Switch Lab - California State Polytechnic University, …

CS 380 Project#2: Switch Lab

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to acquaint you with the CISCO switch family and the IOS software by having you work on the CISCO 2900 series switches in the CS Network Lab. By the end of this lab you should know how to:

• Log into a CISCO switch using Telnet.

• Look up the configuration.

• Use basic IOS functionality.

• Change modes in IOS.

• Reconfigure a CISCO switch.

Please follow the steps below. Make sure you have the “Network Diagram”. Answer questions in the boxes.

IMPORTANT: Note that you are not required to answer all questions during the lab session. You might need to figure out some answers afterwards using the information you gather during the lab session. Write down the start time at the top of this page and finish the lab in 75-minute.

Name of your Switch (circle one, refer to the “Network Diagram”): Switch1 or Switch2

Part 0: Power off your switch & turn it back on. (Note that your switch has no power button, and you have to unplug the power cord to turn it off.) This action is for resetting the switch to the initial configuration.

Part 1: Connect & Login

a) Make sure there is an Ethernet cable connecting the network interface card (NIC) on the back of your computer to any port of your switch. Write down the port number (written on the switch above the plug) your cable is plugged into.

b) Pay attention to how routers and switches are connected. Write down the port number of the port of the switch that connects to the router?

c) Open a command prompt (DOS prompt) on your computer.

d) Type “ping ” (i.e. “ping” or “ping”), and press ENTER to ping your switch. (Refer to the “Network Diagram” for the correct IP address of your switch) Can you ping your switch?

(If your answer is “No”, then try it again in a couple of minutes. If your answer is “No” again, then stop and report this to the lab assistant.)

e) Type “telnet ” (same IP address you just used).

f) What happened? (Write down exactly what you see. Requested info is given in the “Network Diagram”.)

Part 2: Check the configuration

a) At the switch prompt, type “show running-config” and press ENTER

b) Is it a valid input?

c) Now type "enable" and press ENTER. (This will change the mode from User Mode to Privileged Exec Mode, refer to the “Network Diagram” for password)

d) Type "show running-config" and press ENTER again.

(When you see “----- More -----“, hit SPACE BAR to display more information)

e) What are the IP address and the Subnet Mask of this switch? (Hint: You will find this information under “interface vlan 1” in the config information that was displayed. They are displayed in the same line next to each other and the first number of Subnet Mask is 255)

f) Type “show mac-address-table” and press ENTER.

g) From the table displayed, find the MAC address of your computer. (Hint: Use the port number (written on your switch or just refer to Part 1(a)) you used to connect to your PC for locating the corresponding record in the table)

Part 3: IOS functionality

a) At the switch prompt, type “?”. It gives a list of all available commands. What does the “reload” command do?

b) Type in "show ?" (with a space in between). What does the “show configuration” command do?

c) Type in "show ip ?" (space in between). What does the “show ip interface” command do?

d) Type in "sh?" (with no space in between). Then type in "con?" (again, no space in between). What happened with each? What is the "?" operator helping with in this context?

e) Type in "sh" then hit the key. What happens? Now type in "disc" and hit . What does hitting do?

Part 4: Create and Configure VLAN

VLAN stands for Virtual LAN. It is a tool of organizing a network logically such that users in different groups could be assigned to separate VLANs and they seem to be in different subnets. The benefits of using VLANs are scalability, flexibility and improved security of network. It also illustrates the difference in intelligence between a hub and a switch since hubs are not capable of offering any logical organization of networks.

In this section, you will learn how to create and delete VLANs. By default, all switch ports are assigned to same VLAN (vlan 1). Let x (from Part 1(a)) be the port number of the port connecting to the PC and y (from Part 1(b)) be the port number of the port connecting to the router. In the following steps, you will create a new VLAN (vlan 2) and assign port y to it. Then you will not be able to ping the router from the PC because they are now in two different VLANs. At the end of this section, you will delete vlan 2.

a) Type “vlan database” and hit ENTER.

b) Type “vlan 2 name ” to create a VLAN with ID equals to 2 and name equals to your lastname.

c) Type “exit” and hit ENTER.

d) What is shown after you type “exit”?

e) Type “show vlan” and hit ENTER to show all VLAN information

f) Count how many ports are assigned to vlan 1?

Note: Ports are shown as 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, … , etc. in the output. 0/1 refers to slot 0 port 1. Since there is only one slot (called slot 0) in the switch, they all begin with a 0. Therefore, we refer to 0/1 as port 1 hereafter.

g) Change to Configuration Mode by entering “configure terminal”. What changes do you see? (Hint: Prompt)

h) Type “interface fastethernet 0/” using the value of y as the port number. This will begin the configuration of port y. (Warning: Make sure you enter correct value of y, which is connected to router, using wrong port will lead to disconnection from the switch)

i) Type “switchport access vlan 2” to assign port y to vlan 2.

j) Type “end” and hit ENTER to end configuring a port.

k) Open a command prompt (DOS prompt) on your computer, and ping the router to verify that the ping is not successful from your PC. (Hint: Refer to the “Network Diagram” for the IP address of the router that your switch is connected to)

l) Type “show vlan” and hit ENTER again

m) What has changed?

n) Type “vlan database” and hit ENTER

o) Type “no vlan 2” and hit ENTER

p) What happen to vlan 2?

q) Type “exit” and hit ENTER

r) Use “show vlan” to verify you have deleted vlan 2. Note that port y does not belong to any VLAN. Ask for lab assistant’s help if you have any problems.

Part 5: Rebooting Switch and assigning IP address

a) Type “reload” to reboot the switch. Answer “no” when you are asked whether you want to save the current settings. Hit ENTER when you are asked to confirm. (Now You should lose the connection to the switch)

b) Make sure the “rollover” cable (light blue) is connected properly from your PC to the “console” port of your switch. Then use Hyper-Terminal to connect to the switch again.

1. Start up HyperTerminal:

Start menu > programs>Accessories>Communications

2. Name the connection with your last name.

3. Ensure that the connection settings match those below:

• Connect using COM1(Serial port)

• Under port settings:

a. Bits per second: 9600

b. Data bits: 8

c. Parity: None

d. Stop bits: 1

• Flow Control: Hardware

4. IMPORTANT: Hit ENTER once to bring up the prompt.

c) You might need to wait until the switch finishes rebooting and the prompt appears again.

d) After rebooting a switch, you are back to User Mode. Switch to Privileged Exec Mode. You may want to refer back to Part 2(c) for switching mode.

e) Change from Privileged Exec Mode to Configuration Mode. (Hint: You may want to refer back to Part 4(g))

f) Type “interface vlan 1” and press ENTER to start configuring vlan 1, which is the default Virtual LAN for all ports. Pay attention to the prompt change again.

g) Type “ip address ”. Use original IP address and subnet mask values before rebooting the switch. (Hint: refer back to Part 2(e) for original IP address and subnet mask)

Part 6: Finishing Up

a) After configuring IP address and subnet mask of the switch correctly. Ping your switch from the DOS prompt. You should be able to ping the switch. Verify that the ping is successful to make sure you finish your lab correctly.

b) Type “exit” and press ENTER. Repeat three times to logout to User Mode.

____________________ ______________________________

(Finish Time) (Date)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Work on Part 7 after finishing the lab >>>>>>>> What to turn in? ................

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