Conditions Helped:

Conditions Helped:

Pain of any kind:


Ankylosing Spondylitis




Back Problems, Lower


Back Problems, Neck




Leg Ulcers




Polymyalgia Rheumatica


Prostate Problems


Repetitive Strain (RSI) Carpal Tunnel etc ...


Rheumatoid Arthritis


Inflammation of any kind including :


Breast Engorgement


Cystitis joints or muscles




Fibrocystic Breast Disease


Headaches & Migraines caused by inflammation


Inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative

Colitis, Crohn’s, IBS.)



Lung & Chest Problems:


Asbestosis, Miners and Farmers Lung,




Bronchial Asthma






Cystic Fibrosis




Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Eye Problems:




Blocked veins etc


Multiple Sclerosis & other Neurological problems:


Damaged Nerves


Multiple Sclerosis


Ear, Nose & Throat problems:


Chronic ear infections


Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis




Sore Throat


Swollen Glands




Runny nose/Rhinitis


Sinusitis problems




Sports Injuries, prevention & Recovery


Traumatic swelling/ Oedema/Edema


Post Operative &

Traumatic Swelling

Post Operative Scars & Lesions





Varicose Veins & Thrombophlebitis


Cardiovascular Disease


Arterial Disease, Angina, DVT, Blood Clots


Other Conditions:




Animal treatment

|Animal Treatment with Serrapeptase

Animal Drug-Free Treatment

Breakthrough Treatment for Arthritis and the other conditions shown

A number of vets have been using Serrapeptase enzymes for arthritis and many other animal conditions and the signs are more than encouraging.

This amazing enzyme has been successfully used on humans, without side effects for 25 years. This new animal treatment does not require a prescription and is a fraction of the cost of conventional medicines.

So far they have been giving the supplement to dogs, all severely affected with arthritis and all in a great degree of pain. There have been no side effects and pain relief has been almost total. Being a dietary supplement rather than a drug means a possible breakthrough for non-drug animal arthritis sufferers.

Serrapeptase, an enzyme derived from a controlled fermentation of the bacterial strain Serratia Serrapeptase. T-1 secretes this enzyme in a medium. The enteric coating of the tablets protects the enzyme from inaction in the acidic medium of the stomach.

Manufacturers have now introduced enteric-coated granules in capsules. This is of great benefit for treating small dogs, cats, children and those unable to swallow, as they can be mixed. Serrapeptase is a stronger saseinolytic (fibrinolytic) agent than any other known alkaline neutral protease such as chymotrypsin, bromelain or pronase.

The medicinal effects of Serrapeptase for animals identified clinically are:

• Lung, sinus and other mucus problems

• Pain problems of any kind

• Inflammation (after surgery, injury etc)

• Scar tissue

• Mastitis

• Cysts


· Recommended & Stocked by Vets

· No side effects

· A drug free alternative

· Affordable

· Can be taken be humans or animals


Conditions Helped:

Pain of any kind:


Ankylosing Spondylitis




Back Problems, Lower


Back Problems, Neck




Leg Ulcers




Polymyalgia Rheumatica


Prostate Problems


Repetitive Strain (RSI) Carpal Tunnel etc ...


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammation of any kind including :


Breast Engorgement


Cystitis joints or muscles




Fibrocystic Breast Disease


Headaches & Migraines caused by inflammation


Inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative

Colitis, Crohn’s, IBS.)



Lung & Chest Problems:


Asbestosis, Miners and Farmers Lung,




Bronchial Asthma






Cystic Fibrosis




Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Eye Problems:




Blocked veins etc

Multiple Sclerosis & other Neurological problems:


Damaged Nerves


Multiple Sclerosis

Ear, Nose & Throat problems:


Chronic ear infections


Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis




Sore Throat


Swollen Glands




Runny nose/Rhinitis


Sinusitis problems



Sports Injuries, prevention & Recovery


Traumatic swelling/ Oedema/Edema


Post Operative &

Traumatic Swelling


Post Operative Scars & Lesions



Varicose Veins & Thrombophlebitis


Cardiovascular Disease


Arterial Disease, Angina, DVT, Blood Clots

| |

It is important to note that not all Serrapeptase products are created equal. The enzyme activity is measured in units and clinical studies are based on the ratio of 10 mg of Serrapeptase equaling 20,000 units of activity. When purchasing the product be sure that the ratio of mg to units is 10 mg for every 20,000 units, or 5 mg for 10,000 units and so on. The average dose, therefore, is 20 mg–or 40,000 units.

Serrapeptase digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that Serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Dr. Nieper told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase.


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