How Computers Work (EMMA) Orientation

6-12 Computer Science – Week 1.12

Microsoft Word – Basic Word Processing Concepts & Functions

Basic Word Processing (Word 2003 Based) - PowerPoint

Homework Online - Word Processing Vocab Quiz (Based on D401-03)

Document Formatting




(Hint: Copy, paste, and edit these documents from the online documents)

Handout D401-03

Basic Word Processing Vocabulary

Alignment — The way lines of text are arranged.

Bold/Boldface — A formatting option that makes selected words print darker than normal.

Border — A frame that surrounds pictures or text.

Bulleted List — A list of key points, each preceded by a symbol for emphasis.

Center justification — A feature when activated will align the text horizontally on a line.

Endnotes — References used to credit the source of information.

Font Attributes — Additions that enhance your font for emphasis.

Font Size — The size of characters.

Font — A group of characters that have a similar appearance.

Footers — Repetitive text located in the bottom margin.

Footnotes — References used to credit the source of information or add explanations.

Full justified — Lines of text are both left and right aligned.

Hanging Indent — All lines except the first line are indented.

Hard break — Created by the user.

Headers — Repetitive text located in the top margin.

Indent — Insetting text from one of the margins.

Italics — Characters are evenly slanted toward the right.

Landscape — Wider than tall.

Left Justification — Alignment that allows a document to have an even left side.

Line Spacing — The amount of space between lines in a document.

Margins — Space around the edges of a page.

Orphan — First line of a paragraph at the bottom of a page.

Page break — Indicates that the maximum number of lines has been keyed on a page and a new page is beginning.

Page orientation — Direction a document is printed.

Portrait — Taller than wide.

Right Justification — Alignment that allows a document to have an even right side.

Save As — Used in saving a document for the first time.

Save — Used in updating an existing document.

Search — A feature that can be used if a file cannot be found.

Soft break — Created by the word processing program.

Subscript — Text that has been lowered vertically.

Superscript — Text that has been raised vertically.

Tab key — Allows the user to move the cursor a predetermined number of spaces.

Text Wrap — Feature that allows text to flow around an object or graphic.

Type Face — A set of characters with a common style and design.

Underline — A horizontal line that is placed beneath characters.

Widow/Orphan Protection — Feature that will prevent widow/orphan lines in a document.

Word processing — Software that is designed for the entry, editing, and printing of documents.

Word wrap — When keying a document, words automatically go to the next line without using the Enter key.

Widow — Last line of a paragraph at the top of a page.

Handout D401-04

Basic Formatting Techniques

Directions: Apply the appropriate technique to the sentence save as D401-04 and email to instructor.

1. Key this sentence using a sans serif typeface.

2. Key this sentence using a serif typeface.

3. Bold this sentence.

4. Underline this sentence.

5. Italicize this sentence.

6. Right justify this sentence.

7. Center this sentence.

8. Key this sentence in all caps.

9. Key this sentence in Chiller font.

10. Key this sentence in 24 pt. font size.

11. Bold, underline, center, and type this sentence in 12 pt. font size using Times New Roman font.

12. Key this sentence in all caps using a serif typeface.

Activity D401-08

Formatting Techniques

Directions: Using Word, perform the following formatting techniques by keying the information as directed. Title, number, include an appropriate header and footer on your page, proofread, save as D401-08 , email to your instructor.

1. Format the words – Cedar Ridge High School – using a bold, sans serif, 16 pt. font with center alignment.

2. Format the following phrase using a 20 pt. serif font, in italics, and right justification.

Red Wolf Country

3. Complete and format the following phrase using the Goudy Stout font face with center justification.

Class of !

4. Format your full name using an 18 pt., script font face with left justification.


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