Sympathy Essay Plan

Sympathy Essay Plan

‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen


How does Wilfred Owen create sympathy in the reader. Explain who the reader feels sorry for, and go on to show how poetic techniques are used to elicit this sympathy.

• You have been given the main POINT for each section.

• You should identify the quotes you will use in each section, then note down what you will analyse about each quote.


|In the first stanza we are presented with a |“waiting for dark” |Ambiguity – Dark = night-time/sleep or death. |

|description of the soldier’s present life. We feel| | |

|sympathy for the miserable situation he appears to| | |

|be in. |“shivered” | |

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| |“ghastly suit of grey” | |

|When the poet moves back in time to describe the | | |

|boy’s happy life before the war, we begin to see | | |

|how awful his present existence is by contrast to | | |

|his joyful and handsome youth | | |

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|The reader is upset to discover in the fourth | | |

|stanza that the boy shouldn’t really have been a | | |

|soldier and that he signed up illegally for all | | |

|the wrong reasons. | | |

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|The poet’s critical tone when describing the way | | |

|the boy was treated upon return from war (compared| | |

|to when he left) makes the reader pity the | | |

|soldier. | | |

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|Towards the end of the poem, Owen uses a number of| | |

|techniques to elicit the reader’s sympathy when he| | |

|considers the soldier’s future and returns to the | | |

|image he began with: the soldier sitting alone in | | |

|his wheelchair waiting from someone to put him to | | |

|bed. | | |

|The structure of ‘Disabled’ helps to convey the | |. |

|confused and distressed state of the young | | |

|soldier, and the tragedy of his situation. | | |

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|This poem still have relevance today because… | | |

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