North Carolina Emergency Management Association

NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGJuly 17th, 2019NCEMA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT:President:Karyn Yaussy (Catawba County)1st Vice-President:Brent Fisher (Nash County)2nd Vice-President:Mary Beth Newns (Currituck County)Secretary:Robin Shaver (Stanly County) Past President:Scott Garner (Brunswick County)EBO Representative:Gene Booth (Cumberland County)EBO Representative:Drew Pearson (Dare County)CBO Representative:Shane Seagroves (Lee County)WBO Representative:Daniel Roten (Alleghany County)Executive Director:Gary JonesNCEM Staff:Mike Sprayberry (Director)Steve Powers (Deputy Director)Chris Koltyk (Risk Management Section Chief)Joe Stanton (Recovery Section Chief)Matt Kemnitz (Administration Section Chief)Quincy Davis (Logistics Section Chief)Steve McGugan (Mitigation Section Chief)Will Ray (Plans Section Chief)Dianne Curtis (Eastern Branch Manager)Dennis Hancock (Central Branch Manager)Greg Atchley (Western Branch Manager)The NCEMA Executive Committee meeting was held on July 17, 2019 in Raleigh, NC in conjunction with the EM Forum. Karyn Yaussy welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Roll call was conducted by Gary Jones and included the above attendees.There were no additions to the agenda.Minutes stand as approved for the June 11, 2019 meeting.NCEM COMMENTS:Mike Sprayberry (Director)Hurricane Matthew, Florence & Michael Recovery continues to remain our top priority:Matthew Individual Assistance - $98.9MMatthew Public Assistance - $383.3M – est $400MMatthew Hazard Mitigation - $9.36M – est $114MMatthew National Flood Insurance Program – $198MMatthew Direct Housing – 161 households participatedMatthew Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery - $10M awarded of $236MFlorence Individual Assistance - $131.6MFlorence Public Assistance – $170.9; est $1.23BFlorence Hazard Mitigation – est $164MFlorence National Flood Insurance Program - $615MFlorence Direct Housing – 452 still licensed in from max of 714Florence Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program – 2,368 VOADs still workingTransitional Sheltering Assistance – Mission Complete – 874 families used program with 64k room nightsDisaster Case Management and Disaster Crisis Counseling Grants have been extended for FlorenceSteve McGugan, new Assistant Director for Hazard Mitigation.Chris Koltyk, new Assistant Director for Risk Management.Quincy Davis, new Assistant Director for Logistics.Second Assistant Director for Recovery hire will be announced soon.Dr. Jessica Whitehead, Marlena Byrne and Amanda Martin have been hired as our Chief Resilience Officer and our Deputy Resiliency Officers.Have hired Tom McGrath as the NCEM Cyber Lead; in process of hiring two other Cyber positions.Norma Houston now working full time for North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency.Bill Chamberlain, Tiawana Ramsey, Aaron Deese and Clarence Livingstone have retired.Presently working with VOADs to award $2M from Florence Budget.Working on the 2020 RNC – many meetings with the subcommittees.Proposed State Budget provides NCEM with:7 new positions over next two years$1M for SAR (reoccurring funds)$1M for SAR (non-reoccurring funds)$10M for repair, reconstruction and purchasing houses $10M for mitigation$8M for State Acquisition and Repair Fund$2M for Pilot Flood Insurance Program$1M for VOADs$10.386M for grants to local governments with cash flow issues$250K for 2-1-1$2M for River Gages$5M for State Disaster Resiliency Fund $100K for Asset Tracking ToolThere is an Emergency Management Omnibus Bill that makes changes to allow the following:Allows North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency to use funding for multi-family housing rather than just single family.Expands use of state Disaster Recovery Act funding for all storms.Allows funds to be used prior to being found ineligible for federal funds.Provides flexibility so that Disaster Recovery Act funds can be used for all income levels.Authorizes local governments to have access to the state’s pool of prequalified construction contractors. Clarifies Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery funding is administered through NCO North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency Revise Disaster Recovery Act 2016 so that funds allocated for federal matches can be used for other purposes.Extends the Type III disaster declaration issued by Executive Order 120 on December 9th, 2016; so, state programs created by general assembly can be continued to be used.Ramping up for McGuire Fixed Nuclear Facility Exercise on August 13th, 2019 Presenting on Recovery & Resiliency at National Governor’s Association Summer Meeting in Salt Lake City on July 25th, 2019.Coastal Regional Evacuation and Sheltering Meeting ongoing – SCP & CCP completed; NCP scheduled for July 30th, 2019.Agency Strategic Planning Meeting on 5-6 August 5th – 6th, 2019; Don Campbell will facilitate.Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Gap Funding Plan for Hurricane Matthew being finalized.Hosted a State Disaster Recovery Task Force Meeting on May 28th, 2019; RSF Meetings are being conducted.Emergency Services continues working on Mutual Aid Law Enforcement Force Packages; must be ready by 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC.2020 Statewide Exercise scenario will be a Cyber Attack during an election.North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency Section closing in on hiring of all 45 positions.North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency has moved to Research Triangle Park:HUD Office of Office of Inspector General continues their two months visit with North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency and Commerce.Mary Glasscock is moving from Public Assistance to North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency to become Infrastructure Manager.North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency was certified the HUD Grantee effective 1 July 1st, 2019.“Know your Zone Program” continues to be rolled out; Camden-Pasquotank Counties and Craven County are program pilots.Working with Division of Prisons on “Prison Safety Project.”Our largest NC National Guard unit has deployed to the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California and will be subsequently be deployed overseas.46 swift water rescue boats are in process of being issued to local partners with motors, trailers and training.Have tasked Branches to work with counties and NWS Offices to achieve “Storm Ready” status; Greenville-Spartanburg NWS is working to get more western counties at “Storm Ready.”“School Safety Program” continues to move forward.FEMA Region-4 “Regional Interagency Steering Committee Meeting” is scheduled on August 28th – 29th, 2019 in Columbia, SC.We are working with the Board of Elections to ensure the cyber and physical security of our electoral process.Next State Emergency Response Commission meeting is on July 19th, 2019.Next SERC Regional Committee meeting is on July 18th, 2019.Working on Emergency Management Assistance Compact payments both “to” and “from” the State.“Hometown Strong” continues throughout the State – please attend if it comes to your county.Sheltering Task Force updating “Sheltering Concept of Operations” – focus on large congregate shelters and staffing for same.Operations Section is working on updating Monthly Satcom Checks and VIPER Comms Checks.Time Division Multiple Access VIPER Radios – effective January 1st, 2020; VIPER will not allow current or new VIPER end user agencies to activate non-TDMA radios on the system (Editor’s Note: TDMA is Time-division multiple access channel access method). Adds more voice conversations without requiring more base stations.We continue to move forward with our County Art collection……we totally appreciate your donations! Steve McGugan (Mitigation Section)Slightly over 6% of FEMA disaster recovery funding can be assigned to hazard mitigation projects.This could amount to a very large amount of money.It is much more difficult to obtain a Federal individual Assistance Grant.Steve Powers (Deputy Director)If Coastal Regional Evacuation and Sheltering Plan shelters are not able to work with their “normal” shelters; the Division will be looking for commercial facilities in either Burlington or Durham:Facilities would need to be able to shelter between 1,000 and 2,000 individuals.Are you aware of anything that would meet this need?These shelters would be run by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the American Red Cross, the NC National Guard and/or the NC Officer of Emergency Medical Services.Chris Koltyk (Risk Management Section)We are looking in to how to move the Division’s Information Technology Operations to a new location following an emergency situation:We are surveying structures and discussing upgrades and backups. Will meet with NC Department of Information Technology (Ass’t Secretary Boyette) to discuss the installation and to learn how to allow for a fast move and rapid return “online.”The river gauges have become a concern/problem; there are no funds to cover on-going maintenance costs.Looking at an “Adopt a Gauge Program” and a school outreach program. Joe Stanton (Recovery Section)The focus of our Section continues to be Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Florence recovery:Have been working out of Durham recovery facility for the past eight months.There are changes to the individual assistance program; we are now also looking into social and economic impacts of disasters.5% of future funding will go to these projects.Also working on June 2019 flooding recovery efforts; centered on Catawba and Mecklenburg Counties. Quincy Davis (Logistics Section)The scenario for the 2020 cyber exercise will be defined by the end of July 2019.Looking for the right buildings and locations for the State-run shelter program.Logistics shop is adding several new members; there are currently four or five vacancies.Currently working with Dianne Curtis (Eastern Branch Manager) to develop “push packs” of prepositioned resources for immediate disaster relief:We are trying to develop a plan to cover the “push packs.”Area office representatives are assisting to decide what is to be included. Matt Kemnitz (Administration Section)The grants management program has been moved to the Administration Section; with Eric Miller (who replaced Callion Maddox) leads the grants management program.Grant programs moved to the Administration Section include the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP), the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program, the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the Tier II Grant Program.NEW BUSINESS: NoneOLD BUSINESS:FALL CONFERENCE—Karyn Yaussy spoke in Suzanne Hamby’s absence and stated that the Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center in Atlantic Beach had contacted Suzanne and told her that they would not be able to accommodate the Fall Conference due to renovations that are still ongoing due to damages from last year’s hurricane season. Other options that are currently being discussed and checked into are Hotel Ballast, Wilmington, NC; TheMillennium Hotel, Durham, NC; Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort, Cherokee NC and the Sheraton, Myrtle Beach, SC.Note: In a closed meeting called by Karyn (at the request of Suzanne); the Executive Committee Members present at the Forum were asked for comments, opinions, etc as to the new location for the Fall Conference. Pros and cons were voiced by the members and Karyn was to get back to Suzanne with the comments INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION CAUCUS---Zach Smith mentioned an interest in developing a project management system and a document repository to assist with IHEC activities.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS:Gary JonesStrategic Plan Update:This discussion will only focus on the Training Committee; they have one “open” objective that has three “open” tasks:One of the tasks concerns the mentoring program. It will be recommended to be “closed;” once the mentoring program information in posted to the Association’s website. That information was passed to Darshan Patel for posting some time ago.The second task concerns working with the NC Emergency Management Training and Standards Advisory Board; to develop a “Certificate Program.” This activity is still being worked on.The third task under this objective concerns obtaining Community College System “official” Emergency Management Technology (EPT) designation for the EM-101 and EM-102 courses.The Training Committee has done all they can do; now they are waiting to hear back from the Community College “folks” to learn if their request is approved.Bottom Line: Two of the three tasks that remain open for this Objective are just waiting for events outside the control of the Training Committee to occur before they can be “closed.” Other Activities:Since the June Executive Committee meeting; I’ve been involved with my normal daily activities; to include developing a couple newsletters, answering website and e-mail contacts, conducting some Fall Conference work and “cleaning up” a bunch of our Association mailing lists.I also spent considerable time on developing a contact list of emergency management focused individuals at the various military facilities across the State; with the objective of developing a “loose grouping” of those folks under the umbrella of our Association.We currently have some thirty contacts identified within some sixteen military facilities.Brian Falconer has volunteered to lead this effort; and, the feeling is this will not be as “organized” of a grouping as the “Institutions of Higher Education Caucus” is (with its officers and by-laws).I participated in a “Healthcare Consortium/Caucus Working Group” conference call two weeks ago; initiating efforts to develop a grouping of healthcare professionals within our Association.Concerning the developing of an Association outreach program for emergency managers within private industry and business; as you suggested, I have turned to Persia Payne-Hurley to see if we might be able to work with her contact lists to move forward with the project.This private industry and business grouping may be the final major outreach effort for the Association; unless you have some other suggestions.Concerning other things, I did last month; I also:Attended the “DoD Summit” at the State EOC.Attended yesterday’s “Quarterly NC VOAD Meeting” at the State EOC.Mary Beth Newns and I both attended that meeting; during which our Association received a “Certificate of Appreciation” from NC VOAD for the cooperative efforts between local emergency management and the various volunteer agencies involved with Hurricane Florence.During this next month, I do plan to:Move forward with both the healthcare and the military consortium/caucus activities.And, if we do obtain the private industry and business contact information; I start working on that grouping as well.Attend a couple classes in Sanford that are part of the “CBO Training Week.”I will also spend more time focused on the other three strategic plan objectives that remain “open”……They are assigned to the Legislative Committee and the Tech/Comm Committee. I would love to try and “close” all of them prior to the Fall Conference.We do have volunteers from within the Legislative Committee who are interested in working with Norma Houston to develop two reference documents for local emergency managers that concern (1) the legislative process and (2) guidance on “how to” work with your MENTS FOR THE GOOD OF THE GROUP---NoneNEXT MEETING---Tuesday, August 20, 2019(Will not have the meeting on August 13th, 2019 due to McGuire Nuclear Exercise)ADJOURN---Motion made by Daniel Roten to adjourn meeting.Meeting adjourned at 12:58 p.m. ................

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