St. Lawrence School Seventh Grade Math: 2016-2017, Mr. Case (Room 401)

Welcome to Seventh Grade Math. I know what you’re thinking—“Why do I have to take math?” Whether you realize it or not, math is all around us when we do everyday things, such as buying groceries or playing sports. It also plays an important role in many of today’s careers, including those that are responsible for making iPods, computers, cell phones, and video games!


• Textbook: Holt McDougal Mathematics, Grade 7 (provided, returned at end of year)

• Pencils/pens (I recommend pencils)

• 3-subject notebook

• Folder or a section in a portfolio/trapper

• Calculator (optional)

• Ruler (12” , both metric/standard)

Class Structure:

Classes will normally last 50 minutes, excluding Wednesday classes, which will be 45 minutes. We may discuss one, two, or three sections in the textbook on a given day. Each section will be accompanied by practice problems during class as well as homework in the book, which will be due the following class. Students will usually have time to start homework during class after the lesson(s). Homework will not typically be collected, but I will check it for completion and give credit to those who did it. I will then provide the answers and give students the opportunity to ask questions before starting a new section. If something is unclear or you would like to review a problem on the board, don’t be afraid to ask! If you just write down random numbers to simply get the assignment done, you’re only hurting yourself. Additional resources and activities may also be used throughout the year.

Quizzes will usually be given in the middle of chapters, and tests will be at the end of each chapter. They will both be multiple-choice. Review days and free-response practice tests will precede the actual tests. Each question is worth up to 2 points. A correct answer receives 2 points. An incorrect answer receives 1 point if work is shown. An incorrect answer with no work receives no points. Bottom line: SHOW YOUR WORK! I cannot see your mistakes or offer feedback if I can’t see what you were doing. Calculators may be used for homework, but they may not be used on quizzes or tests unless I specify otherwise. Extra credit will be offered as seen fit.

Assignments will be weighted according to the scale below:

Tests = 50%, Quizzes = 30%, Homework/Classwork = 20%

Grades will be determined using the following scale:

|% |93-100 |83-92 |72-82 |60-71 |0-59 |

|Grade |A |B |C |D |F |


The other sixth grade teachers and I have a webpage, which can be accessed from St. Lawrence’s website on the Teaching Staff page (click Mrs. Barnowsky, Mr. Case, or Mrs. Chamberlain). Click the math tab to find my weekly agendas and assignments. You can also access my tab directly at . You are by no means required to use the site—it is only there to help you.


1. Start of class: Students should arrive quietly and on time with all required materials. Students should be seated with homework out when class begins.

2. Tardy policy: Students that arrive to class after the bell rings will be marked tardy. Those who are unprepared and need to return to their lockers for something will also be marked tardy. If a student exceeds 5 tardies, a detention will be given.

3. Homework will receive a grade of 80% if turned in one class period late. Homework retrieved from a locker after class has started will also receive an 80% late grade. If an assignment is still missing after two classes, it is a zero. Although late work is accepted, students will miss out on reviewing and checking the assignment in class.

4. Students should not talk or get out of their seats while I am teaching. If you have a question or need to use the restroom, raise your hand, and wait to be called on before speaking.

5. One boy and one girl may leave the room at a time with my permission.

6. Students should use time given to them to start homework. If you are done, find something else to work on quietly. Disrupting others is not an option.

7. End of class: Students should remain seated until they are dismissed. Once dismissed, they should push in their chairs and pick up any garbage that is on the floor (even if it does not belong to them).

8. Behavior should follow the guidelines set forth in the Student Handbook. My rule of thumb is to have respect towards all: adults, students, property, and yourself.

9. The dress code should be followed, which is in the Student Handbook.

10. I will enforce all other school policies not specifically addressed.

About Me:

This is my third year teaching at St. Lawrence. I attended St. Anne Elementary and De La Salle Collegiate, so I am familiar with Catholic education. I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Oakland University with endorsements in math and science. I am currently working towards my Master of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Marygrove College with an emphasis on middle school mathematics. 

In my free time, I like to travel, attend concerts, and enjoy my family's company.  I am a strong advocate of health and fitness, so I try to stay active.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at jcase@. Although not required, I encourage you to visit my website and PowerSchool frequently. I look forward to working with you this year!


Mr. Joe Case

I have read Mr. Case’s 7th Grade Math syllabus and understand its contents.

Student Name (print) ________________________________________

Student Signature ___________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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