Evolve Consciousness

--------Crossed overcarry your own crossinitiation, not afterlife crossed over------------Cross Symbolism"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23)Cross = Knowledge of Good and Evil, bearing that knowledge, walking in the Way based on the knowledge of what not to do, evil, which is a hard and lonely path in a world of insanity that accepts evil as the norm.Bearing your own cross, is pick up one's own cross to take the narrow path, the path of trials, tribulations, discomfort, conflict and controversy of “going against the current” of normalized acceptability into falsity. You have to let go of your attachment to yourself, pleasures, personal attachments and desires. Yuo have to bear the cross, the dual arms, of good and evil, take up your burdens and follow Truth/Morality, to sacrifice yourself for Truth/Morality in order to follow Truth/Morality in the Way/Path, and your self-deluded Way/Path.Jesus is the Way, Path , Truth, Light, which is Living the straight and narrow Path of Right/Morality. To walk through the difficult narrow gate that is strict and arduous, bearing the cross of good and evil, to know good and evil, and choose the narrow gate of Right/Good/Morality to walk through, the lonely gate that few care to venture and walk through. Many are called but few are “chosen”. Do you want to follow the Truth, Morality, Good, Right, Light, the Path and Way that will make you LIght as a feather of Truth (Ma’at) but is hard to walk. Everyone else is walking the path of conformity to falsity. It is a lonely road, where only few “choose” to bear the call. If you want to follow in the Path and Way of Truth./Morality, you must sacrifice of yourself your lower consciousness desires, and offer service to Truth/Morality by walking in its Way.The saying “cross your heart and hope to die” ties into the symbolism of crossing-over, passing-over, crossed-over, and bearing your own cross. The “heart” is “spirit”, and either the heart is of light, or dark, either the “spirit of good” or the “spirit of evil”. Lying is a sin of evil, not a virtue of good. Cross your heart with the knowledge of the duality of good and evil, and and bear the consequences of living in one of the other. If you live by evil, and lie, then you will be “dead”, in the tomb and coffin of evil, darkness, blind, death, putting to death the "spirit"/"heart" and being dead to Truth/Morality/Good. This is one layer/level of symbolism, going downward to death by turning from the Real Life, from the light of Truth/Morality.Duat judgment of Scales of Maat. To get to the underworld of Duat, you pass through 12 Gates. Duat is where the dual scales are. Hindu’s hell of judgment is where the “dead” are cross-examined about their evil conduct of body, speech and mind. The “dead” cross-over/pass-over to the hall of hell judgment where their deeds are judged (scales, Maat).--Crossed-over and passed over is not about literal death, but has two levels and layers of deep meaning. The "death" of normal superficial "life" of false appearances, where we "die" to the world, the false world of false living, and enter the underworld (correlates to Hell, Duat underworld, hall of Judgments, weighing of heart, scales) as the hero-myth, and self-transforming ourselves through the hall of judgments, with trials and tribulations, tests of our fortitude in upholding and fighting for the good, right, true, etc. This is one layer/level of the symbolism, from life to death, a false life to the required death of that false life (alchemical divorce level 1). Then there is the symbolism of emergence from being dead as a false self, to the real life of being alive (alchemical divorce level 2). As crossing-over from being "dead", towards the "afterlife" (real life, alive) or "reincarnation"/"rebirth"/"reborn"/"resurrection" (Jesus tomb), the life of the "Spirit" of Good. Crossing-over from being dead in the coffin or tomb, not in the light of Truth nor the heat of Justice (sun, light, from the sky/air above high), but blind in the darkness, cold and death of living in a world of injustice and falsity, the "Spirit" of Evil (earth). This is being "dead" to True Self Knowledge, which is Morality, the True Life, Real Life, being truly Alive, the "spiritual" life, the "soul" life. The Ankh is also represented as the "Key to Life", the "spiritual" life, the "soul" life. Everyone always takes all of this symbolism and these metaphors as literal. The cross symbolism in many religious stories and narratives illustrates this correct "spiritual" understanding. "Spiritual" understanding leads to "Spiritual" Wisdom, because Wisdom is Right-Action, the Right-Action of Living Morally. The cross, representative of the "spirits" of Good and Evil, is the knowledge and understanding of both Good and Evil (Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the burden of responsibility that comes with this knowledge) required to live through the Wisdom of Right-Action, which is Moral Living, True "Spirituality" (Spirituality = Morality, Spiritual = Moral, Spiritually = Morally). The True Life as the True Self, Real Life as the Real Self, Authentic Life as the Authentic Self, Examined Life as the Examined Self, Higher Living as the Higher Self, following the newly developed Higher Will in alignment with the Higher Virtues (Air, sky, sun, heat) of Truth/Morality, instead of the lower sins of falsity/immorality, in the corrupted lower will as the condition of our current false self, living in ignorance of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, walking the checkered/checkerboard low-base-consciousness floor (Earth), unable to willfully choose the Right Path and Way of Truth/Morality that leads to Higher Living (Air), since we are ignorant of accurate knowledge of what is even right or wrong, good or evil. This is the burden and responsibility of being "choosing" to answer the call to Higher Moral Living, entering through the "narrow gate", walking the "straight and narrow" Path and Way towards the Wisdom of the Light, Truth, Morality, etc. This is the burden of carrying our own cross, of bearing our own cross, to use the knowledge of the cross of good and evil, to live bearing this burden, bearing the good and evil in the world in order to set the world right, as a righteous person, living in righteousness.The Air is where the Sun is, where the Light is, where Truth is, leading to the mountaintop of Wisdom and the heat of Justice with the light of Truth.Morality making contact on the dark, cold and dead earth. Heat from the Light is Justice. Heat is generated from friction. Justice is realized through the friction, tension, pressure, conflict and interference of Truth against falsity, of Good against evil, Right against wrong. THe only way to get Justice (heat) from injustice (cold, cold-hearted, etc.) is to battle with evil, falsity, wrong, immorality, etc. This is the burden and responsibility to serve, stand and sacrifice to Truth/Morality/Justice and Evolve Consciousness from our low-base-consciousness current condition.--It is possible that the narratives, stories, symbolism, metaphors allegories and parables were literal truth along with being encoded symbolism, but since I have no proof of the history it is merely a possibility, and belief. The Truth of the symbolism however can be seen if you understand how life works, as this mirrors the process of living, true living from false living. Also, in arguably the most famous narrative storytelling book, the Bible, Jesus says that these are parables and not literal histories. It is clear to me that these stories and narratives are symbolic metaphors, allegories and parables to illustrate aspects of life so we can get to know ourselves and dhow to live correctly. Thi sis dangerous knowledge in a world of insanity and standardized acceptability into falsity as the norm of life. All you have to do is look back on the animosity in history of those who spoke Truth against the popular attachment to a lie, and how they were treated. It is known that symbolism, parables, allegory and esoteric encoding of knowledge was required. This spans back millenia as far back as we have stories and parables, and was likely introduced in a symbolic way that was perverted and altered into literal interpretations while esoterically encoding the valuable Power Differential knowledge only for those deemed to be worthy of it, the elites/dominators/controllers, in order to control and manipulate others.--“Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming.” - (Col 3:5-6)This has also been referred to as lust in other parts of the Bible (Psa 106:14-15). See Amazing Grace article. Earthly, lust, carnal, beast, refer to the same thing.We put to death what is evil in us, in order to die a little inside, which is required to be reborn, rebirthed, resurrected into the afterlife of immortality. Earth (hell) is "Spirits" of Evil, Air (heaven) is "Spirits" of Good. Hell or Heaven (the resulting world we create), are effects made that cannot be undone, hence passive “realms” that already have had effects applied and cannot be undone. New causal forces need to be enacted to create new effects to change the current condition. The death is of low base consciousness, beastly carnal fleshly desires and passions of lower "nature" that don't help to Evolve Consciousness, and actually hinder it. The Wrath of God is the Left-Hand of Reciprocity we create for ourselves through our own actions. Karma. Truth (Right Hand of God, Living in Law, reward) or Consequence (Left Hand of God, Breaking Law, repercussions). Be Right, or Go Wrong.The only way to properly understand and comprehend this is to be living it. Then it will become clear. ONce you are on the journey you can make sense of how it works. Prior to that, it seems like nonsense. Entering into Life that Jesus reveals cannot be properly explained for those who do not walk the Way and Path. You have to experience this internally, "spiritually" to draw the "inner kingdom" nearer to you. This is to be a Ruler of the Kingdom of Self, on the Throne of Consciousness-Self. It is to separate themselves from the falsity of the current condition of the reality they live in, and answer the call to Truth, Right, Good, Morality, the "Light", cross the threshold and carry their own cross into the the Initiation through the "narrow gate"/"narrow way" as "Jesus" commanded was required in order to follow "him".Confirmation of this ancient knowledge about ourselves from the Vedic Devaduta Sutta: “as long as that evil action is not destroyed, he does not die.”Until he dies to the "old world", he cannot be reborn in another "realm", the "new world" of real life, "spiritual" life, "soul" life, True Self actualized life, ALIVE, REBORN, afterlife, immortal. You need to die to what is false in order to truly live and be alive, otehrwise you are dead in the coffin of falsity walking the path of the blind fool.Fruther, from the Tarot deck on the Hanged Man:“In his book The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, A.E. Waite, the designer of the Rider-Waite tarot deck, described the Hanged Man as the man who suddenly recognizes—or, better, “resurrects”—his higher Self and higher nature, which until then had in a sense been “dead” within him.”---------In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’. In Buddhism dharma means "cosmic law and order". In Jainism, the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the "path of righteousness".- Dharma (wikipedia) Sanskrit Rta = cosmic order, “natural laws”.In the Vedic religion, rta (Sanskrit rtam "that which is properly joined; order, rule; truth") is the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it... described as that which is ultimately responsible for the proper functioning of the natural, moral and sacrificial orders.Conceptually, it is closely allied to the injunctions and ordinances thought to uphold it, collectively referred to as Dharma, and the action of the individual in relation to those ordinances, referred to as Karma – two terms which eventually eclipsed Rta in importance as signifying natural, religious and moral order in later Hinduism.Rta is derived from the Sanskrit verb root r- "to go, move, rise, tend upwards", and the derivative noun rtam is defined as "fixed or settled order, rule, divine law or truth".“Karma (lit. "action") refers to the works one performs, which can occur either in congruence with or in opposition to Dharma – and thus, to Rta – and which are posited to stand in a causal relationship to the pains and pleasures one experiences in life.”The emergence of Karma as a central doctrine of the late Vedic and early Hindu tradition is due in part to the problem of theodicy. Given the inherent goodness of Rta and its absolute power over the operation of the universe, the presence of gross inequality and injustice in the world represented a serious religious, philosophical and ethical dilemma. The notion of Karma helped to overcome this problem as it was conceived as a "law of moral causation" which effectively excused the gods and Rta from the appearance of evil in the world, placing the responsibility for the same squarely upon the individual.- Rta (wikipedia)Karma equivalents are Chinese Tao, and the Egyptian Ma’at, foundational feminine principle mound upon which “creator god” stood. Back to Tao, Tao+Ru, Ankh, Cross, Ka, Ka-Maat, Kamma, Karma, Dharma.--------------late 14c., "pertaining to the whole of something specified; occurring everywhere," from Latin universalis "of or belonging to all," from universus "all together, whole, entire" kosmos "order, good order, orderly arrangement,"verb kosmein meant generally "to dispose, prepare," Italic root *ord- "to arrange, arrangement" PIE *kw(e)-kwl-o- "wheel, circle," suffixed, reduplicated form of root *kwel- (1) PIE kw(e)-kwl-o-, suffixed, reduplicated form of root *kwel- (1), also *kwele-, "to roll, to move around, wheel" PIE *ret- "to run, roll" Latin rota, from PIE root *ret- "to run, to turn, to roll" (cognates: Sanskrit rathah "car, chariot;") Sanskrit cakra "circle, wheel," from PIE root *kwel- (1) "wheel" is used for anything which goes around: a chariot wheel, or a potters wheel, but also more abstract concepts like the wheel of time, the way the universe cycles through periods.Chakra symbolism is a symbolic representations for aspects of consciousness, as is corresponded the the other symbolic models and frameworks of Kabbalah, Tarot, Astrology, Freemasonry, Egyptian symbolism , Bible symbolism, Vedic symbolism, etc. Chakra is cakra, wheel, sun, anything that foes around. The wheel rotates, rota, Tora, Dharma, Time, etc. are all symbolic of cycling and get related to universal, cosmic order of cycles within cycles. This is imagination and correspondence between aspects of reality and concepts to build upon each other and relate, conceptually. Time doesn't have cycles, time doesn't exist as a thing in itself for us to measure, but we attribute cycles to time because we can give meaning to spatial movement in relation to other spatial variables. This is how we get measurements of time, due to the existence of objects in space that move in relation to each other, which produce change. Without movement, there is no change, and no time. If everything were frozen at absolute zero, there is no time as nothing is moving. We can measure movements of bodies in space. The sun across the sky. The moon to the earth, earth to sun, solar system to galaxy, galaxy to universe, etc. We look at revolutions, rotations, cycles, and this provides us with a correspondence to frequencies, which are oscillations (cycles) in energy vibrations. Ru (mouth, oval), rut, rta, rota, rotation, is related to oscillation (PIE *os- mouth). Light colors can be seen through a rainbow and associated with symbolism about reality and ourselves. Colors is given meaning on its own.Chakra symbolism is symbolism, and symbolism is created to reflect reality and ourselves. Believe in literal energies if you want to, I can't say they don't exist, probably they do, but I can say they don't work like people think they do, with all this magical "balance" concepts, it is merely symbolic of aspects of our consciousness, our whole body as part of consciousness, and how to work with aspects of consciousness as separated into symbolic references for us to understand. Look back at all the history of the development of the concept and the breathing and energy manipulation techniques. Has any of this lead people to truly understand reality more objectively, leading to an accurate understanding of morality? Not really. NOt that modern science has a done a great job either. In either case, the focus is on the material body, or the energy body, but never on how to create properly in the world, although Vedic beliefs do deal with morality in a superficial sense, brought in through controlling belief systems of authority. The Nazi's (Vril society link)were into occult teachings, energies, hidden tech, etc., but did that bring morality? No. The prime important chief capital in life is always ignored in favor of self-induced states of consciousness. People think chakra manipulation and "healing: is a bridge to higher consciousness. In my experience with people heavily into this, is the opposite. Understanding reality and ourselves in it, will bring morality, not energy manipulations techniques, etc."A person's body, mind and spiritual well-being are balanced and healthy when all of their chakras are 'clear'. When chakras are 'blocked', the related functions and feelings will be adversely affected; also the balance of the person is upset because other chakras are forced to compensate."All you need is chakra energy work, not conscious awareness of reality, or so the frauds, posers, pretenders, and fakers want you to believe so that you don't do the real psychological and inner-work to evolve consciousness hat matters. People's actions and ways of thinking about reality is subjectively twisted through their beliefs about how balanced their energy is, thinking they are in higher order consciousness while still operating from the basic low base consciousness of amoral living in immorality, of survival and physical self. As Jung said, people don't want to face themselves. People don't want to do the real shadow work, inner-work, heal the demon and darkness of evil pervading their being. They do anything else, altered meditation, astral, remote, visions, subjective reality projection, etc. Men would sooner die than think, only imitating semblance of thinking. and graveyard and coffin symbolismWe seek to revive and resurrect our true self, real self, higher self, actualized self, realized self, authentic self, the soul. We can create ourselves, our soul, into aspects of falsity or truth, as a false self or a true self. Once we are indoctrinated into aspects of falsity, we have to progressively work to raise ourselves again and again from the tomb, coffin and grave of being dead and two aspect of true self, higher self, real self, authentic self living. if one person can heal themselves as previously described about the Hall of judgment, the hall of two truths, maat, then you reach the true self but then you go on to fight demons of evil that guard the gates of reaching heaven, Paradise, the eternal afterlife, etc. when we finally resurrect a true self devoid of falsity, if we can, we still have to battle the world of demons we came from, hell we created in order to create the final heaven on earth. Or, this also can represent another aspect of battling our own inner demons in order to emerge finally from the underworld. since we already battled are demons at the weighing of the heart where we are continually killed if we fail to match up to truth, by that demon goddess, then I don't see these other demons at the gates being our inner demons.Anubis and Osiris tare there to help us re-emerge as greater aspects of true self, to become greater potential of being, higher, truer, better, improved.Book called: "EGYPTIAN IDEAS of the future life"Yup! It is the future life, each step we take is into the future. Thats the point, its now, as we go, here and now, not the future after death of here and now, of nowhere because its all a belief fantasy to subdue the fear of death unknown.Why don't the stories match perfectly, or the symbolism perfectly, the esoteric understanding? Because this is where the knowledge of the ancient civilization that was made of evolved consciousness people, the golden age, where falsity was not created like it is today, or at least a different kind of falsity. The psychological philosophical wisdom of ourselves as a consciousness being in reality, of how we can heal ourselves through the concepts of truth, goof, right, morality, order, justice, etc. This is the deep wisdom of ourselves to evolve right here and now in consciousness. after a disaster, such as flood or ice age cyclical worldly events, knowledge of the esoteric as an exoteric narrative and story to remember was progressively corrupted into a literal belief system that formed into religious identity and rituals.it can be that all of the depictions we have that don't make sense are written literally that contain the source underlying message that was always contained in the narrative before they took it literally.----------The symbolism of not being attached to worldly things as the GOds, to live as gods, is to not be attached to the animistic pleasure trap that prevents you from letting go of falsity and actualizing greater degrees of authentic self, real self, true self, higher self, higher nature, true nature, human nature. delivers gods is also to live in higher order consciousness of the creative potential to manifest the potential good into reality into actuality, as a creator and generator of our own experience in light and create heaven on earth.This is the original symbolism for all narratives and stories that involve gods and goddesses. This is what matters and it can be understood, in a simple thought experiment you can verify that this is how things work if you understand enough about how natural moral law functions, how natural law expressions function, the trivium method, aspects of three in one of the Trinity of consciousness to produce the world we want to live in. ................

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