MOTLEY MN November 12, 2008

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Alexander called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following council members present: Bruce Mills, Steve Johnson, Rob Sampson and Nancy Nieken. The meeting took place at city hall.

The following persons were present for all or part of the meeting: Duane Solga; Marge Mills; Dave Greig; Greg Weber; Wayne Barros; Troy Davis; Bruce Brotherton; Brian Madison; Bruce Quinn; Cliff Goodwater; Lydia Goodwater; Robert Jenkins; Larry Beckner; Tad Tureson; David Barsody, Inspection Services of Minnesota and Dawn Timbs.

The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.

Additions to the agenda were: Disciplinary issues.

Alexander moved, with a second by Johnson, approving the consent agenda as follows:

A. Outstanding bills – Claim # 4785 - 4819

Check # 25354 – 25371

Check # 12557 – 12569

B. Minutes of the Regular October 28, 2008 meeting

C. Employee Leave Report

Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Dave Barsody began by telling the council that Inspection Services of Minnesota was established to cover areas that are new to the State Building Codes or need replacement. The company currently services Mille Lacs County, Clearwater, Cold Spring and Pease by enforcing the MN Building Codes and they supercede any other building code that they may have.

Comments, concerns and questions (answers are in Italics) were as follows:

← Would Motley be too far to come? It is closer than Cold Spring and he would be available every day or once a week, whatever is needed as long as there is a 24 hour notice to make the inspection.

← The City of Motley has adopted Rental Housing Ordinances, are you familiar with such ordinances? Barsody is a rental property owner so he is familiar with both sides.

← The State of Minnesota is making steps toward making the Building Codes statewide required but there is not a definite date as to when that would be.

← How would billing and permitting be handles, by whom? Barsody prefers to handle all of it from the point of submitting the plan.

← Currently the city staff is handling billing, filing and questions. Barsody prefers to answer questions himself and has handouts that would go with the permits.

← Will you talk people through what they need to do to comply? Yes because it saves a lot of time for everyone involved.

← Fees for hot water heaters and other small projects seem to be a sore spot. Barsody stated that the small permits are sometimes the hardest to swallow but when you

start cutting and moving pipes the inspections are done for the safety of the resident.

← FEMA has the option of not coming in to help if you are not enforcing the codes.

← If codes become required statewide, will FEMA come in to help? Barsody will check into that.

← Will we have to pay someone else, like the state if codes become mandatory and we don’t have a Building Official here in Motley? The county would provide the inspector and the city would pay them.

← Either we get someone we trust or we pay whomever the county would put in place.

← How soon could you start? Anytime.

Smith will email Barsody all the city codes to review.

Robert Jenkins addressed the council requesting fiduciary assistance for the Motley Two Rivers Music Fest in 2009 until they are issued their 501c3. Jenkins was upset because he was told that a check would not be issued for the Johnny Green contract for 2009 until the council agreed to be fiduciary for the event in 2009. Alexander stated that the motion to be the fiduciary for the Motley Two Rivers Music Fest was for the 2008 event only.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, agreeing to the City of Motley acting as fiduciary fir 2009 until the 501c3 is approved. Sampson asked that the council be kept informed on the progress of the 501c3 application on a monthly basis. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

A resignation from fire fighter Mark Frisk was reviewed. Frisk was employed as a fire fighter for 26 years for the City of Motley. Davis addressed the city policy regarding recognition of service at 20, 25 and 30 years with a coat. Davis asked to have a plaque in lieu of the coat. Estimates of $ 425.00 for an 11x36 plaque were given. Greig will do more checking around. Johnson suggested that he and Davis look at Tracy Madsen’s shop for the plaque. This will come back before the council.

Sampson moved, with a second by Mills, to accept the resignation of Mark Frisk with regrets. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

The fire department did not get the FEMA grant for the fire truck. The rate of calls, the age and amount of equipment were cited as reasons the grant application was not successful.

Davis asked to go ahead with the spec and bidding process for the new truck because it can take up to 2 years to get the truck.

Sampson moved, with a second by Alexander, approving the spec process of the truck and putting it out on bids. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

The fire department will be going with Med Compass to do physicals this year because of cost. The fit test will be done by sucking air out of the mask and it will register, not just on the word of the firefighter. Med Compass also does EKG’s and Lakewood Health Systems has discontinued doing that.

Sampson brought up disciplinary issues regarding facial hair and SCBA’s. A few fire department employees have been given oral and written warning to comply with the requirement to be clean shaven and have failed to comply. Sampson asked that those employees be given a 10 day suspension and be terminated if they fail to comply by the end of suspension. The policy to be clean shaven was put in place in 1984.

Sampson moved, with a second by Alexander, to place those individuals in question on a 10 day suspension with termination at the end if not in compliance. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Sampson recommended that 3 year fire fighter Kyle Frisk be terminated for the following reasons:

← Failure to complete Fire Fighter One after one year of service.

← Violating safety requirements and regulations.

← Failure to comply with licensure and certification requirements.

Sampson moved, with a second by Mills, terminating Kyle Frisk from the Fire Department at this point. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

An advertisement will be placed for fire fighters.

Barros stated that he needs an additional 50 yards of Class 5 to drop in potholes and to fix where driveways have been raised. Mills stated that Randy and Molly Skeesick want some dropped in front of their driveway. Barros informed the council that he would be considering Hengel Construction and JL Lund to purchase the class 5.

Alexander moved, with a second by Johnson, to purchase another 50 yards of Class 5. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, to pay the remaining portion of the Country Roads Construction invoice from the last class 5. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Barros was instructed to contact Morton Buildings to see what we need to fix the roof leak.

Madison stated that the lease on the squad car will be up in May 2009. He was asked to get information regarding an SUV for the police department. A 2009 SUV Dodge Durango is no longer available. The Chevy Tahoe is $ 1,469.95 monthly and the Dodger Charger is $ 1,223.16 monthly. Solga suggested the council wait until the 1st of the year and use the

Crown Vic if needed. He stated strong feelings that there will be restructuring in the police department as his reason stating that he is just thinking of the taxpayer. Alexander stated that the deadline is 6 months prior. Sampson stated that he foresees the police department having a future in the city and they need to be equipped. Sampson concern is that we have a reliable back up and feels that the Crown Vic is just that….a back up car.

Alexander moved, with a second by Johnson, to move ahead with checking in to the lease options, penalties and bring it back to the next meeting.

Nieken she is against the Charger because she has records of complaints on the Charger.

1. Racing the Charger with kids.

2. Donuts in parking lots.

3. Going through ditches.

4. Sitting in the median with the lights off.

Madison asked to see the list of complaints with Nieken answering that he could if he could read her “chicken scratch”. Madison feels that the Charger is the safest car on the road today and also said they are probably running traffic while they are sitting in the median and they are well within the law to do so. Solga said he was just asking the council to wait until January and that he would be in favor of an SUV but he can’t figure out how an officer puts on so many miles. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Madison asked the council to put the hiring of a PT Officer on hold instead of hiring one now only to be fired at the beginning of the year. Sampson stated while attending meetings at the school many were concerned that we need more police protection in the City of Motley and more hours. Mills says he wants to do what the people want and would be reluctant to bring someone on board only to be fired. Solga said the number of hours of coverage is snowballing and the city can’t afford that. A letter will be sent to each applicant about the delay.

Nick Dille is asking to complete a 400 hour internship with the City of Motley. He will receive 8 credits for the internship.

Johnson moved, with a second by Sampson, approving an internship for Nick Dille. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Officer Tavares would like to attend training for Interview and Interrogation in January. The class, hotel and food are provided at no cost. Wages would be the only cost to the City.

Sampson moved, with a second by Alexander, approving the training for Officer Mitch Tavares. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Madison asked for permission to purchase an in-squad camera (approx. $5,000.00), 3 digital cameras and another M26 Taser (approx. $ 800.00) with money derived from forfeitures. Sampson suggested a quality camera that would have individual cards instead of individual cameras. Mills felt the cards or camera would get broken.

Johnson moved, with a second by Sampson, to purchase the in-squad camera, 1 Taser and 3 digital cameras not to exceed $ 150.00 each. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Discussion took place regarding items that were purchased by the former police chief and are no longer in the possession of the City of Motley. The items are valued at approximately $ 980.13. Sampson asked Madison if he carries a knife, Madison said not other than the one to cut seatbelts that is in the squad car. The former chief purchased 5 police ID’s and turned in one when he resigned. The potential for him to still be identifying himself as a Motley Police Officer is real. Alexander asked if we have any legal recourse. Mills stated that there has not been an investigation and the council needs to decide what they want to do. Alexander and Madison will get together and take the information to Attorney Peter Vogel.

Sampson stated that the mileage on the squad car is indicative of the fact that the officers are doing their jobs and not just sitting around doing nothing. Alexander stated that he heard nothing but positive comments when he was out campaigning, we need our police department and people would like to see more.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, authorizing a $110.00 contribution to Community Development of Morrison County. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, approving Resolution #2008-10, a resolution certifying the results of the 2008 General Election. Mills, Nieken, Alexander, Johnson and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Sampson expressed his confidence in the City Clerk.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was duly adjourned at 9:52 p.m.

Terri Smith

Clerk Treasurer


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