Doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0549r1

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2009-05-11 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |Research in Motion (RIM) UK |200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 |+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| |Ltd |3XE, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #115

Hyatt Regency, Los Angeles, California, USA

May 11th – 14th, 2009

IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday 11th May 2009

8:03 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, 802.20, 802.21, and 802.22 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.15 attendance is included as Annex A.


• Session is being run by Face-Face Events

• Attendance will be collected via the IMAT

Straw Poll of new attendees: 10

8:05 IEEE patent policy

802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions for the WG chair and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site ()

Chair asked participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard in the appropriate WG.

Rolf De Vegt (Qualcomm), announced that Qualcomm had submitted two letters of assurance (LoA).

8:09 Financial report by John Barr, (15-09-0371-00)

• 8 March 09 balance was $227,101.54

• May 09 balance was $227,756.08

• Additional funds in face-face

• Reserves are now $277,275

• Montreal

o 332 registered

o Registration Income: $232,475

o Meeting Expenses: $210,524

o Expected surplus: $30,451

8:18 Wireless announcements: (802.15 -08-0466-03)

Wireless Network Updates by Rick Alfvin

• (docs and attendance links)

• VeriLAN and VeriLAN.1x are available


• To get an IEEE web account and follow directions

• Enter activity profile in myProject

• Register with IMAT

• Uses IEEE web account

• Register with IMAT once per week

8:17 Review Interim meetings

• 20-25 September 2009 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA

• 17-22 January 2010 -Hyatt Century Plaza (pending)

• 9–14 May 2010 – Shangri-La Beijing, Beijing, PRC

• 12-17 Sep 2010 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA

8:25 Task Group Updates

• 802.11 (doc 11-09-443)

TGMB: maintenance

TGN: Sponsor Ballot comment resolution, going to RevCom

TGP: vehicular WG ballot comment resolution

TGS: comment WG ballot resolution

TGU: comment resolution

TGV: comment resolution, moving to sponsor ballot

TGW: comment resolution, in sponsor ballot

TGZ: comment resolution, going to sponsor ballot

TGAA: video transport, first baseline tech document has been posted


11. Status of all groups (11-09-0443r0)

1. This is a relatively new snapshot document which summarizes the status of all the groups. Only the highlights will be mentioned this morning.

2. Technical editors meeting Tuesday 7am

3. Note that WNG SC has two timeslots this week, to allow plenty of time for the whitespace discussion to occur.

4. No ARC meetings this week.

5. Comment (C): regarding the ARC MIB subject, document 11-09-533r0 is now on the server.

6. TGs: I’d like to thank the TGs technical editor for attending this meeting, as his company was concerned about him travelling to Montreal, regarding the current world wide concern about Swine Flu.

7. Chair: There are several task groups which are now approaching sponsor ballot and groups, such as TGu will discuss the preparation of this within their meetings.

8. Chair: Please note that there are now three slots for JTC1 this week, as they have quite a lot of work this week.

9. Letter Ballots

10. Please see slides for several letter ballots which have recently closed (slide #20).

11. TGs have now passed their first letter ballot.

12. TGu is now a candidate to move forward for sponsor ballot.

13. Chair: Any more questions and/or updates?

14. None seen

12. Any Other Business

1. Vice-chair: In the IEEE 802 wireless plenary, (see page 2 above) the treasurer’s report was mentioned which is now in 802.11 document: 11-09-0535r2

2. Meeting recessed at 10:01 EDT

Wednesday, 13th May 2009

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 10:31 EDT

86 people present.

13. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-09-0419r4)

1. Any objection to accepting the changes to the agenda?

2. No objection, so moved and approved.

14. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents

2. No items arose.

15. CAC

1. Reminder about 19.30 meeting on Thursday

16. Other Announcements

1. Social tonight here in the hotel this evening in the breakfast/lunch location. Please note that the food will be superior than we have had at our normal events.

17. Liaisons

1. IEEE 802.18 : Radio Regulatory Tag (11-09-0603r0)

1. Submissions to ITU-R regarding M.1457 document.

2. FCC documents on medical devices

3. FCC NOI “National Broadband Plan for Our Future” (FCC 09-31)

4. UK digital dividend document (similar to FCC whitespace)

5. UK short range wireless document

6. Chair: On slide #2, is there a response date for the FCC NOI?

7. Answer (A): None at the moment

8. Chair: Could you possibly summarize this document either for Friday this week or the July meeting.

9. A: I can produce something for Friday’s closing plenary.

2. IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence Tag (11-09-0605r0)

1. New activity: TV Whitespace co-existence study group. There are no plans for a PAR at the moment. The plan for the group can be found in 19-09-0010r3.

2. Chair: Are you expecting some more output this week which we can mention at the Friday meeting?

3. A: I’m not sure, but I’ll check.

3. Bluetooth SIG

1. Chair: We’ll re-sequence this point, as the liaison officer is not currently present

4. Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)

1. Interesting time for Wi-Fi and the industry. Certifications are up by 50% this year, even despite the economic downturn. Membership remains steady, especially from Asia, which is a good sign.

2. Brief update on a few WFA projects, showing that the scope is now starting to widen:

1. Introduction of new EAP-types in testing

2. Emission control

3. TGn alignment

4. Security

1. Management Frame Protection

5. Applications

1. Voice Personal

2. Voice Enterprise (MMAC, 11r, 11k)

6. WPS extensions for IBSS

7. Peer to peer (possible Bluetooth killer)

8. MESH, which is currently slow, awaiting 11s completion

9. Marketing activities regarding 11v issues

10. Group looking at 11z type issues

11. Next meeting is in Portland, Oregon, June 2009. This will be the 10th Birthday of WFA.

3. Q: You mentioned that IEEE should do nothing regarding some work (e.g. security), but WFA should proceed with them.

4. Chair: I’d also like to ask for guidance regarding “gaps” between IEEE and WFA for the upcoming Portland meeting.

5. A: Ok, from a personal point of view (not as chair as WFA). IEEE needs to identify the specific problem we are addressing, which is of benefit to the user. However, I think this is a long discussion, which I’d rather not address at this time.

6. Chair: Perhaps in July we can allocate some more time for this discussion.


1. No active liaison requests at the moment.

2. The next IETF is at the end of July 2009, following the next IEEE 802.11 meeting, so we have time then to work on specific requests for IETF inputs.

3. No questions

6. Bluetooth SIG (11-09-0558r0)

1. One of the most recognized world wide brands

2. Growing set of gaming applications, especially with up-coming low powers devices.

3. 3.0+ HS specification now incorporates IEEE 802.11 high speed transport. This may be the Wi-Fi peer to peer killer. It brings the best qualities of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi together.

4. Note the transmissions are peer to peer, not through the Wi-Fi AP.

5. 11n will then assist 3.0+ by being able to push up the data rate again.

6. Chair: I’d like to thank the speaker about this, since we had to wait for NDAs to be agreed, prior to public disclosure.

7. No questions

7. 3GPP

1. The secretary mentioned a liaison to 3GPP CT1 (11-09-0594r0) which is being considered by TGu this week, as a potential output for the Friday plenary.

2. No questions


1. The ETSI liaison officer is not here this week and there are some candidates to possibly take over.

9. No questions

10. JTC1 (11-09-0611r1)

1. This presentation shows the future of the JTC1 ad-hoc. The chairman of this ad hoc group will step down following the July 2009 meeting; so it describes some of the ways forward for this ad-hoc group.

2. Relationship with IEEE 802 and ISO is very important in some countries. ISO provides WTO cover automatically. ISO is recognized internationally, whereas IEEE is not necessarily so.

3. A future chair for JTC1 is therefore required for this activity.

4. I’d like to thank all the members of the JTC1 ad hoc for their help.

5. Chair: This is very important, so please can people seriously consider this position.

18. WG Improvements: Electronic Meetings (11-09-0544r0)

1. Vice-chair: Following the January and March 2009 meetings, this presentation addresses some of the issues regarding reducing meeting expenses and logistics.

2. This presentation starts with one of those items, namely the use of web tools.

3. Vice-chair: I’d like to thank all the sponsors for providing teleconference bridges. Note that these sponsors pick up the costs of the toll free numbers into teleconference bridges.

4. Chair: the intent is here is to introduce this topic, not to start a long discussion

5. Q: Regarding slide #2. I’d prefer not to allow substitution of meetings, as it raises issues about time-zones etc. In 2002, we discussed meeting tools. Perhaps we could ask a University to develop something for us.

6. A: Some of the tools listed in the presentation are open source.

7. Chair: I’d like to stop the questions there please.

19. P&P changes (11-09-0545r0)

1. Vice chair: Regarding teleconferences, we’d like to change the P&P so that more than one teleconference per (sub) group can be arranged within the same week. This is regarded as an un-due burden at this time.

2. For example, TGad would like to hold teleconferences twice in the same day to allow European and Asian people to feel involved, based on differing time-zones.

3. Additionally, this would be a useful method to replace ad-hoc face to face meetings immediately prior to a main face to face meeting; as typically used following the completion of letter ballots.

4. C: Please can you set a limit on the number of teleconferences per week.

5. Chair: The strategy should be that there is no artificial limit set. Regarding the specific timings themselves, these should be arranged by the group itself.

6. Vice-chair: This rule change will allow considerable flexibility. The WG still has to approve the teleconferences.

7. C: But I think that this will allow chairs to have as many teleconferences as they wish.

8. C: I speak in favor of this motion, but I ask the chair to police this more carefully. The chair of 802.11 must especially consider the cancellation of teleconferences which is waste of time.

20. Room Changes

1. TGu Chair: I’d like to request Wednesday PM2.

2. Chair: Is there any objection to allowing TGu to using this slot.

3. None seen

4. TGaa released slots

1. The following slots: Wednesday PM1 and Thursday AM2 are no longer required for TGaa

21. TGaa vice-chair nomination

1. TGaa Chair: I’d like to nominate a vice-chair for TGaa: Alex Ashley (NDS)

2. Elected by affirmation

22. IEEE 1900.4 Liaison (11-09-0615r0)

1. This liaison was addressed to IEEE 802 and requests an official liaison between IEEE 802 and IEEE 1900.4 regarding whitespace.

2. Chair: Please can you read the material and decide yourself whether a liaison officer is required.

23. TGp/TGu/TGp Timing Advertisement (11-09-0520r2)

1. TGv Chair: A joint three way meeting earlier in the week, decided that some harmonization of timing advertisements in these task groups should occur.

2. Chair: What is the publication sequence of amendments?

3. Vice-chair: The technical editor’s report shows TGp, TGv, TGu

4. TGv Chair: This is the same order that we have assumed for this topic.

5. Normative text for each task group has been produced. Each task group will hopefully approve the normative text for each of their own amendments.

6. Chair: I’d like to thank everyone for working on this, this week, as it’s a good bit of harmonization.

24. Any Other Business

1. C: I received an email from IEEE that this year is the official 125th anniversary.

2. Chair: Yes and this will be mentioned again on Friday.

3. Meeting recessed at 12:21 ET

Friday, 15th May 2009

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:02 EDT by Bruce Kraemer (Marvell).

61 people present in the room.

25. Agenda (11-09-0419r7)

1. Chair: There have been changes due to revised time of motions.

2. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.

3. None seen

26. Patents

1. Please note that this meeting is still operating under Monday’s IEEE P&P rules

2. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)

3. No items arose.

4. No questions on this

27. Announcements

1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages

1. Please can you send these to the secretary

2. Also please note that agendas for the July 2009 meeting will be due soon.

3. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings

2. Letters of Assurance (LoA)

1. None received since March 2009. There are requests outstanding, but none have been received.

3. IEEE Store (11-09-0420r1)

1. The IEEE sells drafts and other publications. The slides show the drafts currently for sale.

2. Are there any new requests for drafts to be put on sale?

3. C: TGp Draft 6.0

4. C: TGz Draft 4.0

5. C: TGv Draft 5.0

6. Chair: Action: I will ensure to try and sort this out shortly.

4. Tutorials in July 2009

1. Chair: Currently I have no information about topics. We have planned that there will be no tutorials on the Tuesday evening and hence we currently have 802.11 meetings at that time. If tutorials do appear on the Tuesday evening, then 802.11 will loose their meeting slots.

5. IEEE Board of Governors at Large

1. This is a reminder that IEEE has sent out a request for people to be on the board. Please can you respond before 1st July 2009?

6. JTC1 Chair candidates (slide #5)

1. As mentioned during the mid-week plenary, we are still looking for a replacement JTC1 chair.

28. Meeting Location

1. Chair: Can I have a show of hand to see who is in favor of returning to this location next year?

2. For: 27, Against: 0

29. Meeting Schedule

1. Chair: Please note, if we decide to miss the 10:00 break, we can finish early. So please can you think about this and help yourself to coffee around then.

30. P&P Update (11-09-0623r1)

1. Vice-chair: This presentation talks about various changes to the P&Ps, especially the teleconference rule.

2. No questions

31. Documentation & Attendance

1. Vice-chair: No comments about the documentation system

2. There has been a small change to the attendance system, but no problems have been reported.

3. Chair: These tools keep evolving and constantly getting better.

4. Q: When doing JTC1, I was not asked for my affiliation.

5. A: This is because the system assumes its part of the working group.

32. WG Reports

1. Publicity

1. Nothing to report this week.

2. No questions.

2. Timelines

1. The secretary talked about the updated timeline chart, which will be posted following this meeting.

2. The main changes are to TGmb and TGn

3. Chair: Please note that several groups are shortly approaching sponsor ballot.

4. Q: Can you just repeat the TGmb updates please.

5. A: Yes, the RevCom date is now June 2011.

33. WG Committee Reports (11-09-0441r0)

1. Technical editor (slide #26)

1. Please note new draft status on slide #28

2. Q: regarding the word “MAY” in a draft has normative usage. Is there a document which describes these rules?

3. A: “MAY” means grant permission. This is all in the IEEE-SA style guide. All technical editors should be familiar with this. There are links to these pages, through draft development, and then the document can be found.

4. Chair: Action: I’d like to request that the technical editor someone presents a short summary at the July 2009 meeting on this.

5. No report from ANA this week (slide #25)

2. WNG SC (slide #40)

1. Q: Regarding the enhanced security issue which was presented in WNG this week, I’d like to note that this type of issue also came up in group IEEE 802.15.3, but had problems with the executive committee (EC) when it came to sponsor ballot, as they were concerned about these types of security issues.

3. ARC (slide #44)

1. No questions

4. TGmb (slide #45)

1. Initial thanks to the technical editor for all his hard work.

2. Now it’s for the membership to work hard, as the TGmb hopes that the WG will approve the TGmb initial letter ballot today.

3. The group addressed one interpretation request (slide #50).

4. Please note that TGmb is still using a volunteer panel, so please consider going this group.

5. Chair: Please can the TGmb chair remember that the interpretation request response is prepared for the EC at the July 2009 meeting.

5. TGn (slide #54)

1. I’d like to recognize a large group of people who helped with assisting current TGn “No” voters in the current sponsor ballot re-circulation.

2. Please note that the timeline has changed, as was mentioned earlier in the meeting.

3. No questions

6. TGp (slide #63)

1. Completed all comments for this week and now wish to go to re-circulation ballot.

2. No questions

7. TGs (slide #70)

1. Still working on resolving the comments from LB147. Hopefully will go to re-circulation ballot in July 2009.

2. Chair; I’d also like to

3. No questions

8. TGu (slide #77)

1. Managed to go to re-circulation ballot this week.

2. No questions

9. TGv (slide #80)

1. Also managed to go to re-circulation ballot this week.

2. No questions

3. Chair: I live thank the chairs & members of TGp/TGu/TGv for their work on harmonizing the time advertisement issue.

10. TGw (slide #90)

1. Currently resolving comments from re-circulation sponsor ballot.

2. Possibly will not meet in the July 2009 meeting.

3. Chair: Since you will have to present to the EC in July 2009, I’m a little nervous that you’re not meeting prior to the EC.

4. A: Please can talk about the TGn/TGw dependency.

5. C: TGn has a dependency on TGw. TGw is about 1 week ahead in the schedule. However, there is time between now and July to be able to produce a package by July 17th 2009. Hopefully we’ll only have a few comments and hence changes in the next draft prior to the May 27th 2009 teleconference. If we then get more technical comments, I think TGw still has more time to issue another draft. Hence I think we’re ok, and should not block TGn progress. If this all fails, the dependency will have to be removed.

11. TGz (slide #96)

1. Resolved comments from LB143, so hopefully will go to re-circulation ballot.

2. Thanks for the temporary secretary this week.

3. Q: Have you considered the creation of a sponsor ballot pool.

4. A: Yes, there will be a chair’s teleconference on May 28th 2009 to discuss this issue.

12. TGaa (slide #99)

1. Continuing with technical discussions

2. Chair: You want input to a pseudo ballot? When will this start?

3. A: The draft is in the member’s area. I’d like to use the normal comment forms for members to send in comments.

4. Chair: What is the schedule for this?

5. A: I’m not so sure that we have time to fit this in with all the other formal letter ballots going on.

6. Chair: What is your schedule for joint meetings with IEEE 802.1avb?

7. A: This will be on Thursday morning at 8am of the July 2009 meeting.

8. C: Please can you use the 802.11 reflector to announce your pseudo ballot, so that all the members are aware of what is going on.

13. TGac (slide #107)

1. A document has been approved as a base line channel model. However some more work is still necessary to produce an initial draft. Perhaps this will appear at the July 2009.

2. There are some issues with TGaa, which we have to discuss in the future.

3. On May 28th 2009, we hope to have 2 teleconference calls in the same day to cover different time-zones.

4. Q: Are you having just 1 call on June 25th 2009.

5. A: Yes

14. TGad (slide #113)

1. Interesting discussions on the channel model.

2. TGad would also like multiple calls on the same day to cover differing time zones. The same material will be presented twice.

3. Chair: regarding the joint meeting with 802.15.3c, is Wed PM2 a good time?

4. A: yes, it’s fine.

5. Q: You’ll still have to co-ordinate with 802.15.3c regarding the room assignments for July 2009.

6. A: Ok.

15. JTC1 Ad Hoc (slide #119)

1. The group met three times this week. There will be a SC6 meeting in Tokyo in early June 2009.

2. No questions

34. Liaison Reports

1. IEEE 802.21 (11-09-0654r1)

1. They would like to change the name of the PAR to “Multi-Radio Services”.

2. IEEE has recently started a Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP)

3. They will now locate their interims with IEEE 802.16 from the next meeting (although all wireless groups are meeting together in September 2009 anyway)

4. Chair: Will you still be serving as liaison in the future?

5. A: No, well not until January 2010.

6. Chair: I’ve not been able to determine any more information, as the 802.21 chair is not here this week.

7. A: No, he was here for the early part of the week, but then disappeared.

2. IEEE 802.15 (11-09-0653r0)

1. This submission covers a summary of all 802.15 groups.

2. C: regarding 15.4a, c and d, IEEE is working on merging on a roll up of IEEE 802.15.4. This will be the first IEEE 802 document to try the new PSDO fast track process.

3. Q: regarding 15.4c, from the WAPI perspective, the Chinese allege that it is illegal to work with IEEE 802.

4. A: This is not a Chinese standard, it’s a commercial document.

5. Chair: Since Al Petrick is not here, we cannot have the scheduled detailed report on 15.6 BAN.

3. IEEE 802.18 (11-09-0643r3)

1. This presentation has some follow up on Wednesday presentation regarding the FCC NoI (Notice of Inquiry).

2. Nothing affects any of the IEEE 802.11 standard, but it may be useful to provide some feedback, which is due by June 2009. 11-09-0649r1 is the document to look at.

3. IEEE 802.18 will have some teleconference calls to collate comments to provide a response to the FCC.

4. Chair: You mentioned that 802.16h might respond?

5. A: I’m not sure as there is no document on the server at the moment.

6. Chair: What about 802.22?

7. A: Yes, they have but their document just contains diagrams at the moment.

8. C: We are rather exposed as an industry to frequency bands opening up. Are you addressing this weakness in your document?

9. A: I think at the moment, this is just a notice of inquiry and that level of detail is probably not required.

4. IEEE 802.19 (11-09-0605r1)

1. There are some extra slides in this submission, the previous version of which was shown on Wednesday.

2. No questions

5. IEEE 1900.4 (11-09-0420r1 slide #13)

1. This was mentioned earlier in the week. These slides just add some more detail.

2. Chair: Do we want to pursue this issue at the moment?

3. None seen, so this item is tabled for now.

4. No questions

35. Coffee Break

1. Chair: It’s now break time.

2. Can I have a show of hands to take a break, as opposed to carrying on with the meeting? Yes: 22, No: 10

36. Working Group Motions (11-09-0442r0)

1. Old business motions

2. P&P changes (slide #4)

1. Motion: Move to approve the changes to the 802.11 P&P as documented in 11-09/0623r0.

2. Moved Jon Rosdahl, 2nd Stephen McCann

3. For: 28, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

3. Teleconferences (slide #6)

1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

|Group |Dates |Start Time |Duration |

|Editors |Mon Jun 29 |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|TGmb |Mon Jun 29 |10:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGn |Mon Jun 1, Wed Jun 3 |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Mon Jun 22, Wed 24, | | |

| |Wed July 8 | | |

|TGp |Every Thu |15:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGs |Wed May 27; June 10, 24; July 8 |10:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

|TGu |Wed June 17, 24 |11:00 ET |1 Hour |

| |Wed July 1, 8 |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGv |Tue June 16, 23, 30 |12:00 ET (noon) |2 Hours |

| |Fri June 19, 26; July 10 | | |

|TGw |Every Wed, Starting May 27 |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|TGz |Wed July 1 |02:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGaa |Mon every other week Mar 23 – July 27 |11:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

|TGac |Thu May 28: 11:00 to 13:00 ET and 20:00 to 22:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Thu Jun 11: 20:00 to 22:00 ET | |

| |Thu Jun 25: 11:00 to 13:00 ET | |

|TGad |Thu June 4; July 2 |11:00-12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour each call |

| | |And |2 Hours total each day |

| | |20:00-21:00 ET | |

|ARC |Tue Jun 2, Jun 23 |13:00 ET |1 Hour |

2. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Clint Chaplin

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. TGmb interpretation response (slide #8)

1. Accept the interpretation response contained in 11-09/0531r0 on the subject of power saving, and Authorize the 802.11 Working Group chair to obtain approval from the 802 EC and if approved, forward to the IEEE-SA Secretary for publication.

2. (TGmb motion: Moved by Lee Armstrong, seconded by Lee Armstrong, Mike Montemurro; result 4 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)

3. Moved on behalf of TGmb

4. For: 24, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

5. TGmb Letter ballot (slide #9)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received on STD 802.11-2007, and Having incorporated these comment resolutions and all the published amendments (STD 802.11k-2008, STD 802.11r-2008, STD 802.11y-2008), resulting in Draft P802.11REVmb_D1.0, Approve a 40 day Working Group Technical Letter Ballot asking the question “Should TGmb Draft 1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TGmb motion: Moved by Adrian Stephens, seconded by Jon Rosdahl; result: 4 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)

3. Moved on behalf of TGmb.

4. Q: This is a huge document. I think 40 days for a 13 Mb document is not enough time for this.

5. A: When we put this motion together in TGmb, we decided to make the LB time as long as possible to fit into the July 2009 meeting schedule.

6. C: It was also mentioned in the CAC last night. There should a break of 2 days between the 15 days re-circulation ballots with this one running in the background.

7. C: The schedule has been considered carefully.

8. For: 28, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)

6. TGu re-circulation LB (slide #11)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from letter ballot 148 on P802.11u Draft 6.0, as in contained in document 11-09-0489-13-000u-lb142-comment-spreadsheet.xls, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 7.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11u Draft 7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TGu: Moved: Mike Montemurro, 2nd : Matthew Gast, result: 5/0/0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGu

4. Chair: Is there any objection to approving by unanimous consent.

5. A: Yes

6. For: 32, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)

7. TGu liaison (slide #12)

1. Approve liaison document 11-09-0645-01-0000-liaison-response-to-3gpp-ct1.doc and request the IEEE 802.11 WG chair to forward it to 3GPP CT1.

2. (TGu: Moved: Mike Montemurro, 2nd : Dave Stephenson, result : 5/0/0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGu

4. For: 29, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

8. TGv re-circulation LB (slide #14)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB146 on TGv Draft 5.0, instruct the editor to prepare Draft 6.0 incorporating these resolutions and Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11v Draft 6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TG Result: Mover: Allan Thomson, Seconder: Stephen McCann, Result: 13-0-1)

3. Moved on behalf of TGv

4. For: 31, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)

9. TGz re-circulation LB (slide #16)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB143 on TGz Draft 4.0 as contained in document 11-09-0313-03-000z-tgz-lb143-draft40-comments.xls,

2. Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 5.0 incorporating these resolutions and,

3. Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGz Draft 5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

4. (TGz vote: Moved: Yongho Seok (LG),  2nd: Chris Young (Broadcom) Result: 3, 0, 0)

5. Moved on behalf of TGz

6. For: 32, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

10. New business motions

11. TGp re-circ (slide #18)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB144 on P802.11p D6.0 and instructed the TGp editor to create P802.11p D7.0. Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should TGp P802.11p D 7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. Moved Lee Armstrong, 2nd Stuart Kerry

3. Chair: When will you have the draft ready?

4. A: Tuesday next week.

5. Chair: Hence none of these ballots will start on the same day.

6. For: 32, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)

12. Liaison output to 802.18 (11-09-0643r4 slide #5)

1. The IEEE 802.11 Working Group approves document 11-09-0649-00-0000 as its input to the IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG for its development of a response to FCC 09-31 Notice of Inquiry on a Nationwide Broadband Plan for Our Future, and asks the liaison to make any necessary editorial changes and forward it to the RR-TAG chair.

2. Moved Richard Kennedy, 2nd Dorothy Stanley

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. Q: When is the response from 802.18 going to be finalized

5. A: Before June 8th 2009

6. Q: What is the notification period for 802.18?

7. A: It should be 10 days, but I’ll check.

37. Other New Business

1. Web Conferencing & Meeting Logistics (11-09-0544r1)

1. Continuation of earlier presentation from the mid-week plenary.

2. Straw Poll #1 (slide #11)

3. Are you interested in pursuing further Electronic Meeting Services?

4. Yes: 10, No: 10

5. Straw Poll #2 (slide #12)

6. Would you be willing to pay $40 per month to cover the cost of full-featured web conferencing tools? Multiple platforms; Audio/web integration; Polling; Minimum 25 person cap;

7. Q: How do intend to bill this? If it’s built in to meeting fees, then I’m happy, but otherwise there may be problems.

8. Chair: We haven’t got to that level of detail yet.

9. A: This figure is across the whole IEEE 802.11 membership.

10. Q: What does the package include?

11. A: Remember that toll free bridges, still incur a charge to the original provider.

12. Q: Ok, so does the $40 include the call back feature?

13. A: Yes, although it’s just an average figure.

14. Q: I think you’re possibly scaring people by introducing this, unless this is very simple indeed.

15. Q: I think we have suppliers of this type of service present, who should be recused.

16. Chair: No, I don’t think we need to consider that, as this is an end user issue.

17. Yes: 5, No: 17

18. Moving to document 11-09-0652r0

19. This document addresses some of the other improvement ideas regarding our meetings.

20. Chair: One of the topics discussed in teleconference voting. We normally rely on face to face meetings for voting. I think this would then require a different type of voting status. Of course, this then starts a quorum debate. Hence, currently we are not thinking about teleconference voting, but perhaps we can initiate letter ballot votes between meetings. Details need to be sorted out, regarding this point.

2. IEEE Anniversary Celebrations

1. This year the IEEE celebrates its 125 year. In March 2010, it’s also the 30th Anniversary of IEEE 802 (Orlando, Florida). Hence the IEEE 802 chair is looking for suggested events for this.

3. Venue Planning

1. C: I notice that IEEE 802.21 is not meeting with us for our future interims. Will this affect our future hotel bookings?

2. Chair: Our current plans indicate not, but perhaps we need to re-evaluate this. However, the attendance at 802.15 meetings is increasing, whilst we are reducing. The bigger issue is hotel room nights, as some people appear to be staying in alternative accommodation.

3. Vice-chair: 11-09-0371r2 does show historical attendance. Please look at this.

38. AOB

1. Q: I tried to register for the San Francisco meeting, but I could only get the hotel reservation, but not the meeting registration?

2. Chair: Action: Ok, I’ll check.

3. Q: When will the September meeting be available for reservations?

4. Chair: Action: Probably at the July 2009 meeting, but I need to find out if we can have it earlier on the website.

5. C: I’d like to thank the planning team who help on the face to face registration desk.

39. Next Meeting

1. The next meeting (#116) is in the Hyatt Regency San Francisco, California, USA from July 12th – 17th 2009:

40. Adjournment

1. Chair: I propose to adjourn

2. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 11:10 ET

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |Nortel Networks |

|Abraham, Santosh |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Amos, James |Aclara RF |

|Armstrong, Lee |U.S. Department of Transportation |

|Ashley, Alex |NDS Limited |

|Astrin, Arthur |Astrin Radio |

|Bagby, David |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

|Bahr, Michael |Siemens AG |

|Banerjea, Raja |Marvell |

|Banerjee, Kaberi |Self Employed |

|Bar, Vered |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Barr, John |Motorola, Inc. |

|Basson, Gal |Wilocity |

|Baykas, Tuncer |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Benko, John |Orange-France Telecom |

|Breit, Gregory |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Buga, Walter |Proximetry, Inc. |

|Bumiller, George |Research In Motion Limited |

|Cam-Winget, Nancy |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Castor, Douglas |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Chambelin, Philippe |THOMSON |

|Chan, H |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |

|Chaplin, Clint |Samsung Electronics |

|Chen, Lidong |NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology |

|Cheong, Minho |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Choi, Eunyoung |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Chu, Liwen |STMicroelectronics |

|Chung, Hyun |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Cordeiro, Carlos |Intel Corporation |

|Cypher, David |NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology |

|Das, Subir |Telcordia |

|De Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Ding, Gang |Olympus Communication Technology of America, Inc. |

|Drennan, Offie |Buffalo Technology, Inc. |

|Emmelmann, Marc |TU Berlin |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |

|Falk, Lars |TeliaSonera |

|Feinberg, Paul |SONY |

|Fischer, Matthew |Broadcom Corporation |

|Gast, Matthew |Trapeze Networks |

|Gloger, Reinhard |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|Golmie, Nada |NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology |

|Gong, Michelle |Intel Corporation |

|Grandhi, Sudheer |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Grodzinsky, Mark |Wilocity |

|Harkins, Dan |Aruba Networks, Inc. |

|Hassan, Amer |Microsoft |

|Hiertz, Guido |Philips Electronics |

|Hillman, Garth |OakTree Wireless |

|Hong, Seungeun |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Iso, Akio |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Jee, Junghoon |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Jeon, Hongseok |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Jin, Sunggeun |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Kain, Carl |Noblis, Inc. |

|Kakani, Naveen |Nokia |

|Kang, Hyunduk |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Kang, Kyu-Min |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Kasher, Assaf |Intel Corporation |

|Kato, Tatsuya |Tokyo Electric Power Company |

|Kennedy, Richard |Research In Motion Limited |

|Kerry, Stuart |OK-Brit |

|Kim, Joonsuk |Broadcom Corporation |

|Kim, Youngsoo |Samsung Electronics |

|Kitazawa, Shoichi |ATR Wave Engineering Lab. |

|Kneckt, Jarkko |Nokia |

|Kolze, Tom |Broadcom Corporation |

|Kraemer, Bruce |Marvell |

|Kurihara, Thomas |TKstds Management |

|Kwak, Byung-Jae |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Kwak, Joseph |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Kwon, Hyoungjin |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Lambert, Paul |Marvell |

|Lan, Zhou |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Lauer, Joseph |Broadcom Corporation |

|Lee, Jae |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Lee, Wooyong |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Lessmann, Johannes |NEC Corporation |

|Levy, Joseph |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Loc, Peter |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Lynch, Bradley |Peraso Technologies |

|Makaya, Christian |Telcordia |

|Maltsev, Alexander |Intel Corporation |

|Mano, Hiroshi |ROOT, Inc. |

|Marin-Lopez, Rafa |University of Murcia |

|Maslennikov, Roman |Intel Corporation |

|Mccann, Stephen |Research In Motion Limited |

|Mcnew, Justin |Kapsch TrafficCom |

|Mesecke, Sven |Buffalo Technology, Inc. |

|Montemurro, Michael |Research In Motion Limited |

|Moorti, Rajendra |Broadcom Corporation |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |ROOT, Inc. |

|Moskowitz, Robert |Verizon Business Systems |

|Murray, Peter |Self Employed |

|Myles, Andrew |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Nandagopalan, Sai |Broadcom Corporation |

|Ngo, Chiu |Samsung Electronics |

|Oh, Minseok |Wg802.11 |

|Palanivelu, Arul |Marvell |

|Park, Changmin |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Park, Jaewoo |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Park, Minyoung |Intel Corporation |

|Perahia, Eldad |Intel Corporation |

|Petrick, Albert |Jones-Petrick and Associates, LLC. |

|Petro, John |National Security Agency |

|Ponnampalam, Vishakan |MediaTek Inc. |

|Ptasinski, Henry |Broadcom Corporation |

|Purnadi, Rene |Research In Motion Limited |

|Rahman, Mohammad |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications TechnologyT |

|Rai, Vinuth |VSC-A |

|Rajkumar, Ajay |WG802.11 |

|Rayment, Stephen |BelAir Networks |

|Reede, Ivan |AmeriSys Inc. |

|Reznik, Alex |InterDigital, Inc. |

|Rosdahl, Jon |CSR |

|Sahr, Christina |IEEE-SA |

|Sakoda, Kazuyuki |Sony Corporation |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm Incorporated |


|Shao, Huairong |Samsung Electronics |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Sherlock, Ian |Texas Instruments |

|Simon, Francois |ARINC, Inc. |

|Song, Myung |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Stacey, Robert |Intel Corporation |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Aruba Networks, Inc. |

|Stephens, Adrian |Intel Corporation |

|Stephenson, David |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Strutt, Guenael |Motorola, Inc. |

|Sum, Chin-Sean |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Taff, Louis |Ericsson |

|Takatori, Yasushi |NTT |

|Tan, Teik-Kheong |GCT Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Thomson, Allan |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Thrasher, Jerry |Lexmark International Inc. |

|Trainin, Solomon |Intel Corporation |

|Tu, Kuo-Hsiang |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Tu, Yung-Szu |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Van Nee, Richard |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia |

|Venkatesan, Ganesh |Intel Corporation |

|Vlantis, George |STMicroelectronics |

|Walker, Jesse |Intel Corporation |

|Wang, Jianfeng |WG802.11 |

|Wang, Junyi |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Wang, Qi |Broadcom Corporation |

|Wentink, Menzo |Qualcomm |

|Willey, Dan |Research In Motion Limited |

|Woo, Pyo |NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Yamagishi, Hiroyuki |Sony Corporation |

|Yee, Peter |NSA/IAD |

|Young, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |

|Zaks, Artur |Texas Instruments |

|Zeino, Hassan |Telecomunique, Sponsered by Wi-LAN Inc. |

|Zhang, Hongyuan |Marvell |

|Zhao, Shiwei |Atheros Communications |

|Zhong, Yongfeng |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |

|Zuniga, Juan |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

Annex B : Working Group Officers

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Bruce Kraemer |IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc |

| |Mail: |c/o:  Marvell Semiconductor, |Phone:   |

| | |Inc. | |

| | |5488 Marvell Lane,  | |

| | |Santa Clara, CA 95054 | |

|Jon |Working Group - 1st Vice-Chair / |CSR |

|Rosdahl |Treasurer | |

| |Policies & Treasury |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

| | |jrosdahl@ |

|Adrian |Working Group - 2nd Vice-Chair |Intel Corporation (UK) Limited. |

|Stephens | | |

| |Attendance, Ballots, Documentation & |Tel: +44 1954 204 609 (office) |

| |Voting |Tel: +44 792 008 4900 (mobile) |

| | |adrian.p.stephens@ |

|Stephen |Working Group - Secretary & Publicity |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |Minutes, Reports, & Communications |+44 1753 667099 |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|Terry |Working Group - Technical Editor |Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |

|Cole | | |

| |Standard & Amendment(s) Coordination | |

| |Working Group - ANA LEAD |+1 (512) 602-2454 |

| |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority |terry.cole@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Teik-Kheong "TK" |WNG Standing Committee - Chair |GCT Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Tan | | |

| |Wireless Next Generations |+1 (408) 480-0431 |

| | |tktan@ |

|DAVID BAGBY |ARC Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

| |802.11 Architecture |+1 (650) 637-7741 |

| | |Dave@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|MATTHEW GAST |Task Group mb - Chair |Trapeze Networks |

| |802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes|+1 (925) 474-2273 |

| | |msg@ |

|Bruce P. |Task Group n - Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Kraemer | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (321) 427-4098 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |bkraemer@ |

|Sheung |Task Group n - VICE-Chair |SiBEAM, Inc. |

|Li | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (408) 245-3120 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |sli@ |

|Lee |Task Group p - Chair |US Department of Transportation |

|Armstrong | | |

| |Wireless Access for the Vehicular |+1 (617) 620-1701 |

| |Environment | |

| |(802.11p Amendment) | |

| | |LRA@ |

|Donald E. |Task Group s - Chair |Motorola, Inc. |

|Eastlake 3rd | | |

| |Mesh Networking |+1 (508) 786-7554 |

| |(802.11s Amendment) | |

| | |d3e3e3@ |

|Stephen |Task Group u - Chair |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |InterWorking with External Networks |+44 1753 667099 |

| |(802.11u Amendment) | |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|DOROTHY v. sTANLEY |Task Group v - Chair |Aruba Networks |

| |Wireless Network Management |+1 (630) 836-9734 |

| |(802.11v Amendment) | |

| | |dstanley@ |

|JESSE WALKER |Task Group w - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |Protected Management Frames |+1 (503) 712-1849 |

| |(802.11w Amendment) | |

| | |jesse.walker@ |

|MENZO WENTINK |Task Group z - Chair |Qualcomm Netherlands |

| |Direct Link Setup |+31 65 183 6231 |

| |(802.11z Amendment) | |

| | |mwentink@ |

|GANESH |Task Group AA - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |


| |Video Transport Streams |+1 (503) 264-0637 |

| |(802.11aa Amendment) | |

| | |ganesh.venkatesan@ |

|OSAMA ABOUL-MAGD |Task Group AC - CHAIR |Self |

| |Very High Throughput < 6 GHz |+1 613-599-5078 |

| |(802.11ac Amendment) | |

| | |osama53@ |

|ELDAD PERAHIA |Task Group AD - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |

| |Very High Throughput 60 GHz |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

| |(802.11ad Amendment) | |

| | |eldad.perahia@ |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |09-0549r0 |

|TGMB |TGC |09-0564r0 |

|TGN |TGC |09-0565r0 |

|TGP |TGC |09-0655r0 |

|TGS |TGC |09-0595r0 |

|TGU |TGC |09-0577r0 |

|TGV |TGC |09-0639r0 |

|TGW |TGC |09-0566r0 |

|TGZ |TGC |09-0582r0 |

|TGAA |TGC |09-0644r0 |

|TGAC |TGC |09-0459r0 |

|TGAD |TGC |09-0650r0 |

|WNG SC |SCC |09-0630r0 |

|ARC SC |SCC |09-0xxxr0 |

|JTC1 AHC |AHG |09-0584r0 |




This document constitutes the tentative minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the May 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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