Chapter 14 ~ Prosperity, Protest, and New Politics

Chapter 14 ~ Prosperity, Protest, and New Politics

1. Complete the terms in the Factfile page 361.

2. Read the unit opener “The Baby Boom” on page 334 – 335 and answer questions 1-3. Also answer what is the “consumer age” mean?

Suburbs and Suburbanization

3. What caused the massive influx of suburbanization?

4. What is the CMHC and what function does it serve?

5. How many Canadian’s lived in suburbs in 1961?

Technological Changes

6. As a result of the upsurge in car purchases, what resulted along with the desire to drive places?

7. When did the tv become widespread?

8. Where was tv available? Not available?

9. How did tv affect family life?

10. List some of the new technologies that were introduced in the 1950s and 60s. How have things changed today?

11. What function did Asian countries provide North American society?

The New Prosperity and Differences Between Regions

12. Why were the 1950s and 1960s referred to as an “age of affluence”?

13. How did the number of farm workers change from 1946 to 1961?


14. Using a map of Canada, create a map titled “Canadian Economic Development in the 1950s and 1960s”. This is similar to the map we made for Canada during the 1920s. Be sure to include as the design elements of a map: underlined title, date in the title, north arrow, name bottom right, legend, and don’t worry about scale.

a. Label the provinces and major cities (provincial capitals and other large cities

b. Devise symbols to represent the major types of development (ie mining, manufacturing…). Place the symbols on the appropriate areas of the map.

c. Based on your map, describe the different characteristics of the economies in Canada’s main regions.

d. What are the main reasons for the differences? What effects do they have?

e. What measures did the government introduce to deal with regional disparities? How effective were these measures?

Infrastructure Development

15. How was the St. Lawrence Seaway an example of the close ties between the American and Canadian economies?



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