SSNB Free Body weigh session [2003 – 2004] Page 1

3.1 SSNB - T2T - Free Body strength - JULY

DO each of the 8 exercises (in order) twice and finish with set 3 of # 1 ( single Leg Squats)

Tucked position & good technique are important - pay attention to the technical points on the Belts sheet.

FOR Those with a TNT – see alternatives Sheet

SET’s 1 & 3 - Single leg squats 4 x 10each leg – (cadence 4 -0- 3-0 ) Hips remain parallel to ground going up and down . Recovery leg is directly to the back ( make sure of good alignment) . Back is slightly rounded and abdominals are engaged with a good tucked position . Breathing in a coordinated manner, in -down – out- up . The recovery leg, inside of knee, must touch the ankle bone of the support leg for each one . Keep weight in the middle of the foot while doing these. Last month we used a bench for stability – Not now. I want you to focus the cadence required. IT is important to slow down, use correct muscles. Use your Glutes as well as other leg muscles, Feel the difference .

2nd set - Dry Skate - 3 X 2 Min ( 3 – 5 sec switches) r 3’ NO shoulder ROTATION ( use a mirror –if possible ) - Make sure hip is being pushed across ( All the body mass moves in unison) -away from the pushing leg - engage your abs & glutes when you press away. Make sure Recovery leg comes in from behind and you close ankle angle to load & lean before you push . There is a full extension after push is complete . 5 min – so it should be around a 3000 m skating cadence

Toe touch - Deep Squat - hands up - 20

Take your time – this is not a race . From the waist- bend over and touch your toes. While holding toes do a deep squat to lowest position possible. Pause . From the squat position raise arms as high over head as possible . Then press up using your glutes. Repeat required number of times

Anchored Hip rotations - 2 X 10 each side with an elastic band ( total - 20 each side )

From a standing position, with elastic anchored behind and slight tension on elastic in recovery position. Bring Knee directly up to waist – Rotate knee to at least a 45 degree out to the side while holding rotation at a slow speed ( DO NOT let elastic pull leg back). Allow the hip flexor to open , knee drops down and behind the support leg(with knee still bent at a 90 degree angle) until leg aligns with body to allow rotating knee to thrust directly forward again. Do 1st 10 each side forward – do last 10 in a reverse direction.

Balance / Coordination Drill: USING SWISS Ball (If you do not have a swiss ball – DO SSNB Plank) 20 (alternating repetitions each side ). Lift opposite arm and leg at the same time and lift to full extension hold for 5 sec. ( Not quite like the picture) Engage core – do not let mid section sag to the ground.

Control and balance are important (Engage Abs) - Alternate to a different side each time

OR – SSNB Plank #3 - see page 3.3 of July strength if you do not have a ball

Penta Jumps - 2 X 5 jumps ( do for speed ( Minimize the loading time) as well as distance ) - 1 min rest

Bench Jumps - alternating - - 3 X 20 sec r 1 min

With one foot on 1 side of the bench (that is about knee height) and one on the bench - Do an explosive Jump up onto bench - Starting with the foot on the ground (and using a dynamic arm swing as well) and some assistance from foot on the bench . Explode high above the bench with BOTH arms reaching for the sky . On decent the leg that had been on the ground in now on the bench and the leg that was on the bench is on the ground on the opposite of the bench . Continue at a good pace for the required timeframe – take a break & Repeat . Be explosive

Walking toe touch - 15 Repetitions each leg - from a good tucked position extend 1 foot forward , only touching the heel to the ground. Hold for a 2 count. Roll onto that foot for control . Bring other leg through (without coming up) to touch heel to ground hold for the 2 count and repeat required number of times. 2 steps is 1 repetition. Feet point forward.

Skipping (with a rope) -2 min continuous (You have done this for a while so you should be doing at least 100 revolutions / min)

Abductors - 2 X 20 each leg Stand straight throughout motion with core engaged - push your foot away from the support base- You can very lightly touch something for balance. Can also do side shuffle with a band (if you prefer - 20 steps each way)

DO ALL 9 Drills - REST 5 Minutes

- Repeat whole program again and finish with SET # 3 single leg Squats and a good stretch


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