God’s strategy for the nations and how the enemy wants to ...

Jezebel Spirit

God’s strategy for the nations and how the enemy wants to usurp that

By: Marieett Louw

|Rev. 5:9-10 |God wants to reconcile nations, tribes and tongues; not just individuals. And He wants them to reign on the earth. |

|Rev. 7:9-10 |The multitude is for every nation, tribe, people and tongue. |

|Rev. 17:5 |Says that the waters she sits on are the multitudes from every nation, tribe, and tongue, in this chapter John is being |

| |shown the judgment of this harlot. |

|Vs. 2 |She has worked on the governments and authorities. |

|Vs. 3 |John was carried away into the desert. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, and you will find demons in dry places; the |

| |desert. |

| |Jesus is the real thing. In Rev. 19:11-16, Jesus is described as one who is a warrior and has armies following Him. He |

| |has many crowns, sits on a white horse, and has a robe and a rod of iron and two-edged sword. He treads a wine press and|

| |is called King of Kings and Lord of Lords. |

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| |The harlot is the counterfeit. In Rev. 17:2-16 she is described as sitting on a scarlet beast that’s covered with |

| |blasphemous name. Her beast has 7 head and 10 horns. She wears purple and scarlet and is glittering with gold. She drink|

| |the martyr’s blood because in their blood is the potential for revival. |

|Rev. 18:3 |Nations, kings, merchants (the leaders) are her main targets because they’ll make laws that will advance her cause. |

| |Jesus tells His church to come out of her; “come out of your bondage to her.” |

|Vs .4 & 5 |Pay her back. This is a call to war. Come out of her immorality and greed, and then pay her back. Pay her back double. |

|Vs. 6 |Give her a double cup of all she’s given to you. |

| |Give her torment and sorrow in places of her luxury. She’s queen over waters (people and nations) and always has a |

| |husband (she’ll always have men). It’s a hard battle to get men free from the spirit of Jezebel. |

|Vs. 7 |Sudden judgment will come upon her. |

| |Apostles, prophets and saints are her targets. |

| |She influences finances of the world (the merchants in vs. 11-19); she deceived nations and killed the prophets. |

|Vs. 8,10,17,19 | |

|Vs. 20,24 | |

|Vs. 21-24 | |

|Rev. 19:10 |The spirit of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. She is overcome by prophecy. Proclaim Scriptures over your city. |

| |Prophecy. |

What kind of power is Jezebel? Let’s look at principalities and powers.

Eph. 6:12

Rulers and principalities: “archai”. It sounds like arch angels. These are high level satanic princes that are set over nations and geographical regions; to nations defined by boundaries and borders. Each state would have its own principalities.

Authorities: “Exousia”. This carries the connotation of the natural and supernatural government; the spiritual forces behind Republicans, Democrats, etc. Supernatural forces stand behind human structures. When righteous laws are in place, there’s protection for the people of a nation. When unrighteous law enters then it is like our lawmakers are saying: Satan, we welcome you in.” this puts a hole in the wall, and when there is a hole in the wall, the church must fill it in.

Powers: “Dunamis”. A power has no geographical boundaries but is a prince of demon that has been given a charge or assigned a pervading influence. Jezebel is a power because she is not limited by geographical boundaries. A power must work under a principality. When Jezebel comes to a nation she must go to the ruler over that nation and find out what their assignment is. The U.S. is under the spirit of independence. This is a gift but the enemy has twisted it to an extreme where man is now the centre instead of God. So Jezebel hides herself within that independence. Her basic goal is to destroy the image of God the Father on the earth; she ruins the image of our fathers in our families. She wants men to not be reconciled to God the Father.

Spiritual forces of evil: “Kosmokratis”. Those are many types of evil spirits that afflict people in the following ways: Lust, Rebellion, Fear, Infirmity, Deception, Division … We cast these out during deliverance sessions. Even here there is a hierarchy and some are easier to cast out than others.

Jezebel isn’t omnipresent. Isa. 47 calls her the queen of heaven, and she has a throne and many demons that help her. This is one of the strongest powers destroying nations today.

Whenever we encounter this spirit we need to ask God to give us a fighting spirit.

Jezebel crushes the will, and especially the will of man to make them passive. Jezebel’s main purpose is to destroy the image of Father God from the earth so that people will not want to reach out to Father God. Jezebel mainly works through dominant mothers and passive man. Men with a controlling mom usually either marry a controlling woman or also because angry aggressive men. Either way, the godly image of maleness is crushed.


1King 16:29-33 Ahab sinned more than all and he married Jezebel. The man in authority goes down and the whole nation follows.

Ball is the male god and the Asherah is his counterpart. Baal’s symbol is the obelisk and this symbol represents the male organ. Baal worship had immorality of every kind. Baal is associated with Molech, which is the sacrifice of children. Wherever there’s an obelisk, there’s Jezebel. They have these in graveyards on people’s tombstones (especially in the U.K.) and something about death accompanies Jezebel. What gives the enemy to erect these symbols in graveyards, war memorials, ancient worship sights, and high places? You may want to see if innocent blood was shed there. In 1 Kings 16:33, the tree trunk with supports symbolizes the fertility between the two gods (the asherah people). The asherah pole is a female god, and now the New Age worships mother earth. Statues and monuments are where the heavenly rulers link up with the earth to express themselves; Jezebel needs something built to her.

|1 Ki. 18 |Even if I’m not a prophet I can have a prophetic anointing in my battle against Jezebel. Elijah defeated Jezebel on |

| |Mount Carmel. |

|1 Ki. 18:19 |The prophets of Baal and of Asherah eat at Jezebel’s table; she looks after those who serve her and support the false|

| |prophets. Fire is the key for Jezebel; it’s the weapon. Pray down fire on her. She hates the fire of the Holy Spirit |

| |and will try to put out your fire. |

|1 Ki. 18:36-40 |One man with a prophetic anointing too on all 850 prophets of Baal; his anointing broke the yoke. So we don’t have to|

| |be afraid of the numbers against us. When Elijah called out God poured out fire, and we must fight Jezebel with fire.|

| |Jesus has eyes of fire and the prophetic anointing is also like a fire. His anointing led to the slaying of all the |

| |prophetic; the anointing brings execution. Also He has zeal when the prophets of Baal to eliminate those who were |

| |propagating this spirit. |

|1 Ki. 18:41-46 |Right after the battle Elijah went into intercession. The drought then ended immediately and the rain of Blessing and|

| |revival followed right away. |

|1 Ki. 19:1-2 |He slew them with the sword, so we must use the Word of God in out battle. But Jezebel immediately threatens Elijah’s|

| |life and she’ll also threaten your life. |

| |Elijah is successfully silenced by Jezebel (but later he will be restored). If we get depressed in the battle, God |

|vs. 3-9 |will provide angels to care fro you under the broom tree. |

| |This prophecy will be totally fulfilled. |

| |Jehu was to be anointed to destroy Jezebel. |

|vs. 14-15 | |

|vs. 16 | |

|1 Ki. 21:1-4 |Jezebel became the place where the dogs ate Jezebel. Naboth’s blood was shed there first and it kept crying out until|

| |all of Ahab’s descendents were slain there. When Ahab can’t get Naboth’s vineyard, he went to bed and pouted. Men |

| |oppressed by Jezebel sulk. They withdraw, pout, and hold back their affection etc. when men act like this it will |

| |make Jezebel come to action. |

| |Jezebel takes over because Ahab has turned into a wimp. |

|Vs. 5-7 |She usurps his authority and uses his ring as if it were hers. In a Jezebel home, the women take their husband’s |

|Vs. 8 |authority and control the children. As they do this, the men get weaker and weaker. |

| |She is a murderer of men and kills maleness. She manipulated all the elders of the City to kill an innocent man. The |

| |city and government leaders are the ones she uses and they’re like puppets on a string. |

|Vs. 9-10 |This whole process has taken a few days and Ahab has been in bed all this time. He’s withdrawn from his family for |

| |days; men under Jezebel will do this. He’s finally getting up now. In every house with a Jezebel, there has o be an |

| |Ahab because she’d never live a prophet. She kills and silence prophets; her arch enemy is the prophet because that’s|

|Vs. 11-16 |the person who has the anointing to destroy and overcome her. So she hates prophets and wants to silence their voice.|

| |Elijah fled from Jezebel. If you don’t stand and fight her you’ll end up fleeing. We will fall into self-pity, |

| |depression and wanting to die if we flee from her like Elijah did. |

| |Jezebel will murder if that’s way she can get her plans to work. |

| |Elijah is back in business and he prophesies her death. But Elijah never anointed Jehu or Hazael. Elijah finally did |

| |in 2 King 9:7-9 |

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|Vs.17-19 | |

|Vs.20-23 | |

|2 Ki. 9:1-5 |Jehu is anointed to avenge and to bring God’s judgment on Jezebel and all her offspring. It’s a prophet that anoints |

| |Jehu. He’s the commander of the army and is already a warrior. This anointing happened in an inner room and that’s |

| |where we’ll be able to get the Jehu’s anointing of the fighting spirit. |

| |God is avenging the blood of his prophets and wants Jezebel to be executed on the plot of ground that had been |

|vs. 6-10 |Naboth’s vineyard. |

| |Jezebel would’ve been old by now. The eunuchs are there with her because Jezebel can only live with emasculated men, |

|vs. 30-33 |men who lost their maleness. Jehu is a man who refuses to let Jezebel sit on him but it’s the men who she had been |

| |controlling who actually threw her down and killed her. Crushed man who threw her down and destroy her. When we |

| |encounter Jezebel we just dethrone her and throw her down (Isa. 47:1) |

| |He trampled Jezebel under his horse and was so untouched by the whole thing that he went and had a meal! He has a |

| |warrior spirit; a fighting spirit. We also must trample her underfoot without mercy. |

| |Her skull, feet and palms were all that was left. In Spain, each church has its own statue of the virgin that they |

|Vs. 34 |carry around. They put different dresses on her each week and must stay within their own turf. If one virgin is taken|

| |onto another virgin’s territory, it causes a real conflict. Thirty men are needed to carry her because of how heavy |

| |she is, and they are only able to shuffle slowly for short distance. The Masonic men follow and the people are crying|

|Vs. 35 |and trying to touch the platform. All that these statues are is a head, two hands and two feet that are attached on a|

| |wire, and then the clothes cover it all. In nations that worship Mary, Jesus is limp hanging on a cross or else is a |

| |helpless baby on Mary’s knee. It’s a weak image of God. |

|2 Ki. 10:1-17 |Jehu killed every descendant of Ahab. You only fight her when God assigns and anoints you to. You can expose her |

| |personally but don’t fight her without God’s permission. God will deliver His prophets from the Jezebel pollution by |

| |setting them aflame with holiness and righteousness. |

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| |The Jehu anointing (the fighting spirit), and the Elijah’s anointing (prophetic) are both needed to destroy Jezebel. |

|Rev. 2:18-23 |“You tolerate Jezebel”. This is their sin. We can have one of two reactions to Jezebel. We will either tolerate her |

| |in our lives or else we will expose her. If I am sitting in silence then I am guilty of tolerating her. According to |

| |this passage in Rev. 2, there are five cords Jezebel binds people with. |

| |“She calls herself a prophetess.” So she is a religious spirit. This is the main way she controls the church. |

|Vs. 20 |Legalism: lack of joy, you see everything as either right or wrong instead of as different. It can show up in the way|

| |you wash dishes: Don’t do it that way … that’s wrong.” You love laws and are inflexible. You have narrow boundaries: |

| |“You can only cut the potatoes THIS way.” It takes relative truths and makes them absolutes. Liberalism: absolutes |

| |become relatives. All ways lead to God. |

| |“She teaches and misleads.” This is witchcraft of controlling and manipulating people. A manipulator has strong |

| |expectations and is deeply hurt if you don’t fulfill them. Men control and manipulate by withdrawal and give their |

| |wives and children the silent treatment. They cut the relationship off to get you to do what they want you to do. But|

| |silence is violence; because you’ve withdrawn your affection; you’re punishing your family. Sex can be manipulation |

| |or withholding sex. Sulking or throwing tantrum, flattery of leaders etc. |

| |Schizophrenia and mental disorders are all from Jezebel. She makes people double minded to where they can’t make |

| |decisions. Girls with strong mothers will become Jezebelic and will look for a weak husband. |

| |The father is a very important part of his children’s, lives. Manhood develops when the dad wrestles with his son, |

| |affirms his character and physical qualities and talks to him like a man. The womanhood of a daughter is called out, |

| |or made to stand up, in the girl when dad affirms her physically, in her character, and for the things she does. If |

| |you’re never called out, you’ll be bent over in your womanhood instead of really standing up. If you don’t bond with |

| |your mom at birth, your sense of well-being will never develop and you’ll be like a house without a roof. You need to|

| |be emotionally bonded with God, with the part of His heart that is like a mother. |

| |Sexually immorality. Lust and perversion in thought and in deed. Overeating is in this category too. A sense of shame|

| |comes with sexual immorality and we want to hide it. She says “no one sees me” in Isa 47:10, so we must expose her by|

| |confessing the sin. Your confession will shame the devil and give her back double for the shame she has caused you. |

| |Confession and exposure shut her down. |

| |Eating food sacrificed to idols. This is compromise where we excuse our sin instead of just confessing it. In my |

| |emotional needs, am I willing to sacrifice everything for my own peace? Some people feel to meet the needs and they |

| |compromise in order to meet needs. They’re easily side-tracked. |

| |Satan’s so-called deep secrets. This is the occult. Occultic powers are submitted to Jezebel. Drugs and drug abuse |

| |are under her because the users get invaded. Anyone on drugs needs deliverance from Jezebel. |

| |Isa. 47 - Astrologers and magicians are under her and so is the New Age, fascination with the occult, etc. |

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| |As we overcome Jezebel we’ll inherit and rule the nations. Clarity will come as to what nations to go to, and as to |

| |what strategy to use. |

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|Vs. 24 | |

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|Vs. 26 | |

Isaiah 47 is the main chapter to use when you fight Jezebel. It’s the humiliation of Babylon along with Rev. 18. Shame her double by confessing sin in each of the above five areas, and keep yourself accountable to someone. Guard against despising the opposite sex, against despising manhood.

|Isa. 47:1-7 |She’s the queen of heaven in the heavelies but has demons that work down here. Bind Jezebel in the heavens and then |

| |go for the demons that have tried to latch onto you here. Also it says she shows no mercy. We must show no mercy as |

| |we fight her. Verse 5 says kingdoms (plural) because she rules nations |

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|Vs. 8,10 | |

|Vs. 8,9 | |

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|Vs. 15 | |

| |Twice she says “I am and there is no one else.” |

| |She says that she’ll never be a widow or lose any of her children. In other words she’s saying “I’ll always have |

| |Ahabs. I’ll never let the homosexuals go from their bondage. I’ll always have men stuck in immorality.” It can be |

| |difficult to get people free from her hold since |

| |She’s determined to never lose any of her children. And if you were born into a Jezebel household, Jezebel will claim|

| |you as one of her children; you’ll need to fight to get free. |

| |Financial institutions are under her. |

NOTE: Women need to check their hearts in relationships towards men. Do you scorn men? Men, are you battling with impurity and compromise? Ask God for the fighting spirit and get others to pray strong prayers for you. If you despise the opposite sex, work it through so you can be free of Jezebel in this area.

|Mal. 4:5-6 |Where the Elijah’s anointing is, it will do these three things: |

| |Turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. A resurgence of fatherhood. |

| |Turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. A resurgence of the preaching of holiness. |

| |It will prepare for the return of the Lord. |

Psalm 18 is the battle hymn for these last days.

Compiled by Juanis Montano (Mike’s wife) 25-9-98


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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