Cardiovascular System Note-taking Guide

Cardiovascular System Note-taking Guide

1. Why is the muscle of the left side of the heart thicker than the muscle of the right side of the heart?

2. Valves in the heart open and close to ensure the flow of blood is one way only. Describe the specific functions of the following valves:

a. tricuspid vlave

b. bicuspid valve

3. What is mitral valve prolapse? What are some symptoms of mitral valve prolapse?

4. What produces the sounds of a heartbeat?

5. Starting and ending in the right ventricle, trace the flow of blood through the body (i.e., right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary artery, etc.)

6. Identify on Question 5 where the blood is oxygen rich, and where it is oxygen poor. (Use highlighters, or underlining, or some other way of differentiating between the two.)

7. Carbon dioxide is dropped off in the ____________ and picked up in the _________________.

8. Oxygen is dropped off in the ________________ and picked up in the ____________.

9. The coronary arteries deliver blood to the _____________.

10. Heart attacks occur when one of the coronary arteries becomes blocked.

a. What is another name for heart attack?

b. What are some symptoms of heart attack?

11. What is coronary artery disease?

12. Define angina.

13. What is vasoconstriction?

14. All arteries carry blood ____________ the heart. What is the only artery that carries unoxygenated blood?

15. The smallest arteries, delivering blood to the capillaries, are called ______________.

16. What is the largest blood vessel in the body?

17. What arteries in the neck carry oxygen-rich blood to the brain?

18. What is an aneurysm?

19. Draw, color, and label Figure 13.4, p.331.


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