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BIOL 2401STUDY POINTS HANDOUT Chapter 17 and Chapter 18What is umami? Umami is a pleasant taste corresponding to the flavor of beef broth, chicken broth and Parmesan cheese that is due to the presence of glutamates (an amino acid) in food. What is lacrimal fluid? Lacrimal fluid is tears. What are the components of the fibrous tunic and vascular tunic?The fibrous tunic consists of the cornea and sclera; the vascular tunic consists of the choroid, ciliary body and iris.What is presbyopia? Presbyopia is a condition where the lens of the eye lose elasticity. It is a form of hyperopia.To which structure of the external ear does the malleus of the middle ear attach? The malleus of the middle ear is attached to the eardrum, which is part of the external ear.What are the names of the two sacs that lie in the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule?The two sacs in the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule are the utricle and saccule. What is dynamic equilibrium?Dynamic equilibrium exists when opposing processes or forces are in balance. Because of dynamic equilibrium physiological systems are continually adapting and adjusting to changing conditions.What is the basic difference between endocrine glands and exocrine glands? Secretions of endocrine glands diffuse into interstitial fluid and then into the blood; exocrine secretions flow into ducts that lead into body cavities or to the body surface.What is the difference between an autocrine and a paracrine hormone? Autocrine hormones are local hormones that act on the same cell that secreted them and paracrine hormones are local hormones that act on neighboring cells.Is the pancreas an endocrine or an exocrine gland? The pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland.Critical Thinking: Mario has experienced damage to his facial nerve. How would this affect his special senses?Damage to the facial nerve would affect smell, taste, and hearing. Within the nasal epithelium and connective tissue, both the supporting cells and olfactory glands are innervated by branches of the facial nerve. Withou input from the facial nerve, there will be a lack of mucus production required to dissolve odorants. The facial nerve also serves taste buds in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, so damage can affect taste sensations. Hearing will be affected by a damaged facial nerve because the stapedius muscle, which is attached to the stapes, is innervated by the facial nerve. Contraction of the stapedius muscle helps to protect the inner ear from prolonged oud noises. Damage to the facial enrve will result in sounds that are excessively loud, resulting in more susceptibility to damage by prolonged loud noises.Amanda hates her new student ID photo. Her hair looks dry, the extra weight that she’s gained shows, and her neck looks fat. In fact, there’s an odd butterfly-shaped swelling across the front of her neck, under her chin. Amanda’s also been feeling very tired and mentally “dull” lately, but she figures all new A&P students feel that way. Should she visit the clinic or just wear turtlenecks?Amanda should visit the clinic, as these are serious signs and symptoms. She has an enlarged thyroid gland, or goiter. The goiter is probably due to hypothyroidism, which is causing the weight gain, fatigue, mental dullness, and other symptoms.BIOL 2401STUDY POINTS HANDOUT Chapter 17 and Chapter 18What is umami? What is lacrimal fluid? What are the components of the fibrous tunic and vascular tunic?What is presbyopia? To which structure of the external ear does the malleus of the middle ear attach? What are the names of the two sacs that lie in the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule? What is dynamic equilibrium?What is the basic difference between endocrine glands and exocrine glands? What is the difference between an autocrine and a paracrine hormone? 10 Is the pancreas an endocrine or an exocrine gland? Critical Thinking: Mario has experienced damage to his facial nerve. How would this affect his special senses? Amanda hates her new student ID photo. Her hair looks dry, the extra weight that she’s gained shows, and her neck looks fat. In fact, there’s an odd butterfly-shaped swelling across the front of her neck, under her chin. Amanda’s also been feeling very tired and mentally “dull” lately, but she figures all new A&P students feel that way. Should she visit the clinic or just wear turtlenecks? ................

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