CV - Department of Sociology

VITA 2017

Andrew J. Weigert University of Notre Dame

Telephone: (574) 631-7408 Department of Sociology Notre Dame, IN 46556

DEGREES: email:

B.A. in Philosophy , St. Louis University, l958

Ph.L. in Philosophy, St. Louis University, l959

M.A. in Economics, St. Louis University, l960

B.Th. in Theology, Woodstock College, l964

Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Minnesota, l968


High School teacher of geometry and sociology and athletic coach at Colegio San

Ignacio, Puerto Rico, l960-62

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, l968-72

Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, l972-76

Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology, Yale Divinity School, l973-74

Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, l976-

Chairperson, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, l980-84; Acting

Chairperson, 1988-89

Resident Director, Notre Dame London Program, England, l986-87


Reading and speaking ability in Spanish; reading ability in German, French, Latin


Bobbs-Merrill Award in Sociology, University of Minnesota, l967

National Institute of Mental Health Traineeship in Sociology, l965-7

National Science Foundation Grant to study "Social Psychological Aspects of Family

Interaction and Adolescent Behavior." Co-recipient, l969

Western European Studies Program for summer study in Sociology of Religion in

Germany, l970

O'Brien Fund for data on "Parent-child Interaction and Adolescent Religiosity" from Spain

and Germany, l969-70

O'Brien Fund survey of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, l973-74

Mellon Fund to study the social thought of Jose Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, Summer, l98l

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame, grant to study

"Identity and Christian Theological Eschatology." Summer, l985

ISLA Grant, University of Notre Dame, "Social Time, Eschatology and Identity." Summer, l987

Program in Science, Technology, and Values Grant, University of Notre Dame, for a new

course, "Self, Society, and Environment." Summer, l988

Lilly Faculty Fellowship, NDVI, for a new course , "Identity and Vocation." 2004. $6200

College Seminar discretionary funds grant for new course, "Identity, Conflict, and Reconciliation." 2005, $2500

Graduate Student Summer Research Stipend Grant for Sarah MacMillen, 2005, $3600.


Kaneb Awards for Undergraduate Teaching: 1999, inaugural year ; repeat awards,

2002, 2005. Multiple recipients.

Sheedy Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Arts and Letters, University of

Notre Dame, 2002. Sole recipient.


Who's Who in the World,

Who's Who in America,

Who's Who in the Midwest

Who's Who in American Education

The International Authors and Writers Who's Who

Contemporary Authors

Who's Who in Sociology among University Professors

Men of Achievement

Encyclopedia of Religion and Society, 1998 (Biographical entry)

Dictionary of American Scholars


Associate Editor, Sociological Analysis, l971-75

Executive Council, Association for the Sociology of Religion, 1975-77

Advisory Editor, Symbolic Interaction, 1977-- Review Editor, 1983-90

Associate Editor, Review of Religious Research, 1978-81

Advisory Editor, The Sociological Quarterly, 1986-89

Advisory Editor, Family Perspective, 1987-1991

AREAS OF INTEREST: Symbolic interaction, environment, religion.


Family Socialization and Adolescents: Determinants of Self-Esteem, Religiosity,

Conformity and Counterculture Lifestyles. 1974, Boston: Lexington Books. With Darwin Thomas, Viktor Gecas, and Elizabeth Rooney. xvii + l8l.

Toward an Interpretive Sociology. 1978, Washington: University Press of America. With A. Blasi and F. Dasilva. 4l4 pp.

Sociology of Everyday Life. 1981, N.Y.: Longman, xviii + 3l8 pp.

Social Psychology: A Sociological Approach through Interpretive Understanding. Notre

Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983. xvi + 385 pp.

Life and Society: A Meditation on the Social Thought of Jose Ortega y Gasset. 1983,

NY: Irvington. v + 234 pp.

Society and identity. Rose Monograph Series. 1986, NY: Cambridge University

Press. x + l34 pp. With J. Smith Teitge and Dennis W. Teitge. Reissued 1990.

Paperback version 2006.

Mixed Emotions. 1991, Albany: SUNY Press. xv + 197 pp.

Self, Interaction, and Natural Environment. 1997, SUNY Press. viii + 218.

Religious and Secular Views on Endtime. 2005, Lewiston NY: Mellen Press. xviii+243.

Pragmatic Meditations on Learning Community Pedagogy. 2015, Los Angeles: Gordian

Knot Books. vii + 150.


Machismo and the Priestly Vocation. The Catholic World, 1964, June: 152-158.

A Cultural Aspect of Thomistic Ethics. Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa, l965,

Avril-Juin: 9l-l02.

Priest as Mediator. Review for Religious, l965, May: 429-435.

One Art of the Confessor. Review for Religious, l966, May: 484-488.

Liturgy as Symbol. Review for Religious, l967, July: 708-7l3.

A Sociological Perspective on the "Secular Religious." Review for Religious, l968, September: 87l-879.

Social Dimensions of Religious Clothing. Review for Religious, l969, January: 48-55.

The Catholic Church and Social Personality. Review for Religious, l969, September: 807-


A Contemporary Religious Odyssey: Feature Review of Rumor of Angels by Peter L. Berger. Ave Maria, l969, 27 September: 26-28.

Religiosity in 5-D: A Critical Note. Social Forces, l969, December: 262-265, with Darwin Thomas.

The Immoral Rhetoric of Scientific Sociology. The American Sociologist, l970, May: lll-


Perceived Parent-child Interaction and Boys' Self–Esteem in Two Cultural Contexts. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, l970, December: 3l7-324, with Viktor Gecas and Darwin Thomas.

Socialization and Religiosity: A Cross-national Analysis of Catholic Adolescents. Sociometry, l970, September: 304-325, with Darwin Thomas.

Secularization: A Cross-National Study of Catholic Male Adolescents. Social Forces, l970: September: 28-36, with Darwin Thomas.

Family as a Conditional Universal. Journal of Marriage and the Family, l97l, February:

l88-l94, with Darwin Thomas.

An Emerging Intellectual Group within a Religious Organization: An Exploratory Study of Change. Social Compass, l97l (l): l0l-ll5.

Socialization and Adolescent Conformity to Significant Others: A Cross-National Analysis. American Sociological Review, l97l, October: 835-847, with Darwin Thomas.

Protestantism and Assimilation among Mexican Americans: An Exploratory Study of Ministers' Reports. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l97l, Fall: 2l9-232, with William D'Antonio and Arthur Rubel.

Determining Nonequivalent Measurement in Cross-Cultural Family Research. Journal of Marriage and the Family. l972, February: l66-l77, with Darwin Thomas.

A Study of Articles on Religion in Major Sociology Journals: Some Preliminary Findings. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l972, June: l65-l70, with Charles Buehler and Garry Hesser.

Parental Support, Control, and Adolescent Religiosity: An Extension of Previous Research. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l972, (11) December: 389-394, with Darwin Thomas.

Sociological Theory and the Family: The Problem of Fit between Form and Content. Social Science Information, l973, (l2) April: l39-l55, with Darwin Thomas.

Social Identities in Anglo and Latin Adolescents. Social Forces, l973 (5l) June: 477-484 with Viktor Gecas and Darwin Thomas.

Code Elaboration and Self Concept States. Journal of Social Psychology, l973, (90) June: 45-5l, with J. Nash and D. Thomas.

Secularization and Religiosity: A Cross-National Study of Catholic Adolescents in Five Societies. Sociological Analysis, l974, (35) Spring: l-23, with Darwin Thomas.

Whose Invisible Religion? Luckmann Revisited. Sociological Analysis, l974, (35)

Autumn: l8l-l88.

Correlates of Conjugal Power: A Five Culture Analysis of Adolescent Perceptions. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, l974 (5) Spring: 5-l6, with M. Buehler and Darwin Thomas.

Functional, Substantive, or Political? A Comment on Berger's "Second Thoughts on Defining Religion." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l974 (l3) December: 483-486.

Alfred Schutz on a Theory of Motivation. Pacific Sociological Review, l975 (l8) January: 83-l02.

Substantival Self: A Primitive Term for a Sociological Psychology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, l975, (5) March: 43-62.

Towards a Sociology of Religion: An Interpretive Sociology Approach. Sociological Analysis, l976 (37): l89-204, with A. Blasi.

Identity Loss, Family and Social Change. American Journal of Sociology, l977 (82) May: 117l-1185, with Ross Hastings.

Antecedents of Adolescent Self-Evaluation: A Cross-National Application of a Model. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, l977 (8) Spring: 29-45, with Charles Buehler and Darwin Thomas.

An Emerging Faithstyle: A Research Note on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Sociological Analysis, l978, (39): l65-l72, with C. L. Johnson.

Religiosity and Self-Esteem: A Five-Culture Study of Catholic Adolescents. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l979 (l8) March: 5l-60, with Christopher Smith and Darwin Thomas.

Family Socialization and Adolescent Conformity and Religiosity: An Extension to

Germany and Spain. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, l979, (l0) Autumn:

37l-383, with Darwin Thomas.

Toward a Phenomenological Sociology of Family: A Programmatic Essay. Contemporary Theories about the Family, Vol. 2. Burr, W. R., R. Hill, I. Reiss, and F. I.

Nye (eds.), 1979, N.Y.: Free Press. Pp. l60-205, with Ray McClain.

Comparative Dimensions of Liturgy: A Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Application. Sociological Analysis, l980, 4l, (3): 2l5-229, with G. Hesser.

Frames in Confession: The Social Construction of Sexual Sin. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l980, l9 (4): 368-38l, with C. L. Johnson.

The Structures and Meanings of Social Time. Social Forces, l98l (60): 432-462, with J. David Lewis.

Identity: Its Emergence within Sociological Psychology. Symbolic Interaction, l983, 6: l83-206.

Adolescent Identification with Father and Mother; A Multi-National Study. Acta Paedologica, l984, l: 47-68, with Darwin Thomas and Norma Winston.

Trust as a Social Reality. Social Forces, l985, 63 June: 967-985, with J. David Lewis.

Social Atomism, Holism, and Trust. The Sociological Quarterly, l985, 26, 4: 455-47l, with J. David Lewis.

The Social Production of Identity: Metatheoretical Foundations. The Sociological

Quarterly, l986, 27, 2: l65-l83.

To Be or Not: Self and Authenticity, Identity and Ambivalence. Self, Ego, and Identity. Lapsley, Daniel K. and F. Clark Power (eds.), l988, N.Y.: Springer-Verlag. Pp. 263-281.

Invited review essay of Identity, by Roy Baumeister. Symbolic Interaction, l988, 11,1: 150-155.

Christian Eschatological Identities and the Nuclear Context. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, l988, 27, 2: l75-l9l.

Joyful Disaster: A Religion-Ambivalence Hypothesis. Sociological Analysis, l989, 50 1: 73-88.

Ambivalence: A Touchstone of the Modern Temper. The Sociology of Emotions. Franks, David D., and E. Doyle McCarthy (eds.). l989, Greenwich: JAI Press.

Pp. 205-227, with David Franks.

Invited review essay of Michael Young, The Metronomic Society. Contemporary Sociology, 1990,19: 434-439.

Imagining the Environment in Transverse Interaction: Toward an Ecological Attitude. Commentary, Journal of Mental Imagery. 1991, 15(1,2): 163-166.

Transverse Interaction. Symbolic Interaction. 1991, 14: 353-363.

Vital Realism and Sociology: A Metatheoretical Grounding in Mead, Ortega , and

Schutz. Sociological Theory. 1993, 11 (1): 72-95. With J. David Lewis and Ray


Lawns of Weeds. The American Sociologist. 1994, 25: 80-96.

Jose Ortega y Gasset on Life and Meaning. Ultimate Reality and Meaning. 1995, 18: 54-65. Chosen as "Best Article in URAM, 1995-1997."

Moral reasoning at the interface of philosophy and sociology: a comment on Dornbush and Thomas on adolescent values. Family Perspective. 1995, 29: 45-49.

Multiplicity and Dialogue in Social Psychology: An Essay in Metatheorizing. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. With Vik Gecas. 1995, 25: 141-174.

A Sociological Imagination Informing Social Psychologies. Humanity and Society. 1995, 19: 3-24.

Definitional and Responsive Meanings: A Meadian Look at Landscapes and Droughts. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 1997, 27: 65-96.

Scientific and Religious Convergence Toward an Environmental Typology? A Search for Scientific Constructs in Papal and Episcopal Documents. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1999, 38 (1): 45-58. With Andrew Downs.

Terrorism, identity and public order: a perspective from Goffman. Identity. 2003, 3 (2):

93-113. Lead article.

Self. Invited chapter with Vik Gecas. Pp. 267-288 in Handbook of Symbolic Interaction,

L. T. Reynolds and N. J. Herman-Kinney (eds.). 2003, Lanham: Altamira Press.

Family in and beyond Time. Invited “Theory Spotlight” for Sourcebook of Family Theory

and Research, edited by V. Bengston et al. 2004, pp. 248-249.

Symbolic interactionist reflections on Erikson, identity, and postmodernism. Identity.

2005, 5(2): 161-174. With Vik Gecas.

Vocation. Invited chapter with Anthony Blasi. Pp. 13-34 (Lead chapter, senior author) in Vocation, Giuseppe Giordan (ed.). 2007, Brill. Published by the Association for the Sociology of Religion.

Pragmatic Thinking about Self, Society, and Natural Environment: Mead, Carson and Beyond. Symbolic Interaction. 2008. 31(3): 235-258. Lead article.

An Invitation to Inclusive Environmental Reflection. Pp. 127-142 in D. Paul

Sullins and Anthony J. Blasi (eds.), Catholic Social Thought: American

Reflections on the ‘Compendium’. Lanham: Lexington Books. 2009. With

Stephen Scharper.

Self Authenticity as Master Motive. Chapter 3 in Phillip Vannini and Patrick

Williams (eds.), Authenticity in Culture, Self, and Society. Ashgate,U.K.2009

Metatheoretical Theses on Identity, Inequality, Time, and Hope: Toward a Pragmatic

Cosmopolitanism.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 2010. 40(3): 249-

273, Lead article.

Pragmatic Trust in a World of Strangers: Trustworthy Actions. Invited article for special

issue, Comparative Sociology, Volume 10, Number 3, 2011, pp. 321-336,

Masamichi Sasaki (ed.). Lead article.

Reprinted in M. Sasaki and R. M. Marsh (eds.), Trust:

Comparative Perspectives. Leiden: Brill. 2012

The Social Dynamics of Trust: Theoretical and Empirical Research, 1985-2012. 
With J. David

Social Forces 91: 25-31. 2012

Realizing narratives make future time real. Time and Society (Dec. 6, 2012).

Interfacing Catholic Social Meanings, Sociology, Self, and Pedagogical

Practices. 2015,, Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 3, (currently

72 downloads): Engaging Pedagogies in Catholic Higher Education.

With Dan Myers.

Revisiting Mead on Pragmatic ‘Fusion’: From Emotion to Function. World Journal of Social Science Research. Vo. 3, No. 1, 2016, pp. 47-61.

“Revisiting Mead on Pragmatic ‘Fusion’: From Emotion to Function. World

Journal of Social Science Research. Vo. 3, No. 1, 2016, pp. 47-61.

Zavestoski, Stephen and Andrew J. Weigert. 2017. “Mead, interactionism, and the improbability of ecological selves: toward a meta-environmental microsociological theory.” Pp. 98-116 in Microsociological Perspectives for Environmental Sociology, edited by Bradley H. Brewster and Antony J. Puddephatt. Routledge.

Zavestoski, Stephen and Andrew J. Weigert. Forthcoming. “Bringing forth an Ecotopian future: The production of imagined futures through contemporary cultural practices.” In Perma/Culture: Imagining Futures in an Age of Crisis, edited by Molly Wallace and David Carruthers. Routledge (Environmental Humanities series).



Sociology of Everyday Life. Pp. 1-19 into Japanese, Japan Uni Agency, 1984.

Entire book into Hebrew, Tel Aviv: Oram Pubs. 322pp. 1985.

A "box" included in Stimson and Stimson (eds.), Contemporary Social Problems 3rd Edition, Allyn and Bacon, 1995.

Society and identity. Chap. 1 into Bulgarian, Ideas in Social Psychology, Elka Todorova (ed.), Sofia: Klimet Ohridski University Press, pp. 104-138. 1990.

"Identity: Its Emergence within Sociological Social Psychology," pp. 1-26 in Social Psychological Foundations, H.A. Farberman, G. A. Fine, and J. M. Johnson (eds.). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1992.

"The Immoral Rhetoric of Scientific Sociology" into French, The Rhetoric of the Social Sciences, Richard H. Brown (ed.), Paris: Meridiens Klincksieck. (Permission #2928).

"The Structures and Meanings of Social Time" into Spanish, pp. 89-131 in Tiempo y Sociedad, D. Ramon Ramos Torre (ed.), Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 1992.

Edited version, pp. 77-102 in The Sociology of Time, John Hassard (ed.), New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

"A Sociological Imagination Informing Social Psychologies" in anthology, The Living Legacy of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber, Vol. II. NY: Gordian Knot Books. 2000.

Trust as a Social Reality. Social Forces, l985, 63 June: 967-985, with J. David Lewis reprint in, Landmark Papers on Trust, Reinhard Bachmann and Akbar

Zaheer (eds.). Edward Elgar Publ. Ltd. 2008.

“Alfred Schutz on a Theory of Motivation.” Reprinted in Methods of Interpretive

Sociology. Matthew David (ed.).Publication date: September 2010. Sage


“Terrorism, Identity, and Public Order: a Perspective from Goffman.” Reprinted in

Sharon Preves and Jeylan Mortimer (eds.), Classic and Contemporary

Perspectives in Social Psychology. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 2011.

Pragmatic Trust in a World of Strangers: Trustworthy Actions. Comparative Sociology.

Volume 10, Number 3, 2011, pp. 321-336, Reprinted in M. Sasaki and R. M. Marsh (eds.), Trust: Comparative Perspectives. Leiden: Brill. 2012.

The Social Dynamics of Trust: Theoretical and Empirical Research, 1985-2012.

J. David Lewis and Andrew J. Weigert. 
Social Forces 91: 25-31. 2012.

Realizing Narratives Make Future Time Real. Time & Society, first published on

December 6, 2012 as doi:10.1177/0961463X11417320


A Meadian perspective on morals and methods.

Identity fusion, self motivation, and sacred violence.

Symbolic Transformation: Human Body – Roast Beef – Holy Communion.

Toward a Pragmatic Framework for Social Hope.


Book Reviews in Contemporary Sociology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Sociological Analysis, Symbolic Interaction.

Participation in the American Sociological Association, Midwest Sociological Society, National Council on Family Relations, Society for the Scientific Studyof Religion, North Central Sociological Association.

Steering Committee for Science, Technology, and Values, University of

Notre Dame. 1992-1995.

Lilly Mentor 1992-3.

PMEG advisor 1992-3.

Fellow , Badin Hall undergraduate dormitory, University of Notre Dame,1988-92;

Siegfried Hall, 1992-7.

Faculty Advisor, Students for Environmental Action, University of Notre Dame. 1993-99.

Fellow , Kroc International Institute for Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame. 1991-

Group on Environment, 1991-9; Publications Committee, 1993-6; Graduate Advisory Committee, 1997-9; Undergraduate Committee, 2005-

Curriculum Committee, Core Course, Spring 2000.

Workshop presentation on Society and Environment, Core Course, May 14, 2003.

Departmental Undergraduate Advisor until 2015

College Seminar faculty and participant in workshops/meetings

College of Arts and Letters Environmental Stewardship Task Force, 2005-6

College of Arts and Letters Undergraduate Committee, 2006-9



Sociology of Self Understanding

Social Psychology

Sociology of Religion

Sociology of Sport

Senior Seminar in Social Theory

Senior Seminar on Values (interdisciplinary)

Environmental Policy and Values (One credit Hesburgh Public Service seminar)

Core Course (discontinued interdisciplinary yearlong requirement for A&L


Society and Identity (undergraduate and graduate)

Self, Society, and Environment

College Seminars


Sociology of Religion: Empirical Research

Theoretical Approaches in Family Sociology

Theoretical Approaches to the Sociology of Religion

Symbolic Interaction and Phenomenology

Social Theory and Identity

Social Interactionism

Recent New Courses:

“Sociology, Self, and Catholic Social Tradition,” inaugural team-taught with Dan Myers, Spring 2007; sole taught since Spring semester 2008. X-listed with CST, ESS, HESB, IIPS. Communty Based Learning component requiring 20-30 hours volunteering at the Center for the Homeless added since Spring 2015.

Inaugural course for new Minor in Sustainability: Sus 20010 “Sustainability: Principles

and Practices.” Team taught with Joe Fernando, Prof., Engineering and

Geosciences; Anthony Serianni, Prof., Chemistry and Biochemistry; John

Sitter, Prof., English. Spring 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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