Tarot Hermeneutics

COLORSEven the colors can have special meaning in a "family crest" or coat of arms: Gold (Or)Generosity and elevation of the mindSilver or White (Argent)Peace and sincerityRed (Gules)Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimityBlue (Azure)Truth and loyaltyGreen (Vert)Hope, joy, and loyalty in loveBlack (Sable)Constancy or griefPurple (Purpure)Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justiceOrange (Tawny or Tenne)Worthy ambitionMaroon (Sanguine or Murray)Patient in battle, and yet victorious(Popular Ways of Dividing Shields Shown Here)FURSThe mere fact that a shield or crest contains furs suggests a mark of dignity. Usually the fur coat of the weasel is represented.ErmineWhite with black spots.ErminoisGold with black spots.ErminesBlack with white spots.PeanBlack with gold spots.VairBlue and white bell-shaped objects.Heraldic Lines and Ordinaries:Nebuly LineClouds or airWavy LineSea or waterEngrailed LineEarth or landInvected LineEarth or landIndented LineFireDancette LineWaterRaguly LineDifficulties that have been encounteredEmbattled LineWalls of a fortress or town (also, fire)The following are some of the more common heraldic symbols and their meanings as suggested by some historians:Acacia Branch or LeavesEternal and affectionate remembranceAcanthus LeavesAdmiration of the artsAcornAntiquity and strength.Agricultural Tools(See also Scythe and Sickle)Labouring in the earth and depending upon providenceAlisaunder (Similar to Laurel)Peace and/or triumph.Allerion (Mythical creature, similar to an eagle, but without beak or claws)Strength of will and authority of mindAnchorHope; religious steadfastnessAngelicaInspirationAngels(See Sample Angels)Dignity, glory, and honour; missionary; bearer of joyful newsAnnulet (finger ring)FidelityAntGreat labour, wisdom, and providence in one's affairsAntelope (Heraldic: A mythical animal with the body of a stag, the tail of a unicorn, a tusk at the tip of the nose, tufts down the back of the neck, chest, and thighs )Harmony, political cunning, peaceAntlersStrength and fortitudeAnvilHonour; emblem of the smith's tradeApple/ Apple TreeLiberality, felicity, and peace; Perpetual concordanceArm (or Hand) in Armour or EmbowedA person with qualities of leadershipArm, NakedAn industrious personArrow or DartReadiness (for battle); if depicted with a cross, represents an afflictionAspen LeavesDetermination; overcoming fears and doubtsAssPatience and humilityAxe(Also Halbert, Halberd, Hatchet)Execution of military dutyAzaleaTemperance, passionBaby's BreathPurity of heart, innocence, breath of the Holy SpiritBaguette (gem ring)FidelityBanderoleSee BannersBanner(See banderole)Refer to special action in which bearer was captured, or a reward for valiant serviceBar, Barry, Barrulet"One who sets the bar of conscience, religion, and honour against angry passions and evil temptations" acc. to GuillimBarry WavyTroubles keep us in continuous exercise and reminders of providence (as waves in a storm at sea)BatAwareness of the powers of darkness and chaos.BatonToken of authorityBattle Axe(See Axe)Execution of military dutyBay LeavesPoet or victor's laurelBeacon (Also Lantern or Lighthouse)One who is watchful, who gave the signal in time of dangerBearStrength, cunning, ferocity in the protection of one's kindredBeaverIndustry and perseveranceBeeEfficient industryBeechTolerance, knowledge of historyBellPower to disperse evil spirits; a hawk's bells denotes one who was not afraid of signalling his approach in peace or warBell Tower (or Clock Tower)left000IntegrityBend/BendyScarf or shield suspender of a knight commander; signifies defense or protectionBerriesLiberality, felicity, and peaceBezant/Byzantine Coin(Also Besant; Gold Roundle)Worthy of trust of treasure.Billet/BilletteeBricks or letters (correspondence); one who obtained credence, knowledge, and faith in his words and deeds; one who is secret in one's affairs.BirchNew beginnings; vision questBird of ParadiseFreedomBirdbolt(See Arrow)Small arrow with blunt head.Bishop's MitreAuthorityBlack-Eyed SusanEncouragementBlastedTree without leaves, witheredBluebonnetGrace, forgiveness, mercyBoarBravery; fights to the deathBoar's HeadHospitalityBonacon(See Bull)Bull with horse's tail and short mane.Bomb (Mortar Piece)One who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battleBones (Crossed Thighbones)MortalityBook(See Sample Books and Bibles)If open, manifestation; if closed, counselBorderDifference between relatives bearing the same arms; also an augmentation of an honourBourdon (See Pilgrim's Staff or Palmer's Stave)See pilgrim's or palmer's staff -- knob at upper end, point at bottom, hook near topBowReadiness (for battle)Bow and ArrowWar, power, ability to hit a targetBracedInterlacedBracketMay be single or double; right angle-shaped support, as in a shelf supportBridgeGovernor or magistrateBroom PlantHumility; ArdorBuck (See Stag)One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmonyBuckleVictorious fidelity in authorityBuglass (purple quatrefoil)Hope and joy.Bull/BuffaloValour, bravery, generosityBull's HeadValour, bravery, generosityBull's HornsStrength and fortitudeButterflyPsyche or SoulCactus FlowerBravery and enduranceCadences (Marks of Cadency)See Marks of CadencyUsed to differentiate the heirs in a family.CaduceusHomeopathic medicine; medical profession; balance and the union of opposing forcesCalla LilyMagnificent beauty; purity and chastityCaltrap (or Caltrop)A weapon made up of two or more sharp nails or spines arranged in such a manner that one of them always points upward from a stable base. Considered the landmines of antiquity, useful to slow down the advance of the enemy army and to force the enemy into certain paths and approaches, or to provide a passive defense as part of a defensive works system. They were said to be particularly effective against the soft feet of camels.CamelDocility, patience, and perseveranceCannon & Cannon BallsOne who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battleCandle/LampLight, life, and spiritualityCantonAs in a flag borne at the top corner of the shield; reward from the sovereign for performance of eminent serviceCap of MaintenanceGranted to British peers and Scottish feudal barons (see "Chapeau")CarnationAdmiration; fascination, impulsiveness, capriciousness, joy, devotionCarpenter's SquareConforming one's actions to the laws of right and equityCastle (Tower/Chateau)Safety; protectionCat (Also Wildcat or Lynx)Liberty, vigilance, forecast, and courageCattails (Bulrushes)Peace and prosperityCatherine WheelOne prepared to undergo great trials for the Christian faithCentaurEminence in the field of battleCerberusGuardian; Past, present, and futureChainsReward for acceptable and weighty service; with crowns and collars, this suggests the bearer bore the chain of obligation or obliged others because of services doneChamomileEnergy; actionChapeau (See also "cap of maintenance")Granted to British peers and Scottish feudal barons Chaplet (Floral) Usually with green leaves and four roses: the crown of joy and admirationChequyConstancyCherry BlossomWealth and prosperity; Education; Feminine principle and love; Transcience of lifeCherubs & Cherubim(See Sample Angels)Dignity, glory, and honour; missionary; bearer of joyful newsChess RookStrategic thinkingChevronProtection; Builders or others who have accomplished some work of faithful serviceChiefTop one-third of the shield; signifies dominion and authority; often granted as a special reward for prudence and wisdom or successful command in warChimera (as described in the Iliad)Impossible or difficult to believeChough (Cornish Crow)Strategist in battle; watchful for friendsChrysanthemumAbundance, cheerfulness, optimism, truth, hope, rest, friendshipChurch(See Sample Churches)Religion; faith; communityCinquefoilsHope and joyCivic Wreath (of oak leaves and acorns)One who saved a fellow citizen's life or shown patriotism in defense of one's native landClarionReady for warClaw of a BirdNote the preyer that has been preyed uponClock Tower(See Bell Tower)IntegrityCloudsMystery, obscured truthCock (male bird)Courage and perseverance; hero; able man in politicsCockatrice (small serpent)Terror to all beholdersColumnFortitude and constancy; with serpent coiled around it, wisdom with fortitudeCometUnknownCommunityFriendship, cooperation, communityCompassDirectionCompony or GobonyConstancyCornish Chough (crow, raven; See "chough")Strategist in battle; watchful for friends; divine providenceCornucopia (horn of plenty)The bounty of nature's giftsCottice/Cotice (bendlet)Scarf or shield suspender of a knight commander; signifies defense or protectionCoupeaux(Hills - usually three) Unknown; may be purely an artistic deviceCrane (Stork)Close parental bond; Vigilance if holding a rockCrampCrescentOne who has been honored by the sovereign; hope of greater glory (horns to the chief)Cresset (See "Beacon")One who is watchful, who gave the signal in time of dangerCrosier/shepherd's crookThe shepherd's watchfulness; Christian faith; pastoral authority; also Episcopal jurisdiction and authorityCross (See Examples of Crosses)Faith; Christianity; Service in the CrusadesCross (Celtic)Unity of heaven and earthCross (Constantine's; Labarum)Good omen; Christ; ChristianityCross CrossletSignifies the fourfold mystery of the crossCross Crosslet FitcheeA combination of cross and sword; unshakeable faithCross Flory (Patoncee)(cross flowered at each end) One who has conqueredCross Formee (Pattee)Military honourCross (Maltese)Blessings; badge of Knights HospitalierCross MolineThe mutual converse of human society (said to represent a millstone)Cross RagulyDifficulties encounteredCross RoucyFaithCrossed thighbones (See Bones)MortalityCrow (See also "Chough")Strategist in battle; watchful for friends; divine providenceCrown or Coronet(See Examples of Crowns)Royal or seigniorial authority; prestigeCrown (Mural)(See Examples of Crowns)Defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortressCrown (Naval)(See Examples of Crowns)One who first boarded an enemy's ship; distinguished naval commanderCrown of thorns(See Examples of Crowns)AdversityCup (often covered)Office of the king's butlerCushionsAuthorityCygnet (young swan)Where gorged with a crown around its neck, signifies dignityCypressDeath and eternal life thereafterDaffodilRegard; Chivalry, sunshine, respectDagger or dartJustice and military honourDahliaDignity, elegance, togetherness foreverDaisyGentleness and innocenceDawle (black quatrefoil)See "Quatrefoil"Hope and joyDecrescentOne who has been honored by the sovereign; hope of greater glory (crescent with horns to the sinister)Deer (See also Stag/Hart/Buck)One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmonyDiceConstancyDillIrresistibleDog (See also Talbot)Courage, vigilance, and loyaltyDogwoodLove and adversityDolphinSwiftness, diligence, salvation, charity, and loveDoveLoving constancy and peace; the Holy Spirit; with an olive branch in its bill, it signifies a harbinger of good tidingsDragon(See Examples of Dragons)Valiant defender of treasure; valour and protectionDrops (Guttees)One who has endured torrents of liquids, as in battle, depending upon the color of the liquid. Yellow: gold Blue: tears Green: oil White: water Black: pitch or tar Red: bloodDrumReady for warDuck(Also Teal)Person of many resourcesEagle(See Examples of Eagles)Person of noble nature, strength, bravery, and alertness; or one who is high-spirited, ingenious, quick-witted, and judicious; "True magnanimity and strength of mind" acc. to Guillim. If wings "displayed," it signifies protectionEagle with two heads(See Examples of Eagles)Conjoining of two forcesEdelweissDaring and noble courage; purity, immortalityElephantGreat strength, wit, longevity, happiness, royalty, good luck, and ambitionElmDignityEnfieldMythical beast said to have protected fallen chieftains' bodies for proper burialErmine SpotMark of dignityEscallop (scallop shell)Traveller to far places or victorious naval commanderEscarbuncleSupremacy; brilliant gemEscutcheon or small shield, alone, with no chargesDefenseEscutcheon of Pretence(Small shield in center of primary shield, as shown above.)Claim of a prince to sovereignty; or marriage to an heiress of the family Estoile (star with six wavy points)Celestial goodness; noble personEyeProvidence in governmentFalcon (Hawk)(See Examples of Falcons)One who does not rest until objective achievedFascesA bundle or rods tied together around an axe, with the blade projecting out; Symbol of a magistrate's authority and the judiciary. (It appears on the reverse side of the U.S. Liberty-head dime.)Feathers(usually ostrich feathers) Sign of obedience and serenityFer de moline (See millrind)Center of the millstone, by which it is turnedFernMagic, fascination, confidence, shelterFess/FesseMilitary belt or girdle of honour; represents readiness to serve the publicFetterlockVictory; one who has taken prisoners or rescued prisoners of warFifeReady for warFig leafPeace and plentyFinger, pointingDirection; correct routeFire/Fire-fighting(See also sample Firefighting Symbols)ZealousnessFishA true, generous mind; virtuous for himself, not because of his heritage; also unity with Christ, spiritual nourishmentFlag or PennantRefers to special action in which bearer was captured, or a reward for valiant serviceFlanchi/flasque/flanches(Also flaunches)Given by a king for virtue and learningFleece (lamb's)Ancient honour from the knightly order of the Fleece of GoldFleur-de-lis(See Examples of Fleurs-de-lis)Purity; light; floral badge of France; represents sixth son as mark of differenceFlint stoneReadiness for zealous serviceFlowers (See specific flowers)Hope and joyFountainUsually a roundle, crossed with wavy bars of blue and white; represents water, a springFoxOne who will use all that he/she may possess of wisdom and wit in his/her own defenseFraisesStrawberries; usually refers to the cinquefoilFret (saltire through a mascle)(Also, fretty or latticework) PersuasionFruitFelicity and peaceFusil (narrow lozenge)Travel and labourFusil of Yarn (yarn with the spindle)NegotiationGalley See ShipGannet (duck without beak or legs)One who has to subsist by virtue and meritGarb (wheatsheaf)The harvest of one's hopes has been securedGarlicProtection, strength and courageGauntletArmed for the performance of martial enterpriseGavelJustice; legal authorityGem or JewelSupremacyGeraniumTrue friendshipGillyflower (tawney quatrefoil)Hope and joyGinsengPassion, prosperity, permanence, healthGlobeWorldliness; world travelGoatOne who wins through politics rather than warGobony or Gobbony (See Compony)ConstancyGooseResourcefulnessGorged (around neck)High dignityGrape leavesPlenty, freedom, rebirthGrapesLiberality, felicity, and peace; also, association with wine-making and abundanceGrasshopperNoble and home-bredGrenadeOne who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battleGreyhoundCourage, vigilance, and loyaltyGriffinSee Examples of Griffins(Head, wings, and talons of an eagle with the body of a lion); Valour and death-defying bravery; vigilance; Guardian of treasureGyronnyUnity (six- or eight-part division of the shield)HammerHonour; emblem of the smith's tradeHandPledge of faith, sincerity, and justice; two right hands conjoined represent union and allianceHand, redMark of a baronetHare (see Rabbit)One who enjoys a peaceable and retired lifeHarpWell-composed person of tempered judgment; contemplation; mystical bridge between heaven and earthHarpy (virgin's face, neck and breast with the body of a lion)Ferocity under provocationHart (male deer) - See Stag/BuckPeace and harmonyHawk (Falcon)(See Examples of Falcons/Hawks)One who does not rest until objective achievedHawks' lures:One who is fond of the highest pursuits, such as hunting and falconryHazel branch or leavesHope and joy; Communication, reconciliation and peaceHead (Human)Honour; if the head of a "blackamoor" or Moor, refers to deeds of prowess in the CrusadesHeart, FlamingIntense, burning affectionHeart, HumanCharity and sincerityHedgehog"Provident provider" acc. to Sloane EvansHeliotropePleasure; Eternal love & devotionHelmet(See Examples of Helmets)When depicted on the shield, denotes wisdom and security in defense; strength, protection, invulnerabilityHibiscusDelicate beautyHind (female deer)Peace and harmonyHollyTruth; Foresight and defenseHornsStrength and fortitudeHorse (See also Seahorse)See Sample HorsesReadiness for all employments for king and countryHorseshoeGood luck and safeguard against evil spiritsHourglassFlight of time; mortalityHousemark(example)Presumably adopted by the bearers as forms of unique identification of European homesHuitfoil (double quatrefoil)Mark of cadency for the ninth sonHuman HeadHonour (if the head of a Blackamoor, it refers to deeds of prowess in the Crusades)HumetteeDescribes an element that does not touch the sides of the shieldHunting HornOne who is fond of the chase, of high pursuitsHyacinthGames, Sports, PlayfulnessHydra (dragon with seven heads)Conquest of a very powerful enemyIchthus(Greek for "Fish")Belief in Jesus Christ, Son of God and SaviorIncrescent/IncrementOne who has been honored by the sovereign; hope of greater glory (crescent with horns to the dexter)Inescutcheon(See "Escutcheon of Pretence")Infinity SymbolInfinityInsignia - Marine CorpsInsignia - Naval AcademyIvy LeavesStrong and lasting friendshipInkhorn or InkwellArt of writing and educated employmentIrisFaith, wisdom, friendship, hope, valourJasmineAttachmentJessamine (white quatrefoil)See "Quatrefoil"Hope and joyJessant de lisWith a fleur-de-lis shooting out, i.e., from the mouth of a leopard or lion; Represents dominion over France.KeysGuardianship and dominionKnight (especially on horseback)The soul guiding the body; man's journey through lifeLabarum (Constantine's Cross)Good omen; ChristianityLabel Indicates first-born. See Marks of CadencyLadder (Scaling Ladder)One who was fearless in attacking; if against a tower, be on guard against spiritual and corporeal enemiesLamb or EweGentleness and patience under sufferingLamb carrying staff or banner with a cross (paschal lamb)Faith; innocence, bravery, gentleness, purity, resolute spiritLamp/Lantern(See also "Candle")Light, life, and spiritualityLance or JavelinThe perfection of martial affairs; emblem of knightly service; devotion to honourLaurel LeavesPeace and/or triumph; success, renown, glory and victoryLavenderConstancy and loyaltyLegStrength, stability, and expeditionLemurLeopard or OunceValiant and hardy warrior who enterprises hazardous things by force and courageLeopard's head swallowing a fleur-de-lis (jessant)Represents the lion of England swallowing the lily of FranceLetter (i.e., A, B, C)May represent great battles or tournaments beginning with that letterLevelEquity and upright action; virtuous personLightning BoltSwiftness and powerLilacBeauty, pride, youth, innocenceLilyPurity; see "Fleur-de-lis"Linden branch or leavesLife, vitality, energy, resurrectionLion(See Sample Lions)Dauntless courageLion, heraldic(See Sample Lions)Bravery, strength, ferocity, and valourLotusMystery and truth; perfection, purityLozenge or LozengyHonesty & ConstancyLunel (Four crescent moons facing each other)One who has been honored by the sovereign; hope of greater gloryLupineImaginationLure (hawk's)One who is fond of the highest pursuits, such as hunting and falconryLymphad (See also Ship)See ShipLyreContemplation; tempered judgmentManVarious meaningsMagnoliaNobility, perseverance, love of natureMaple leafGift-giving; bestowing honorMarigoldDevotion and piety; Splendid beauty and sweetnessMartlet (footless swallow)Symbol of the fourth son (mark of difference); may signify one who has to subsist by virtue and merit, not inheritanceMascle (hollowed out lozenge)PersuasivenessMasonic SquareMastiffCourage, vigilance, and loyaltyMatches(Usually in a roll and fired) Possible reference to one who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battleMaunch (lady's sleeve)"For my lady's sake"MermaidEloquenceMillpickMiller's toolMillrind (or millstone)The mutual converse of human society; miller's toolMintVirtue; Warm feelingsMitre (See Bishop's Mitre for more images)AuthorityMoleUnknownMonkeyUnknownMoonSerene power over mundane actionsMoor/Saracen/TurkDates back to the Middle Ages when it was considered an honor to take a Moor's headMoor fowl or Moor-cockAssociation with the law or the legal professionMortar PieceOne who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battleMorning GloryAffectionMount/Mound (See "Coupeaux")(Rounded terrace at base of the shield) Unknown; may be purely an artistic deviceMulberriesLiberality, felicity, and peaceMuleOften borne by abbots and abbesses who have pastoral jurisdiction, but not real jurisdictionMullet (Star)Divine quality from above; mark of third sonMusical PipesFestivity and rejoicingMyrtleLove, mirth and joyNettle Leaf"Sting of death" to all foes; pride, vanityOak Garb or SheafThe harvest of one's hopes has been securedOak Tree, Leaves, BushGreat age and strength; Heroism and victoryOak Tree/Bush with AcornsContinuous growth and fertilityOlive Branch or LeavesPeace and concordance; reconciliationOrange BlossomMarriage and fecundity; Virginity and innocenceOrchidMagnificenceOrle(example with roses)Circle of something; Preservation or protectionOstrich/Ostrich plumesWilling obedience and serenityOtterOne who lives life to the fullestOwl(See Examples of Owls)One who is vigilant and of acute witOxValour and generosityPale/Palet/Pallet/PalyMilitary strengthPalm BranchVictory, justice, and royal honour; conquest, success and peacePalm TreeRighteousness and resurrection; victory; creative power and peacePansyThoughtful recollectionPantherFierce, but tender and loving to children and will defend her children with her lifePapal HeaddressPope's HeaddressParchment/Scroll/DiplomaPossible reference to academic or scholarly achievementParrotUnknownPaschal LambFaith, innocence, bravery, gentleness, purity, resolute spiritPassion NailsToken of poignant suffering undergone by the bearerPavilionReadiness for battlePeacockBeauty, power, and knowledgePeacock FeatherBeauty, power, and knowledgePearFelicity and peacePegasusPoetic genius and inspiration; messenger of GodPelicanSelf-sacrifice and charitable nature; When feeding her young ("in her piety"), symbolizes the duties of a parent or parental lovePenArt of writing and educated employmentPennon or FlagRefers to some special action in which it was captured or as a reward for gallant servicePeonyHealingPeriwinkle (blue quatrefoil)See "Quatrefoil"Hope and joyPetuniaSoothing presencePheasantPerson of many resourcesPheon (Spear-head)Dexterity and nimble wit; readiness for battlePhoenixSymbol of resurrectionPigFertilityPike (Fish) (See also Spear)A true, generous mind; virtuous for himself, not because of his heritage; also unity with Christ, spiritual nourishment.PileRepresents large pieces of wood used in building bridges; engineering skills, builder; May represent a pennon or flagPilgrim's Stave/StaffPalmer's Stave/StaffThe shepherd's watchfulness; Christian faith; pastoral authority; also may refer to early pilgrimages to JerusalemPillar (See Column)Fortitude and constancy; with serpent coiled around it, wisdom with fortitudePincersHonour; emblem of the smith's tradePineDeath and eternal life thereafterPine ConeLifePineapplePipes (See Musical Pipes)Festivity and rejoicingPitcherOffice of servicePlantHope and joyPlow or PloughshareLabouring in the earth and depending upon providencePlume of feathersSign of willing obedience and serenity of mindPlummetEquity and upright action; virtuous personPoinsettiaPurity; ChristmasPomegranate FruitFertility and abundance; prosperityPoplar leafHope and joyPoppy (sanguine quatrefoil)Hope and joy; Imagination and dreaminessPortcullis (Castle Gate)Protection in an emergencyPrimrose (Cowslip)Innocence and youth; young loveProboscidesElephant trunks; usually represented in pairs; the elephant symbolizes longevity, strength, royalty, dignity, patience, wisdom, happiness, and good luckPussy WillowMotherhoodQuatrefoil (Primrose)Brings good tidingsRabbit (Conie)One who enjoys a peaceable and retired lifeRainbowGood times after badRamAuthorityRaspberriesRatUnknownRatch-hound (small hound)Loyalty, courage, and vigilanceRavenDivine providenceRay or RayonneeGlory and spendour; fountain of life; intelligence and enlightenmentRhinocerosFerocious when arousedRhododendronCaution and warinessRockSafety and protection; refugeRoseMark of the seventh son; Hope and joy; see also meanings for specific colors of rosesRose, RedGrace and beauty; Love and desireRose, WhiteLove and faith; Charm and innnocenceRose, YellowInfidelity and jealousyRosemaryEnduring love and remembrance; constancy, fidelity and loyaltyRoundlesGold or yellow: bezants or byzantine coins (worthy of trust or treasure) White: plate (generosity) Green: pomme (apple) Purple: golpe (wounded) Blue: hurt or wortleberry Black: pellet, ogress, or gunstone (cannon ball) Red: torteau (communion wafer or manchet cake) Tawney: orange (tennis ball)RyeSabre (See Sword)Justice and/or military honourSaddlePreparedness for active serviceSageWisdom, long life, esteemSalamanderProtectionSalmon (See Fish)Saltire(St. Andrew's Cross) ResolutionSavage/SaracenBelieved to be related to service in the CrusadesScalesJusticeScallop Shell (See Escallop)See "Escallop"SceptreThe emblem of justiceScythe or SickleThe hope of a fruitful harvestSea Horse/ Sea DragonPower of the waterSeal/Sea lionDauntless courage at seaSeaweedPurity and leadershipSeraphim(Angel with three pairs of wings) Dignity, glory, and honour; missionary; bearer of joyful newsSerpent/Snake/LizardWisdomShackleboltVictory; one who has taken prisoners or rescued prisoners of warShamrockPerpetuity; floral device of Ireland; also see Trefoil.ShieldWhen borne on the arms, represents the defenderShipAncient sea voyagesShip, DismastedDisaster at seaShofarReminds us of the admonitions of the prophets and their calls to repentanceShutle (Weaver's Shuttle)Reference to the bearer's profession; i.e., textilesSkullMortalitySnailDeliberation and perseveranceSnake (See Serpent)Wisdom (see also Serpent)SnapdragonGraciousness and strengthSpear/PikeHonourable warrior; valiant knightSpear-head (See Pheon)Dexterity and nimble wit; readiness for battleSphereGeographical or scientific referenceSphinxOmniscience and secrecySpiderWisdom, labour, and prudenceSpur or Spur RowelPreparedness for active service; pressing onwardSquare SymbolsConstancySquirrelLover of the woodsStag(Also Reindeer)One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmonyStag's AntlersStrength and fortitudeStar (estoile or mullet)Celestial goodness; noble person; ExcellenceSteelReadiness for zealous serviceStirrupPreparedness for active serviceStoolHospitalityStorkFilial duty; close parental bond; If holding a rock, symbolizes vigilanceSunGlory and splendour; fountain of lifeSunflowerHomage and devotionSwallowOne who is prompt and ready in doing business; also bringer of good newsSwanPoetic harmony and learning, or lover thereof; light, love, grace, sincerity, perfectionSword/Dagger/DartSabre/Cutlass/ScimitarJustice and military honourTableHospitalityTabor (snare drum)Festivity and rejoicing; dangerous if arousedTalbot (hunting dog) (See also Dog)Courage, vigilance, and loyaltyTentReadiness for battleTerraceUnknown; May be purely an artistic deviceThistleDefiance and surlinessThorn LeafIrritation; nuisanceThymeBravery, courage and strengthTigerFierceness and valour; resentment; dangerous if arousedTiger LilyWealth and prideTorchLife; zealousness; engaging in signal service; truth and intelligenceTortoiseInvulnerability to attackTowerSafety and grandeurTree Trunk/Stump/BranchNew life sprouting from the oldTreeLife and the mystical connection of the earth with heaven and the underworldTree of Life (Knowledge)Trefoil or Shamrock (three-leaved grass)PerpetuityTressurePreservation or protection (prominent in the arms of Scotland)Tressure Flory CounterflorySignifies the close and longterm alliance between France and ScotlandTrestleHospitalityTridentMaritime dominionTrumpetReady for warTulipImagination and dreaminess; Fame and perfect loveUnicornSee Sample UnicornsExtreme courage; virtue and strengthVineStrong and lasting friendship; Peace and plenty; luck and strengthVioletModesty, virtue, affection, faithfulness, loveVol (Set of Wings)Swiftness and protectionVulturePurification and maternity; also, virginity (in Christianity)Walnut LeavesHope and joyWater LilyEloquence and persuasionWater BougetOne who carried water to an army or a besieged placeWheat-EarFaithfulWheat Garb or SheafThe harvest of one's hopes has been securedWheelFortune; cycle of lifeWillow (Weeping)Pliancy; Serenity & Friendship; Patience & PerseverenceWings (See also "Vol")Swiftness and protectionWisteriaWelcome; playful spontaneityWolfReward from perseverance in long sieges and/or hard industryWoodbine LeavesLove that does not injure that which it clings toWomanVarious meaningsWreath of laurel leaves (and berries)TriumphWrenFreedomWyvern (Dragon with only two legs and armed tail)Valour and protectionYewDeath and eternal life thereafter; Faith & resurrectionZinniaLasting affection, constancy, goodness, remembranceContact usFleur-de-lis Designs1607 Agawela AvenueKnoxville, Tennessee 37919-8320U.S.A.tel 865-540-9990 fax 865-540-9989 ................

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