Hospitals & Asylums

Hospitals & Asylums

Declaration of Independence

By Anthony J. Sanders National Director

Tues. HA-8-3-05

Final Social Security Appeal: The Administration will no longer be served by email due to their enforcement of the Law of Diminishing Returns and usurpation of the office of the Commissioner by the President, a known terrorist and fiscal incompetent, to breech domestic contracts, it is now SSA who must appeal for re-subscription to title24uscode@ while the President is impeached under Art. II Sec. 4 US Con.

For a world that is peaceful enough to support prosperity the SEARCH ENGINES of the World Wide Web are hereby requested to add to the top 3 SEARCH ENGINE responses for either; "Hospitals & Asylums" or "Title 24 US Code"

With a caption that should read,

"Hospitals & Asylums (HA) new draft amendments of 2005 are a 10 Chapter, 500 page revision of Title 24 US Code in .doc with links to the original statute at ".

I. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez

II. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice

II-A Military Budget Adjustment 2004

II-B Samir A. Vincent v. John Ashcroft Attorney General

III. Fame, Famine & Fascism in the Foreign Service

IV. Chertoff Conviction

V. Manuel “Job” Noriega v. “Suck” Dick Cheney: “Lick” Bush Sr. Presiding

VI. Medical Director Michael Leavitt

VII. Senator Arlen Specter v. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

VIII. Cabinet Summary

Impeachments other than US President Bush Jr:

1. Andrew Natsios USAID Administrator $33 billion theft

2. Paul Volcker UN Oil For Food Program Iraq Fraud Famine

3. Michael Chertoff Homeland Security Secretary Fraudulent Bomber of Afghanistan

4. Michael Bolton applicant UN Ambassador weapons fraud

5. Wolfowitz applicant President of the World Bank mass murder, unpopular in Iraq

6. “Suck” Dick Cheney US Vice President most homicidal official, $1 trillion theft

7. Donald Rumsfield Secretary of Defense treaty breaking, mass murder, $500 bil. theft


1. Repeal of Title III of the Homeland Security Act of 2002

2. Update of Art. 44 and Cover of the Cincinnati Labor Contract

A. The Declaration of Independence signed on 4 July 1776 is applied to our circumstances as follows, When in the Course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s god entitles them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to separation. We find that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights- among these the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness- that to secure these rights governments are instituted deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of the Ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it. When a long Train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government and to provide new Guards for their future Security Guards for their future Security. The History of our President, “King George” is history of repeated injuries and usurpation all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. Let the Facts be submitted to a candid World so that he and his murderers may be removed from Office.

1. The President has refused to assent to the Balanced Budget HA-2005

2. He has conspired with the Governors and others to rob the balancer of the budget in the State of Union Address and to kill people in sync with the contracting of “Anthrax Sender” although the Governor spoke more wisely in the State of the State Address.

3. He refuses to pass or even review Hospitals & Asylums Statute although it would bring peace and prosperity to large groups of people his agenda involves nothing but squandering the peace and prosperity of future Presidents on illiterate thieves.

4. The President has appointed the most despotic band of thugs and contract killers in the entire world to the highest offices charged with keeping the peace and is attempting to infiltrate the financial world with soldiers entitled to nothing but immediate retirement. By refusing to process their indictments the convictions became of such gravity that the sovereignty of the United States has been waived and the federal government is neither immune from prosecution or respected as a guarantor for loans and grants.

5. Evidence indicates that the 9-11 attack was inside job of Barbara Olson wife of Theodore B. Olson former Solicitor General born on 9-11-40 to justify a war that lost credibility because he could not settle for just one and they tried to cover up the fact.

6. He has obstructed the Administration of justice to perpetrate lies and falsely detain some poor person in lieu of the real perpetrators of his jokes. He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries.

7. He has affected to render the Military superior to the Civil Power. He has protected them by a mock trial from punishment for any murders. He is at this time quartering large standing armies to complete Works of Death, Desolation and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous of Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of any Civilized Nation. He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or fall themselves by their hands. He has exited domestic insurrections amongst us.

8. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. He has plundered our bank accounts, ravaged our friends, killed our contracts and destroyed the lives of our People.

9. We therefore in absence of a peaceful and prosperous leader, legislature or justice appeal directly to the Supreme Judge of the World, the United Nations.

10. Let us now then compare the agenda’s of two different homicidal maniacs who have both chosen to forfeit the Hospitals & Asylums Service for their genocide.

a. State of the Union Address Unofficial Transcript HA-2-2-05 Speaker of the House: The President of the United States As the government all the elected branches of the government have a great privilege we share with the newly elected leaders of Afghanistan, Palestine and a newly sovereign Iraq. I would like to guide our nation the ideal of liberty for all. Tonight with a health growing economy the state of the Union is confidence and strong. Our generation has been blessed by the expansion of opportunity and the advances in medicine. We ask the question as our hair grays what will be the state of the Union. Let the United States do what it has always done and do it for our children. First we must restore faith in the economy. When action was needed to Congress delivered. By making our economy more flexible we shall make the US the leader of the world. We must restrain the spending habit of the federal government. I will send a budget that holds discretionary funding and balances the budget by 2009. My budget substantially eliminates government programs that do not fulfill essential objectives as tax dollars must be spent wisely or not at all. Education is the targeted for expansion to make our economy more competitive our county must help small entrepreneurs and protect job owners from junk lawsuits. Justice is distorted and our economy is held back by frivolous class actions and asbestos reforms. To make our economy stronger and more productive we must give families for control over their health decisions. I ask Congress to move forward with an agenda to help poor citizens buy government health insurance and ensure every low income community has a health center. To keep our economy going we also need sources of affordable energy. Nearly four years I submitted a comprehensive energy strategy that included safe clean nuclear energy. My Cleark skies legislation will cut emissions. Research shall investigate alternative fuel sources. I have hired a panel to examine the tax code from top to bottom. I shall create a tax code that is fair to all. America’s immigration system is outdated unsuited to the values of our country or invite chaos at our borders that rejects amnesty that closes the border to drug dealers and terrorists. One of America’s most important institution is in need of wise and effective reform. Social Security was one of the great successes of the 20th Century and we must honor its success in the 21st Century. The system however on its current path is headed towards to strengthen and save social security (drunken yeah). Today more than 25 million receive social security benefits and I have a special message for people over 55- the social security system will not change the social security system has serious problems that will get worse in time. In today’s world benefits are scheduled to rise instead of 16 payers for every beneficiary only 3 payers that will dwindle to 2. In 2018 Social Security will begin paying more than it takes in. By 2033 the annual shortfall will become $300 billion. You and I share a responsibility and must pass reforms that solve the problems of social security once and for all. Many ideas are on the table but we must move ahead with courage and honesty because the future of our children is more important than partisan politics. We must be guided by basic principles to make us permanently sound. We must ensure that lower income Americans have seucirty in their retirement and must ensure that changes are gradual for low income workers. We also have the chance to make it more accessible for workers through voluntary retirement accounts. Rather than investing in federal social security the worker places it in private accounts that accumulate more interest than the government and the money is yours and the government can never take it away. The goal here is greater security in retirement so we will set requirements for personal accounts we will ensure it goes in conservative funds and is not subject to market swings at the moment of retirement. By raising the yearly limit to 4% of wages in personal retirement accounts. Thrift savings plan permits deposits to be made in private accounts to extend the same ownership to young Americans. Our second great responsibility to the future is to protect the institution of marriage. Because a society is measured by how it protects the weak and vulnerable by developing treatment. Committed to build a culture of life to ensure that human life is never bought or sold as a commodity. America will continue to lead the world in medical research that is always ethical. Judges have a duty to faithfully interpret the law not legislate from the bench. As President I have a responsibility to appoint a number of men and women to serve on the bench. The constitution also gives the Senate responsibility every nominee deserves an up or down vote. Our government will focus of faith based groups. Tonight I propose to limit gangs integrate gang members into the community. One of the main sources of national unity is equal justice and must make doubly assure that people are not held responsible for crimes they did not commit and are committed to DNA evidence to prevent wrongful conviction. Since 2001 we have busted terror cells across the country we are working every day to make our Homeland Safer. We have confronted our enemies abroad the Al Queda network still has leaders but many remain. There are still regimes seeking weapons of mass destruction but never without consequence. We will stay on the offensive against them until the fight is won. Pursuing our enemies is vital commitment in the war on terror. We must give them the tools for victory. We are co-operating with 60 governments to stop the transit of dangerous materials. In the long term the peace we seek will only be achieved by eliminating radicalism and ideologies of murder. The only force that will stop the rise of tyranny and terror is the force of human freedom. The United States has no right or desire to impose our form of government on anyone else that is why it shall lead to peace. To promote peace in the broader middle east the US co-operates to fight terrorism. The great and proud nation of Egypt that showed the way to peace in the Middle East will now pave the way to democracy in the Middle East. We must confront regimes that harbor terrorists and promotes mass murder. Our men and women are fighting in Iraq so that we do not have to face them here at home. We will succeed because they (Iraqis) value their liberty as they showed the world last Sunday. Across Iraq, often at great risk millions of citizens went to the polls to elect people represent them in the new democratically elected general assembly. In the end Iraqis must be able to defend their country. An Iraqi reporter said, “tell America not to abandon us.” We are standing up for the freedom of our Iraqi friends and shall make that nation free for generations to come. We have said farewell to many men and women who gave their lives for us. We have seen the unfolding of large events. In our history even when we disagree. We must spread the peace that liberty brings. Thank you and God Bless America.

b. State of the State Address HA-8-2-05 Ohio Governor Bob Taft delivers the 7th State of the State Speech to the Ohio House and Senate.Applause I am honored to be here today with the new leaders of the Ohio General Assembly. We have been meeting to build an agenda for Ohio’s future. I am sure that together we can accomplish great things. It is an honor to be here with our elected officials. I am honored to stand with the members of my Cabinet who are the best people in the nation. There is no way that I could do this work without first lady Hope Taft. We have made progress but there is far more to be done. Before I go on to our unfinished business let us look at our accomplishments. Ohioans are hard working and productive. Ohioans are innovative. Ohioans are practical give them a problem we’ll give you a solution. Ohioans are caring and compassionate there are now 50,000 Ohio leads tutors across the state. Last September I visited Springdale elementary in Mansfield. Our people are our greatest strength but they are not all. We all know that Ohio’ central location is key and we have invested in roads and bridges. There is no better place to raise a family. Sports, world class museums, boating and fishing on Lake Erie and the Ohio River and parks. I am blessed to have a job where I see different parts of the state every week. The courage and patiotism of the airmen makes them the heroes of our time I look forward to them coming home. As we think about Terry Eishcman and so many other Ohioans living in harms way what sort of prospects do their children have in the future? There are many white spots in Ohio’s economy. I have asked Congress to pass laws for better jobs. Together we put together a law to put an end to junk lawsuits as a result Ohio is more competitive than it was a year today now. Last year I called for tax reform it is my number one priority. Let me be clear I promised to work with you day and night in a spirit of co-operation to create fair tax code. More than 300,000 small businesses pay at income taxes and instead of rewarding them we punish them. We also have an oppressive tax on investment. When a company wants to invest in equipment we oppress. This is not something that we should tax and is hurting our ability to compete with other states. Ohio’s corporate tax is a nightmare and we’ve got to fix it. Right now we have the worst of all worlds causing stiffer shocks for companies coming from abroad our collections are low. Its time to reform our tax system to reflect our economy now. We must move Ohio forward, right now. Applause. We’ll all hear a chorus of complaints of special interests and much prevail by remaining committed to the very end. Reforms will bring Ohio in line with the rest of the nation and slash income taxes across the board. Every single Ohio will benefit and if you make less than $10,000 a year you will pay no state income tax at all. We’ll also phase out the tax on inventories while protecting corporations from losses. Our goal is not just to create a modern tax system but to reduce the burden upon Ohio families and corporations. It reduces some taxes and increases others saving $800 million. Leaving $800 million in the pockets of our families. We cannot continue to have a deficit and will continue to tighten our belts. We have closed six state institutions. Our new budget will be the tightest in four years. Medicaid growth will be restrained without hurting the needy. We must tame the Medicaid monster. We must release the powerful energies of this great state. There are two things that we must do promote emerging sectors in our economy and high school education. We are helping Ohio companies thrive. We need to help more companies to compete in the global market and create high paying jobs. For Ohio to retain its competitive advantage Ohio schools are important and there are new funds for students trapped in persistently failing schools. Our academic contents are recognized as some of the best in the nation. Since I’ve been governor we have raised student funding guarantee by one third and we shall direct funding to programs that we know promote success. More than 10,000 high school students are earning college credit and are encouraging students to enroll in engineering programs in high school. We must make sure that colleges are affordable. We will work with you to make a continuous learning system that is more co-operative and more collaborative. To that end our budget proposes and annual tuition increase to six percent for need based scholarships. Last year I pledge to create a non-profit corporation to ensure that all people in Ohio know our story. When we accomplish what I set forth today we will have an even better story to tell. A story how we are sustaining our investment in a knowledge economy that is helping every student to succeed and we won’t let the special interests stand in our way. Ohio became great because we never became afraid of a challenge. Like the people who made the underground railroad a reality. Today think about all the parents who are imparting the values their children need. Think about the challenges our children will face. He knows we are lagging the majority of the country. Lets keep Desmond and all our friends in mind as we go over our unfinished business. Let us resolve to do our job and make this state a better place to live, work and raise a family. May God Bless all of you and the State of Ohio.

B. Section 13(a)(l) of the Fair Labor Standards Act exempts executive, administrative, professional, and outside sales employees from the minimum wage and overtime requirements of the FLSA, and are compensated "on a salary basis" which for certain computer-related occupations under the professional exemption, they need not be paid a salary if they are paid on an hourly basis at a rate not less than $27.63 per hour. I of course suffer one of the common problems as a federal employee who was placed on salary with a small social security settlement in 2001 from an aborted civil lawsuit in 1998 and classified as exempt for reason of disability without regard to duties or percentage of time spent in exempt duties. Through four years of hard work writing Hospitals & Asylums yearly, equinox and solstice for only the occasional insult and injury of cruel Americans and moral support of the United Nations I have succeeded in writing the most valuable book of statute ever written. It is time that the federal government to take responsibility for their independent counsel under 28USC(40)§592 and the federal government must either honor their paltry $523 a month contractual guarantee of 2 November 2004 Claim No. 564-33-9321 HA by compensating me for the $510 a month I recently lost to federal insolvency - $447 in three months without food stamps and $64 missing from my monthly Treasury check in March that must not occur again, or raise my salary to $1,000 a month in recognition of Chapter 3 Health and Welfare, SS.doc, to as high as $100,000 a year from the Secretary of State retroactive to E.O. 13325 Amendment to E.O. 12293 the Foreign Service of the United States of January 28, 2004, for AID2005.doc .

C. This Spring Equinox it is important to note in the Federal Register that Hospitals & Asylums will not serve the Legislative, Executive or Judicial Branches by email, and mail service to the Supreme Court has been discontinued since Fall 2003 due to insufficiency of funds to print the evidence, the agencies will be totally reliant upon the Hospitals & Asylums Website to settle their cases. Do not misunderstand me, we have achieved world peace with the US President. The federal government is however not gearing up for prosperity and the President's State of the Union Address failed to balance the budget or uphold high standards in federal hiring practices. In fact the President confessed to stealing $213 a month from the author's, poverty line, social security and food stamp income this 2005 and in a computer crime stole 6 months of new email addresses and jeopardized the identity of my account holders in what the illiterate perpetrator probably makes light of as a "spam prosecution". In punishment for this crime the Federal Government, including the particularly credible agencies of SSA and USAID, are enjoined with the many people in the UN who must individually subscribe to Hospitals & Asylums by writing such a request to title24uscode@, although all are welcome to read and write for possible publication at the Hospitals & Asylums Website located at . At least five pages of writing are required to reinstate an entire agency or house of Congress. No less than the impeachment of the Vice President is accepted from the White House.

D. Having paid numerous visits this 2005 the Department of Labor (DoL) is by far the friendliest federal agency at this moment in time and serves as an eloquent representation of my only interest in the Federal Government - to be paid for my work in human rights. In conversation with a human resource representative of DoL I made the discovery that, "although there is much hope in the United States of America, Hospitals & Asylums represents the only possible future for the federal government…as the only balanced budget on the market…thank you for your respect of work ethic…the Department of Labor will be the only federal agency I contact at this time (spring quarter)…I reserve the right to contact whoever I wish...I would like to earn from $1,000 a month from SSA (in hopes that the two chapters on social welfare would someday be read) $100,000 a year from the Secretary of State retroactive to January 2004 (when the President deposited the Hearing AID Act of 2004 with Bank One)".

E. The US Legislature and President have 5 years with which to hire the Archivist to print Hospitals & Asylums New Draft (HAND) Amendments in the United States Code and no one should feel daunted or threatened by the 500 page manuscript as their teacher has so far failed to interest them in prosperity and is quite willing to settle for just peace. Private publishers and federal agencies are highly encouraged to award the author copyright and royalties in exchange for a mutually harmonious relationship based upon the publication the Hospitals & Asylums Manuscript (HAM) 2005 immediately, in a limited fashion, with consideration for market demand and cognizant of the forthcoming annual statistical editions that promise to contain a Chapter 9: Public Health Department (PHD) as soon as 2006. There are two other shorter books, that could be swiftly enumerated for a reasonable fee by a publisher interested in "International Constitutional Law" or "Hamilton County, Ohio- Community Corrections" and a long work on the States of the United Nations (SUN) won't be done with all five continental regions for at least a year but more likely two. In the meanwhile the author wishes to be represented in the federal government exclusively by the Department of Labor who is welcome to file with the Federal Register in behalf of the author.

F. The Secretary General of the United Nations Koffi Annan is attributed with calling Hospitals & Asylums Website (HAW), "the most sweeping reforms to the United Nations since its foundation" for the applause of the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 2004. Information Officer Heim of the International Court of Justice and the author concurred on 12 January 2005 that the only way that Hospitals & Asylums can serve you, at this time, is in the form of written proceedings by email.

G. On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 DOLNCC@ wrote thank you for writing the U.S. Department of Labor National Contact Center. Below you'll find general information and referrals pertaining to your questions. Based upon the information you have provided, your question about SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (SSA) can best be handled by the Social Security Administration. The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for the nation's social security program, and related numbers, cards, and benefits. For more information from the Social Security Administration, call (800) 772-1213 or visit .

H. H. The U.S. Department of Labor would like to suggest that you use the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) eLaws Overtime Security Advisor. You can go online and the Advisor helps to answer questions about the pay and recordkeeping requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act and exemptions from the overtime and minimum wage provisions. It will only take a few minutes to use. This website also provides the law, the regulations, and compliance assistance materials-such as the eLaws Advisor, the Employment Law Guide chapter, and poster-specifically for this law. These regulations are enforced by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD). For more information about compliance assistance related to your issue please visit

dol/compliance/comp-flsa.htm .

I. Based upon the information you have provided, your question about WAGE DEDUCTIONS/ PAYCHECK SHORT/ MONEY TAKEN OUT OF PAYCHECK BY THE EMPLOYER/ SALARY DOCKED can best be handled by the Wage & Hour Division.The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) administers rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act pertaining to paycheck deductions made by the employer, which are different for exempt and non-exempt employees. That is, non-exempt employees must be paid for hours worked, while exempt employees must be paid their full salary rate, with few exceptions. For more information from the Wage & Hour Division, call (866) 487-9243 or visit wagehour. .

J. The Food Stamp Program helps low-income households buy the food they need. The program is operated by state and local welfare offices, and the federal government oversees the state operation of the program. The best resource to assist you is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Stamp Information Line. It operates 24-hours

a day, 7 days a week. Additional information is available on their website. The U.S. Department of Labor does not address this issue. For more information from the United States Department of Agriculture, call (800) 221-5689 or visit fns.fns/ .

K. Instant claim for restoration of $523 a month under 42USC(7)II404 and for the creation of a conference of social welfare scholars to study Hospitals & Asylums Statute and hire the National Director under 42USC(7)VII902 for no less than $1,000 a month - the works for study are;

1. Balanced Budget balancedbudget.doc

2. Chapter 3 Health and Welfare (HaW) SS.doc

3. Chapter 5 Agency for International Development (AID)


L. I continue to be victimized with the deprivation of relief benefits in contravention to civil rights criminal statute 18USC(13)246 and require again that the money stolen from my March check be repaid under 42USC(7)II404 The Social Security Administration clearly needs to protect their beneficiaries and trust funds by being better grounded in,

1. 42USC(7)I§407a that guarantees "The right of any person to payment is not be transferable or assignable, at law or in equity, and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this chapter shall be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law" this includes Medicare that cannot garnish social security checks to collect premiums involuntarily and may not even do so voluntarily unless that person has an income above the poverty


2. 42USC(7)II422 that protects, "A person's disability insurance eligibility status shall not be revoked until such a time when work earnings exceed, for 9 months, the level of earnings established by the Commissioner" in the letter with the CMS Administrator of August 30 2004 at an annual income of less $12,569 if single or $16,862 if married or monthly income of less than $1,068 as an individual or $1,426


3. Individual development accounts as set forth in 42USC(7)IVA604 shall be a trust created or organized in the United States and funded through periodic contributions to an individual described in 26USC(A)(1)(F)I501(c)(1)(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 who is exempt from federal taxation under section 501(a) of such Code for reason of poverty or service to the non-profit causes of the poor. SSA needs to reward their beneficiaries for their work.

M. The facts of my case are this. I live on Social Security and receive a $200 a month check from my father for an income significantly less than $1,000 a month. In November 2003 I was chosen by the then Secretary of Health and Human Services for his $66.60 Medicare premium garnishment reducing my check from $513 to $453 thanks to a degenerative vertebral disorder I contracted from a manure pile I spread. After talking to the state social worker several times the state claimed responsibility and arranged to have me reimbursed $666 in November 2004 after which time my check was increased to $523 a month. With the settlement money/curse I purchased a web site. Now

the most valuable book in the history of mankind is available on the Internet at .

N. Needless to say the federal government did not take kindly to being sued for $666 and Tommy Thompson concocted a plan to exterminate everyone who ever had the audacity to write to his office that is clearly marked by its omission of any email address as a threat as ominous as the local courthouse and post office itself. A food stamp interview was scheduled on 20 December, my day of work publishing the quarterly, the social worker didn't show up for the interview and it is reported that she retired however as the agency did nothing but lie the possibility she was killed in a political schism is in the single digit percentile of probability as that was the prevailing county and federal election strategy in 2004. I lost $149 a month in food stamps. The state agency later cancelled my Medicare/Medicaid and took the time to poison the envelope with a "common cold". Needless to say the character assassination worked its way to the social security administration that is not founded as the fraudulent laundry for state charity and is more resistant as a legitimate provider of real money under law. In December I received a form that I filled out and returned. Then I received another form from a Claims Adjudicator named Mr. Dunn from the Ohio Rehabilitation Commission Bureau of Disability Determination in February and she scheduled an interview with social worker because she does not operate on literate frequencies. Now in March I find that my check has been reduced from the $523 to $459. I expect that it is the Medicare garnishment again therefore let me make it clear I don't want Medicare. Your claims processing has been infested with fraud. Your telephones are nothing but endless taped messages. Your written contracts are breeched. I have lost a total of $213 this March with the Social Security reduction. You need to stop persecuting my meager income it will only wreck your government as it is a crime to take bread from a hungry man's mouth whereas it is a virtue to take several slices from a loaf to give to the man who just had the bread taken out of his mouth and all the other people who never had a crust in the first place. Due to the strange behavior exhibited by Medicaid it is also important to say that it is a crime to put rat poison in the bread you feed the poor man whether or not he is wise.

O. What SSA needs to do is hire the author immediately. To work productively together with a minimum of effort or unpleasantness the Commissioner of Social Security, who employs a deputy commissioner and Inspector General to oversee, in co-operation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the administrative programs of SSA should create a conference of social welfare scholars under 42USC(7)VII902 interested in reviewing Hospitals & Asylums, to hire the National Director this day, and use him as publisher of their research fully cognizant that they can abolish the conference upon the majority opinion of the participants. The conference will be expected to communicate irregularly with the author by email and should read and write comments or do case work under Chapter 3 Health and Welfare (HaW) before or after the June revision. The Chapters required for social welfare are again;

1. Balanced Budget balancedbudget.doc

2. Chapter 3 Health and Welfare (HaW) SS.doc

3. Chapter 5 Agency for International Development (AID)


P. In conclusion let me explain how the American system needs renewal and transition from the collective philosophy of the United States (US) best described by President Kennedy as "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" that has built a large and impersonal government that is collapsing under the weight of its fascism and totalitarianism (fat). Now, to save our nation from the madmen who lead it, a new more accountable philosophy needs to be developed therefore let me introduce you to the new ideology of the Unidos Naciones de America (UNA) that is founded in respect for the equal human rights of individuals so that our trust funds balance on a reciprocating basis with benefits paid to the individual so that it could be said, “ask not you can do for your country as they are beyond any chance of being helped but if there is anything left of the country that is not too corrupt to serve you”. It is

highly important that the trust funds and savings accounts are administered to individuals before continuing devaluation of the dollar in retribution for its financial insolvency causes further loss. Now, more than ever, it is the responsibility of the individual to make sure that the government is functioning properly and that the trust funds administrate and are not being lost and stolen to corruption that runs unchecked at all levels of government in the USA. The counsel of this time is to transfer authority to the protection United Nations where people and humanitarian programs are respected in terms of human rights and are relatively safe from the bizarre treatment and persecution we suffer under United States law so that our programs can hope to achieve social security defined by Art. 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the free development of an individual's personality. For SSA I recommend the security of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Q. I hope to write a whole Chapter on Human Rights for Human Resources using, in part, the information provided by the Department of Labor at dol/compliance/comp-flsa.htm, dol.doc and wagehour. in the near future. If DoL wishes to express interest in the forthcoming Chapter and exhibit competence and sympathy with the writers in this age of enforced ignorance they are encouraged to pay the author $1,000 for the prioritization of Human Rights in Human Resources. REPTO:VMIRANDASRID:1-DFTWYASSX:YACTID


Partial Nominee Hearings Schedule HA-6-1-05

Jan 6:

·Al Gonzales: Barred from the office of the Attorney General for life for disobeying the solicitation of the Supreme Court for a Latino Justice necessitating his conviction by the Senate for treason as White House Counsel resulting in homicide, slavery and torture to protect the American people from the Gonzales military dictatorship that is all he claims to offer as Attorney General. The Supreme Court is called upon to explain this conviction to Mr. Gonzales who has represented himself to be as resistant to counsel from the public as he has been documented to be regarding the abuse of human rights in the US military and Texas judiciary. Obstinate behavior casts increasing prejudice against his confirmation in the solicited role of Justice of the Supreme Court as it demonstrates conviction in a false belief that he is the best candidate for Attorney General when his record clearly indicates that he would preside a deteriorating situation as the result of not being firmly grounded in human rights that are required for federal executives (and judges for that matter) to process complex federal problems swiftly and legally. To satisfy the demand for the lesson of the International Court of Justice on the evolution of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 with the Additional Protocols of 1977 from §232 of the Hearing AID Act of 2005 that has been appended to the following news report compelling the publication of this document in Microsoft Word.

Jan. 18:

· Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State

Jan. 19:

· Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State

· Michael O. Leavitt, Health and Human Services Secretary

· Samuel W. Bodman, Energy Secretary

1. Alberto Gonzales brushed off talk that he might be a Bush nominee for the Supreme Court if a vacancy occurs. ''Let me make it clear, I am not a candidate for the Supreme Court’'. JESSE J. HOLLAND, AP wrote Gonzales Grilled Over U.S. Torture Policy: Bush's Justice Nominee Faces Questions From Senate. WASHINGTON (Jan. 6) -- General-nominee Alberto Gonzales, under scorching criticism from senators, condemned torture as an interrogation tactic Thursday and promised to prosecute abusers of terror suspects. He also disclosed the White House was looking at trying to change the Geneva Convention that protects prisoner rights. Pressed by both Democratic and Republican senators at his confirmation hearing, Gonzales defended his advice as President Bush's White House counsel that al-Qaida and other terror suspects were not entitled to the treaty's protections. But he said there was more to the issue than that. ‘Torture and abuse will not be tolerated by this administration,'' Gonzales told Judiciary Committee senators. ''I will ensure the Department of Justice aggressively pursues those responsible for such abhorrent actions.'' Gonzales promised that as attorney general he would abide by the 1949 Geneva treaty but also said the White House was looking at the possibility of seeking revisions. ''Now I'm not suggesting that the principles, the basic treatment of human beings, should be revisited,'' Gonzales said. ''But there has been some very preliminary discussion: Is this something that we ought to look at?'' The discussions haven't gone far, Gonzales said. ''It's not been a systematic project or effort to look at this question,'' he said. ''But some people I deal with, the lawyers, indicate maybe this is something we should look at.''

2. Democrats at Gonzales' hearing repeatedly criticized Bush administration policies on aggressive interrogation of terrorism suspects, and Republicans sometimes joined in, too. Despite the criticism, Gonzales is expected to win confirmation when Congress returns after Bush's inauguration. He would be the nation's first Hispanic attorney general but is not qualified to be our nation’s police chief as the result of his convictions for treason, homicide, slavery and torture as White House Counsel and Justice of the Texas Supreme Court. Democrats said it was Gonzales' January 2002 memo as White House counsel that led to the stripping, mocking and threatening of suspects with dogs. He had argued in his memo that the war on terrorism ''renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions.'' Gonzales, as President Bush's White House counsel, was at the center of decisions about ''the legality of detention and interrogation methods that have been seen as tantamount to torture,'' said Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass concluded.: The ''legal positions that you have supported have been used by the administration, the military and the CIA to justify torture and Geneva Convention violations by military and civilian personnel.''

a. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. said, ''Judge Gonzales comes to this nomination with a very distinguished career; really a Horatio Alger story. Hispanic background, of seven siblings, the first to go to college, attended the Air Force Academy for two years and then received degrees from Rice and Harvard Law School."

b. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.asked, asked, "Will you continue the John Ashcroft 'my way or the highway' approach, which often led to embarrassment?''

c. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. said, "The searing photographs from Abu Ghraib have made it harder to create and maintain the alliances we need to prevail against the vicious terrorists who threaten us. And those abuses serve as recruiting posters for the terrorists.''

3. Alberto Gonzales responded,” "If confirmed as attorney general, I will no longer represent only the White House; I will represent the United States of America and its people. I understand the differences between the two roles." Gonzales, wearing an American flag pin in his lapel, sat alone at the witness table, family members seated behind him in the crowded hearing room. Senators addressed him respectfully as ''Judge'' - Gonzales is a former Texas Supreme Court justice - but pressed him repeatedly on administration policies. He refused to back away from his legal opinion to Bush that terrorists don't deserve Geneva Convention treatment if captured by Americans overseas. ''My judgment was ... that it would not apply to al-Qaida - they weren't a signatory to the convention,'' he said. He denied that any of the memos he wrote or reviewed in the White House had anything to do with the overseas abuses.

a. 'Would you not concede that your decision and the decision of the president to call into question the definition of torture, the need to comply with the Geneva Convention at least opened up a permissive environment of conduct?'' asked Richard Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's no. 2 Democrat.

b. Saying he was sickened and outraged by photos of Abu Ghraib abuses, Gonzales described the U.S. troops in them as ''people who were morally bankrupt having fun.'' Other abuses of foreign detainees probably were caused because ''there wasn't adequate training, there wasn't adequate supervision.'' ''I respectfully disagree that there was some kind of permissive environment,'' he said.

c. Gonzales' response to some questions Thursday seemed to contradict his description of the Geneva Convention in his January 2002 memo. ''I consider the Geneva Convention neither obsolete or quaint,'' he said at the hearing, promising to ensure U.S. compliance ''with all of its legal obligations in fighting the war on terror.''

d. Gonzales declined to give a legal opinion on the prisoner abuse, suggesting he didn't want to prejudice a possible criminal case as the attorney general nominee. That led to a 10-minute lecture from Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., on Democrats' long-standing complaints about Bush nominees not directly answering their questions. ‘'We're looking for candor, old buddy,'' Biden said. ''I love you, but you're not very candid so far.'' Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina joined in on some of the criticism, saying the administration ''dramatically undermined the war effort'' by ''getting cute with the law.'' ''I think you weaken yourself as a nation when you try to play cute and become more like your enemy instead of like who you want to be,'' he said.

4. Gonzales objected to Graham's characterizations, noting the beheadings of Americans by terrorists. ''We are nothing like our enemies, Senator,'' Gonzales said. ‘'But we're not like who we want to be and who we have been, and that's the point I'm trying to make.'' Sen. Graham retorted. ''When you start looking at torture statutes and you look at ways around the spirit of the law, you're losing the moral high ground. ... I do believe that we've lost our way.''

a. Gonzales also said he supported the use of the Patriot Act, the government's anti-terrorism law put in effect after the New York City and Washington attacks. ''I believe that in part because of the Patriot Act there has not been a domestic attack on United States soil since 9/11''.

b. Sidestepping questions on whether it was legal for Senate Democrats to filibuster Bush's judicial nominations last year. Senate Republicans have threatened to change the chamber's rules to ban the maneuver if it happens this year. Promised that his friendship with Bush would not affect him as attorney general. ''I will no longer represent only the White House,'' he said. ''I will represent the United States of America and its people. I understand the difference between the two roles.''

c. He promised to defend in court the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in which Congress said states don't have to recognize gay marriages.

d. Brushing off talk that he might be a Bush nominee for the Supreme Court if a vacancy occurs Gonzales said,

''Let me make it clear, I am not a candidate for the Supreme Court’'.

§232 Peace

(A) Peace is the primary objective of states party to the UN Charter. Both international and civil war, however, remain frequent occurrences to this day that require the recognition and enforcement of human rights by national, regional and world leaders, legislatures, and courts of competent jurisdiction, when they occur; to

(1) ensure warring parties negotiate and ratify a peace treaty;

(2) ensure human rights and the sovereignty of the state(s)

(3) take an accurate census of the victims of war.

(4) publish accurate budgets and administrate compensation and welfare.

(5) facilitate commerce and reparations between formerly warring parties.

(B) The Merit Judgment of Peace Palace in the Hague on 27 June 1986 regarding Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) No. 70 (1986) reaffirms the cardinal principles of customary international law;

(1) The principle of non-use of force is enshrined in Art. 2(4) of the UN Charter is the jus cogens, universal norm, of international law. It states, “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”.

(a) Upholding this principle, no state shall finance, instigate or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities attempting to overthrow the government of another state.

(b) This principle may also be called the principle of non-aggression.

(2) The principle of non-intervention codified in Art. 2(7) of the UN Charter ensures that nothing shall authorize the United Nations or its members to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state. Wherefore every sovereign State and responsible government has the right to conduct its affairs, without outside interference;

(a) Intervention is wrongful when it uses methods of coercion, particularly force, either in the direct form of military action or in the indirect form of support for subversive activities in another State.

(b) When extraordinary circumstances regarding international peace and security or extraordinarily horrible national standards of human rights arise Members must submit such matters the Security Council for either (a) the Pacific settlement of disputes under Chapter VI or (b) punitive, potentially military Action With Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression under Chapter VII;

(C) The Advisory Opinion Regarding the Legal Consequences of Constructing a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories ICJ No. 131 (2004) informs us that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force”…pp 117 The Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States 2625 (XXV) (1970), adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October 1970, makes it clear that “No territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal”...pp 87

(1) The Court notes that the principle of self-determination of peoples has been enshrined in the United Nations Charter and reaffirmed by the General Assembly in resolution 2625 (XXV) pursuant to which “Every State has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples of their right to self-determination.”  Article 1 common to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reaffirms the right of all peoples to self-determination, and lays upon the States parties the obligation to promote the realization of that right and to respect it, in conformity with the provisions of the United Nations Charter…pp 88

(D) In Art. 51 of Chapter VII the UN recognized that the authorization of the use of force is an “inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations” and must therefore not be invoked by leaders,

(1) The primary purpose of the UN as set forth in Art. 1(1) of the UN Charter is to “maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace”

(2) The 27 June 1986 Merit Judgment regarding Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) No. 70 (1986) determined that under international law in force today,

(a) States do not have a right of "collective" armed response to acts which do not constitute an "armed attack”

(b) States are limited in the use of force to a direct and proportional response to the use of force.

(c) States must not engage in the support of paramilitary organizations seeking to overthrow the government nor should they use such paramilitary organizations as scapegoats to claim responsibility for the covert military operations of the government.

(3) Art. 39 of Chapter VII refers international threats to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression to the determination of the Security Council who shall make recommendations, regarding the application of sanctions, embargoes or the summoning of armed forces of member nations for peacekeeping missions.

(a) In practice those disputes that are not swiftly and pacifically settled by the Resolutions of the Security Council are referred for the more exhaustive research and leadership of the Reports of the Secretary General of the United Nations.

(b) Reparations can be settled by the Security Council Compensation Commission

(E) The Four Original Geneva Conventions and Two Additional Protocols are the pre-eminent contemporary humanitarian laws of war. As the result of the general acceptance of these Conventions the ICRC, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize four times. The Four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 are;

(1) the Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Geneva, 12 August 1949

(2) the Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

(3) the Convention (III) relating to the Treatment of Prisoners of War Geneva Convention Geneva, 12 August 1949

(4) the Convention (IV) for the Protection of Civilians, Geneva, 12 August 1949

(F) The principle of disarmament is the central principle for making peace under the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 is set forth in Art. 3 of the all four of the original Geneva Conventions, it states,

“Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.”

(1) To this end, prohibiting;

(a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

(b) Taking of hostages;

(c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

(2) The principle of releasing and repatriating prisoners of war at the cessation of active hostilities is found in Art. 118(1) of the Third Geneva Convention. Releasing prisoners of war helps to eliminate residual hostilities and is the customary international gesture for making peace.

(G) The Two Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 are;

(1) the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) Geneva, 8 June 1977

(2) the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), Geneva, 8 June 1977

(H) The Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons ICJ No. 95 (1996) reinforces the basic principles affirmed in the ratification of the 1907 Hague Regulations that states in Art. 22 "the right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited" and in Art. 23 "Arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering (are prohibited)”; that had been omitted from the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and were reintroduced to humanitarian law in Art. 35 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) of 8 June 1977;

(1) The first principle protecting the civilian population and civilian objects and establishes the distinction between combatants and non-combatants; States must never make civilians the object of attack and must consequently never use weapons that are incapable of distinguishing between civilian and military targets.

(2) The second principle prohibiting the use of weapons and force causing unnecessary suffering to combatants: it is accordingly prohibited to use weapons causing them such harm or uselessly aggravating their suffering…pp 77

(I) Art. 4 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), Geneva, 8 June 1977 elaborates upon the peace plan set forth in Art. 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 for the purpose of fundamentally guaranteeing protection from and judgment against the misbehavior of armed forces who disturb the peace; Art. 4 states,

(1) All persons who do not take a direct part or who have ceased to take part in hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted, are entitled to respect for their person, honour and convictions and religious practices. They shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction. It is prohibited to order that there shall be no survivors.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following acts against the persons referred to in paragraph I are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever:

(a) Violence to the life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder as well as cruel treatment such as torture, mutilation or any form of corporal punishment;

(b) Collective punishments;

(c) Taking of hostages;

(d) Acts of terrorism;

(e) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault;

(f) Slavery and the slave trade in all their forms;

(g) Pillage; (h) Threats to commit any of the foregoing acts.

The Conclusion that we shall arrive at this day is that unprincipled people must not be made principal. Gonzales is simply not a $1 trillion attorney capable of upholding,

Chapter 2 Attorney General Education (AGE)

Chapter 6 Correction Conviction (CC)

Chapter 8 Drug Administration Yield (DAY)

Application of Art. 118 of the Third Geneva Convention HA-2-11-04

United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Chairman Senator Lugar

Senior Democrat Biden

Confirming Dr. Condoleezza Rice (single) Secretary of State electee


2 dissenting opinions

For inauguration on the 22nd or 24th day of any month

Amending Title 22 US Code Foreign Relations and Intercourse (A-FRaI-D) to just Foreign Relation (FR-EE)

Balancing the Federal Budget HA-2005

The Secretary of Sleaze

Re: Confirming Anthony J. Sanders in the congressionally independent position of Hospitals & Asylums Secretary in the Senate out of deference for his HAND that writes Hospitals & Asylums Title 24 of the United States Code and that of the President under E.O. 12293 the Foreign Service of the United States of January 28, 2004 offering retroactive pay to foreign servants at an arbitrary rate of $100,000 a year to 1 January 2004 the first day of activity of the Hearing AID Act Chapter 5 of the Hospitals & Asylums United States Code that is required reading for contemporary foreign servants as amended annually. The $1 Trillion price tag ensures that the Act is the only cause for the generosity of the President on January 28, 2004 extended to all writers of dated US Treaty documents without indication of the author in his Register of Nominees. The Foreign Service Committee is requested to confirm this confidential appointment to the Foreign Service by paying Anthony J. Sanders $100,000 plus $8,333 for January 2005 whereas employment as a Level IV Foreign Servant without any hazing, inequality or any but written trial by the Foreign Relations Committee would bring the author into more professional association with the Archivist, a Level IV Executive of the Federal Government rather than the Foreign Service where he hopes to work closely with Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State and through her to Collin Powell as applicant US Military Director (MD). Mr. Sanders is not an armed officer and is somewhat tender in the local government as the result of the recent deprivation of his food stamp benefits in a frightening pattern by an invasive CMS revolution corrupted by the Judiciary that was in turn corrupted by the Department of Defense (DoD) that needs to change its name to the Military Department (MD) bringing Secretary of Defense Transfer Order No. 40 [App. A & C(3)](July 22, 1949) to a peaceful resolution of the UN Security Council regarding the foundation of African Command AFRICOM and administration of $10-$25 billion annual contribution of the United States of America to the African Union. I of course see Mr. Powell as torn between being founding African Commander or founding US Military Director (MD) and only Anthony J. Principi stands out as equally peaceful soldier for the US Military Department (MD) of 2005.

A. The Foreign Relations Committee seems like a relatively safe place for Mr. Sanders to begin to be confidentially rewarded for honest work written for the United States of America. Reservations regarding the Foreign Service do exist and they are clearly marked in this essay. Notwithstanding criminal conviction of the Foreign Service, the counsel of the Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, and Foreign Relations Committee are sought in part to protect Mr. Sanders, as Hospitals & Asylums Secretary (HAS), from the lack of confidence in the Hospitals & Asylums New Draft (HAND) Code by the entire House and Senate (HaS) and other less savory governmental and quasi governmental entities who are not necessarily responsible for the life, liberty and happiness of the author until all Hospitals & Asylums Statute (HAS) is republished by Congress from at in a time period that is estimated at 5 years 2005-2010. Mr. Sanders hopes to be financed similar to the General Services Administration that earns its money through contracts with other government agencies so as to be able to work for the people for free and afford the salaries of those few people who make his confidence. Sanders Clause on the other hand requires the ratification of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and offers to extend the benefits administration of the US Social Security Administration to serve 1 billion people not currently achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals by obeying the Hearing AID Act of 2005. Whereas the US Banks are notoriously insolvent (particularly in regards to the judiciary and quasi judicial major fraud against the United States) to the point where they might be life threatening, in the State of Ohio, or at the very least in the personal credit history of the author, it would be wise to invest in Hospitals & Asylums as set forth in Chapter Five to found a US-International development bank with the largest intellectual property holdings in the world for only $100,000 down to afford student loans for him and his sister and $8,333 a month (for life as a humanitarian counterpoise to the 5 year sentence of the Supreme Court Justice hereby plea bargained with King Blackwell HA-17-1-05 and the American Bar Association in order to elicit candidates before Senator Arlen Specter (dissolving the Judicial Committee) and presiding in the ratification of the soon to be amended Attorney General Education (AGE). Should the independent Foreign Relations Committee Senate consent to pay a living wage to Anthony J. Sanders both the Friendship, Amity and Co-operation Treaty (FACT) and the USAID BABY in Chapter 5 shall be amended during the month of February otherwise as a consequence his steady work without pay be done as soon as the end of January in exchange for Republican values not shared by anybody with less than a gram of Democracy in their veins. After a five year trial I could conceivable administrate $1 million a year to individuals as well as authorize larger settlements for other more generally recognized public officials.

B. Conviction: Andrew S. Natsios of Stealing $33 billion from donors under the Hearing AID Act of 2004 and not disbursing funds as directed in applicable cases in the Litigation Column or compensating the author Anthony J. Sanders and most intriguingly not paying North Korea a penny although his greatest literary work so far has been Natsios, Andrew. The Great Korean Famine: Famine, Politics, and Foreign Policy.US Institute of Peace Press. 2001.  It appears he got his job in a deal with the devil and must be cured with $1 billion to the health welfare and legislation of the North Korean Central Bank as they merge with the Bank of Korea under North Korea v. South Korea HA-31-5-03-04 while upholding the confidentiality of the account holders of the Single Korean Yearbook (SKY) under the Draft Transitional Constitution of Korea (CoK).

C. This Case Concerning the International Court of Justice includes a request for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice under Article 107 of the Rule of Court on the strength Hospitals & Asylums acceptance by the UN General Assembly HA-10-12-04 and the Certification of the US Secretary of State with the transcripts of the President’s State of the Union Address and results of the Iraqi Elections under

(2) the Armistice Day Provisional Measure in the First Edition Revision of Chapter One Humanitarian Missions of the Military Department (MD) HA-11-11-04 filed subsequent to the fatal

(1) Application of Art. 118 of the Third Geneva Convention HA-2-11-04 that calls for an Advisory Opinion in the beginning of February to be rendered in writing without oral arguments by merely publishing the written proceedings of the Advisory Opinion below and the Provisional Measure (1-2) above.

1. New Iraq Constitutional Elections (NICE) Draft Permanent Constitution of Iraqi HA-11-8-05

2. Iraqi Sovereignty HA-30-6-04 (never tried)

3. Bank Afghanistan Day HA-15-1-04

D. Disclaimer: Due to the total absence of honor in the Foreign Service that includes an indictment for assasination by the US Ambassador to the Netherlands now with suspicion that he is serving as the money launderer for funds stolen from CMS on the grounds of contempt of court and acronym of CMS, there is simply not enough bond between me and the Foreign Service to draft my Friendship, Amity and Co-operation Code for Chapter 5 of Title 22 US Code in time for this confirmation hearing.  It would indeed also be fair to inaugurate Dr. Rice on the 24th of any month in honor of Art. 2(4) of the UN Charter that commands that states uphold the principle of non-aggression in international relations and the 24 hour day that we seem to be robbing the people of the world with our attack against the history books of Iraq, its inventor and Title 24 US Code that explains how to achieve the goals of peace and freedom so that prosperity might be achieved, but only if the people would honor the Hospitals & Asylums US Code as explained in the Vienna Conviction Abolishing the Death Penalty HA-3-3-99. The Chapter 5 on the Preservation of Friendly Foreign Relations Generally shall be done shortly because Americans are cruel and ignorant as the result of this repeal by the Foreign Relations Committee that is one of the few committees, ie. The Judiciary Committee, that haven’t been dissolved. My father, a Dutchman, has proven that it is a grave mistake that inevitably leads to divorce to actually marry an American, corroborated by his current spouse, although one can only try to love them as they struggle with human rights and the metric system and that the US dollar is in fact real for any college but law.

1. Yesterday the press reported that the Secretary of State is responsible for inspiring the American people and the people of all free nations to unite in common cause to solve common problems through public diplomacy. 

a. At her confirmation hearing Condoleezza Rice said, "Our interaction with the rest of the world must be a conversation, not a monologue - the time for diplomacy is now,''

b. Biden retorted "The time for diplomacy is long overdue,''

2. Kissinger, Henry Alfred. Diplomacy.  Simon & Schuster.  New York. 1994 is not due until January 25, 2005 and the Foreign Relations committee and Secretary of State are suspected of spying on the author’s library card under the Patriot Act that has been replaced by the Intelligence Authorization Act of 2004. While this sort of spying is condemned in the Fall Issue of the Ohio American Civil Liberties Union the author must confess that with people who have a strong bond under law both physical and mental association occurs merely as the result of thought. It occurred that when my files had been destroyed, and thankfully stolen, by some county prosecutor whose investigator was two counties out of his jurisdiction I went to the park to ruminate on my problems and came to conclusion that I had been a victim of abuse under the Patriot Act as warned by the ACLU. Then to my great surprise and relief as I was walking home I ran into my college human rights professor Howard Tolley JD who is more than just a card carrying member of the ACLU, he one of their greatest supporters in Cincinnati. I told him, “I’ve just been robbed under the Patriot Act, I seem to be victim of a gang bang with investigators from other counties hopping on the bank fraud warrants as US Bank had been infested by a thieving and possibly genocidal major fraud who we now suspect, the former Ohio Secretary of Treasury and current Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters (R) HA-11-1-05. The change in font in middle of this article appears to be the result of a disease contracted at the very website of the National Security Advisor now pre-inauguration electee viva the Information AGE Deputy Attorney General (DAG) James B. Comey v. AOL HA-15-12-04 pursuant to the will of King Blackwell HA-17-1-05 although it might in fact have been contracted from the AOL email.

3. On November 16, 2004 the President announced the nomination of Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State urging the Senate to promptly confirm her as America's 66th Secretary of State. Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor, on January 22, 2001. In June 1999, she completed a six year tenure as Stanford University 's Provost, during which she was the institution's chief budget and academic officer. As Provost she was responsible for a $1.5 billion annual budget and the academic program involving 1,400 faculty members and 14,000 students. As professor of political science, Dr. Rice has been on the Stanford faculty since 1981 and has won two of the highest teaching honors -- the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1993 School of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching. At Stanford, she has been a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control, a Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and a Fellow (by courtesy) of the Hoover Institution. Her books include Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (1995) with Philip Zelikow, The Gorbachev Era (1986) with Alexander Dallin, and Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army (1984). She also has written numerous articles on Soviet and East European foreign and defense policy, and has addressed audiences in settings ranging from the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the 1992 and 2000 Republican National Conventions. From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the Bush Administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender -- Integrated Training in the Military. She was a member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors. She was a Founding Board member of the Center for a New Generation, an educational support fund for schools in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California and was Vice President of the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula . In addition, her past board service has encompassed such organizations as Transamerica Corporation, Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corporation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Rand Corporation, the National Council for Soviet and East European Studies, the Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition and KQED, public broadcasting for San Francisco. Born November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994, the University of Notre Dame in 1995, the National Defense University in 2002, the Mississippi College School of Law in 2003, the University of Louisville and Michigan State University in 2004. She resides in Washington, D.C.

3. Let us now then remember to convict Henry Alfred Kissinger as a tasteless lawyer who engaged in espionage although not outright warfare, who was sworn in on September 22, 1973 as the fifty-sixth Secretary of State, a position he held until January 20, 1977 .  He also served as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 20, 1969, until November 3, 1975. Dr. Kissinger has received have been the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973; the Presidential Medial of Freedom (the nation's highest civilian award) in 1977; and the Medal of Liberty in 1986.  Dr. Kissinger was born in Furth, Germany, came to the United States in 1938 and was naturalized a United States citizen in 1943.  He serve in the Army from 1943 to 1946.  He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1950. From 1954 until 1969 he was a member of the faculty of Harvard University.  He was director of the Harvard International Seminar from 1952 to 1969.  Dr. Kissinger is married to the former Nancy Maginnes and is the father of two children by a previous marriage.  Well we must now do him the honor of taking down his personal flag enjoyed by the Framers of the Constitution by Amending Title 24 US Code Foreign Relations and Intercourse (A-Fra-D) to read just Foreign Relations (FR-EE) in honor of the new African American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who is single like myself and it would be an injustice to sexually arouse her under Statute although it would be a good idea to include her bibliography.

4. I must also report to the Ohio Secretary of State that the Republican Ohio Department of Job & Family Services needs to prohibit political party affiliation as they have diversified into Major Fraud Against the United States from food stamp fraud with suspicion of ethnic murder of the African American social worker who didn't show up to the interview that is now used justify both today's health benefit deprivation (not that Ohio paid more than counsel) and the very valuable food stamps, out of respect for my personal security I have requested to be totally removed from the lists of the Major Fraud that makes such allusions to genocide.  But when served with a Medicare questionnaire immediately filled it out and returned it without any respect for their criminal conviction of conspiring in contravention to civil rights statute with the Former Ohio Secretary of State and current elected Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters who served in that position in the 1990’s before he went to the State to kill his prisoners he is armed and considered highly dangerous to financial and political institutions.

5. This letter has not been written because I received a notice from the postmaster@ that stated,

Subject: Request for a Veto of US Military Spending Bills within 10 days of  June 18

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 19:52:39 -0500

International Court of Justice

Hospitals & Asylums Secretary Anthony J. Sanders title24uscode@ 


President George Bush and Senate of the United States president@

A. After 7 months of failed arbitration, Art. 24  of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (12/9/1999) permits Hospitals & Asylums to petition the International Court of Justice Article 36 of the Statute of the Court to forward this request to the US President for a veto under Art. I§ 7 Clause 3 US Con;

(1) H.R.4613 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2005 (Reported in House) was published on June 18, 2004;

(2) S.2559 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2005 (Placed on Calendar in Senate) was published on June 22, 2004 at the Thomas Website. 

B. As the result of the unfortunate suppression of evidence that copyrights suffer for infringing upon the terrorist domains of the inferior courts and military, that fear the kindness of the Presidential pardon and veto; Internet communication between the President and Secretary have recently been disrupted for the second time this year.  Although he has perused the new bill Mr. Sanders refuses to adjust the 2005 Defense Appropriations Bill without pay as his indictments, convictions, and compliance requests have not been responded to in writing.  He remains at the service of the United Nations and the United States of America but must limit his practice to the email and US mail correspondence not more expensive than an ordinary envelope to the author.  As the result of the unmet financial demands of scholarship and his failure to attend Mr. Bush's free audience at the Talbert House while in Mr. Sanders' home town of Cincinnati two days after the 2004 drafting of the Bush Kingdoms this Summer Solstice Mr. Sanders does not think that he will be able to diversity into real human interaction, that he once enjoyed but now only idealizes, until after he has completed the first 10 chapters of Hospitals & Asylums Manuscript sometime in July or August 2004 and been paid a living wage or at least travel expenses and sent a written invitation.

C. Mr. Sanders has been calling for a $300 billion Defense Spending cap since the Hearing AID Act of 2004 was drafted for the Winter Solstice of 2003.  H.R.2658 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate) was carefully adjusted in the unpublished Military Budget Adjustment (MBA) Act of Spring Equinox 2004.  Whereas the overwhelming majority of both Houses approves of the $417 billion Defense Appropriations Act of 2005 the US Constitution grants us only one venue for the Amendment of the Bill by the Senate under Section 7 Clause 1.  The President is highly recommended to exercise his veto right within Clause 3 within 10 days of receiving the Bill before it becomes law under Clause 2, to encourage the Senate to work on the critical defense-spending problem. 

D. George W. Bush Jr. has never exercised his right to veto any bill although nearly every other President regularly exercised this right so abhorred when exercised by the Permanent Members of the Security Council in suppression of the humanitarian requests of developing nations.  It would be a great victory in the War on Terrorism against Acts of War as defined in 18USC(113B)2331 for the President to express his displeasure with the Defense Appropriations Act as prohibited by 18USC(113B)2339A to the Senate by vetoing the Defense Appropriations Act of 2005 with the ORDER,

"Adjust the military budget to under $300 billion!!!   Mr. Sanders' would be happy to do the work adjusting the military budget again under Armed Forces Retirement Trust Fund statute 24USC(10)§419 for $100,000- $250,000 a year salary as the Senatorially Presidential Appointed Hospitals & Asylums Secretary (HAS) dedicated to litigating and legislating Title 24 US Code Hospitals & Asylums (HA)"

E. Bearing in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of good-neighbourliness and friendly relations and cooperation among States.   Noting that the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism also encouraged States to review urgently the scope of the existing international legal provisions on the prevention, repression and elimination of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, with the aim of ensuring that there is a comprehensive legal framework covering all aspects of the matter.  Under Article 18 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (12/9/1999) States Parties shall cooperate in the prevention of the terrorism offences … by adapting their domestic legislation. 

F. The table of contents of  H.R.2658 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate) also called the Military Budget Adjustment (MBA) Act of Spring Equinox 2004 has been attached to demonstrate the mathematical prose that this critical budget adjustment has to provide to the global peace and prosperity and can be Amended again using the 2005 act should the Senate write to Mr. Sanders, or do it themselves.

Beginning $371,780,000,000 x 0.777 = Ending 289,162,190,000 ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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