives for 2015. The primary focus was|Susan Smith |

| | |on our desire to capture a greater number of participation from our chapter. To | |

| | |accomplish this we realized we needed those that are members to join us for our meetings | |

| | |along with increasing overall ENA membership. We decided we would identify point persons | |

| | |from each of the hospitals and ask them to rally their coworkers to join us. Christine | |

| | |Marshall is the new OCENA Membership Representative and will be in in contact with these | |

| | |ED managers. During our meeting we also introduced and installed our new officers and | |

| | |followed this by updating our contact information. Our President, Phyllis Robby shared | |

| | |the value of attending the Chapter Leaders Orientation program offered on February 19-20 | |

| | |in Las Vegas. The Officers went on to set up dates for our upcoming chapter meetings, | |

| | |with the first one scheduled at a restaurant, sponsored by Teva pharmaceuticals, for | |

| | |January 27th. The speaker is Dr. Scott Zeller, Chief, and Psychiatric Emergency Services.| |

| | |Topics that will be covered include: 1) definition, epidemiology and clinical | |

| | |manifestations of agitation associated with schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder, 2) the | |

| | |treatment goals & 3) Pharmacology, efficacy and safety of Adasuve Inhalation Powder. In | |

| | |addition to scheduling our upcoming Chapter meetings we also, identified dates and | |

| | |locations for educational offerings to include both CEN and TNCC review. | |

|San Diego #228 |5 min |We met December 5th at Aubrey Rose Tea House for our annual tea. We gave toddler and |Susan Smith |

| | |infants toys to Rady Children’s Hospital ED. We are all gearing up for our Annual 911 | |

| | |conference on April 24th at Vista Community Center. See our website for further | |

| | |information about registration. Still to come: joint meeting with Orange Coast and | |

| | |showing the film “The Waiting Room”. | |

|San Francisco #230 |5 min |Planning our next meeting with a free Violence workshop by Dr. Kevin Jones on January 20 |Linda Rosenberg |

| | |from 8:30-11am, followed by our chapter meeting from 11-11:30. We will have an all-day | |

| | |Nursing Conference at SFGH with speakers on medical issues, trauma in remote areas, | |

| | |spinal care, and cardiac emergencies. The speakers are doctors and specialists from UCSF | |

| | |and SFGH. Cost, including breakfast and lunch, is only $75 for ENA members, $100 for | |

| | |non-ENA members and free for those who join ENA at the meeting. | |

|Channel Islands #378 |5 min |No report |Agnes Faria |

|Loma Prieta #232 |5 min |Monthly meetings every 3rd Thursday of the month. Meetings are rotated among the |Linda Rosenberg |

| | |different hospitals within the chapter area. Annual Update scheduled for April 23rd, | |

| | |Thursday at Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose. | |

|Inland Empire #362 |5 min |No report |Susan Smith |

|Sacramento #253 |5 min |Sacramento wrapped up a great year with a dinner at the Tower Café’ in December. We had|David Samuelson |

| | |a fun white elephant exchange thanks to Diane and we thanked Sandy for a wonderful year | |

| | |as chapter president. We are already planning great education events for the year. In | |

| | |January we had a lecture on toxicology, in March we have subject matter experts speaking | |

| | |on 5150/1799. We have booked a Trauma Care After Resuscitation (TCAR) to be held on June| |

| | |9th and 10th at The Sutter Conference Center. Flyers will be posted on the CalENA | |

| | |website. We are hosting Paragon classes in February at the Sutter Conference Center for | |

| | |CEN and CPEN. Sign-up on the Paragon website. TEVA will be sponsoring a dinner meeting | |

| | |in March and hosting the Legislative Day and State Council meeting. It will be a busy | |

| | |month! Check out our Facebook page and newsletter on our chapter site: | |

| | |. We have excellent guest articles about violence in | |

| | |the workplace and community paramedicine. | |

|Superior # 379 |5 min |Our chapter has not been active.  We are working on improving that.  Kristen Crosby and I|Carole Snyder |

| | |went to the orientation training in Las Vegas, and plan to come to the next state | |

| | |meeting.  We are trying to learn what we need to do. | |

|Kern County #442 |5 min |2015 officers in place. Planning spring educational event- CPEN 2 day review course or a |Agnes Faria |

| | |1 day multi topic event | |

| | |(Coroner cases in the ED do’s and don’ts, police and Sheriff on assault and safety, dog | |

| | |bite education). Working on ideas to increase membership, monthly attendance and | |

| | |certification. Meetings are 2nd Thursdays of the month at 0800 January through November | |

| | |at Mimi’s Café on California Ave. Bakersfield. Members and non ENA members are welcome. | |

|Monterey | |Monterey Bay had a meeting December 3, 2014 at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital, 20 |Linda Rosenberg |

| | |attended representing 4 different hospitals in the area- CHOMP, SVMH, NMC & Dominican | |

| | |Hospital. Prior to the meeting we had our educational lecture offering CE's. Our speaker | |

| | |Dr. Sultan-Qurraie, a vascular neurologist from SVMH,  did a wonderful presentation on | |

| | |the endovascular treatment of a stroke. We planned our meetings for the year, we have an | |

| | |opportunity to meet at all 4 hospitals in the area which we hope will help us recruit | |

| | |members in those hospitals. We are excited we are a chapter and are working on increasing| |

| | |our membership.  | |

| | |COMMITTEE REPORTS |Assignment of Board Liaison |

|Bylaws/SOP’s |5 min |Formatting of policies, bylaws and SOP’s are underway |Carole Snyder |

|Carole Snyder | | | |

|Delegate/Gen Assembly | |Information sheet sent out to members regarding delegate application. New format for |David Samuelson |

|Louise Hummel | |General Assembly- 3 half days rather than 1 ½ days as with previous GA. Sept 29, 30 and | |

| | |Oct 1, 2015. Delegate applications deadline is June 5th, 2015. Per Diem rate of $75 x | |

| | |4days. Topics of interest as an addition to resolutions – idea brought on by the | |

| | |assessment performed by consultants hired by ENA. | |

|Education |5 min |Thank you to Tobin Miller for all your hard work as education committee chair the past |Carole Snyder |

|Dianne Idman Gervais | |several years. In the process of working in partnership at this year’s CFED conference | |

| | |May 18-22, 2015 in Indian Wells. Discussion of a pre-conference ENA educational | |

| | |opportunity as well as suggesting some speakers for a nursing track. Looking into a | |

| | |possible cruise continuing educational event in conjunction with the August state council| |

| | |meeting in Long Beach. More details to come. Plans in the works for an educational event | |

| | |to be held with the November state council meeting in San Diego. Additional information | |

| | |will be sent out as soon as available. | |

|Emergency Preparedness/EMS |10 min |Due to the year just getting started, no report has been obtained from several task |Carole Snyder/ Susan Smith |

|Judy Scott | |forces and group committees. The state is sponsoring 2 educational events- May 6 & 7 in | |

| | |Southern California and June 2 & 3 in the Northern California area. The state trauma plan| |

| | |is part of the agenda, specifics have not been released. The first responder updated | |

| | |regulation are now approved. A task force/committee is working on EpiPen SB 669 has been | |

| | |assembled. The Community Paramedicine projects are ready to begin. There are 12 pilot | |

| | |projects- 3 studies looking into alternate destinations; 1 study looking into alternate | |

| | |destinations for behavioral health; 2 studying alternate destinations for all frequent | |

| | |users; 6 studies looking into post discharge support | |

|ENAF |5 min |The state challenge theme for 2015 is “Strike it up for Scholarships”. Today’s give away |Agnes Faria |

|Diane Schertz | |raised $375 for the state challenge which begins in February/March. Thank you to the East| |

| | |Bay chapter for the prize donations. (donated by new grad East Bay member) | |

|ENPC/Pediatrics |5 min |The committee is planning for two state sponsored instructor courses in 2015. One will be|Agnes Faria |

|Vicki Dippner Robinson | |held in the northern part of the state and the other in the southern area. Applications | |

| | |are open for a regional director for the North State as well as a chair - elect for the | |

| | |committee. Grant funding approved an ENPC Instructor course in Santa Maria. Mary Hay will| |

| | |be teaching this course. | |

|Government Affairs |5 min |AB 28 Bicycle safety rear lights- support |Susan Smith |

|Jen Denno/Mark Denno | |AB 41 Healthcare coverage discrimination-watch | |

| | |AB 4 Controlled substances- ? | |

| | |AB 53 Child Safety seats- support | |

| | |AB 59 Mental Health- support | |

| | |SB 4 Healthcare coverage for immigrants- support | |

| | |SB 11 Peace officer training- watch/support | |

| | |SB 19 POLST statewide registry- support | |

| | |SB 22 Medical residency training program- support | |

| | |SB 24 STAKE act electronic cigarettes- support | |

| | |SB 26 Healthcare cost and Quality database- support | |

| | |SB 43 Healthcare coverage, essential health benefits- support | |

| | |SB 61 Interlock device- clarify-would person get license w/o any suspension? | |

| | |Leg Day: March 18th at the Doubletree Hotel, (about 15 minutes from the Capitol since | |

| | |the Hyatt was booked for a spelling bee!) Jen and Mark are lining up some great speakers| |

| | |for the morning presentations and will prepare the “leave behinds” of the bills we will | |

| | |identify as our legislative priorities. Registration will be open in January. | |

| | |Bill discussion: This is the beginning of a new legislative cycle so all of the bills are| |

| | |not available until late February. We discussed the following bills: AB 8, AB 28 and SB| |

| | |24. There are many others but we will wait to get more information and narrow it down for| |

| | |Leg Day. | |

|Historian |5 min |No report |Linda Rosenberg |

|Liz Taylor | | | |

|IQSIP |5 min |In keeping with our 2015 Goals the IQSIP would like to hear from ENA members on a few |David Samuelson |

|Susan Laverty | |topics, here is the first: please send us HIPAA compliant stories regarding safety | |

| | |(successes or nightmares) from your ED so others might learn from your experience; | |

| | |Example: an ED not accustomed to dealing with inmates receives a high security inmate, | |

| | |but their registration doesn’t know to “opt-out,” so the inmate’s family finds a friendly| |

| | |physician to walk them in through the back hall security door to reach “their father who | |

| | |was just brought into the ED very ill.” Imagine the scenario if this had been a breakout | |

| | |or a hit and not just family! SB1299 went into effect 1/1/15 RE: healthcare workers: | |

| | |requiring increased violence prevention training and mandatory violent incident | |

| | |reporting to CAL/OSHA; standards must be set by CAL/OSHA by 1/7/16 and on-line posting of| |

| | |violent incidents involving healthcare workers begins by 1/1/17. IQSIP will support a | |

| | |bill from the Government Affairs Committee sponsored by Assemblyman Freddie Rodriquez, | |

| | |Pomona, making an assault on any healthcare worker in a hospital a felony, the bill is in| |

| | |his legal department for wording, GAC will let us know as soon as a number has been | |

| | |assigned. Other bills being followed are: AB53 requiring children remain in rear facing | |

| | |child safety seats until age 2 years and SB47 promoting the use of the Amber Alert System| |

| | |when looking for vehicles involved in hit and run crashes. Kay Thompson-Moore, RN, Rady | |

| | |Children’s Hospital ED, Oceanside, CA, known for her work promoting safe training and | |

| | |interaction with dogs and dog bite prevention, is working on a new study to identify PTSD| |

| | |in children who have suffered dog bites. This is a new committee for me, if you have any | |

| | |suggestions for topics you would like addressed please contact me with the information. | |

| | |Thank you! | |

|Membership |5 min |No report |Carole Snyder |

|Terri Sturgill/Linda Rosenberg | | | |

|Newsletter/Web Chair |5 min |January Monitor is available on the website. You can get a printed copy at the back of |Susan Smith |

|Kara Davis/Mark Wandro | |the table. Notice was also posted on the Cal ENA Facebook page. Kara Davis has taken over| |

| | |the Monitor and this is her first edition. Be sure to fill out the chapter/committee | |

| | |report forms with information regarding your activities. These forms are available on the| |

| | |website on the Documents page if you prefer to submit electronically. The website has | |

| | |been updated with the 2015 officers and several new courses and cruises. Several chapters| |

| | |have updated their pages with their upcoming events. If you have your own website or | |

| | |Facebook, let me know on your report and I will include the link. The education page | |

| | |lists ENPC, TNCC, and CEN review courses the members have told me about. I will be happy | |

| | |to post any events for your chapters. | |

|Leadership in Practice |5 min |The committee discussed the announcement from National ENA on the 2015 General Assembly |Linda Rosenberg |

|Kathy Van Dusen | |format change. The ENA BOD is encouraging members to support a new format by submitting | |

| | |topics for discussion rather than formal resolutions. Based on this and information from | |

| | |Bruce Olsen, the resolutions committee chairperson, we have decide to move forward with 1| |

| | |practice topic- “Photographing of emergency healthcare workers”. Additionally, we voted | |

| | |to propose 2 resolutions for General Assemble consideration- 1. Safety restraints when | |

| | |transporting children (authors: need volunteers) 2. Safe pain medicine prescribing | |

| | |(authors: Agnes Faria, Jeremy Elrod, Kathy Van Dusen, and Karen McDonald). The committee | |

| | |briefly discussed the issue of boarding of pediatric psychiatric patients in the ED. | |

|Press Secretary |5 min |If anyone plans to meet with the media, this action MUST be approved by the press |Agnes Faria |

|Diane St. Denis | |secretary and the state council president prior to speaking on behalf of ENA. | |

|TNCC/Trauma |5 min |The Trauma Committee was busy in 2014 with an assortment of activities suited for a wide |Carole Snyder |

|Gail Dodge | |variety of individuals. The overall purpose of the this committee is to oversee the TNCC | |

| | |program here in the state as well as carry out goals and objectives for the state council| |

| | |and provide a forum for discussion on trauma topics among people who attend its five | |

| | |meetings each year. | |

| | |TNCC Instructor Courses | |

| | |We presented TNCC Instructor courses in the fall to support the need to increase | |

| | |instructor numbers, especially in underserved areas. Modesto and San Luis Obispo | |

| | |benefitted from this committee outreach which helped ensure their programs would not | |

| | |falter for lack of instructors. Following the course each individual must be monitored at| |

| | |a subsequent 2-day course, overseen by an approved state monitor. We’re quickly working | |

| | |our way through this process for our fall students, and while each student has up to a | |

| | |year in which to complete this phase, we should be done by the end of February. Two more | |

| | |instructor courses have already been presented this year in January in Modesto and Los | |

| | |Angeles, with two more planned for March in Long Beach and San Diego, after which there | |

| | |will be another batch of Instructor Candidates to take through their monitored phase. | |

| | |It’s exciting to see such an investment in helping nurses achieve their goals actually | |

| | |come to fruition, and to know that the state can maintain its presence as a supporter of | |

| | |quality trauma education. | |

| | |Faculty | |

| | |As part of this process we have also been working to grow the number of faculty in the | |

| | |state (those that may teach instructor courses). The individual has a two-part process to| |

| | |follow in which observation is done at a first course and actual participation teaching | |

| | |is done at a following course. With the many instructor courses being held since fall | |

| | |offering opportunity to grow faculty, we’ll soon see Heather Venezio (Fairfield), Dana | |

| | |Bentley (Roseville), and Brian McCord (San Diego) complete their faculty requirements. | |

| | |Congratulations to them on their accomplishments! On ENA’s current list of California | |

| | |Faculty, there are 50 listed, however only 27 have taught in an instructor course since | |

| | |2012. In the spirit of giving Instructor Candidates the best and most relevant experience| |

| | |possible to take on their new role, to provide the classroom learner with the best | |

| | |possible learning opportunity, and ultimately to give the patient the best possible care,| |

| | |ENA’s Administrative Procedures state “Faculty must maintain their Instructor status | |

| | |which means they must participate as an Instructor in at least one (1) Provider Course | |

| | |every 18 months and it is strongly recommended that they participate as Faculty in at | |

| | |least one (1) Instructor course every 24 months. Faculty must maintain current ENA | |

| | |membership and uphold and adhere to these Administrative Procedures.” The Trauma | |

| | |Committee is available to help set goals for your site or regional instructor development| |

| | |needs and in providing direction on how to implement those goals. If you are interested | |

| | |in learning more about the process of becoming a TNCC instructor or faculty, or in | |

| | |hosting a state-sponsored instructor course, please consider contacting one of the | |

| | |committee members for more information. You can find us at our website at | |

| | |. In addition you can read through the ENA Administrative Procedures | |

| | |posted on our site to find out more. | |

| | |State Monitors | |

| | |If you are in need of a list of approved state monitors permitted to monitor new | |

| | |instructor candidates you’ll find it posted on the Trauma Committee website for you to | |

| | |peruse. Any TNCC Course Director may find the person’s contact information at the ENA | |

| | |website by going under Course Directors Only – Course Reports. You can check out the | |

| | |process to become a state monitor at the Trauma Committee website under Document Sharing | |

| | |– Designation of State Monitor. | |

| | |Regional and State Education | |

| | |You’ll find postings on our website of available educational opportunities throughout the| |

| | |state. We currently have information there related to this year’s EMSA-sponsored trauma | |

| | |conferences in May and June. Please send anything you may wish to have posted at our site| |

| | |and we’ll be happy to add it to the list. In addition we link to ENA’s list of currently | |

| | |available TNCC courses. | |

| | |Committee Meetings | |

| | |Five times a year, prior to each afternoon council meeting, the Trauma Committee meets | |

| | |for an hour in the morning from 10:15-11:15. Along with business associated with TNCC | |

| | |activities in the state and at national ENA, we discuss trauma-related topics of interest| |

| | |to the nurses attending this meeting. We’ve covered topics ranging from how to teach the | |

| | |skills in the Trauma Interventions station to the MCI medical response in the | |

| | |Fedex-school bus crash to the newly evolving trauma system in California. The meetings | |

| | |are also a good place to ask questions about changes in course structure/content, | |

| | |becoming faculty, developing a program and “what-ifs.” Dates and sites are listed on our | |

| | |website, and specific directions and schedules are posted on the Cal ENA website at | |

| | | | |

|Roundtable/Adjourn | |1600 | |

Respectfully submitted by

Agnes Faria

2015 California State Council ENA Secretary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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