Training Outline - University of Rhode Island

Training Overview

Module 2: What is a SWPPP?

Estimated Time Required: 55 - 60 minutes

o 10 - 15 minutes (Module 2 Presentation)

o 45 minutes (Exercise)

Learning Objectives:

After completing module 2 attendees will be able to:

1. Recognize that outdoor activities are regulated,

2. Easily access the SWPPP and describe it’s major contents, and

3. Identify activities that occur near flow paths.

Materials Needed:

For the presentation:

o Power Point Presentation:

▪ \Module 2\Module2_What_is_a_SWPPP.ppt.

o Script for Presentation

▪ \Module 2\Script_for_Module2.doc

o Rough maps made in Module 1

o At least one full copy of facility SWPPP

o Computer with PowerPoint

o Projector

For the exercise:

o Exercise:

▪ \Module 2\Exercise_for_Module_2.doc

o Flip chart paper (sticky-backed is good, or have tape for hanging)

o Markers

o Rough map of the facility with runoff patterns from exercise 1

o Scrap paper

o Pens or pencils

o Sticky notes and writable stick-on dots

o Handouts for Trainees:

▪ Copies of SWPPP sections on exposed activities/potential pollutant sources (enough copies for trainees to share)

Additional Resources:

o Example of how to complete the exercise for Module 2

▪ \Module 2\Exercise 2-example.ppt


1. Make copies of your facility’s SWPPP (or portions thereof; Table of Contents at minimum) to hand out at slide #9 of the power point presentation.

2. Add notes to script for slides #10-16 regarding the pages of your facility’s SWPPP that address the points of the slide.

3. If you are handing out your SWPPP Table of Contents, change the script on slide #18 to the terms your SWPPP uses.

4. Locate the rough maps made in Module 1 for use in this module

5. Locate and have on-hand at least one full copy of facility SWPPP

6. Make several copies of the sections of the facility SWPPP that deal with exposed activities/potential pollutant sources. You should make enough copies for the trainees to share during the exercise portion of the module.

Sample Agenda

Part 2 ( What is a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)?

10:00 Welcome

What is a SWPPP? (10 minutes)

(Using the power point presentation and script for Module 2, go through the presentation)

10:15 Exercise: Taking a closer look at outdoor activities (45 minutes)

(Complete the training exercise using the exercise instruction for module 2)

11:00 Wrap up and adjourn


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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